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Wednesday, 20 February 2013



端口转发包含client to server(C2S)和Server to client(S2C)两种(这里的server指安装了SSH server的机器,client指安装了SSH客户端的机器)。
ssh -L localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server
Client的localport的所有连接都被加密传输到ssh server,然后转发到host的hostport 进程。
ssh -R localport:host:hostport user@ssh_server
ssh server的localport的所有连接都被加密传输到client,然后转发到host的hostport 进程。

在 A网和B网中各选择一台机器,分别叫做ClientX,ServerX(需要有外网IP,可以被ClientX访问),在ClientX上安装SSH client, 在ServerX上安装SSH server. 在ClientX上设置一个SSH的C2S端口转发,所有的Client的访问都通过ClientX建立的通道。
ssh -L port:ServerY:port user@ServerX

比 如公司有一台机器A(hostA),开启了telnet服务(假设用默认端口23),我在家里想访问。首先需要在公司找到一台外网可以访问的机器 B(hostB),B肯定会有两个地址,一个是和A在同一局域网中地址,另外一个是外网地址。在B上安装SSH server,并设置对应的账户。然后在自己的机器上安装SSH Client.最后设置端口转发。
ssh -L localport:hostA:23 user@HostB
那么你就可以使用telnet localportl 来访问HostA的telnet服务,并且数据在你的机器与HostB之间的加密的。

除 了端口转发之外,SSH还有动态端口转发(Dynamic port forwarding). 动态端口转发中SSH client相当于是SOCKS代理服务器。SSH client在一个固定的端口比如1080监听,充当一个SOCKS代理服务器,应用程序使用SOCKS代理。所有的请求都通过SSH Client的这个代理. 
SSH Client通过动态端口转发将每个请求先自动的转发到SSH Server,然后SSH Server转发到请求目标。
ssh -D localport user@ssh_server

假设有一个SSH Server在美国,你在上面申请了一个SSH的账户。那么你可以通过设置SSH动态端口转发使得你浏览器的所有请求都加密传输到到这台SSH服务器,然后再通过这台SSH Server来访问对应的资源。

ssh -X user@ssh_server
这 样连接上ssh_server后,在ssh_server运行一个窗口程序,这个窗口就可以在自己的机器上显示。这时候,你不用自己设置DISPLAY变 量。你使用-X选项的时候,SSH Server自动为你设置了。如果你的机器上没有X11 Server的话,需要安装一个X11 Server(比如xmanager或者X-Deep/32)才能够正确的显示。x11转发如果不考虑安全因素,可以使用VNC,因为窗口的数据都需要加 密,速度可能是一个问题。当然也可以把VNC和SSH结合使用,先设置安全通道,然后在安全通道上使用VNC.




