So you’re still not using HTML5, huh? I guess you probably have your reasons; it’s not fully adopted yet, it doesn’t work in IE, you don’t like users, you’re out of touch or you are just passionately in love with writing strict XHTML code. HTML5 is the revolution that the web needed and the fact is, it is the future whether you like it or not — suck it up and deal. HTML5 isn’t hard to use or understand and even though it’s not fully adopted yet, there are still plenty of reasons to start using it right now — like right after you get done reading this article.
There are lots of articles touting the use of HTML5 and praising the benefits of it, yes this is another one of those. With all these articles, with Apple pushing it, with Adobe building new dev products around it, and with so many web sites devoted to it, I still talk to fellow designers and developers who haven’t or won’t adopt it for a variety of reasons. I think the main problem is, it still seems like a mysterious creature to many. To many it feels more like the jet pack or the flying car — an awesome idea that is fun to think about but still not practical in its use. Wrong, the reality is that it is extremely practical right now! It’s not the latest Mercedes concept car being towed around form car show to car show, it’s a reality and it’s not going anywhere.
In order to further demystify HTML5 and help these knuckle dragging designers and developers to jump on the bandwagon I’ve put together a top ten list of reasons why we should all be using HTML5 right now. For those that currently use HTML5 this list may not be anything new or ground breaking, but hopefully it will inspire you to share the benefits of HTML5 with others in the community. We’ll do this Letterman countdown style (minus the celebrity presenter) and start with number ten – accessibility.
![accessibility accessibility](
HTML5 makes creating accessible sites easier for two main reasons: semantics and ARIA. The new (some currently available) HTML headings like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>, <aside>, etc. allow screen readers to easily access content. Before, your screen readers had no way to determine what a given <div> was even if you assigned it an ID or Class. With new semantic tags screen readers can better examine the HTML document and create a better experience for those who use them.
It’s actually that dead simple, however because old evil browsers out there don’t like our HTML5 friend, you’ll need to add a little bit more code to get them working correctly… but this code isn’t nearly as gnarly and messy as the <object> and <embed> tags:
Some resources worth checking out:
![html5 doctype html5 doctype](
Yup that’s it, that is the doctype, nothing more, nothing less. Pretty simple right? No more cutting and pasting some long unreadable line of code and no more dirty head tags filled with doctype attributes. You can simply and easily type it out and be happy. The really great thing about it though, beyond the simplicity, is that it works in every browser clear back to the dreaded IE6.
So this code is pretty clean and simple? But with HTML5 you can clean this up even more and at the same time give your markup more meaning:
With HTML5 you can finally cure your “divitis” and “classitis” by using semantic and HTML headers to describe your content. Previously you would generally just use div’s for every block of content than drop an id or class on it to describe its content but with the new <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <aside> and <nav> tags, HTML5 allows you to code your markup cleaner as well as keep your CSS better organized and happier.
Some resources worth checking out:
![storage storage](
One of the coolest things about HTML5 is the new local storage feature. It’s a little bit of a cross between regular old cookies and a client-side database. It’s better than cookies because it allows for storage across multiple windows, it has better security and performance and data will persist even after the browser is closed. Because it’s essentially a client side data base you don’t have to worry about the user deleting cookies and it is been adopted by all the popular browsers.
Local storage is great for many things, but it’s one of HTML5 tools that are making web apps possible without third party plugins. Being able to store data in the user’s browser allows you to easily create those app features like: storing user information, the ability to cache data, and the ability to load the user’s previous application state. If you are interested in getting started with local storage, check out Christian Heilmann’s great 24 Ways article from last year — Wrapping Things Nicely with HTML5 Local Storage.
