这个仓库主要是收集非常好用的Mac应用程序、软件以及工具,主要面向开发者和设计师。有这个想法是因为我最近发了一篇较为火爆的涨粉儿微信公众号文章《工具武装的前端开发工程师》,于是建了这么一个仓库,持续更新作为补充,搜集更多好用的软件工具。请Star、Pull Request或者使劲搓它 issues 给我推荐优秀好用的Mac应用,很显然我是一个资深Mac用户,我需要它们帮助我快乐、高效的工作,同时也分享给你。格式参照awesome的清单。
在这里非常感谢 @GitHubDaily 的推荐
- 编辑器
- 开发者工具
- 测试工具
- 命令行工具
- 版本控制
- 数据库
- 设计和产品
- 虚拟机
- 通信
- 数据恢复
- 音频和视频
- 书签阅读写作
- FTP客户端
- 软件打包工具
- 制作电子书
- 下载工具
- 网盘
- 输入法
- 浏览器
- 翻译工具
- 科学上网
- 其它实用工具
- 远程协助
- 第三方应用市场APP
- Mac软件下载网站
- 通用
- relative-numbers - 显示相对行号。
- trailing-spaces - 高亮多余的空格。
- terminal-plus - 内嵌式全功能控制台。
- vim-mode - vim 模式。
- ex-mode - vim 模式的拓展。
- minimap - 右侧小地图。
- autocomplete-paths - 对路径选择进行增强。
- docblockr - 编写注释好帮手。
- file-icons - 美化编辑器图标。
- atom-beautify - 自动美化代码格式。
- imdone-atom - 任务列表插件。
- open-terminal-here - 在编辑器里快速打开终端。
- proton-mode - 与spacemacs相同的快捷键,非常棒。
- dracula-theme - dracula漂亮的配色。
- filecolor - 不同文件类型,不同颜色显示,方便查找文件。
- golden-ratio - 自动调整窗口大小。
- local-history - 本地文件历史,可以返回任何时间保存的文件。
- project-plus - 项目管理, 可以快速切换不同项目,多项目同时工作利器。
- regex-railroad-diagram - 可以图形化显示正则表达式。
- 前端
- Nuclide - 用于编写 React Native,代码提示各种很厉害的样子。
- TypeScript - 支持TypeScript编译。
- run-in-browser - 支持运行网页。
- Emmet - 快速编写HTML。
- tag - Sublime 风格的 HTML 标签自动闭合。
- color-picker - CSS颜色取色器。
- autoprefixer - 自动补全CSS前缀。
- linter-jshint - JavaScript语法检查。
- pigments - 把你文件中的颜色代码展示出来。
- atom-html-preview - 内置Chrome浏览器写移动端非常棒。
- tree-view-copy-relative-path - 可以跟当前文件输出目标文件的相对路径,适合多文件相互调用。
- Nuclide - 用于编写 React Native,代码提示各种很厉害的样子。
- Python
- autocomplete-python - 对Python提示进行增强。
- linter-flake8 - Python 语法检查。
- python-tools - 一些有用的 Python 开发工具集。
- Sublime Text - 一个比较简洁大方带插件管理系统的流行编辑器。
- PlainTasks - 一个自以为是的待办事项列表插件。
- Emmet - zen coding的升级版,对于前端来说,可是必备插件。
- sublimelint - 用于代码的校验,支持 HTML、CSS、JS、PHP、Java、C++ 等16种语言。
- JsFormat - 用于JavaScript格式化。
- jQuery - jQuery语法提示。
- Underscore - Underscore语法提示。
- DocBlockr - 快速编写注释。
- SublimeCodeIntel - 智能语法分析提示。
- ColorPicker - 快速选取颜色。
- HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - HTML/CSS/JS 格式化。
- Alignment - 用于代码对齐。
- WakaTime - 用于记录编程时间。
- Seti_UI - 好看的主题,包括文件icon。
- OmniMarkupPreviewer - 将MD文件渲染成网页,可以在浏览器中查看。
- GitGutter - 显示比对Git的状态。
- BracketHighlighter - 高亮显示标签括号。
- SideBarEnhancements - 扩展文件编辑右键菜单。
