
Monday, 22 May 2023


SecureDrop是一个开源的匿名爆料平台,由信息透明倡导者的程序员Aaron Swartz(亚伦·斯沃茨) 和《连线》记者Kevin Poulsen共同开发。这个平台能够接受来自互联网的消息和文本,并给予加密处理。当泄密者要发布这些消息时可以获得一个唯一的代号,这样就能够在匿名的状态下进行爆料。

作者亚伦·斯沃茨(Aaron Swartz)是著名社交网站Reddit联合创始人,web.py的设计者。 致力于网络信息开放,2011涉嫌非法侵入麻省理工学院(MIT)和JSTOR(全称Journal Storage,存储学术期刊的在线系统)而被指控. 2013年1月11日在其纽约布鲁克林的寓所内,用一根皮带上吊自杀。之后,这个项目由新闻自由基金会接手。目前多个媒体已经采用了SecureDrop搭建爆料平台,如《纽约客》建立的匿名爆料网站Strongbox。


GitHub repository for the SecureDrop whistleblower platform.

CircleCI branch codecov Translation status Gitter

SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from, and communicate with anonymous sources. It was originally created by the late Aaron Swartz and is currently managed by the Freedom of the Press Foundation.


SecureDrop's end user documentation is hosted at It is maintained in a standalone repository:

By default, the documentation describes the most recent SecureDrop release. This is known as the stable version and is recommended for end users (Sources, Journalists, or Administrators). The latest documentation is automatically built from the most recent commit to the SecureDrop documentation repository. It is most useful for developers and contributors to the project. You can switch between versions of the documentation by using the toolbar in the bottom left corner of the Read the Docs screen.

Developer documentation can be found at, maintained in

Found an issue?

If you're here because you want to report an issue in SecureDrop, please observe the following protocol to do so responsibly:

How to Install SecureDrop

See the Installation Guide.

How to Use SecureDrop

Developer Quickstart

Ensure you have Docker installed and:

make dev

This will start the source interface on and the journalist interface on The credentials to login are printed in the Terminal. To login to the journalist interface, you must also generate a two-factor code.



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