- Introduction to the Django framework
Install Django
Start a Django project
Set up a database for a Django project
Set up content, understand Django urls, templates and apps
Set up the Django admin site
- Django views, urls and middleware
Access url parameters and extra options directly on Django templates
Access url parameters, extra options and define default url parameters on Django view methods
Set up data in Django view methods to access on Django templates
Set up HTTP handling in Django view methods: HTTP errors, redirections, content types and status codes
Consolidate and modularize Django URL definitions
Name Django urls for easier management and reverse matches
Use Django middleware to modify requests & responses
Set up flash messages in Django view methods for notifications
- Django templates
Customize Django template configuration
Use data provided by default Django context processors on Django templates
Set up data in custom Django context processors to access on all Django templates
Create reusable Django templates
Use built-in Django tags on Django templates
Use built-in Django filters on Django templates
Create custom Django filters for Django templates
- Jinja templates in Django
Use and customize Jinja templates in Django
Transition to Jinja templates in Django projects
Set up data for access on all Jinja templates in Django (like Django context processors)
Create reusable Jinja templates
Use built-in statement/tags and functions on Jinja templates (like Django template tags)
Use built-in and custom filters & tests on Jinja templates (like Django filters)
Use and create extensions on Jinja templates (like Django template library tags)
- Django application management: General settings, static resources, logging, email
Set up static web page resources -- Images, CSS, JavaScript
Django settings.py for the real world: Security, absolute paths and multiple environments/files
Set up logging for a Django project
Set up email for a Django project
Debug Django applications: Shell, toolbar, pdb and extensions
- Django models
Set up Django models and understand the migrations workflow
Set up initial data for Django models with migrations
Django model default and custom behaviors: methods, managers and meta options
Django model data types: Options and validations
Set up relationships in Django models: One to one, one to many and many to many
Working with single records and Django models
Working with multiple records and Django models
Django model queries classified by SQL keywords
- Django forms
Set up Django forms and understand their structure and workflow
Django form processing: Initialization, field access, validation and error handling
Django form field types: Widgets, options and validations
Set up the layout for Django forms in templates
- REST services with Django
Introduction to REST services options for Django
Set up REST services with the Django REST framework
- Django user and session management
Set up Django users, groups and integrate permission management into an application.
Set up Django user authentication, account creation with email & password management.
Set up Django social authentication
- Django admin site
- Django deployment to production environments
Set up a Django application with the Apache web server and WSGI
Set up a Django application with the Nginx web server and uWSGI
Automate deployment of Django static files (Images, CSS, JavaScript) to Amazon S3
Set up Django static files (Images, CSS, JavaScript) with WSGI using WhiteNoise
- Django real-time web applications
What are real-time web applications and what's required to create them in Django
Django real-time updates with Node.js
- Django search
- Appendices
Python basics
Regular expressions for Django Urls
Supporting files for Django tutorial
from https://www.webforefront.com/django/
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