Secure Shell(SSH)的开发是为了克服早期的远程访问程序,如Telnet和rlogin的安全问题。这些程序有若干安全漏洞,包括发送明文口令;对负载 未进行加密,导致用户数据泄露;缺乏可支持先进安全方法的模块,比如说双因子认证,对公钥的支持,以及对除了远程访问协议以外的协议的支持。
   SSH在Linux上得到了实现,大多数的Unix版本都使用OpenSSH,这个产品受到OpenBSD项目的支持。除了SSH,OpenBSD还提供 了使用SSH的安全拷贝(secure copy SCP)以及安全文件传输协议(secure file transfer protocol SFTP)的程序,可以让用户简单地去将数据拷贝到系统中。
  ~$ SSH
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is d2:af:9e:c7:52:97:d2:55:e8:3e:83:a4:eb:98:a1:b6.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘′ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
  如 果警告提示密钥不匹配,那么您就需要去确定是否密钥已经失密了,或者是否远程主机进行了一些不得不改变密钥的活动(如安装了新的操作系统,移除或者重新产 生了密钥)。一旦会话被建立,用户就可以像是在本地通过一个shell账号使用系统一样,将所需的正常程序在远程主机上进行执行。
  SSH -l rmccarty
  从 本地到远程的SSH通道:一个基本的例子是,当远程用户在对一个中心站点有SSH访问的同时,也需要在远程站点安全地访问内部网Web服务器时,可以将内 部网放到互联网中,来实现这种访问需求,但这种方法是不安全的。一个更安全的解决方案,是在主机上使用SSH,通过远程SSH网关,将访问重定向到 Web服务器。
  SSH -L 80:
  -L告诉本地SSH客户端,通过192.168.1.3上的SSH网关,将本地主机上的80端口(参数中的第一个80)与远程主机192.168.1.4 (Web服务器)上的80端口进行绑定。这样,用户就可以在本地系统上使用http://localhost:80打开一个浏览器,并看到远程Web服务器所提供的网站内容。(如果需要,您也可以使用本地系统的IP地址来代替localhost)。
  80端口是一个特权端口( 即小于1024的端口),并由root用户进行控制。所以通常需要建立一个更高数值的本地端口,比如在相同的例子里使用8080:
  SSH -L 8080:
  现在,用户可以使用http://localhost:8080连 接到远程Web站点并正确的连接到Web服务器的80端口。通过提供从本地到远程的通信通道,SSH提供了一种访问远程服务的简单方法。这个解决方案是一 个很理想的情况,即一个远程站点发起了会话,并需要访问远程资源。但当远程站点需要建立一个连接,并通过会话提供对本地服务的访问时,这个解决方案就不可 用了。这个从远程到本地的通道可以通过使用-R参数来达到和从本地到远程相似的效果。
  SSH -R 23:
  这 意味着,远程SSH网关会在自己的23端口开启一个套接字(通过参数192.168.1.3:23),并将该端口上接收到的任何信息通过通道回送到 23端口。一旦通道被建立,远程站点上的用户可以就像192.168.1.3在运行一个FTP服务器一样,使用ftp连到该机器。
  压 缩:通过实时的压缩信息,SSH可以让事务更快地得到完成。一般来说,压缩可以加速交互式通信,如通过通道运行一个shell命令,以及那些适合于压缩的 数据(例如,含有大量文本的文档)。但是,压缩是有开销的,而且经常会使,不使用高速线路而采用压缩所带来的好处所剩无几。开启压缩的参数是-C。
   SSH也提供了一些命令,允许对基本的文件交互,可以通过安全的通道来进行直接的交互。对比于执行SSH通道以及其它的命令(如FTP)将文件传输过一个 线路,这使得能利用一个单独的命令来对批传输进行优化。可以使用SCP和SFTP来代替原始的操作系统命令RCP和FTP。


(这里强烈鄙视锐捷,我难道为了上网还要装 windows?windows客户端版本在升级,linux下就一直不升级而且不能用,BSD,mac下更是没有。而且windows下兼容性奇差,这 也限制那也限制,我无线网卡也是双网卡?这些技术真是恶心死了,专门为学校教育网研发的把。学校大概也为了显示水平,linux下客户端版本也限制。强烈 BS这样的行为!恶心死了。这里介绍的方法就是我在linux不能上网的情况下弄出来的)
客户机和外界的通信过程:客户机信息 <–> 客户机某个端口(如7070)<–> SSH通道 <–> 主机的端口( SSH服务器端口22)<–> 外界
  • 什么是socks5?和socks4,http代理有何不同?
具体表现在SOCKS4只能代理TCP协议,而 SOCKS5什么协议都可以代理,而QQ使用的是UDP协议,所以它不能使用SOCKS4代理,而象国外的ICQ使用比UDP协议安全的TCP协议,所以就可以使用SOCKS4代理。
那SOCKS代理和HTTP代理有什么不同?从上文我们知道SOCKS工作在会话层上,而HTTP工作在应用层上,Socks代理只是简单地传递数 据包,而不必关心是何种应用协议(比如FTP、HTTP和NNTP请求),所以Socks代理服务器比应用层代理服务器要快得多。
  1. 网段:
  2. 网关:
  3. 能上网机器: 装的xp (我这里是其实是虚拟机)
  4. 需要上网的机器:和192.168.0.11 装的archlinux和ubuntu (真实机器,有一台是虚拟机的主机)
  5. 附加条件:一定能互相访问,互相能ping通,比如在一个交换机或者路由下,而不是通过网关,例如锐捷的网关是不会让互相能访问的
  • 先在服务器上安装一个SSH服务器,这里因为windows机器能上网的比较多,以xp为例。服务器端推荐F-Secure SSH Server,客户端可以用F-Secure SSH Client,(还可以是sshwindows),google一下教程很多。此处省略。Windows平台SSH服务器架设攻略(图)
  • 建立好服务端,启动(如果失败,就查看日志),用SSH客户端连接测试(登陆帐号和密码就是xp的用户帐号和密码,也就是远程登陆了xp)。
  • (如果服务端是*nux或者mac的,支持的更加好,应该是自带了类似工具,如openssh,相关资料更多,SSH本身就是为*nix设计用来远程安全管理的。)
  • 但是此时没有通道,此处以linux下操作为例,如果只是自己使用,利用ssh这个命令足够。
ssh -C -f -N -g -D 7070 user@ (user为你主机里面xp系统用户)

