- cogen: Crossplatform asynchronous network oriented python framework based on python 2.5 enhanced generators. This projects is DEAD.
- django-admin-customizer: Django admin customizing interface
- django-admin-utils: Utility code for easier django admin development
- django-customfields: Couple of custom model fields for django: CachedManyToManyField and InheritedField
- django-monkey-team: Django middleware and userscript that displays debug tracebacks on production sites (where you would have DEBUG = False) only to developers.
- django-prefetch: Generic model related data prefetch framework for Django.
- django-redisboard: Redis monitoring and introspection tool in django admin.
- django-redis-lock: Lock context manager implemented via redis SET NX EX and BLPOP.
- jquery-gp-gallery: jQuery gallery plugin (ala google plus photo galeries)
- nose-timelimit: Nose plugin that allows you automatically skip tests that are too slow.
- projectskel: Project skeleton for python 2.7 projects with fabric and virtualenv. It's intended for django projects but can be customized for other types of projects.
- python-manhole: Debugging manhole for python applications.
- python-process-tests: Testcase classes and assertions for testing processes
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