- Markdown Extended - Markdown语法高亮。
- Babel - ES6语法高亮。
- AutoFileName - 自动完成文件名。
- FTPSync - FTP同步插件,本地与虚拟机做文件同步非常方便。
- Color Highlighter - 高亮颜色关键字,非常适合CSS编写。
- File History - 本地文件历史,每次修改文件都会有历史。
- JavaScript Completions - 原生JavaScript补全。
- Json Reindent - JSON格式化。
- Git - Sublime Text Git插件功能比较全面。
- GitStatus - 监控更改的文件和项目状态实时提示。
- Gitignore - Git的.gitignore文件生成,内置常用过滤文件。
- PlainTasks - 一个自以为是的待办事项列表插件。
- Brackets - Adobe推出的Brackets免费/开源编辑器。
- Visual Studio Code - 微软推出的免费/开源编辑器,TypeScript支持杠杠的。
- Emacs - Emacs是基于控制台的编辑器和高度可定制的。
- LightTable - 下一代代码编辑器。
- TextMate - 文本编辑器软件,与BBedit一起并称苹果机上的emacs和vim,这是以前。
- BBEdit - 强大的文件编辑器,用于编辑文件,文本文件及程序源代码。
- Coda2 - 编写Web应用长得漂亮的编辑器。
- Vim - Vim古老命令行中使用的编辑器。
- Vimr - Vim客户端,升级Vim体验。
- HBuilder - HBuilder是DCloud(数字天堂)推出的一款支持HTML5的Web开发IDE。
- Tincta - 一个免费的文本编辑器。
- IntelliJ IDEA - 一款Java开发集成环境。(学生免费)
- Webstorm - 是jetbrains公司旗下一款JavaScript开发工具。
- 学生免费,点击这里 查看更多。
- 一些很好的插件
- NodeJS - 集成
,你肯定需要它,很多功能需要它。 - EditorConfig - 帮助开发者在不同的编辑器和IDE之间定义和维护一致的代码风格。
- Material Theme UI - Google为React开发的主题。
- NodeJS - 集成
- Deco IDE - React Native IDE 支持控件拖拽界面实时变更。
- Xamarin Studio - 免费的跨平台的C# IDE。支持iOS、Android和.net开发。
- NetBeans IDE - A free and open source IDE, mainly used for Java development, but supports many other languages and frameworks.
- Eclipse - 流行的开源IDE,主要用于Java,但为多种语言和平台的插件支持。
- WeFlow - 一个基于 tmt-workflow 前端工作流的开发工具。
- Koala - 预处理器语言图形编译工具,支持Less、Sass、CoffeeScript、Compass framework 的即时编译。
- CodeKit - 自动编译Less、Sass、Stylus、CoffeeScript、Jade & Haml等文件。
- Hosts.prefpane - 编辑 hosts 文件的工具。
- Gas Mask - 编辑 hosts 文件的工具,更简单方便。
- DiffMerge - 可视化的文件比较(也可进行目录比较)与合并工具。
- Beyond Compare - 对比两个文件夹或者文件,并将差异以颜色标示。
- Kaleidoscope - 一款很强大的文本文件和图像比较工具,同时和 git、svn 等版本控制工具能够完美的结合。
- Fanvas - 把swf转为HTML5 canvas动画的系统。
- EnvPane - 图形终端查看环境变量的应用工具。
- Dash - 强大到你无法想象的API离线文档软件。
- Dlite - 简单的使用Docker的一个软件。
- SnippetsLab - 管理和组织你的代码片段。
- StarUML - 强大的软件建模软件。
- Vagrant Manager - 管理你本地服务。
- zeplin - 前端与设计协同工作专用工具。
- Go2Shell - 从Finder打开命令行。
- SecureCRT - 一款支持SSH、Telnet等多种协议的终端仿真程序。
- MJML - 简化设计回应电子邮件的方式。
- TeXstudio - 集成创建LaTeX文档的写作环境。
- Patterns - 正则表达式编辑器。
- Reginald - 正则表达式测试应用程序,使用 RegexKitLite。
- Regex - 感觉是用过最漂亮的正则表达式测试工具。
- Reggy - 正则表达式编辑器。
- RegExRX - 正则表达式的开发工具。