ssh -C -f -N -g -L listen_port:DST_Host:DST_port user@Tunnel_Host
ssh -C -f -N -g -R listen_port:DST_Host:DST_port user@Tunnel_Host
ssh -C -f -N -g -D listen_port user@Tunnel_Host
-f Fork into background after authentication.
后台认证用户/密码,通常和-N连用,不用登录到远程主机。 -p port Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port.
-L port:host:hostport
将 本地机(客户机)的某个端口转发到远端指定机器的指定端口. 工作原理是这样的, 本地机器上分配了一个 socket 侦听 port 端口, 一旦这个端口上有了连接, 该连接就经过安全通道转发出去, 同时远程主机和 host 的 hostport 端口建立连接. 可以在配置文件中指定端口的转发. 只有 root 才能转发特权端口. IPv6 地址用另一种格式说明: port/host/hostport
-R port:host:hostport
将 远程主机(服务器)的某个端口转发到本地端指定机器的指定端口. 工作原理是这样的, 远程主机上分配了一个 socket 侦听 port 端口, 一旦这个端口上有了连接, 该连接就经过安全通道转向出去, 同时本地主机和 host 的 hostport 端口建立连接. 可以在配置文件中指定端口的转发. 只有用 root 登录远程主机才能转发特权端口. IPv6 地址用另一种格式说明: port/host/hostport
-D port
指 定一个本地机器”动态的”应用程序端口转发. 工作原理是这样的, 本地机器上分配了一个 socket 侦听 port 端口, 一旦这个端口上有了连接, 该连接就经过安全通道转发出去, 根据应用程序的协议可以判断出远程主机将和哪里连接. 目前支持 SOCKS4 协议, 将充当 SOCKS4 服务器. 只有 root 才能转发特权端口. 可以在配置文件中指定动态端口的转发.
-C Enable compression.
-N Do not execute a shell or command.
-g Allow remote hosts to connect to forwarded ports.
  • 如果需要共享通道给别人用的,我没找到ssh的相关参数,如果你知道的请告诉一下我哦。我是用putty(跨平台,windows下也有)实现的。需要选上connection-SSH-Tunnels选项卡里面最上面的一项[Local ports accept connections from other hosts],别人共享通道的,省掉上面这一步
  • 在 firefox里设置socks 5代理为192.168.0.10:7070,应该就可以访问ip地址了。不过此时没有办法解析DNS,也就是输入域名是没有办法访问的。这里有只是针对 火狐的一个方法:about:config里面network.proxy.socks_remote_dns设置为true,这样就会利用socks5 主机解析域名而不通过本机设置的DNS
Tor 这个东西,我已经用了蛮久了,以前也有写过一些相关的文章。这么久以来,一直用Tor+TorCP+ Privoxy的组合,TorCP是Tor的控制面板程序,执行后在后台调用Tor,就不会出现那个DOS窗口了。而又由于IE和Firefox都不支持 sock4a(当时是这么以为的),所以使用Privoxy把Tor提供的sock4a代理端口9050转换为HTTP代理端口8118,然后在IE或 Firefox里设置HTTP代理地址为localhost:8118。
今天在研究Firefox时,在about:config里发现了一项network.proxy.socks_remote_dns,翻译成中文 就是网络.代理.socks远程DNS。看字面上的意思是说让socks代理使用远程DNS,这不就是Tor所要求的sock4a协议吗?以前看一篇文章 说过,sock4a和sock4的区别就在于:使用sock4协议,浏览器要自行进行DNS解析,而使用sock4a协议,浏览器不进行DNS解析,直接 将URL传给socks代理,由代理服务器做DNS解析。Tor作为一个通过SSL加密传输来访问网络的软件,为了避免DNS解析被封锁,所以要求浏览器 使用sock4a协议连接。以前还专门上Google查过,IE是铁定不支持sock4a,Firefox呢,查了半天也没查到有说支持sock4a的。 Firefox直接连Tor也提示协议不对,所以一直用着Privoxy做转换。
Apr 09 09:35:29.812 [Warn] Your application (using socks4 on port 80) is giving Tor only an IP address. Applications that do DNS resolves themselves may leak information. Consider using Socks4A (e.g. via privoxy or socat) instead.
  • 不支持socks5的或者不支持代理的就不行了。这个时候需要一个代理的跳板,可以让几乎所有程序可以使用网络。linux下用tsocks(transparent socks)。windows下用scokscap之类软件。
tsocks设置:sudo $EDITOR /etc/tsocks.conf #此处$EDITOR为你的编辑器,root权限,后面的文件没有则新建

