
Sunday, 2 December 2018


Connect, secure, control, and observe services. 
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An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices.
In addition, here are some other documents you may wish to read:
You'll find many other useful documents on our Wiki.


Istio is an open platform for providing a uniform way to integrate microservices, manage traffic flow across microservices, enforce policies and aggregate telemetry data. Istio's control plane provides an abstraction layer over the underlying cluster management platform, such as Kubernetes, Mesos, etc.
Visit for in-depth information about using Istio.
Istio is composed of these components:
  • Envoy - Sidecar proxies per microservice to handle ingress/egress traffic between services in the cluster and from a service to external services. The proxies form a secure microservice mesh providing a rich set of functions like discovery, rich layer-7 routing, circuit breakers, policy enforcement and telemetry recording/reporting functions.
    Note: The service mesh is not an overlay network. It simplifies and enhances how microservices in an application talk to each other over the network provided by the underlying platform.
  • Mixer - Central component that is leveraged by the proxies and microservices to enforce policies such as authorization, rate limits, quotas, authentication, request tracing and telemetry collection.
  • Pilot - A component responsible for configuring the proxies at runtime.
  • Citadel - A centralized component responsible for certificate issuance and rotation.
  • Node Agent - A per-node component responsible for certificate issuance and rotation.
  • Galley- Central component for validating, ingesting, aggregating, transforming and distributing config within Istio.
Istio currently supports Kubernetes and Consul-based environments. We plan support for additional platforms such as Cloud Foundry, and Mesos in the near future.


The Istio project is divided across a few GitHub repositories.
  • istio/istio. This is the main repository that you are currently looking at. It hosts Istio's core components and also the sample programs and the various documents that govern the Istio open source project. It includes:
    • security. This directory contains security related code, including Citadel (acting as Certificate Authority), node agent, etc.
    • pilot. This directory contains platform-specific code to populate the abstract service model, dynamically reconfigure the proxies when the application topology changes, as well as translate routing rules into proxy specific configuration.
    • istioctl. This directory contains code for the istioctl command line utility.
    • mixer. This directory contains code to enforce various policies for traffic passing through the proxies, and collect telemetry data from proxies and services. There are plugins for interfacing with various cloud platforms, policy management services, and monitoring services.
  • istio/api. This repository defines component-level APIs and common configuration formats for the Istio platform.
  • istio/proxy. The Istio proxy contains extensions to the Envoy proxy (in the form of Envoy filters), that allow the proxy to delegate policy enforcement decisions to Mixer.

Istio compatible service mesh using NGINX.

Important Project Notice

This project is no longer under active development. It will be preserved here for the foreseeable future for reference. Please note that the last version released works with Istio 0.7.

NGINX Architecture with Istio Service Mesh

This repository provides an implementation of a NGINX based service mesh (nginMesh). nginMesh is compatible with Istio. It leverages NGINX as a sidecar proxy.

What is Service Mesh and Istio?

Please check for a detailed explanation of the service mesh.

Production Status

The current version of nginMesh is designed to work with Istio release 0.7.1. It should not be used in production environments.


Recorded demo of nginMesh depoyment.


The diagram below depicts how an NGINX sidecar proxy is implemented. The sidecar uses the open source version of NGINX compiled with modules for tracing and monitoring.
Alt text
The diagram below is an alternative architectural view -
Alt text
To learn more about the sidecar implementation, see this document.

Quick Start

Below are instructions to quickly install and configure nginMesh. Currently, only Kubernetes environment is supported.


Make sure you have a cluster with Kubernetes 1.9 or newer. Please see Prerequisites for setting up a kubernetes cluster.

Install Istio and nginMesh

nginMesh requires installation of Istio first.
  1. Download and install Istio 0.7.1:
    curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=0.7.1 sh -
  2. Download nginMesh release 0.7.1:
    curl -L | tar zx
  3. Deploy Istio:
    kubectl create -f istio-0.7.1/install/kubernetes/istio.yaml
  4. Ensure the following Kubernetes services are deployed: istio-pilot, istio-mixer, istio-ingress:
    kubectl get svc  -n istio-system  
    istio-ingress            LoadBalancer   80:32171/TCP,443:32198/TCP                   19h
    istio-mixer              ClusterIP   <none>          9091/TCP,15004/TCP,9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9102/TCP,9125/UDP,42422/TCP    19h
    istio-pilot              ClusterIP   <none>          15003/TCP,15005/TCP,15007/TCP,15010/TCP,8080/TCP,9093/TCP,443/TCP   19h
    istio-sidecar-injector   ClusterIP   <none>          443/TCP                                       9h
  5. Ensure the following Kubernetes pods are up and running: istio-pilot-* , istio-mixer-* , istio-ingress-* and istio-initializer-*:
    kubectl get pods -n istio-system    
    istio-ca-86f55cc46f-nprhw                1/1       Running   0          19h
    istio-ingress-5bb556fcbf-c7tgt           1/1       Running   0          19h
    istio-mixer-86f5df6997-fvzjx             3/3       Running   0          19h
    istio-pilot-67d6ddbdf6-xhztz             2/2       Running   0          19h
    istio-sidecar-injector-5b8c78fd6-8dvq6   1/1       Running   0          9h
  6. Enable automatic sidecar injection:
  7. Verify that the istio-injection label is not applied to the default namespace:
    kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
    NAME           STATUS        AGE       ISTIO-INJECTION
    default        Active        1h        
    istio-system   Active        1h        
    kube-public    Active        1h        
    kube-system    Active        1h

Deploy a Sample Application

In this section we deploy the Bookinfo application, which is taken from the Istio samples. Please see Bookinfo for more details.
  1. Label the default namespace with istio-injection=enabled:
    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
  2. Deploy the application:
    kubectl apply -f  istio-0.7.1/samples/bookinfo/kube/bookinfo.yaml
  3. Confirm that all application services are deployed: productpage, details, reviews, ratings:
    kubectl get services
    NAME                       CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)              AGE
    details              <none>        9080/TCP             6m
    kubernetes            <none>        443/TCP              7d
    productpage         <none>        9080/TCP             6m
    ratings              <none>        9080/TCP             6m
    reviews             <none>        9080/TCP             6m
  4. Confirm that all application pods are running --details-v1-* , productpage-v1-* , ratings-v1-* , reviews-v1-* , reviews-v2-* and reviews-v3-*:
    kubectl get pods
    NAME                                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    details-v1-1520924117-48z17                 2/2       Running   0          6m
    productpage-v1-560495357-jk1lz              2/2       Running   0          6m
    ratings-v1-734492171-rnr5l                  2/2       Running   0          6m
    reviews-v1-874083890-f0qf0                  2/2       Running   0          6m
    reviews-v2-1343845940-b34q5                 2/2       Running   0          6m
    reviews-v3-1813607990-8ch52                 2/2       Running   0          6m
  5. Get the public IP of the Istio Ingress controller. If the cluster is running in an environment that supports external load balancers:
    kubectl get svc -n istio-system | grep -E 'EXTERNAL-IP|istio-ingress'
  6. Open the Bookinfo application in a browser using the following link:

Uninstall the Application

  1. To uninstall application, run:

Uninstall Istio

  1. To uninstall the Istio core components:
    kubectl delete -f istio-0.7.1/install/kubernetes/istio.yaml
  2. To uninstall the initializer, run:


nginMesh has the following limitations:
  • TCP and gRPC traffic is not supported.
  • Quota Check is not supported.
  • Only Kubernetes is supported.

All sidecar-related limitations and supported traffic management rules are described here.


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