Some more resources worth checking out:
Beyond <canvas>, HTML5 also comes with a slew of great APIs that allow you to build a better user experience and a beefier, more dynamic web application — here’s a quick list of native APIs:
Some resources worth checking out:
Script-Tutorials has recently offered a four part series of lessons focused on HTML5 game development, head on over and check out some of the sick stuff they have created:
![browsers browsers](
Your modern, popular browsers all support HTML5 (Chrome, Firefox, Safari IE9 and Opera) and the HTML5 doctype was created so that all browsers, even the really old and annoying ones, er, IE6 can use it. But just because old browsers recognize the doctype that doesn’t mean they can use all the new HTML5 tags and goodies. Fortunately, HTML5 is being built to make things easier and more cross browser friendly so in those older IE browsers that don’t like the new tags we can just simply add a Javascript shiv that will allow them to use the new elements:
Some resources worth checking out:
Mobile browsers have fully adopted HTML5 so creating mobile ready projects is as easy as designing and constructing for their smaller touch screen displays — hence the popularity of Responsive Design. There are some great meta tags that also allow you to optimize for mobile:
Some resources worth checking out:
You really don’t have any excuses not to adopt HTML5 and begin your new love affair with it. Truly, the only real reason I prefer to use HTML5 is just to write cleaner code, all the other benefits and fun features I haven’t even really jumped into yet, but that is the great thing about it, you can just start using it right now and not even change the way you design. So, start using it right now, whether you are just simplifying and making your markup more semantic OR you are gonna build some sick new mobile game that will take over the world — who knows, maybe you can start selling stuffed animal versions of your gaming characters too.
你难道还没有考虑使用HTML5? 当然我猜想你可能有自己的原因;它现在还没有被广泛的支持,在IE中不好使,或者你就是喜欢写比较严格的XHTML代码。HTML5是web开发世界的一 次重大的改变,事实上不管你是否喜欢,它都是代表着未来趋势。其实HTML5并不难理解和使用。我们这里能列出许多原因为什么现在要开始使用HTML5。
目前有很多的文章介绍使用HTML5并且介绍了使用它的优势和好处,没错,我们这篇文章也类似。随着更多这样的文章,以及Apple的支持, Adobe围绕HTML5的产品开发,以及移动flash的死亡,如此多网站的支持,我想对那些仍旧没有或者不想接受它的人说一些话。我认为主要得原因 是,它看起来像一个神秘的东西。很多感觉它像喷气背包或者飞行汽车。一个未经验证的非凡想法但是并不实际。但是事实上现在已近非常的实际了。
ARIA是一个W3C的标准主要用 来对HTML文章中的元素指定“角色“,通过角色属性来创建重要的页面地形例如,header,footer,navigation或者aritcle很 有必要。这一点曾经被忽略掉了并且没有被广泛使用,因为事实上并不验证。然而,HTML5将会验证这样属性。同时,HTML5将会内建这些角色并且无法不 覆盖。更多的HTML5和ARIA讨论,请大家查看这里。
本地存储对于很多情况来说都不错, 它是HTML5工具中一个不需要第三方插件实现的。能够保存数据到用户的浏览器中意味你可以简单的创建一些应用特性例如:保存用户信息,缓存数据,加载用户上一次的应用状态。
除了<canvas>,HTML5同样也拥有很多API允许你创建更加好的用户体验并且更加动态的web应用程序。 这里有一个列表:
你实际上没有任何借口不接受HTML5。 事实上我唯一一个原因使用HTML5是因为它书写代码简单清晰。其它的特性其实我也没有真正使用。你可以考虑现在开始使用HTML5书写代码,它能帮助你 改变书写代码的方式及其设计方式。开始用HTML5代码编写web应用吧,说不定下一个移动应用或者游戏应用就是用HTML5开发的!
There are lots of articles touting the use of HTML5 and praising the benefits of it, yes this is another one of those. With all these articles, with Apple pushing it, with Adobe building new dev products around it, and with so many web sites devoted to it, I still talk to fellow designers and developers who haven’t or won’t adopt it for a variety of reasons. I think the main problem is, it still seems like a mysterious creature to many. To many it feels more like the jet pack or the flying car — an awesome idea that is fun to think about but still not practical in its use. Wrong, the reality is that it is extremely practical right now! It’s not the latest Mercedes concept car being towed around form car show to car show, it’s a reality and it’s not going anywhere.
