(shadowsocks for iOS
既然 iPhone 越狱了,那么其实就完全能运行命令行的工具了。
恰好, Cydia 上有node可以安装,所以shadowsocks-nodejs就直接能拿来用了:
如果觉得nodejs太耗内存和CPU, 其实我已经把google golang给装进 iPhone 了,直接在 iPhone 上编译了个shadowsocks-go:
很简单,win/linux上怎么用shadowsocks-nodejs(go), iPhone 上就怎么用。
另外 iPhone 上的PAC代理是全局的,这点是非常赞的。
另外PAC其实是可以放在 iPhone 本地的,比如 /root/ 目录
这就变成了,只要你有网络(wifi, 3G, egde, gprs), 你就能随时随地翻墙,通过脚本修改PAC,还能自由控制哪些网站直连,哪些走代理,无需依赖gfwlist.
在越狱的 iPhone 上用Shadowsocks-nodejs翻墙
How does it work?
- Create a Socks 5 proxy inside the iPhone with Shadowsocks-nodejs.
- Create a PAC file inside the iPhone to tell which connection goes Proxy and which one goes Direct.
- Create a bash script to add website to PAC file, so we don't need to edit the file maunally.
- Assign the PAC file to WiFi and 3g/edge/gprs network.
- PAC on iPhone is a system wide proxy, it will work for all apps.
How we gonna make it?
1 Create a Socks 5 proxy.
- Go get the Shadowsocks-nodejs code and config it, see the project homepage.
- on the server side, we need to get nodejs installed, find it at nodejs.org, and run:
- on the iPhone side, we also need to install nodejs, find it in cydia store, the version should be 0.6.14, it works like a charm, after we got it, run inside iPhone:
- now we have a running Socks 5 proxy inside iPhone, for example,
2 Create a PAC file.
- A basic PAC file is something like this:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { // this is the beginning of PAC file
var XXGFW = "SOCKS"; // this defines a variable to look clean and easy to modify
if (
isPlainHostName(host) ||
shExpMatch(host, "*.local") ||
isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") ||
isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") ||
isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "") ||
isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", "")) {
return "DIRECT";
} // this tells all local site to go DIRECT
if (
//added by hand
dnsDomainIs(host, "gmail.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "blogger.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "blogspot.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "appspot.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "bit.ly") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "wikipedia.org") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "twitter.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "facebook.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "google.com.hk") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, "youtube.com")) {
return XXGFW;
} // this tells the listed websites to go our Socks 5 proxy, "||" means OR
else {
return "DIRECT";
} // this tells everything else to go DIRECT
} // this is the end of PAC file
- Save the above code to autoproxy.pac (for example) and move it to /var/root/ inside the iPhone, and run:
sudo chown mobile:mobile /var/root/autoproxy.pac
sudo chmod 777 /var/root/autoproxy.pac
3 Create a bash script to add website to PAC file
- Now we got a working PAC, next we need to create a bash script, so that we can add any GFWed website into this PAC file, the script is like this:
ed -s /var/root/autoproxy.pac << EOF
/\/\/added by hand/a
dnsDomainIs(host, "${domain}") ||
- Save it and name it as agfw, move it to /usr/bin and give it the ability to excute:
- To run this script, we need to install ed in cydia store, once we find a website that is blocked by GFW, take the newly GFWed github.com for example, we can add it to PAC file just by running:
- Go and check the autoproxy.pac, we'll see that github.com is in there. Now we can view github.com with any iPhone apps. We can add any website we want to the PAC file with this script, just a single command, it's pretty awesome :)
4 Assign the PAC file to WiFi and 3G/EDGE/GPRS network
- For WiFi, go to Settings > WiFi > Your connected WiFi > HTTP Proxy > Auto, fill it with:
- For 3G/Edge/GPRS, we need to edit the following file with iFile:
- Add the following colored code to the correct position of the this file:
<string>com.apple.CommCenter (ip1)</string>
- Save and reboot to make it work.
What we got?
- The proxy will work 24/7 as long as our VPS server works 24/7, always online, no login needed (compared to ssh tunnel & VPN), it just forwards GFWed connection to the server and get feed back.
- This is the best solution for iPhone to make us feel that GFW seems not existed.
- Gmail Push goes normal (in seconds) after i put main google domains into the PAC file, even when iPhone is sleeping.
- The PAC file, the Socks 5 proxy and the Bash script that is used to add website to PAC file are all inside iPhone, once we found a website we can't open, just open Mobileterminal.app (which can be found on cydia store), run agfw balabala.com, done! pretty simple.
- This solution also works for Linux and OS X client, because iOS is a lite version of OS X :)
from http://catty-house.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/jailbreak-iphone-shadowsocks-nodejs-pac.html
在越狱的 iPhone 上用Shadowsocks-go翻墙
My last blog talked about how to create a Socks 5 proxy with shadowsocks-nodejs and shadowsocks python version on iPhone, well, they all work perfectly only that the nodejs version costs too much of RAM and python version is a little bit slow, however, thanks to @cyfdecyf , we got golang version of shadowsocks, it has the same speed(maybe better) with nodejs version but cost very little RAM, so i choose the golang version for my daily use and nodejs version as a backup. Okay, let's begin to install google go language and shadowsocks-go on iPhone, i believe i am the first person to do this.