- Charles - 一个代理工具,允许你查看所有的HTTP和HTTPS流量。
- Insomnia 3.0 - 漂亮的HTTP请求测试工具。
- Cocoa Rest Client - 比Postman看起来漂亮的客户端,测试HTTP/REST endpoints。
- Paw - 先进的 HTTP 客户端。
- Cellist - HTTP调试客户端。
- Integrity - 轻松找到无效链接。
- Postman - Postman 帮助我们快速测试API。
- iTerm2 - 免费的终端工具,直接替代自带的Terminal,有非常多惊人的特性。
- cool-retro-term - 怀旧的命令行终端。
- Oh my zsh - 拥有大量的有用的功能,助手,插件,主题,等特性的命令行工具插件。
- Glances - 在命令行中查看你系统运行状态的工具。
- Cakebrew - Homebrew 的客户端软件。摆脱命令方便安装、查看、卸载软件。
- Black Screen - 来自 21 世纪的强大终端。
- Fish Shell - 智能且用户友好的命令行终端。
- oh-my-fish - 和Oh my zsh相似,建立在Fish Shell框架上。
- bash-it - 一个社区的bash的框架。
- color-retro-term - 一款复古风格的终端,非常酷炫。
- HyperTerm - 一款基于Node开发的终端软件,逼格很高。
- itunes-remote - 通过终端控制您的iTunes。
- Gitbar - 开源,在你的菜单栏上显示GitHub贡献统计。
- GitHub Desktop - 使用GitHub的GUI应用。
- Oh My Star - GitHub的star功能弱,比如分类,本地组织你的GitHub star!
- GitUp - 一个简单功能强大的git客户端。
- Hub - 将GitHub接口和git命令进行包装。
- SourceTree - 强大的Git跨平台客户端。
- Tower2 - 最强大的Git客户端。
- Versions - Mac上最好的SVN管理工具。
- Cornerstone - Mac上最佳的SVN管理工具。
- GitLab - 一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。
- Coding.net - 代码托管,项目管理,WebIDE,演示部署,开启云端开发模式,让开发更简单。
- phabricator phabricator支持Git、SVN、HG 基于 PHP + Mysql 的开放源代码软件开发平台。
- Gogs - 一款极易搭建的自助 Git 服务。
- Gerrit Gerrit 是一个免费、开放源代码的代码审查软件,使用网页界面。
- GitHub GitHub代码托管,项目管理,演示部署,瞧,您现在就访问GitHub。
- Sequel Pro - 一个MySQL数据库管理软件。
- MySQL Workbench - MySQL数据库官方管理软件。
- Postico - 现代PostgreSQL客户端,漂亮功能多。
- ElectroCRUD - MySQL数据库CRUD应用程序。
- Base 2 - 一个用于管理SQLite数据库的软件。
- Postgres.app - Mac上最简单的方法的使用PostgreSQL关系型数据库管理系统。
- PSequel - PostgreSQL数据库GUI软件。
- Robomongo - 基于Shell的MongoDB图形化客户端管理软件。
- MongoBooster - MongoDB图形化管理软件,内嵌MongoShell,ES6语法,流畅查询及智能感知。
- Mongo Management Studio - MongoDB图形化客户端管理软件。
- MongoChef - MongoDB图形化客户端管理软件。
- Chrome MySQL Admin - 一个Chrome插件,是MySQL开发的跨平台、可视化数据库工具。
- JackDB - 直接的SQL访问你所有的数据,无论在哪里。
- medis - 漂亮的Redis管理软件。
- MDB Explorer - Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具。
- Datum - SQLite - Sqlite3数据库管理软件。
- Acorn - 一个像PS,全面的功能集的图像编辑器。
- Affinity Designer - 矢量图像设计工具,可能的Adobe Illustrator的替代。
- Affinity Photo - 光栅图像设计工具,可以替代Adobe PS图象处理软件。
- Blender - 全功能可扩展的跨平台3D内容套件。
- Pixelmator - 强大的图像编辑器,可能PS图像处理软件的选择。
- Sketch - 混合矢量/位图布局应用,特别适用于用户界面,Web和移动设计。
- Sketch Toolbox - 一个超级简单的Sketch插件管理器。
