
Friday, 19 May 2023


 A private messanging service powered by the kryptokrona blockchain.


Hugin is a messaging service where messages are stored on the kryptokrona blockchain. Your messages are secured with industry leading encryption so that only you and your chat partner have the possibility to read them. The purpose is not to gather any personal information about the users, unlike most apps and social media.

Hugin also packs some powerful decentralized P2P encrypted features like video, voice, screen sharing and filesharing. This is possible because we've managed to compress the requests to establish a connection (called SDP) with WebRTC from over 2000 characters to less than 200 – which means that a connection through Hugin is possible!

Screen-Shot-2021-01-11-at-20 44 14




First, clone this repository and create a folder called "bin" and place the appropriate kryptokrona-service executable for your OS.

To install and start the application

  • npm install

  • npm install turtlecoin-crypto

  • npm start

Use ctrl + c or cmd + c to exit.



The new version of the private messaging desktop application powered by the Kryptokrona Blockchain.


Hugin is a messaging service where messages are relayed by Kryptokrona nodes. Your messages are secured with industry leading encryption so that only you and your chat partner have the possibility to read them. The purpose is not to gather any personal information about the users, unlike most apps and social media.

Hugin also packs some powerful decentralized P2P encrypted features like video, voice, screen sharing and filesharing. This is possible because we've managed to compress the requests to establish a connection (called SDP) with WebRTC from over 2000 characters to less than 200 – which means that a connection through Hugin is possible!

Table of Contents

Development Resources

  • Web:
  • GitHub:
  • Hugin: hugin group on 20b4821b90b2ea7355cb7ed7fa60823016eedef0e3541376888f8adc55df75f8
  • It is HIGHLY recommended to join our group on Hugin Messenger if you want to contribute to stay up to date on what is happening on the project.


  • Node 16 (16.16.0 currently)
  • Electron
  • Svelte
  • WebRTC
  • Hypercore Protocol

Getting Started

*Feel free to substitute npm with pnpm or yarn.

Install · npm install
Develop · npm run dev


To build a target we have the following options:

macOS Apple Silicon (M1) · npm run build:mac-arm64
macOS Intel (x64) · npm run build:mac-x64
Windows · npm run build
Linux · npm run build:linux-x64


This project is automatically built, tested and deployed using GitHub Actions. We have two pipelines:

  • Main Pipeline - This is the pipeline that runs the code merged into our main branch.
  • Pull Request Pipeline - This is the pipeline that runs each time a pull request come in so the reviewer has some help evaluating if the code is good enough to be merged.

The Main Pipeline do everything the Pull Request Pipeline does in addition to building and publishing artifacts of different architectures and OS.



Hugin API is a RESTful API and WebSocket server for the Hugin Messenger service powered by the Kryptokrona Blockchain. 

Hugin API

build release license discord

Hugin is a messaging service where messages are stored on the Kryptokrona Blockchain. Messages are secured with industry leading encryption so that only you and your chat partner have the possibility to read them. The purpose is not to gather any personal information about the users, unlike most apps and social media.

Hugin also packs some powerful decentralized P2P encrypted features like video, voice, screen sharing and filesharing.

To be able to get data more easily from Hugin this RESTful API and websocket server called Hugin API was created. It provides useful endpoints for within the Kryptokrona project as well as other external 3rd party interests that wants to host their own Hugin API.

Table of Contents

Development Resources


The following sponsors are either helping the project with free usage, great discounts of services or in other ways helping via advertisement.

Novastack Hosting


Our API is useful! Projects using Hugin API:

If you are using Hugin API, please fork and make a pull request into our repo with your added link.



A React Native implementation of Hugin Messenger  .

Hugin Messenger Mobile

Initial Setup

  • git clone
  • cd hugin-mobile
  • yarn install


  • node --max-old-space-size=8192 node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start (Just need to run this once to start the server, leave it running)
  • react-native run-android


react-native log-android

Creating a release

You need to bump the version number in:

  • src/Config.js - appVersion
  • android/app/build.gradle - versionCode and versionName
  • package.json - version - Not strictly required
  • Update user agent in android/app/src/main/java/com/xkr/ and android/app/src/main/java/com/xkr/

Then cd android ./gradlew bundleRelease Optionally ./gradlew installRelease

or yarn deploy-android

Integrating QR Codes or URIs

Kryptokrona Mobile Wallet supports two kinds of QR codes.

  • Standard addresses / integrated addresses - This is simply the address encoded as a QR code.

  • xkr:// URI encoded as a QR code.

Your uri must begin with xkr:// followed by the address to send to, for example, xkr://SEKReTyRMJx2LTUrbf2r7GdMJ9PY5yHbYN6MCZkKUVvKZSwwwf3HnUS6Jia3TkD4jWgfxeh1AEYV3DKEAesSb7mSAvNqfCNBXrg

There are a few optional parameters.

  • name - This is used to add you to the users address book, and identify you on the 'Confirm' screen. A name can contain spaces, and should be URI encoded.
  • amount - This is the amount to send you. This should be specified in atomic units.
  • paymentid - If not using integrated address, you can specify a payment ID. Specifying an integrated address and a payment ID is illegal.

An example of a URI containing all of the above parameters:


This would send 100 XKR (10000 in atomic units) to the address SEKR2Fyavy8CXG8BPEbNeCHFZ1fuDCYCZ3vW5H5LXN4K2M2MHUpTENip9bbavpHvvPwb4NDkBWrNgURAd5DB38FHXWZyoBh4wW, using the name Starbucks Coffee (Note the URI encoding), and using a payment ID of f13adc8ac78eb22ffcee3f82e0e9ffb251dc7dc0600ef599087a89b623ca1402

You can also just display the URI as a hyperlink. If a user clicks the link, it will open the app, and jump to the confirm screen, just as a QR code would function. (Provided all the fields are given).







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