
Friday, 8 December 2023

Outline – Team knowledge base & wiki

 Outline ,适用于成长型团队的最快 知识库 。美观、实时协作、功能丰富、兼容Markdown。如果您迷失在混乱的文档中?不太确定谁有权访问?同事在聊天中反复请求相同的信息?是时候整理团队的知识了。官方有列出为什么您会喜欢使用 Outline 的理由:

    漂亮的文档,甚至无需尝试:直观的编辑器,支持 Markdown、斜线命令、丰富的嵌入等等;
    直观的编辑体验:一个极快的编辑器,支持 Markdown、斜线命令、嵌入等等…
    结构化且可立即搜索:将文档嵌套在层次结构中,自动构建反向链接网络,并在 ms 中搜索所有内容。
    与 Slack 集成:无需离开聊天即可搜索和共享文档,自动发布文档更新。
    速度极快:Outline 速度很快,真的很快。我们努力确保毫秒级响应时间 - 文档立即加载、搜索快速、用户界面导航快捷。
    协作性:Outline 经过精心设计,功能强大、实时且易于使用。阅读和编写文档应该是一件令人愉快的事情。
    深色模式:对于夜猫子来说,我们已经为您提供了帮助。Outline 具有漂亮的深色模式,既养眼又美观。
    20+ 集成:简单 集成 到您日常使用的工具中,例如 Slack、Figma、Loom 等。找不到您需要的集成?还有一个 开放的API 。
    用您的语言:Outline 支持 RTL,包括 17 种语言的翻译,包括 🇫🇷 法语、🇪🇸 西班牙语、🇩🇪 德语、🇰🇷 韩语和 🇨🇳 中文。
    开源:Outline 的 源代码是公开的 ,开发是公开完成的。更喜欢托管在您自己的基础设施上?没问题。

总之, Outline 是一款适合团队使用的知识库产品,可看做是 Notion 的开源平替;值得说明的是,Outline 支持基于 Docker 等方式,在您自己的服务器上自托管。如果您对这款产品感兴趣,不妨移步至 Outline 在 Github 开源仓库:, 从而了解更多。


The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible. 

A fast, collaborative, knowledge base for your team built using React and Node.js.
Try out Outline using our hosted version at


TypeScript Prettier Styled Components

This is the source code that runs Outline and all the associated services. If you want to use Outline then you don't need to run this code, we offer a hosted version of the app at You can also find documentation on using Outline in our guide.

If you'd like to run your own copy of Outline or contribute to development then this is the place for you.


Please see the documentation for running your own copy of Outline in a production configuration.

If you have questions or improvements for the docs please create a thread in GitHub discussions.


There is a short guide for setting up a development environment if you wish to contribute changes, fixes, and improvements to Outline.


If you're interested in contributing or learning more about the Outline codebase please refer to the architecture document first for a high level overview of how the application is put together.


In development Outline outputs simple logging to the console, prefixed by categories. In production it outputs JSON logs, these can be easily parsed by your preferred log ingestion pipeline.

HTTP logging is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting the DEBUG=http environment variable.


We aim to have sufficient test coverage for critical parts of the application and aren't aiming for 100% unit test coverage. All API endpoints and anything authentication related should be thoroughly tested.

To add new tests, write your tests with Jest and add a file with .test.js extension next to the tested code.

# To run all tests
make test

# To run backend tests in watch mode
make watch

Once the test database is created with make test you may individually run frontend and backend tests directly.

# To run backend tests
yarn test:server

# To run a specific backend test
yarn test:server myTestFile

# To run frontend tests
yarn test:app


Sequelize is used to create and run migrations, for example:

yarn sequelize migration:generate --name my-migration
yarn sequelize db:migrate

Or to run migrations on test database:

yarn sequelize db:migrate --env test





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