# This is the configuration for libtsocks (transparent socks) for use
# with tor, which is providing a socks server on port 9050 by default.
# See tsocks.conf(5) and torify(1) manpages. server = #这里是建立代理的机器,就是和服务器建立通道的机器,如果是建立代理的本机也可以写127.0.0.1
server_type = 5 #这里是代理类型,socks5当然写5
server_port = 7070 #端口
# We specify local as – because the
# Tor MAPADDRESS virtual IP range is the rest of net 127.
local = #这里一定要设置一下你的网段,不然tsocks会提示不是本地网
#local =
测试一下:tsocks wget ip #(此处仍然不能解析DNS,所以可以用一个网站的ip试试看)。如果成功,恭喜,离胜利不远了。在需要访问网络的程序前面加上tsocks就ok了。
archlinux的更新:sudo tsocks pacman -Syu
ubuntu的更新:sudo tsocks apt-get update
  • 剩 下的就是DNS了,也要建立一个本地DNS服务器。如果架设一个真正的DNS服务器就有些小题大做了,只是需要一个能解析DNS的服务。这里推荐 treewalk,本来一般是用来给本机建立DNS缓存的,但是它很大一个功能就是DNS服务器,正好符合这里要求。它也可以设置直接转发DNS,而不用 缓存DNS。


acl “private” {; };

acl “private” {;; };

listen-on port 53 {; };

listen-on port 53 {;;;; };
然后重新启动twdns服务。可以在cmd下输入net stop twdns 然后 net start twdns
  1. 此文件根据你自己情况修改,我是修改了这两处生效了就没有再更改了,网上有说前一个地方的,有说后一个地方的。
  2. 不要忘记”;”
  3. 重起服务才能生效
此时,在客户机测试一下,ping 如果成功解析了域名,那么就成功了。

SSH PortForwarding


Port forwarding via SSH (SSH tunneling) creates a secure connection between a local computer and a remote machine through which services can be relayed. Because the connection is encrypted, SSH tunneling is useful for transmitting information that uses an unencrypted protocol, such as IMAP, VNC, or IRC.

Types of Port Forwarding

SSH's port forwarding feature can smuggle various types of Internet traffic into or out of a network. This can be used to avoid network monitoring or sniffers, or bypass badly configured routers on the Internet. Note: You might also need to change the settings in other programs (like your web browser) in order to circumvent these filters.
Warning: Filtering and monitoring is usually implemented for a reason. Even if you don't agree with that reason, your IT department might not take kindly to you flouting their rules.