- Sketch Toolbox - 一个超级简单的Sketch插件管理器。
- inklet - 将Mac上的触摸板变成绘图板。
- Monodraw - 一款文本图像编辑器。
- SketchBook - 出众的绘图软件。
- Tayasui Sketches - 专业的绘图软件。
- Nik Collection - 专业照片后期制作工具Google收购后免费。
- Paintbrush - 位图图像编辑器。
- Krita - 一个开源的位图形编辑软件,包含一个绘画程式和照片编辑器。
- Vectr - 免费图形编辑器。这是一个简单而强大的Web和桌面跨平台工具,把你的设计变成现实。
- Principle - 使用它很容易设计动画和交互式用户界面。
- Justinmind - 功能更丰富团队协作方便。
- MockFlow - 用于网页设计和可用性测试的在线原型设计套件。
- Axure RP 8 - 画原型图工具,团队协作SVN方便好用。
- Mockplus - 更快更简单的原型设计工具。
- OmniGraffle - 可用来绘制图表、流程图、组织结构图、思维导图以及插图或原型。
- XMind - 一款实用的思维导图软件。
- Scapple - 一款实用的思维导图软件。
- Framer - 做交互原型的工具。
- Balsamiq Mockups - 一个快速的网页设计原型工具,帮助你更快、更聪明的工作。
- TinyPNG4Mac - 图片压缩专用开源工具。
- Image2icon - 将你的图片转换成图标。
- ImageAlpha - 压缩PNG图片,去掉无效的透明。
- ImageOptim - 压缩图片,删除EXIF信息。
- Sip - 收集,整理和分享你的颜色拾色器。
- Frank DeLoupe - 支持 Retina 的屏幕拾色器。
- ColorSchemer - 专业的配色、调色软件。
- IconKit - App图标自动生成器。
- Licecap - 是一款屏幕录制工具输出GIF,录制过程中可以随意改变录屏范围。
- GIPHY Capture - 免费软件的捕捉和分享图片在桌面上。
- Skitch - 截图附带强大的标注功能。
- 截图(Jietu) - 截图附带强大的标注功能,腾讯作品。
- Snip - 高效的截图工具,支持滚动截屏,腾讯作品。
- iPic - 上传插图链接分享。
- Iconjar - 图标管理软件,带组织和搜索功能。
- RightFont - 字体管理工具。
- Solarized - 干净清爽的颜色主题,支持iTerm、Intellij IDEA、Vim等。
- Parallels Desktop - 虽然好用但是收费机制,更新花钱、花钱、花钱。
- Virtual Box - 免费、免费、免费,带NTFS读写,不用买ParagonNTFS,省100块。
- VMWare Fusion - 强大的虚拟机,商业软件。
- Veertu - Mac上最轻便的虚拟机,只有跑Windows才会收费。比较新,很多功能不支持。
- Franz - 一个使用 Electron开发的,可以同时登录23个平台的即时通讯软件。
- QQ - QQ for Mac App。
- WeChat - 微信 for Mac App。
- Electronic WeChat - 调用微信接口,使用 Electron 开发的第三方漂亮开源微信应用。
- Skype - Skype共享、跨平台的短信和电话。
- WeiboX - 微博第三方Mac应用。
- 御飯 - 饭否第三方Mac应用。
- ChitChat - WhatsApp非官方。
- Telegram - 通讯新时代。
- Messenger - Facebook第三方聊天工具。
- Adium - 呃这个是老的集成多个平台的聊天客户端。
- Textual - 最受欢迎的世界与我们相关的KPI应用 for OS X。
- Gitter - 关于GitHub的项目交流,支持 Markdown,对开发者极为友好。
- 简聊 - 企业级即时沟通工具,已经下线了,可以自己搭建一套系统玩儿。
- 钉钉 - 企业级办公通讯免费平台。
- Slack - 团队协作,沟通工具。
- 零信 - 随时随地工作,跨平台。
- 今目标 - 一款面向中小企业的互联网工作平台。
- BearyChat - 互联网团队协作,沟通工具。
- Bitpost - 私人分散消息。它是一个p2p的去中心化和无须第三方提供信用担保协议。
- Teambition - 团队协作。提供管理任务、安排日程、查找文件、即时讨论等团队所需要的一切协作功能。
- 日事清 - 个人日程管理,团队协作工具。日程安排,计划分配,笔记总结等。
- Coding.net - 代码托管,项目管理,WebIDE,演示部署,开启云端开发模式,让开发更简单。
- WeeChat - 一个命令行聊天客户端。
- DiskWarrior - 恢复文件系统损坏时,磁盘工具进行选择。
- Data Rescue - 多种情况下的全面和专业的数据恢复。
- Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery - 一个功能强大的恢复文件面向Mac的工具。
- R-Studio for Mac - 可恢复分区被格式化、损坏或被删除的文件。
- VOX Player - 免费全能音乐播放器,撸码之余听听歌是一种享受。
- Radiant Player - Google Play音乐播放器。
- Sonora - 一个很小的音乐播放器。
- Audacity - 免费开源的编辑音频的软件。
- Audio Hijack - 一个记录任何应用程序的音频,包括网络电话Skype,网络流从Safari,以及更多。
- Stringed 2 - 音频编辑处理工具。
- Mixxx - 免费的DJ软件,给你一切你需要的表演组合,名副其实的替代Traktor。
- Cog - 一个免费的开源音频播放器。
- VLC - 开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件。
- XLD - 解码/解码/转换/播放各种“无损”音频文件。
- HandBrake - 高性能的视频编码和转换工具,具有很好的图形用户界面。
- MPlayerX - 媒体播放器。
- ScreenFlow - 屏幕和视频编辑软件。
- mpv - 媒体播放器。
- ArcTime - 跨平台字幕制作软件。
- Perian - 让QuickTime播放所有常见格式的免费插件。
- Spillo - 功能强大,美观、快速网络书签网页阅读。
- iChm - 读chm文件的软件。
- Chmox - 读chm文件的软件。
- CHM Reader - 读chm文件的软件。
- Kindle App - 亚马逊 Kindle App 电子书阅读器。
- Markdown
- Mou - 免费 Markdown 编辑神器。
- Marp - Markdown 制作幻灯片编辑器。
- TextNut - Markdown编辑器,富文本之间自由切换。
- MWeb - 专业的 Markdown 写作、记笔记、静态博客生成软件。
- Typora - 基于 Electron 的“读写一体” Markdown 编辑器。
- MacDown - 一款开源的Markdown编辑器,深受Mou的影响。
- EME - 最近刚出的一款Markdown编辑器,界面很像Chrome浏览器的界面,很简约。
- LightPaper - 简单的Markdown文本编辑器。
- Cmd Markdown - Cmd Markdown 编辑阅读器,支持实时同步预览,区分写作和阅读模式,支持在线存储,分享文稿网址。
- Mou - 免费 Markdown 编辑神器。
- 笔记
- Transmit - 一个FTP客户端,支持FTP + SFTP + S3。
- Flow - 支持简单的 FTP + SFTP 客户端。
- Yummy FTP - 专业快速,可靠的FTP客户端。
- Cyberduck - 免费FTP,SFTP,S3和WebDAV客户端 & OpenStack Swift Client。
- FileZilla - 跨平台的FTP,FTPS和SFTP客户端。
- Finicky - Web应用程序转化为苹果的应用程序。
- nw.js - 使用HTML和JavaScript来制作桌面应用。
- Electron - 前身是 AtomShell,使用 JS、HTML 和CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序。
- React Native Desktop for Mac - 用 React Native 技术构建 OS X 下的桌面应用程序。
- React Native Desktop for Ubuntu - 用 React Native 技术构建 Ubuntu 下的桌面应用程序。
- AppJS - 使用 JS、HTML 和CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序。
- HEX - 使用 JS、HTML 和CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序,有道出品。
- AlloyDesktop - 同上,腾讯出品,给个差评。
- Transmission - 免费的BitTorrent客户端
- aria2 - 一款支持多种协议的轻量级命令行下载工具。
- JDownloader - 下载工具,下载文件的一键式托管。
- You-Get - 网络富媒体命令行下载工具。
- Free Download Manager - 功能强大的下载加速器。
- Dropbox - 非常好用的免费网络文件同步工具,提供在线存储服务。
- 百度云 - 百度云客户端。
- 腾讯微云 - 腾讯云客户端。
- 坚果云 - 坚果云客户端。
- 115 - 115云客户端。
- 360 - 360云客户端。
- 快盘 - 金山快盘,倒闭了?
