
Thursday, 18 May 2023


Chalktalk是由纽约大学-未来现实-实验室 (New York University’s Future Reality Lab: )开源的数字化演示教学工具,类似黑板与粉笔的用户界面,演示者可以创建数字化动画原型图并与其进行交互,方便现场演示自己的想法和理念。遵守MIT开源协议。

支持2D 和 3D 图形化


支持直接从 Chalktalk 进行实时编码

[repo owner=”kenperlin” name=”chalktalk”]



Chalktalk is a digital presentation and communication language in development at New York University's Future Reality Lab. Using a blackboard-like interface, it allows a presenter to create and interact with animated digital sketches in order to demonstrate ideas and concepts in the context of a live presentation or conversation.

Sketches can display animations and graphics in 2D and 3D…

…link together to demonstrate complex logical connections and behaviors…

A growing library of sketches--from creatures to math and physics objects--is available, and Chalktalk continues to evolve.

Installation and Usage

Installation instructions can be found in the wiki. A brief tutorial on how to use the system can be found there as well.

Sketch Creation

To create your own sketch, create a new .js file (nameOfMySketch.js) or copy a template (from sketch_templates) into the sketches directory.

In your file, change the value of this.label and begin customizing your new sketch.

Note: a soon-to-be-enabled update will implement a sketch tagging system where each sketch is associated with one or more tags (attributes / descriptions), so new pull requests with sketches to be added should use this.tag = "tagname" or this.tags = ["tagname1", "tagname2"] within the function body of a sketch file (similar to this.label and this.labels). Tag names should be general enough to apply to multiple sketches.

Further information on sketch creation can be found in the wiki.



Installation and Running

Clone this wiki locally


First, ensure you have Node.js installed.


Next, download or clone the Chalktalk repository in full, then install the server's npm dependencies

git clone 
cd chalktalk/server/
npm install                                                  # install chalktalk server's dependencies in server/node_modules

Extra Steps for Installation on Windows

You need (specifically) Python 2.7. Please install python27 and add that folder to the PATH env variable. Once Python 2.7 is installed, restart the terminal and run npm install.

Running the server

On macOS, open the terminal, go into /chalktalk (project's root), then run :


On linux, open the terminal, go into /chalktalk (project's root), then run :


This will run a node.js server in the background and try to automatically open Chrome to the Chalktalk URL.


On Windows, open the terminal, go into /chalktalk (project's root), then run :

node server/main.js.

Running Chalktalk

Within your web browser, open localhost:11235. You can now use Chalktalk.







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