There are three types of port forwarding with SSH:
  • Local port forwarding: connections from the SSH client are forwarded via the SSH server, then to a destination server
  • Remote port forwarding: connections from the SSH server are forwarded via the SSH client, then to a destination server
  • Dynamic port forwarding: connections from various programs are forwarded via the SSH client, then via the SSH server, and finally to several destination servers
Local port forwarding is the most common type. For example, local port forwarding lets you bypass a company firewall that blocks Wikipedia.
Remote port forwarding is less common. For example, remote port forwarding lets you connect from your SSH server to a computer on your company's intranet.
Dynamic port forwarding is rarely used. For example, dynamic port forwarding lets you bypass a company firewall that blocks web access altogether. Although this is very powerful, it takes a lot of work to set up, and it's usually easier to use local port forwarding for the specific sites you want to access.
Port-forwarding is a widely supported technique and a feature found in all major SSH clients and servers, although not all clients do it the same way. For help on using a specific client, consult the client's documentation. For example, the PuTTY manual has a section on port forwarding in PuTTY.
To use port forwarding, you need to make sure port forwarding is enabled in your server. You also need to tell your client the source and destination port numbers to use. If you're using local or remote forwarding, you need to tell your client the destination server. If you're using dynamic port forwarding, you need to configure your programs to use a SOCKS proxy server. Again, exactly how to do this depends on which SSH client you use, so you may need to consult your documentation.

Local Port Forwarding

Local port forwarding lets you connect from your local computer to another server. To use local port forwarding, you need to know your destination server, and two port numbers. You should already know your destination server, and for basic uses of port forwarding, you can usually use the port numbers in Wikipedia's list of TCP and UDP port numbers.
For example, say you wanted to connect from your laptop to using an SSH tunnel. You would use source port number 8080 (the alternate http port), destination port 80 (the http port), and destination server :
ssh -L <host>

Where <host> should be replaced by the name of your laptop. The -L option specifies local port forwarding. For the duration of the SSH session, pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/ would send you to
In the above example, we used port 8080 for the source port. Ports numbers less than 1024 or greater than 49151 are reserved for the system, and some programs will only work with specific source ports, but otherwise you can use any source port number. For example, you could do:
ssh -L -L <host>

This would forward two connections, one to, the other to Pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080/ would download pages from, and pointing your browser to http://localhost:12345/ would download pages from
The destination server can even be the same as the SSH server. For example, you could do:
ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 <host>

This would forward connections to the shared desktop on your SSH server (if one had been set up). Connecting an SSH client to localhost port 5900 would show the desktop for that computer. The word "localhost" is the computer equivalent of the word "yourself", so the SSH server on your laptop will understand what you mean, whatever the computer's actual name.

Remote Port Forwarding

Remote port forwarding lets you connect from the remote SSH server to another server. To use remote port forwarding, you need to know your destination server, and two port numbers. You should already know your destination server, and for basic uses of port forwarding, you can usually use the port numbers in Wikipedia's list of TCP and UDP port numbers.
For example, say you wanted to let a friend access your remote desktop, using the command-line SSH client. You would use port number 5900 (the first VNC port), and destination server localhost:
ssh -R 5900:localhost:5900 guest@joes-pc

The -R option specifies remote port forwarding. For the duration of the SSH session, Joe would be able to access your desktop by connecting a VNC client to port 5900 on his computer (if you had set up a shared desktop).

Dynamic Port Forwarding

Dynamic port forwarding turns your SSH client into a SOCKS proxy server. SOCKS is a little-known but widely-implemented protocol for programs to request any Internet connection through a proxy server. Each program that uses the proxy server needs to be configured specifically, and reconfigured when you stop using the proxy server.
For example, say you wanted Firefox to connect to every web page through your SSH server. First you would use dynamic port forwarding with the default SOCKS port:
ssh -C -D 1080 laptop

The -D option specifies dynamic port forwarding. 1080 is the standard SOCKS port. Although you can use any port number, some programs will only work if you use 1080. -C enables compression, which speeds the tunnel up when proxying mainly text-based information (like web browsing), but can slow it down when proxying binary information (like downloading files).
Next you would tell Firefox to use your proxy:
  • go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Connection -> Settings...
  • check "Manual proxy configuration"
  • make sure "Use this proxy server for all protocols" is cleared
  • clear "HTTP Proxy", "SSL Proxy", "FTP Proxy", and "Gopher Proxy" fields
  • enter "" for "SOCKS Host"
  • enter "1080" (or whatever port you chose) for Port.
You can also set Firefox to use the DNS through that proxy, so even your DNS lookups are secure:
  • Type in about:config in the Firefox address bar
  • Find the key called "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" and set it to true
The SOCKS proxy will stop working when you close your SSH session. You will need to change these settings back to normal in order for Firefox to work again.
To make other programs use your SSH proxy server, you will need to configure each program in a similar way.