- owncloud - 私有云网盘。
- Mega - 免费的云服务,提供50GB的免费存储空间。
- QQ输入法 - 腾讯出品的输入法。
- 搜狗输入法 - 搜狗输入法。
- 百度输入法 - 支持拼音五笔输入。
- 清歌五笔输入法 - 为 iOS 和 Mac 专门打造的五笔输入法。
- WBIM - 五笔输入法。
- Rocket - Emoji标签输入。
- 颜文字 - 颜文字输入。
- RIME - 中州韻輸入法引擎。
- Safari - Mac预装自带浏览器。
- Chrome - Chrome浏览器谷歌出品。
- Firefox - 火狐浏览器。
- Opera - Opera 浏览器。
- QQ浏览器 - QQ浏览器-腾讯出品。
- 傲游云浏览器 - 傲游云浏览器。
- Vivaldi - Opera开发商出品新的浏览器。
- Ōryōki - 小的web浏览器。这是一个试验性的项目,目前正在开发中
- 有道翻译 - 有道词典桌面版。
- 辞海词典 - 学单词、背单词、辞海词典。
- eudic - 欧路词典词典。
- iTranslate - 支持全世界超过 80 种语言发音和输出。
- ShadowsocksX - 一个快速的隧道代理,可以帮助你绕过防火墙。
- ShadowsocksX-NG - 一款ShadowsocksX客户端软件。
- Lantern - 科学上网。
- 鱼摆摆 - 科学上网。
- Tunnelblick - OpenVPN的免费软件。
- GoAgentX - 科学上网。
- Surge - 科学上网。
- 云梯 - 在圈内小有名气的VPN服务提供商。
- srocket - 开启科学上网。
- LoCoVPN - 每天签到可获得2小时免费VPN加速。
- 二师兄VPN - 提供无限流量、无限续期免费VPN账号。
- GTX加速器 - 每天签到领取500M流量。
- GreenVPN - 注册激活送免费VPN加速流量。
- 风驰VPN - 无限流量、无限续期的免费VPN加速服务。
- 开眼 - Chrome插件免费的科学上网利器。
- CheatSheet - CheatSheet 是一款Mac上的非常实用的快捷键快速提醒工具。
- WWDC - Mac OS的非官方的WWDC APP。
- xScope - 测量、检查和测试屏幕上的图形和布局的工具。搜索你的苹果和网络,快速打开应用程序。
- f.lux - 自动调整您的电脑屏幕,以匹配亮度。
- Todoist - 跨平台的任务管理器与移动应用程序。
- Karabiner - 一个强大的和稳定的OS X的键盘定制。
- Keytty - 让你通过键盘使用鼠标。
- AppCleaner - 一个小应用程序,让你彻底卸载不需要的应用程序。
- BetterZip 3 - 压缩解压缩工具支持格式 ZIP、TAR、TGZ、TBZ、TXZ (new)、7-ZIP、RAR。
- Numi - 漂亮的计算器应用。
- SSH Tunnel - 管理你的SSH。
- Mounty - NTFS 分区读写组件。
- Tuxera NTFS - Mac上的NTFS文件系统驱动。
- gfxCardStatus - 控制Mac独立显卡与集成显卡之间的切换。
- openEmu - 模拟器,可以玩魂斗罗之类,放松回到小时候。
- Alfred - 效率神器。
- Hammerspoon - 功能强大的自动化工具,Lua 脚本驱动,支持窗口管理。
- DaisyDisk - 磁盘空间使用扫描工具。
- iStat pro - 免费的Mac OS电脑硬件信息检测软件。
- BitBar - 支持使用各种语言将信息展示到Mac OS的菜单栏。
- ClipMenu - 一个剪贴板操作的管理器。
- Caffeine - 实用工具,菜单栏按钮,点击休眠。
- Itsycal - 一款简洁实用的开源日历工具。
- HTML5 Player - Chrome插件解决中国视频网站播放视频电脑发热的情况。
