
Monday, 24 September 2012

Portable PGP

Portable PGP is a fully featured lightweight java based PGP tool. It allows to encrypt,decrypt,sign and verify text and files with a nice and absolutely straight graphical interface.
what is pgp?

Pretty Good Privacy (lit.: pretty good privacy ) is usually abbreviated to PGP and is one of the widely used vercijferingsmethodes on internet . The standard that is being sprouted PGP OpenPGPcalled and there are now many programs, both commercial and open source, and implement this standard also largely mutually compatible.
OpenPGP - cryptography is based on a scheme of asymmetric cryptography , originally on the RSA -principle. This means that there are two different keys, one for encrypting and decrypting for one of the information.
There are many OpenPGP - servers that thousands of people the public key are stored. With that key and OpenPGP - program can send a confidential message to one of the people on that server to have their public key to save. It is also able to text as keys to export and import so that for example on the website of the owner can be placed.