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Friday, 12 January 2024

tun2proxy -把SOCKS5代理转换为TUN interface

 Tunnel (TUN) interface for SOCKS and HTTP proxies。


A tunnel interface for HTTP and SOCKS proxies on Linux based on smoltcp.


  • HTTP proxy support (unauthenticated, basic and digest auth)
  • SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 support (unauthenticated, username/password auth)
  • SOCKS4a and SOCKS5h support (through the virtual DNS feature)
  • Minimal configuration setup for routing all traffic
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support
  • GFW evasion mechanism for certain use cases (see issue #35)
  • SOCKS5 UDP support
  • Native support for proxying DNS over TCP


Clone the repository and cd into the project folder. Then run the following:

cargo build --release


Automated Setup

Using --setup auto, you can have tun2proxy configure your system to automatically route all traffic through the specified proxy. This requires running the tool as root and will roughly perform the steps outlined in the section describing the manual setup, except that a bind mount is used to overlay the /etc/resolv.conf file.

You would then run the tool as follows:

sudo ./target/release/tun2proxy --setup auto --proxy "socks5://"

Apart from SOCKS5, SOCKS4 and HTTP are supported.

Note that if your proxy is a non-global IP address (e.g. because the proxy is provided by some tunneling tool running locally), you will additionally need to provide the public IP address of the server through which the traffic is actually tunneled. In such a case, the tool will tell you to specify the address through --bypass-ip <address> if you wish to make use of the automated setup feature.

Manual Setup

A standard setup, which would route all traffic from your system through the tunnel interface, could look as follows:

# The proxy type can be either SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP.

# Create a tunnel interface named tun0 which your user can bind to,
# so we don't need to run tun2proxy as root.
sudo ip tuntap add name tun0 mode tun user $USER
sudo ip link set tun0 up

# To prevent a routing loop, we add a route to the proxy server that behaves
# like the default route.
sudo ip route add "$BYPASS_IP" $(ip route | grep '^default' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)

# Route all your traffic through tun0 without interfering with the default route.
sudo ip route add dev tun0
sudo ip route add dev tun0

# If you wish to also route IPv6 traffic through the proxy, these two commands will do.
sudo ip route add ::/1 dev tun0
sudo ip route add 8000::/1 dev tun0

# Make sure that DNS queries are routed through the tunnel.
sudo sh -c "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"

./target/release/tun2proxy --tun tun0 --proxy "$PROXY_TYPE://$PROXY_IP:$PROXY_PORT"

Note that if you paste these commands into a shell script, which you then run with sudo, you might want to replace $USER with $SUDO_USER.

This tool implements a virtual DNS feature that is used by default. When a DNS packet to port 53 is detected, an IP address from is chosen and mapped to the query name. Connections destined for an IP address from that range will supply the proxy with the mapped query name instead of the IP address. Since many proxies do not support UDP, this enables an out-of-the-box experience in most cases, without relying on third-party resolvers or applications. Depending on your use case, you may want to disable this feature using --dns none. In that case, you might need an additional tool like dnsproxy that is configured to listen on a local UDP port and communicates with a third-party upstream DNS server via TCP.

When you terminate this program and want to eliminate the impact caused by the above several commands, you can execute the following command. The routes will be automatically deleted with the tunnel device.

sudo ip link del tun0


Tunnel interface to proxy.

Usage: tun2proxy [OPTIONS] --proxy <URL>

  -t, --tun <name>         Name of the tun interface [default: tun0]
      --tun-fd <fd>        File descriptor of the tun interface
      --tun-mtu <mtu>      MTU of the tun interface (only with tunnel file descriptor) [default: 1500]
  -p, --proxy <URL>        Proxy URL in the form proto://[username[:password]@]host:port
  -d, --dns <strategy>     DNS handling strategy [default: virtual] [possible values: virtual, over-tcp, direct]
      --dns-addr <IP>      DNS resolver address [default:]
  -6, --ipv6-enabled       IPv6 enabled
  -s, --setup <method>     Routing and system setup [default: none] [possible values: none, auto]
  -b, --bypass <IP|CIDR>   IPs and CIDRs used in routing setup which should bypass the tunnel
  -v, --verbosity <level>  Verbosity level [default: info] [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version

Currently, tun2proxy supports HTTP, SOCKS4/SOCKS4a and SOCKS5. A proxy is supplied to the --proxy argument in the URL format. For example, an HTTP proxy at with a username of john.doe and a password of secret is supplied as --proxy http://john.doe:secret@ This works analogously to curl's --proxy argument.