上一篇博客介绍了如何在iPhone上利用shadowsocks-nodejs和Python版创建Socks 5代理,他们运行的很好,只是nodejs版本消耗内存太多而Python版因为缺少gevent而比较慢,还好有人开发了Go版的,它拥有nodejs版的速度,却只用少量的内存,所以我现在主要用Go版的,nodejs版的作为备用。下面就开始在iPhone上安装Google Go 的编译环境和并编译shadowsocks-go for iPhone,我应该是第一个这么做的吧 :)
If you want to be lazy, you can download compiled binary of shadowsocks-go client, it can only run inside jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
如果你想偷懒,可以直接下载我编译好的,只能在越狱的iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch上使用。
Install Google Golang on iPhone
wget http://cydia.radare.org/debs/go_15490_iphoneos-arm.deb
sudo dpkg -i go_15490_iphoneos-arm.deb
sudo apt-get install ldid
sudo ldid -s /var/go/bin/go
sudo ldid -s /var/go/src/cmd/*
sudo ldid -s /var/go/pkg/obj/cmd/*
Config Google Golang on iPhone
mkdir ~/gosrc
sudo apt-get install coreutils
sudo vim /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
export GOPATH="/var/mobile/gosrc"
export GOROOT="/var/go"
export PATH="/var/go/bin:$PATH"
source /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
Compile Shadowsocks-go on iPhone
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mkdir -p ~/gosrc/src/github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go
cp -r shadowsocks-go-master/shadowsocks ~/gosrc/src/github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go/
cd shadowsocks-go-master/cmd/shadowsocks-local/
go build
sudo cp shadowsocks-local /usr/bin/
Run Shadowsocks-go on iPhone
cd ~
touch config.json
vim config.json
"server":"your server ip or domain name",
"password":"your password, make this password long and complex enough",
nohup shadowsocks-server -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &
vim ~/.bashrc
alias sgp="nohup shadowsocks-server -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
source ~/.bashrc
nohup shadowsocks-local -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &
sudo vim /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
alias sgp="nohup shadowsocks-local -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
source /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
上一篇博客介绍了如何在iPhone上利用shadowsocks-nodejs和Python版创建Socks 5代理,他们运行的很好,只是nodejs版本消耗内存太多而Python版因为缺少gevent而比较慢,还好有人开发了Go版的,它拥有nodejs版的速度,却只用少量的内存,所以我现在主要用Go版的,nodejs版的作为备用。下面就开始在iPhone上安装Google Go 的编译环境和并编译shadowsocks-go for iPhone,我应该是第一个这么做的吧 :)
If you want to be lazy, you can download compiled binary of shadowsocks-go client, it can only run inside jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
如果你想偷懒,可以直接下载我编译好的,只能在越狱的iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch上使用。
Install Google Golang on iPhone
- SSH into iPhone and run the following command:
wget http://cydia.radare.org/debs/go_15490_iphoneos-arm.deb
sudo dpkg -i go_15490_iphoneos-arm.deb
- Now we have go languages installed, thanks +minux ma for porting Golang to iOS, also thanks @trufae for making a working .deb package, they made it easy to install go on iPhone. However @trufae forgot to sign it's package, so we need to sign it after installation,
- SSH into iPhone and run:
sudo apt-get install ldid
sudo ldid -s /var/go/bin/go
sudo ldid -s /var/go/src/cmd/*
sudo ldid -s /var/go/pkg/obj/cmd/*
Config Google Golang on iPhone
- We need to add go to our PATH and also set GOPATH variable, GNU coreutils could help, it can set alias, PATH, export some variable and so.
mkdir ~/gosrc
sudo apt-get install coreutils
- Next, we need to edit /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh with vim or nano:
sudo vim /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
- Add the following codes and save:
export GOPATH="/var/mobile/gosrc"
export GOROOT="/var/go"
export PATH="/var/go/bin:$PATH"
- Now make our settings on the fly:
source /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
Compile Shadowsocks-go on iPhone
- Download Shadowsocks-go source code and unzip it:
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
- We will have a folder called shadowsocks-go-master at the current directory, now still need some trick:
mkdir -p ~/gosrc/src/github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go
cp -r shadowsocks-go-master/shadowsocks ~/gosrc/src/github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go/
cd shadowsocks-go-master/cmd/shadowsocks-local/
go build
sudo cp shadowsocks-local /usr/bin/
- If no mistake, now we will have a excutable shadowsocks-go client named shadowsocks-local in /usr/bin, we can run it now, only for iPhone.
Run Shadowsocks-go on iPhone
- First create a config file for shadowsocks-go:
cd ~
touch config.json
vim config.json
- Copy and paste the following code and save
"server":"your server ip or domain name",
"password":"your password, make this password long and complex enough",
- Also copy config.json to server, shadowsocks-go server version can be downloaded here:
- on the server side:
nohup shadowsocks-server -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- Or we can set an alias for this long command:
vim ~/.bashrc
alias sgp="nohup shadowsocks-server -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
source ~/.bashrc
- on iPhone side:
nohup shadowsocks-local -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- Or we can set an alias for this long command:
sudo vim /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
alias sgp="nohup shadowsocks-local -c ~/config.json > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
source /etc/profile.d/coreutils.sh
from http://catty-house.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/install-golang-and-compile-shadowsocks.html
Updated: Feb 26, 2014
Version: 2.0
- 新的iOS7的用户界面
- 内置的公用服务器
- 中文语言支持
iPhone、iPad翻墙之Shadowsocks v2.0
这个软件是有YumeWorks为网友开发的适用于 iPhone、iPad安全浏览网页的Shadowsocks工具,此版 v2.0增加对中文语言的支持和内置公用服务器等。国内用iPhone、iPad的网友可以一试itunes下载地址:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shadowsocks/id665729974
Updated: Feb 26, 2014
Version: 2.0
- 新的iOS7的用户界面
- 内置的公用服务器
- 中文语言支持