
Monday, 10 December 2018






Chapter 1: U.S.-China Economic and Trade Relations

Section 2: Tools to Address U.S.-China Economic Challenges

The Commission recommends:

1. Congress examine whether the Office ofthe U.S. Trade Representative should bring, in coordination with U.S. alliesand partners, a "non-violation nullification or impairment" case—alongside violationsof specific commitments—against China at the World Trade Organization underArticle 23(b) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.


2. Congress direct the Office of the U.S.Trade Representative to identify the trade-distorting practices of Chinese state-owned enterprises and develop policies to counteract theiranticompetitive impact.


3. Congress direct the Government Accountability Office to conduct an assessment of U.S.-China collaborative initiatives in technical cooperation. This assessment should describe thenature of collaboration, including funding, participation, and reporting on theoutcomes; detail the licensing and regulatory regime under which theinitiatives occur; consider whether the intellectual property rights of U.S.researchers and companies are being adequately protected; examine whether Chinese state-owned enterprises or the military are benefitting from U.S.taxpayer-funded research; investigate if any Chinese researchers participating inthe collaboration have ties to the Chinese government or military; investigateif any U.S. companies, universities, or labs participating in U.S. government-led collaboration with China have been subject to cyber penetration originating in China; and evaluate the benefits of this collaboration for theUnited States. Further, this assessment should examine redundancies, if any,among various U.S.-China government-led collaborative programs, and make suggestions for improving collaboration.

国会指示政府问责局(Government Accountability Office)对中美技术合作的合作倡议进行评估。该评估应描述合作的性质,包括资助、参与者以及结果;详述有关措施所依据的许可及规管制度;考虑美国研究人员和公司的知识产权是否得到充分保护;研究中国国有企业或军队是否从美国纳税人资助的研究中受益调查参与合作的中国研究人员是否与中国政府或军方有联系调查参与美国政府主导的美中合作项目的任何美国公司、大学或实验室是否受到源自中国的网络渗透并评估这种合作对美国的好处。此外,这一评估还应调查由政府主导的美中合作项目是否存在浪费现象(冗余),如果有的话,并提出改进合作的建议。

Section 3: China's Agricultural Policies: Trade, Investment, Safety, and Innovation.

The Commission recommends:

4. Congress direct the U.S. Department ofAgriculture to identify the extent to which China's asynchronous biotech reviewand approval system for agricultural products adversely impacts U.S. industry.As part of its review, the U.S. Department of Agriculture should work with theOffice of the U.S. Trade Representative to seek bilateral or multilateralmeasures, as appropriate, to address these impacts.


5. Congress direct the U.S. Department ofAgriculture, in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, toprepare an annual report on its technical engagement with China on food safety, inspection, mechanisms foraddressing sanitary and phytosanitary problems, and any technical assistanceprovided to China to improve its food safety inspection regime.


Chapter 2: U.S.-China Security Relations

Section 2: China's Military Reorganization and Modernization: Implications for the United States.

The Commission recommends:

6. Congress direct the U.S. Department ofDefense and U.S. Department of Homeland Security to provide to the relevant committeesof jurisdiction a report, with a classified annex, assessing how the change in the China Coast Guard'scommand structure affects its status as a law enforcement entity now that itreports to the Central Military Commission. The report should discuss theimplications of this new structure for China's use of the coast guard as acoercive tool in "gray zone" activity in the East and South China seas. Thisreport should also determine how this change may affect U.S. Navy andU.S. Coast Guard interactions with the China Coast Guard, and whether thelatter should be designated as a military force.


7. Congress consider imposing sanctions onkey Chinese state-owned enterprises and individuals involved in China's ongoingmilitarization of the South China Sea.


Chapter 3: China and the World

Section 1: Belt and Road Initiative

The Commission recommends:

8. Congress create a fund to provide additional bilateral assistance for countries that are a target of orvulnerable to Chinese economic or diplomatic pressure, especially in theIndo-Pacific region. The fund should be used to promote digital connectivity, infrastructure,and energy access. The fund could also be used to promote sustainabledevelopment, combat corruption, promote transparency, improve rule of law,respond to humanitarian crises, and build the capacity of civil society and themedia.


9. Congress require the U.S. Department ofState to prepare a report to Congress on the actions it is taking to provide analternative, fact-based narrative to counter Chinese messaging on the Belt andRoad Initiative (BRI). Such a report should also examine where BRI projectsfail to meet international standards and highlight the links between BRI andChina's attempts to suppress information about and misrepresent reporting ofits human rights abuses of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.


10. Congress require the Director of National Intelligence to produce a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), with aclassified annex, that details the impact of basing facilities along the Beltand Road on freedom of navigation and sea control, both in peacetime and duringa conflict. The NIE should cover the impact on U.S., allied, and regionalpolitical and security interests.

