
Monday, 29 February 2016

Readability - Turn any web page into a clean view

 This module is based on arc90's readability project.

Build Status


  1. Optimized for more websites.
  2. Supporting HTML5 tags(articlesection) and Microdata API.
  3. Focusing on both accuracy and performance. 4x times faster than arc90's version.
  4. Supporting encodings such as GBK and GB2312.
  5. Converting relative urls to absolute for images and links automatically(Thank Guillermo Baigorria & Tom Sutton).



$ npm install node-readability
Note that as of our 2.0.0 release, this module only works with Node.js >= 2.0. In the meantime you are still welcome to install a release in the 1.x series(by npm install node-readability@1) if you use an older Node.js version.