In order to further demystify HTML5 and help these knuckle dragging designers and developers to jump on the bandwagon I’ve put together a top ten list of reasons why we should all be using HTML5 right now. For those that currently use HTML5 this list may not be anything new or ground breaking, but hopefully it will inspire you to share the benefits of HTML5 with others in the community. We’ll do this Letterman countdown style (minus the celebrity presenter) and start with number ten – accessibility.
10 – Accessibility
HTML5 makes creating accessible sites easier for two main reasons: semantics and ARIA. The new (some currently available) HTML headings like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>, <aside>, etc. allow screen readers to easily access content. Before, your screen readers had no way to determine what a given <div> was even if you assigned it an ID or Class. With new semantic tags screen readers can better examine the HTML document and create a better experience for those who use them.
ARIA is a W3C spec that is mainly used to assign specific “roles” to elements in an HTML document – essentially creating important landmarks on the page: header, footer, navigation or article, via role attributes. This has been well overlooked and widely under-used mostly due to the fact that it wasn’t valid, however, HTML5 will validate these attributes. Also, HTML5 will have built in roles that can’t be over-ridden making assigning roles a no brainer. For a more in depth discussion on HTML5 and ARIA please visit the WAI.
9 – Video and Audio Support
Forget about Flash Player and other third party media players, make your videos and audio truly accessible with the new HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags. Getting your media to play correctly has always been pretty much a nightmare, you had to use the <embed> and <object> tags and assign a huge list of parameters just to get the thing visible and working correctly. Your media tags just become these nasty, huge chunks of confusing code segments. HTML5′s video and audio tags basically treat them as images; <video src=”url”/>. But what about all those parameters like height, width and autoplay? No worries my good man, just define those attributes in the tag just like any other HTML element: <video src=”url” width=”640px” height=”380px” autoplay/>.It’s actually that dead simple, however because old evil browsers out there don’t like our HTML5 friend, you’ll need to add a little bit more code to get them working correctly… but this code isn’t nearly as gnarly and messy as the <object> and <embed> tags:
1 2 3 4 5 | < video poster = "myvideo.jpg" controls> < source src = "myvideo.m4v" type = "video/mp4" /> < source src = "myvideo.ogg" type = "video/ogg" /> < embed src = "/to/my/video/player" ></ embed > </ video > |
- HTML5 Audio and Video: What you Must Know
- Audio and Video processing
in HTML5 - How to Make Your Own Video Player On HTML5 Video
- Using HTML5 Video and Audio in Modern Browsers
- Browserscene: Creating a 3D sound visualiser with WebGL and HTML5 audio
8 – Doctype
1 | <!DOCTYPE html> |
7 – Cleaner Code
If you are passionate about simple, elegant, easy to read code then HTML5 is the beast for you. HTML5 allows you to write clear and descriptive code, semantic code that allows you to easily separate meaning from style and content. Consider this typical and simple header code with navigation:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | < div id = "header" > < h1 >Header Text</ h1 > < div id = "nav" > < ul > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > </ ul > </ div > </ div > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | < header > < h1 >Header Text</ h1 > < nav > < ul > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > < li >< a href = "#" >Link</ a ></ li > </ ul > </ nav > </ header > |
Some resources worth checking out:
6 – Smarter Storage
One of the coolest things about HTML5 is the new local storage feature. It’s a little bit of a cross between regular old cookies and a client-side database. It’s better than cookies because it allows for storage across multiple windows, it has better security and performance and data will persist even after the browser is closed. Because it’s essentially a client side data base you don’t have to worry about the user deleting cookies and it is been adopted by all the popular browsers.
