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Thursday 9 June 2016


socks5 over TLS proxy
tlstun implements socks proxy over TLS (both client and server).

Client part is expected to be run locally and used by local services as a
socks5 proxy. Client establishes TLS session to the server running on some
remote host that performs outgoing requests on behalf of requests made to
the client.

Client and server authenticate each other with certificates which can be
created with openssl or

Usage example
Generate server and client side certificates, they can be signed by the same
CA and saved using PEM encoding into a single file. Certificate keys should
also be saved as a separate PEM-encoded files. With gencert tool from this can be done as:

    gencert -hosts my.domain.tld

This produces five files in the current directory: client certificate + key
pair, another pair for the server and a certificate authority certificate.
Note that my.domain.tld should point to the host you plan running server
part of tlstun.

Now configure tlstun to run on the server that could be reached at
my.domain.tld like this:

    tlstun server -addr=:9000 -ca=ca.pem \
    	-cert=server-cert.pem -key=server-key.pem

The client part is expected to be running locally (on a laptop/workstation,

    tlstun client -addr= -ca=ca.pem \
    	-cert=client-cert.pem -key=client-key.pem \

Client is now listening on localhost port 1080 and local software can be
configured to use this endpoint as a socks5 proxy.

Client may be configured to work with multiple servers:

    tlstun client -addr= -ca=ca.pem \
    	-cert=client-cert.pem -key=client-key.pem \
    	my.domain.tld:9000 other.domain.tld:9000

By default client will periodically evaluate all endpoints and prefer one
which replies first. This check may be disabled with -no-check flag.

Instead of listing endpoints directly, client may discover them from SRV DNS
records. If -discover=domain.tld flag is set, client ignores any endpoints
given on the command line and instead looks up SRV record
_tlstun._tcp.domain.tld, which must follow standard format to specify
host/port pairs.

HTTPS compatible mode

Server may be configured to automatically issue certificate from ACME
provider (currently is's Let's Encrypt). For this to work, server must be
exposed over port 443 and it also doubles as an https endpoint. By default
it replies with 404 Not Found, but can optionally be configured to serve
static files from file system directory:

    tlstun server -addr=:443 -ca=ca.pem -acme \
    	-acme-domain=domain.tld -acme-email=you@domain.tld \
    	-acme-cache=/var/cache/acme \

Server may also be run with -dns-tls flag, which enables resolving via
DNS-over-TLS providers (currently Cloudflare and Quad9).


登陆linux vps.安装go环境,然后,

git clone gencert-by-artyom

cd gencert-by-artyom

go install


cd ~

git clone tlstun-by-artyom

cd tlstun-by-artyom

go install


mv /root/go1.16/go/gopath/bin/tlstun /root/go1.16/go/gopath/bin/tlstun-by-artyom

gencert -hosts
(先把mydomain.com添加A记录,指向服务器的公网ip. mydomain.com不一定要是顶级域名,子域名也可)
(在当前目录下,会生成5个文件:ca.pem,client-cert.pem ,client-key.pem ,server-cert.pem ,server-key.pem)

tlstun-by-artyom server -addr=:9000 -ca=ca.pem -cert=server-cert.pem -key=server-key.pem


boa /root/go1.16/go/gopath/bin/tlstun-by-artyom server -addr=:9000 -ca=/root/tlstun-by-artyom/ca.pem -cert=/root/tlstun-by-artyom/server-cert.pem -key=/root/tlstun-by-artyom/server-key.pem && reboot


mkdir /root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom

cd /root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom

gencert -hosts vps-public-ip
(在当前目录下,会生成5个文件:ca.pem,client-cert.pem ,client-key.pem ,server-cert.pem ,server-key.pem)

boa /root/go1.16/go/gopath/bin/tlstun-by-artyom server -addr=:9001 -ca=/root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom/ca.pem -cert=/root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom/server-cert.pem -key=/root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom/server-key.pem && reboot



git clone tlstun-by-artyom

cd tlstun-by-artyom

go install


mv ~/go1.16.3/go/gopath/bin/tlstun ~/go1.16.3/go/gopath/bin/tlstun-by-artyom

把服务器上的/root/tlstun-by-artyom目录里的ca.pem,client-cert.pem ,client-key.pem下载到当前目录。
tlstun-by-artyom client -addr= -ca=ca.pem -cert=client-cert.pem -key=client-key.pem

不要关闭此终端,设置浏览器的socks proxy地址为127.0.0.1 ,端口为1085 ,浏览器即可翻墙。

另外, mkdir ~/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom
cd ~/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom
把服务器上的/root/certs-for-tlstun-by-artyom目录里的ca.pem,client-cert.pem ,client-key.pem下载到当前目录。
tlstun-by-artyom client -addr= -ca=ca.pem -cert=client-cert.pem -key=client-key.pem vps-public-ip:9001

不要关闭此终端,设置浏览器的socks proxy地址为127.0.0.1 ,端口为1086 ,浏览器即可翻墙。