Forwarding GUI Programs

SSH can also forward graphical applications over a network, although it can take some work and extra software to forward programs to Windows or Mac OS.

Single Applications

If you are logging in from a Unix-like operating system, you can forward single applications over SSH very easily, because all Unix-like systems share a common graphics layer called X11. This even works under Mac OS X, although you will need to install and start the X11 server before using SSH.
To forward single applications, connect to your system using the command-line, but add the -X option to forward X11 connections:
ssh -X laptop

Once the connection is made, type the name of your GUI program on the SSH command-line:
firefox &

Your program will start as normal, although you might find it's a little slower than it would be if it were running locally. The trailing & means that the program should run in "background mode", so you can start typing new commands in straight away, rather than waiting for your program to finish.
If you only want to run a single command, you can log in like this:
ssh -f -T -X laptop firefox

That will run Firefox, then exit when it finishes. See the SSH manual page for information about -f and -T.
If you start an application and it complains that it cannot find the display, try installing the xauth package from the Main repository (click here to install xauth). Xauth is installed by default with desktop installations but not server installations.
If you suspect that programs are running slowly because of a lack of bandwith, you can turn SSH compression on with the -C option:
ssh -fTXC joe@laptop firefox

Using -fTXC here is identical to -f -T -X -C.

Nested Windows

Xephyr is a program that gives you an X server within your current server. It's available in the xserver-xephyr package in the Main repository (click here to install xserver-xephyr).
Two ssh forwarded desktops on dual monitors, click to enlarge
Setting up Xephyr was explained briefly in the Ubuntu forums.

Port Forwarding Explained

To get the most out of port forwarding, it's helpful to know a bit about how the Internet works.
The Internet assigns computers virtual "ports", a bit like the USB ports on the back of your computer:
To let a digital camera share pictures with your PC, you connect the USB port on the camera to any USB port on the PC. The computer then talks to the camera about your photos, and shows you the result.
To let a web server share pages with your PC, you connect the web server port on the server to any Internet port on the PC. The computer then talks to the server about your page, and shows you the result.
Unlike a USB port, there is no physical component to an Internet port. There's no actual wire, or actual hole on the back of your computer. It's all just messages being sent over the Internet. Like other "virtual" computer concepts, Internet ports are just an analogy that help to explain what your computer is doing. Sometimes, that analogy breaks down:
There are two types of Internet port: normal "TCP" ports and strange "UDP" ports (which won't be covered here).
Unlike USB ports, every computer has exactly 65,535 numbered TCP ports, some of which have a special purpose. For example, port number 80 is your web server port, so your web browser knows it should connect to port number 80 in order to download a web page.
Connections between Internet ports can be patched together, so a connection from computer A to computer B on port 12,345 could be patched through to port number 80 on computer C. This is known as port forwarding.


If you get a message like this when you try to forward a port:
bind: Address already in use
channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: <port number>
Could not request local forwarding.

then someone is already listening on that port number. You won't be able to listen on that port until the other person has finished with it.
If forwarding doesn't seem to work, even though you didn't get a warning message, then your SSH server might have disabled forwarding. To check, do the following:
grep Forwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config

If you see something like this:
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
then forwarding is disabled on your server. See the SSH configuration page for more information。


SSH Tunneling with -L

how to forward a remote webserver to my localhost using ssh.The syntax is simple:
ssh -L localport:localhost:remoteport remoteserver.

Let me explain this in a bit more detail.