Local storage is great for many things, but it’s one of HTML5 tools that are making web apps possible without third party plugins. Being able to store data in the user’s browser allows you to easily create those app features like: storing user information, the ability to cache data, and the ability to load the user’s previous application state. If you are interested in getting started with local storage, check out Christian Heilmann’s great 24 Ways article from last year — Wrapping Things Nicely with HTML5 Local Storage.
Some more resources worth checking out:
- Storing Data the Simple HTML5 Way (and a few tricks you might not have known)
- Quick Tip: Learning About HTML5 Local Storage
- HTML5 Local Storage
- 5 Obscure Facts About HTML5 LocalStorage
5 – Better Interactions
Awe, we all want better interactions, we all want a more dynamic website that responds to the user and allows the user to enjoy/interact your content instead of just look at it. Enter <canvas>, the drawing HTML5 tag that allows you to do most (if not more) interactive and animated possibilities than the previous rich internet application platforms like Flash.Beyond <canvas>, HTML5 also comes with a slew of great APIs that allow you to build a better user experience and a beefier, more dynamic web application — here’s a quick list of native APIs:
- Drag and Drop (DnD)
- Offline storage database
- Browser history management
- document editing
- Timed media playback
Some resources worth checking out:
- Hakim’s experiments
- Ricardo’s works
- HTML5 Canvas and Audio Experiment
- Ball Pool
- HTML5 Video Destruction
- Social Weather Mapping
4 – Game Development
Yup, that is correct, you can develop games using HTML5′s <canvas> tag. HTML5 provides a great, mobile friendly way to develop fun, interactive games. If you’ve built Flash games before, you’ll love building HTML5 games.Script-Tutorials has recently offered a four part series of lessons focused on HTML5 game development, head on over and check out some of the sick stuff they have created:
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson One
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Two
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Three
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Four
- How to Build Asteroids with the Impact HTML5 Game Engine
- Developing Multiplayer HTML5 Games with Node.js
- How to write a BrikBloc game with HTML5 SVG and Canvas
- How to make a simple HTML5 Canvas game
- Html5 Games
- LimeJS, an HTML5 game framework
3 – Legacy/Cross Browser Support
Your modern, popular browsers all support HTML5 (Chrome, Firefox, Safari IE9 and Opera) and the HTML5 doctype was created so that all browsers, even the really old and annoying ones, er, IE6 can use it. But just because old browsers recognize the doctype that doesn’t mean they can use all the new HTML5 tags and goodies. Fortunately, HTML5 is being built to make things easier and more cross browser friendly so in those older IE browsers that don’t like the new tags we can just simply add a Javascript shiv that will allow them to use the new elements:
1 2 3 | <!--[ if lt IE 9]> <script src= "" ></script> <![endif]--> |
2 – Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
Call it a hunch, but I think mobile technology is becoming more popular these days. I know, that is a pretty crazy assumption and some of your are probably thinking — mobile is just a fad… right. Mobile devices are taking over the world. The adoption of mobile devices continues to grow very rapidly and this means that more and more users will be using their mobile browsers to view your web site or application. HTML5 is the most mobile ready tool for developing mobile sites and apps. With Adobe announcing the death of mobile Flash, you will now count on HTML5 to do your mobile web application development.Mobile browsers have fully adopted HTML5 so creating mobile ready projects is as easy as designing and constructing for their smaller touch screen displays — hence the popularity of Responsive Design. There are some great meta tags that also allow you to optimize for mobile:
- Viewport: allows you to define viewport widths and zoom settings
- Full screen browsing: IOS specific values that allow Apple devices to display in full screen mode
- Home Screen Icons: like favicons on desktop, these icons are used to add favorites to the home screen of an IOS and Android mobile device
Some resources worth checking out:
1 – It’s the Future, Get With It!
