
Wednesday, 24 May 2023


OpenEMR是一款开源医疗诊所管理系统,  背后的OEMR基金会是一家美国慈善组织,旨在为所有人提供更平价的医疗保健服务。OpenEMR采用GPL V2.0 开源许可证。支持20多种语言,能够让同一家诊所支持多种语言。主要功能包括电子帐单(包括医疗),文档管理,综合实践管理,电子处方,处方印刷脚本,传真或电子邮件,保险跟踪,容易定制与安装,可集成与外部第三方会计程序 ,拥有一个内置的调度。

内置的医疗计费系统,可使用ANSI ASC X12的各大计费交换中心。除了较传统的印刷、传真或电子邮件方法外,OpenEMR还可以使用ePrescribe处理在线处方订购。如果作为一项服务来安装,OpenEMR还有一个病人门户网站系统,可以处理与病人联系的事务。系统也通过API来与第三方的外部门户网站交互信息。



OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application. It features fully integrated electronic health records, practice management, scheduling, electronic billing, internationalization, free support, a vibrant community, and a whole lot more. It runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and many other platforms.


Community and Professional support can be found here.

Extensive documentation and forums can be found on the OpenEMR website that can help you to become more familiar about the project 📖.

Reporting Issues and Bugs

Report these on the Issue Tracker. If you are unsure if it is an issue/bug, then always feel free to use the Forum and Chat to discuss about the issue 🪲.

Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

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For Developers

If using OpenEMR directly from the code repository, then the following commands will build OpenEMR (Node.js version 18.* is required) :

composer install --no-dev
npm install
npm run build
composer dump-autoload -o
OpenEMR administration and deployment tooling.


OpenEMR administration and deployment tooling

Resource Index

Other Hosting

  • Ubuntu Installer: Launch OpenEMR on any Ubuntu 16.04 instance; examples given for AWS Lightsail hosting
  • Virtual Appliance: Downloadable virtual appliance encapsulating a full OpenEMR install
  • Raspberry Pi: Install OpenEMR Docker on Raspberry Pi (supports both ARMv7 and ARMv8 infrastructure)

Management Utilities

  • OpenEMR Cmd: OpenEMR-Cmd is similar to devtools, it helps developers to manage and troubleshoot openemr outside the docker
  • OpenEMR Env Installer: OpenEMR Env Installer is used to set up the base and necessary services(e.g. git, docker, docker-compose, openemr-cmd, minikube, and kubectl) easily for the development/testing environment
  • OpenEMR Monitor: OpenEMR Monitor is based on Prometheus, cAdvisor, Grafana, and alertmanger which helps administrator to monitor the status of containers
  • Portainer: Portainer is a lightweight management UI which allows you to easily manage your different Docker environments (Docker hosts)
  • OpenEMR Environment Migrator: OpenEMR Environment Migrator is used to migrate your container environment to the new storage directory or the remote host easily
  • OpenEMR Kubernetes Orchestrations: OpenEMR Kubernetes orchestration on Minikube. Creates 2 instances of OpenEMR with 1 instance of MariaDB, Redis, and phpMyAdmin.

Contact Us

The OpenEMR Forum and Slack are always available if you have any questions.





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