Say you’re running a webserver/service on a local or remote VM and you want to debug it locally since the VM is headless and you want to see your work in a browser. Use ssh -L. My dev machine set up is a headless CentOS VM, which is configured to be as similar to my production VM as possible. In order for me to run my code and test things out, I need to view it locally in my browser, with ssh -L I can.

Breaking it out it looks like this:
  • localhost = my windows desktop
  • remote server = a VM running inside VirtualBox (on my desktop)
  • local port: 80
  • remote port: 80
so typing ssh -f -N -L 80:localhost:80 dev-vm will do the following:
  • -f = fork process into backgroundi
  • -N = don't run any commands remotely (w/o this -f will complain)
  • -L = bind the remote and local port to a secure channel
Lets go one step deeper and talk about security concerns we can subvert/enhance with the use of ssh -L.

Now it is great that I can see a webpage, but in my little application I’m doing a few API calls on to a server on ports that aren’t open on my firewall. Oh me oh my, how will I ever get anything done? I could call up my hosting provider and tell them to open up a port here and there, but at home I have a dynamic IP and I don’t want to start poking holes in the firewall rules.

A better option is to tunnel through my remote VM at my hosting provider, which has access to the ports I need, and access the services I need from there. Now you may be thinking, “well you really shouldn’t subvert the security measures put in place by blocking those ports” that is a valid point. However, I believe it is better to use only what you need to get the job done. One way in – one way out, through the single, secure remote VM at the hosting provider.

To illustrate a working example, let’s take this scenario: is making two calls to an API on Server A, one call goes to port 8000, the other 8443. To your dismay, both of these ports are blocked on your local network. Further, these two ports are also blocked from any traffic not coming from sanctioned IPs. Luckily, your work server, Server B is allowed to interface with Server A, and you can ssh into Server B. Problem solved, see ASCII art below for explaination.
ssh -f -N -L 8000:serverA:8000 -L 8443:serverA:8443 serverB
  • L = localhost
  • A = serverA
  • B = serverB
L —-8000/8443—–> B —-8000/8443—–> A
<—-8000/8443—– B <—-8000/8443—– A

Now, there is one nuance which is what hung me up for a bit. Notice in my first example I was doing 80:localhost:80 dev-vm. That bound a remote web server to my localhost’s port 80. This situation is tunneling traffic on my localhost’s 8000/8443 ports to another ‘liberated’ machine, which does not have the ports blocked. So, what are really saying is, any request locally to Server A on port 8000 or 8443 must go through Server B. To get this to work properly, we need to modify our /etc/hosts file.

In this final step, we will tell our hosts file to take any request to Server A, and forward it to our localhost ( So in your hosts file, add or modify the following line: localhost
to: localhost serverA
This will route all requests to Server A through the correct ports on Server B.

That’s all for now, next post I’ll go into my local VM set up in some detail. It may be helpful for those of you out there that are forced to use Windows at work and want to replicate your production environment locally.

P.S. I switched over to my laptop…typing on the iPad isn’t so great when you want to keep speed. Maybe it will be better if I do it with my wireless keyboard.
UPDATE: fixed syntax on compound ssh command – replaced ‘serverB’ in the middle with -L.


 # ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh虽然无须再输入用户密码,但如果你在生成key pair时,设置了私钥的passphrase,那么仍然要输入私钥的passphrase,这和输入ssh用户的密码一样麻烦,幸好托ibm的福,大牛Daniel Robbins为我们介绍了使用ssh-agent和keychain免去输入密码之烦的方法,不过应该不适用于我们这样经常需要开关机的情况,所以,只好回到第一步,生成一对没有passphrase的密钥来用,虽然安全性下降了些,倒是非常方便。


  1. 如果条件允许,使用带有passphrase的密钥,配合ssh-agent和keychain使用。
  2. 如果需要从不同的计算机登录服务器,最好使用不一样的密钥对。
  3. 记得定期更换密钥对,切记。



 ssh通过http proxy或者socks proxy连接服务器


# http代理
ssh  -o ProxyCommand="nc -X connect -x %h %p" root@<server_ip>

# socks代理
ssh -o ProxyCommand="nc -X 5 -x %h %p" root@<server_ip>