The number one reason why you should start using HTML5 today is this: it’s the future, start using it now so you don’t get left behind. HTML5 is not going anywhere and as more and more elements get adopted more and more companies will start to develop in HTML5. HTML5 is essentially just HTML, it’s not scary, it’s not anything you really need to figure out or relearn — if you’re developing XHTML strict right now you are already developing in HTML5 so why not take full advantage of it’s current capability?You really don’t have any excuses not to adopt HTML5 and begin your new love affair with it. Truly, the only real reason I prefer to use HTML5 is just to write cleaner code, all the other benefits and fun features I haven’t even really jumped into yet, but that is the great thing about it, you can just start using it right now and not even change the way you design. So, start using it right now, whether you are just simplifying and making your markup more semantic OR you are gonna build some sick new mobile game that will take over the world — who knows, maybe you can start selling stuffed animal versions of your gaming characters too.
Great HTML5 Resources
你难道还没有考虑使用HTML5? 当然我猜想你可能有自己的原因;它现在还没有被广泛的支持,在IE中不好使,或者你就是喜欢写比较严格的XHTML代码。HTML5是web开发世界的一 次重大的改变,事实上不管你是否喜欢,它都是代表着未来趋势。其实HTML5并不难理解和使用。我们这里能列出许多原因为什么现在要开始使用HTML5。
目前有很多的文章介绍使用HTML5并且介绍了使用它的优势和好处,没错,我们这篇文章也类似。随着更多这样的文章,以及Apple的支持, Adobe围绕HTML5的产品开发,以及移动flash的死亡,如此多网站的支持,我想对那些仍旧没有或者不想接受它的人说一些话。我认为主要得原因 是,它看起来像一个神秘的东西。很多感觉它像喷气背包或者飞行汽车。一个未经验证的非凡想法但是并不实际。但是事实上现在已近非常的实际了。
俩个原因使得使用HTML5创建网站更加简单:语义上及其ARIA。新的HTML标签像<header>, <footer>,<nav>,<section>, <aside>等等,使得阅读者更加容易去访问内容。在以前,即使你定义了class或者ID你的阅读者也没有办法去了解给出的一个div究 竟是什么。使用新的语义学的定义标签,你可以更好的了解HTML文档,并且创建一个更好的使用体验。ARIA是一个W3C的标准主要用 来对HTML文章中的元素指定“角色“,通过角色属性来创建重要的页面地形例如,header,footer,navigation或者aritcle很 有必要。这一点曾经被忽略掉了并且没有被广泛使用,因为事实上并不验证。然而,HTML5将会验证这样属性。同时,HTML5将会内建这些角色并且无法不 覆盖。更多的HTML5和ARIA讨论,请大家查看这里。
忘了flash和其它第三 方应用吧,让你的视频和音频通过HTML5标签<video>和<audio>来访问资源。正确播放媒体一直都是一个非常可怕的 事情,你需要使用<embed>和<object>标签,并且为了它们能正确播放必须赋予一大堆的参数。你的媒体标签将会非常复 杂,大堆得令人迷惑的代码。而且HTML5视频和音频标签基本将他们视为图片:<video src=”"/>。但是其它参数例如宽度和高度或者自动播放呢?不必担心,只需要像其它HTML标签一样定义:<video src=”url” width=”640px” height=”380px” autoplay/>。实际上这个过程非常简单,然而我们的老浏览器可能并不喜欢我们的HTML5,你需要添加更多代码来让他们正确工作。但是这个代码还是比<embed>和<object>来的简单的多。
