A PAC(Proxy auto-config) file generator working with fetched China IP range, which helps walk around GFW.
Mono generates a much smaller and faster PAC file than any other project does.
This PAC file is designed to be hosted on your Openwrt routers for your mobile device, which means the size and the efficiency have the highest priority. When it's hosted on your VPS with gzip or used on your computer, we don't care that things.
The minimal unit of the APNIC's IP allocation is 256, which means it's safe to do
IP >> 8
on IP range data. If you use data from some otherthings, modify my codes first.Installation
$ git clone https://github.com/blackgear/mono_pac.git
$ cd ./src
$ python ./make.py -h
usage: MonoPac [-h] [-b blackList] [-w whiteList] [-i ipList] -p proxyList
[-m] [-o pacFile]
Mono Pac Generator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b blackList Path of the black list
-w whiteList Path of the white list
-i ipList Path of the iprange list
-p proxyList Proxy parameter in the pac file
-m Use unicode compression
-o pacFile Path of the output pac file
Across the Great Firewall, we can reach every corner in the world.
$ python ./make.py -p "SOCKS5;SOCKS" -o ./proxy.pac
ONLY Python 2 is supported.-m
option reduce 45% file size with 2.8% extra
efficiency loss, but it may cause some PAC management extensions like
SwitchOmega crash.Details
When you browse https://www.google.com/abc, The Pac works in this way: +-----------------------+
| Grab Host: |
| Host=www.google.com |
| Domain=www.google.com |
| Domain=google.com |<-+
| Domain=com | |
+-----------------------+ |
| |
v |
True +-----------------------+ |
Proxy <----|If domain in blackList | |
+-----------------------+ |
| |
v False |
True +-----------------------+ |
Direct <----|If domain in whiteList | |
+-----------------------+ |
| |
v False |
+-----------------------+ |
| If . in domain |--+
v False
| Dns resolve |
True +-----------------------+
Proxy <----| If IP = nil |
v False
True +-----------------------+
Direct <----| If IP = IPv6 addr |
v False
True +-----------------------+
Direct <----| If IP in ipList |
v False
When you browse, The Domain
will be
, 0.0.1
, 0.1
, 1
. Then dnsResolve
will return
return IPv4 only in IE and Chromium, dnsResolve
can return IPv6 in Firefox.IE via http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wndp/archive/2006/07/18/ipv6-wpad-for-winhttp-and-wininet.aspx
Chromium via https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24641
Firefox via https://github.com/blackgear/mono_pac/pull/2
All config files can use '#' as comments, all things behind '#' is ignored, space is automatic striped.Config files like this is acceptable:
# Twitter
twimg.com # This domain is used for images
It will be prased astwitter.com
One domains per line.whiteList:
One domains per line.ipList:
One record per line with IP/CIDR or IP/Wildcard format.Both
are acceptable.proxyList:
Proxy Configs separated by ";".Available proxy configs:
PROXY host:port = use HTTP proxy
SOCKS5 host:port = use Socks5 proxy
DIRECT = Do not use proxy
Note: The latter config is the fallback of the former one. There is no limit on the length of the fallback list.
Note: Safari don't accept
, use SOCKS
instead, you can also use a more compatible form like: SOCKS5 host:port;SOCKS host:port
, Safari will ignore the first config and use the second one.Note: The
in the end have a potential risk cause the dns pollution affecting blackList domains.Note: When you use socks proxy, whether dns resolve will through the proxy is determined by the Apps itself. When you use http proxy, the dns resolve will always through the proxy.
Test with Node.js:$ node test.js
Testing pac generated by blackgear-mono_pac.pac
avg: 5.984us
Testing pac generated by blackgear-mono_pac-unicode.pac
avg: 6.152us
Testing pac generated by Leask-Flora_Pac-mod.pac
avg: 12.872us
Testing pac generated by usufu-Flora_Pac.pac
avg: 11.361us
$ ls -la *.pac
-rw-r--r-- 1 Daniel staff 165129 Feb 24 21:53 Leask-Flora_Pac-mod.pac
-rw-r--r-- 1 Daniel staff 16371 Jul 30 02:55 blackgear-mono_pac-unicode.pac
-rw-r--r-- 1 Daniel staff 29824 Jul 30 02:55 blackgear-mono_pac.pac
-rw-r--r-- 1 Daniel staff 254539 Feb 24 21:53 usufu-Flora_Pac.pac
MonoPac is the fastest and smallest PAC with full feature (blacklist, whitelist and full China IP range).With the help of Unicode compress, the size become much smaller (30741 -> 17346).
The PAC instance will be reuse instead of start new instance for every request. The code in the root scope of the PAC file will be run only once. The code in the FindProxyForURL function's scope will be run each time you browser the internet.Just test this two PAC files:
var unixtime_ms = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < unixtime_ms + 5000) {}
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
return "DIRECT;";
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
var unixtime_ms = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < unixtime_ms + 5000) {}
return "DIRECT;";
So put all definations in the root scope will accelerate the PAC file.from https://github.com/blackgear/mono_pac