美国国会要求国家情报机关出具一份国家情报评估报告(NationalIntelligence Estimate, NIE),并附上一份机密附件,详细说明在和平时期和冲突时期,中国将"一带一路"沿线的设施建立在航行自由和海上控制基础上的影响。国家情报评估报告应该涵盖对美国、美国的盟国和地区的政治与安全利益。

Section 2: China's Relations with U.S.Allies and Partners

The Commission recommends:

11. Congress direct the Administration tostrengthen cooperation between the United States and its allies and partners inEurope and the Indo-Pacific on shared economic and security interests andpolicies pertaining to China, including through the following measures:


• Urge the Administration to engage inregular information sharing and joint monitoring of Chinese investment activities and to share best practices regarding screening of foreign investments with national security implications, including development ofcommon standards for screening mechanisms.


• Enhance consultations on mitigating theexport of dual-use technology to China and identifying other foundational technologies essential for national security.


12. Congress direct the U.S. Department ofJustice to:

• Examine the application of current U.S.laws, including the "Conspiracy against Rights" law, toprosecuting Chinese Communist Party affiliates who threaten, coerce, orotherwise intimidate U.S. residents.


• Clarify that labels required by theForeign Agents Registration Act on informational materials disseminated onbehalf of foreign principals, such as China Daily, must appear prominently atthe top of the first page of such materials.


13. Congress direct the National Counterintelligence and Security Center to produce an unclassified annualreport, with a classified annex, on the Chinese Communist Party's influence andpropaganda activities in the United States.


14. Congress direct the Administration todiscuss in its engagements with the EU and NATO the implications of China's increasingly close military ties with Russia and growing importance to transatlantic security interests. Such discussions would include how Europe and NATO canpromote the exchange of information on common defense and other challenges posed by China and Russia.


Section 3: China and Taiwan

The Commission recommends:

15. Congress direct the Office of the U.S.Trade Representative to resume meetings under the U.S.-Taiwan Trade andInvestment Framework Agreement in 2019 and to identify enhanced negotiating proceduresto resolve outstanding issues.


16. Congress direct the Administration toproduce an interagency report on a whole-of-government strategy for supportingTaiwan's engagement with the international community, including considerationof, but not limited to, the following actions:


• Explore opportunities for providing proactive development and security assistance to Taiwan's diplomatic partnersin an effort to encourage them to maintain ties with Taipei.


•• Identify adjustments the United Statescould take in its relations with Taiwan in response to Beijing altering thecross- Strait status quo and taking coercive action to pressure Taipei.


• Discuss cross-Strait relations and U.S.policy regarding Taiwan in meetings with U.S. allied and partner governments andsupport an expansion of commercial, cultural, and other exchanges between Taiwan and those countries.


• Establish a high-level bilateralU.S.-Taiwan development dialogue to encourage Taiwan's role in promoting sustainable global development.


17. Congress consider amending antiboycott laws under the Export Administration Act or pass new legislation to prohibitU.S. companies from complying with China's efforts to apply pressure on Taiwan.Such legislation could include measures authorizing reciprocal sanctions on Chinese entities in the event of Chinese government retaliation against U.S.companies.


18. Congress direct the U.S. Department ofDefense to support the implementation of Taiwan's new Overall Defense Conceptand take actions that support Taiwan's ability to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability by including Taiwan military personnel as participants or observersin U.S. and U.S.-led multilateral military exercises; conducting regular high-level exchanges of military planning and other advisory personnel pursuantto the Taiwan Travel Act; and considering the potential for assisting Taiwanwith the creative acquisition of critical defense articles, including through coproduction of defense technology between U.S. and Taiwan companies.


19. Congress consider raising the threshold of congressional notification on sales of defense articles and services toTaiwan to those set for major U.S. allies, and terminating any requirement toprovide notification of maintenance and sustainment of Taiwan's existingcapabilities.


20. Congress express support for the TsaiAdministration's approach to maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.


Section 5: China's Evolving North KoreaStrategy

24. Congress direct the U.S. Department of the Treasury to provide a report within 180 days on the current state ofChinese enforcement of sanctions on North Korea. A classified annex shouldprovide a list of Chinese financial institutions, businesses, and officials involved in trading with North Korea that could be subject to future sanctions,and should explain the potential broader impacts of sanctioning those entities.


Chapter 4: China's High-Tech Development

The Commission recommends:

25. Congress require the Office of Management and Budget's Federal Chief Information Security Officer Council toprepare an annual report to Congress to ensure supply chain vulnerabilities from China are adequately addressed. This report should collect and assess:


• Each agency's plans for supply chainrisk management and assessments;


• Existing departmental procurement andsecurity policies and guidance on cybersecurity, operations security, physicalsecurity, information security and data security that may affect informationand communications technology, 5G networks, and Internet of Things devices; and


• Areas where new policies and guidancemay be needed—including for specific information and communications technology, 5G networks, and Internet of Things devices, applications, or procedures—andwhere existing security policies and guidance can be updated to address supply chain, cyber, operations, physical, information, and data securityvulnerabilities.


26. Congress direct the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and Federal Communications Commission to identify (1) steps to ensure the rapid and secure deployment of a5G network, with a particular focus on the threat posed by equipment andservices designed or manufactured in China; and (2) whether any new statutoryauthorities are required to ensure the security of domestic 5G networks.



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