如果你对于简答,优雅,容易阅读的代码有所偏好的话,HTML5绝对是一个为你量身定做的东西。HTML5允许你写出简单清晰富于描述的代码。符合语义学的代码允许你分开样式和内容。看看这个典型的简单拥有导航的heaer代码:<div id="header"> <h1>Header Text</h1> <div id="nav"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul> </div></div>是不是很简单?但是使用HTML5后会使得代码更加简单并且富有含义:
<header> <h1>Header Text</h1> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul> </nav></header>使用HTML5你可以通过使用语义学的HTML header标签描述内容来最后解决你的div及其class定义问题。 以前你需要大量的使用div来定义每一个页面内容区域,但是使用新 的<section>,<article>,<header>,<footer>,<aside> 和<nav>标签,需要你让你的代码更加清晰易于阅读。
本地存储对于很多情况来说都不错, 它是HTML5工具中一个不需要第三方插件实现的。能够保存数据到用户的浏览器中意味你可以简单的创建一些应用特性例如:保存用户信息,缓存数据,加载用户上一次的应用状态。
我们都喜欢更好的互动,我们都喜欢对于用户有反馈的动态网站,用户可以享受互动的过程。输入<canvas>,HTML5的画图标签允许你做更多的互动和动画,就像我们使用Flash达到的效果。除了<canvas>,HTML5同样也拥有很多API允许你创建更加好的用户体验并且更加动态的web应用程序。 这里有一个列表:
- Drag and Drop (DnD)
- Offline storage database
- Browser history management
- document editing
- Timed media playback
没错, 你可以使用HTML5的<canvas>开发游戏。HTML5提供了一个非常伟大的,移动友好的方式去开发有趣互动的游戏。如果你开发Flash游戏,你就会喜欢上HTML5的游戏开发。Script-tutorials目前提供了4个不部分的HTML5游戏开发教程,这里看看他们开发的有趣游戏:
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson One
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Two
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Three
- HTML5 Gaming Development Lesson Four
第三大原因: 遗留及其跨浏览器支持
你的现代流行浏览器都支持HTML5(Chrome,Firefox,Safari,IE9和Opera),并且创建了HTML5 doctype这样所有的浏览器,即使非常老非常令人厌恶浏览器像IE6都可以使用。但是因为老的浏览器能够识别doctype并不意味它可以处理 HTML5标签和功能。幸运的是,HTML5已经使得开发更加简单了,更多支持更多浏览器,这样老的IE浏览器可以通过添加javascript代码来使 用新的元素:<!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script><![endif]-->
第二大原因: 移动,移动还是移动
你可以称之为“直觉”,但是我认为移动技术将会变得更加的流行。我知道,这里有些非常疯狂的猜测,有些可能你也想到了 – Mobile是一个时尚!移动设备将占领世界。更多的接受移动设备将会增长的非常迅速。这意味着更多的用户会选择使用移动设备访问网站或者web应用。 HTML5是最移动化的开发工具。随着Adobe宣布放弃移动flash开发,你将会考虑使用HTML5来开发webp应用。当手机浏览器完全支持HTML5那么开发移动项目将会和设计更小的触摸显示一样简单。这里有很多的meta标签允许你优化移动:
- viewport: 允许你定义viewport宽度和缩放设置;
- 全屏浏览器: ISO指定的数值允许Apple设备全屏模式显示;
- Home screen icons: 就像桌面收藏,这些图标可以用来添加收藏到IOS和Android移动设备的首页。
第一大原因: 它是未来,开始用吧!
最大的原因今天你就开始使用HTML5是因为它是未来,不要掉队了!HTML5不会往每个方向发展,但是更多的元素已经被很多公司采用,并且开始着手开 发。HTML5其实更像HTML,它不是一个新的技术需要你重新学习!如果你开发XHTML strict的话你现在就已经在开发HTML5了。为什么不更完整的享受HTML5的功能呢?你实际上没有任何借口不接受HTML5。 事实上我唯一一个原因使用HTML5是因为它书写代码简单清晰。其它的特性其实我也没有真正使用。你可以考虑现在开始使用HTML5书写代码,它能帮助你 改变书写代码的方式及其设计方式。开始用HTML5代码编写web应用吧,说不定下一个移动应用或者游戏应用就是用HTML5开发的!
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