
Thursday, 18 May 2023


Tropy是一款跨平台的组织管理图片的开源工具, 特别适用于研究图片的整理和归档。特色功能包括组图打包入库,图片上标记笔记,增加自定义标签,快速搜索,以及导出笔记等功能。

[repo owner=”tropy” name=”tropy”]


Research photo management 


Build Status Coverage Status

Bring order to your research — use the power of Tropy to organize and describe your research photos so you can quickly find your sources whenever you need them.

Visit to learn more or follow for important announcements. To get started, download the latest version of Tropy for your platform, check out the user's manual and join the discussion on the forums.

If you are interested to work on Tropy or create your own builds, please find more details below. Happy hacking!

Install from Source

Install the latest version of Node.js (at least the version that ships with the current Electron release) and all requirements needed to use node-gyp on your platform.

Finally, clone this repository and install all of Tropy's dependencies:

$ npm install
$ npm run rebuild -- --force

To test that everything is set up correctly, run:

$ npm test

Creating Builds

To create a dev-build for your current platform run npm run build. This will create a dev-build of Tropy in the dist folder.

Running in Dev-Mode

Alternatively, you can start Tropy in dev-mode by running npm start.

Plugin Development

Tropy can also be extended via plugins. To find out more, consult the plugin specification and clone our sample plugin to get started.


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