Docker Support

Tun2proxy can serve as a proxy for other Docker containers. To make use of that feature, first build the image:

docker build -t tun2proxy .

Next, start a container from the tun2proxy image:

docker run -d \
	-v /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
	--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=0 \
	--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
	--name tun2proxy \
	tun2proxy --proxy proto://[username[:password]@]host:port

You can then provide the running container's network to another worker container by sharing the network namespace (like kubernetes sidecar):

docker run -it \
	--network "container:tun2proxy" \

Configuration Tips


When DNS resolution is performed by a service on your machine or through a server in your local network, DNS resolution will not be performed through the tunnel interface, since the routes to localhost or your local network are more specific than and In this case, it may be advisable to update your /etc/resolv.conf file to use a nameserver address that is routed through the tunnel interface. When virtual DNS is working correctly, you will see log messages like DNS query: for hostnames which your machine is connecting to after having resolved them through DNS.

Note that software like the NetworkManager may change the /etc/resolv.conf file automatically at any time, which will result in DNS leaks. A hacky solution to prevent this consists in making the file immutable as follows: sudo chattr +i "$(realpath /etc/resolv.conf)".


Some proxy servers might not support IPv6. When using virtual DNS, this is not a problem as DNS names are resolved by the proxy server. When DNS names are resolved to IPv6 addresses locally, this becomes a problem as the proxy will be asked to open connections to IPv6 destinations. In such a case, you can disable IPv6 on your machine. This can be done either through sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 and sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 or through ip -6 route del default, which causes the libc resolver (and other software) to not issue DNS AAAA requests for IPv6 addresses.



tun2proxy -把SOCKS5代理转换为TUN interface
tun2proxy 是一个基于 smoltcp 在 Linux 上 通过HTTP 和 SOCKS 代理的创建隧道接口的项目,使用Rust 语言开发。

    HTTP 代理支持(无身份验证、基本身份验证和摘要身份验证)
    SOCKS4 和 SOCKS5 支持(无身份验证、用户名/密码身份验证)
    IPv4 和 IPv6 支持
    SOCKS5 UDP 支持
    本机支持通过 TCP 代理 DNS

git clone

# 克隆项目

cd tun2proxy

cargo build --release

# 编译 (需要提前安装cargo工具)

cd ./target/release

# 进入输出目录





ip tuntap add name tun163 mode tun user $USER

# 提前创建好tun三层虚拟口

sudo ip link set tun163 up

# 配置状态为UP

./tun2proxy --tun tun163 --proxy "socks5://username:passwd@"

# 前台运行,将socks5 转换为三层接口。格式为proto://[username[:password]@]host:port

ip route add dev tun163

# 手动配置路由指向,也可以配置策略路由等操作。

./tun2proxy --setup auto --proxy "socks5://"

# 自动将所有流量路由到指定的代理。


Tunnel interface to proxy.

Usage: tun2proxy [OPTIONS] --proxy <URL>

  -t, --tun <name>         Name of the tun interface [default: tun0]
      --tun-fd <fd>        File descriptor of the tun interface
      --tun-mtu <mtu>      MTU of the tun interface (only with tunnel file descriptor) [default: 1500]
  -p, --proxy <URL>        Proxy URL in the form proto://[username[:password]@]host:port
  -d, --dns <strategy>     DNS handling strategy [default: virtual] [possible values: virtual, over-tcp, direct]
      --dns-addr <IP>      DNS resolver address [default:]
  -6, --ipv6-enabled       IPv6 enabled
  -s, --setup <method>     Routing and system setup [default: none] [possible values: none, auto]
  -b, --bypass <IP|CIDR>   IPs and CIDRs used in routing setup which should bypass the tunnel
  -v, --verbosity <level>  Verbosity level [default: info] [possible values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace]
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version


当 DNS 解析由机器上的服务或本地网络中的服务器执行时,DNS 解析将不会通过隧道接口执行,因为指向 localhost 或本地网络的路由比Tun 通道更细。 在这种情况下,建议更新文件以使用通过隧道接口路由的名称服务器地址。当虚拟 DNS 正常工作时,你会看到通过以下方式解析后的主机名连接日志信息,


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