- Monity - 帮助用户实时监控系统的一款非常漂亮的软件。
- BetterTouchTool - 代替默认的系统操作方式(组合键、修饰键、手势等)。
- iStats - iStats 是一个可以让你快速查看电脑 CPU 温度,磁盘转速和电池等信息的命令行工具。
- InsomniaX - 合上盖子不眠不休,继续听歌下载。
- NoSleep - 合上盖子不休眠,可根据是否连接电源单独设置。
- 窗口管理
- 密码管理
- Finder
- Quicklook-Plugins - Finder快速预览文件插件。
- Path Finder - 强大的Finder替代者,拥有很多特性。
- TotalFinder - 强大的Finder替代者,界面风格像Chrome。
- XtraFinder - 给Finder添加有用的新特性。
- TeamViewer - 远程协助及在线协作和会议功能的软件,商业软件个人使用免费。
- tmux 终端登录远程主机的命令行工具。
- HackStore - 一个类似于cydia的第三方Mac应用市场,平台拒绝盗版。
- MacUpdate Desktop - 管理/更新/下载App,跟踪优惠信息。
- homebrew-cask - 体验通过命令行安装Mac软件的工具。
腾讯电脑管家- 电脑管家for Mac 带应用市场。迅雷Thunder Store- 迅雷Thunder for Mac 带应用市场。Mac软件宝箱- Macx推出软件宝箱。MacHunter- Mac应用市场。
这里主要是推荐一些软件下载的网站,还有一些Mac OSX软件分享网站
- MacUpdate:https://www.macupdate.com/
- App Shopper:http://appshopper.com/
- 类似于iOS上Cydia一样的第三方软件商店:http://hack-store.com
- 少数派:http://sspai.com/tag/Mac
- Mac玩儿法:http://www.waerfa.com
- 玩转苹果:
- Mac软件下载站:
- MacPeers:
- Mac志:
- Mac软件分享:
- AppKed:
- 苹果软件园:
- Mac精品软件:
- Macx:
- 腾牛网:
1. SublimeText(Windows/Mac)可以长期免费试用
拥有插件扩展机制,在它上面有一系列特别好用的插件,其中最喜欢的插件是 PlainTasks 我用它做一些简单的任务管理,比如写日报等
2. Atom (Windows/Mac)免费
3.Vim (Windows/Mac)免费
5. 其它我不用的优秀编辑器:
a). Adobe推出的Brackets(Window/Mac)免费/开源编辑器,这个是它的仓库https://github.com/adobe/brackets/,它的官网在这里 http://brackets.io
b). 微软推出的Visual Studio Code(Window/Mac)免费/开源编辑器,https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode,你可以去它的官网去看看它的介绍http://code.visualstudio.com
1. iTerm(Mac)免费
它是 OS X 下一款开源免费的的终端工具,直接替代自带的Terminal。这个可是Mac下最好用的终端工具了,没有之一,堪称神器,尚方宝剑😄。官网在这里:http://www.iterm2.com,它的特性太多了,如智能查找、切分屏幕、标签变色、智能选中、命令自动补齐、查看命令历史、全屏展示所有的tab等等。作为一个前端开发工程师,其实你慢慢的发现终端工具你使用越来越频繁了,所以你需要一个趁手的工具来高效完成你的工作。
2. oh my zsh
Github: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
通常情况下我不太使用GUI,但是一般我在带新手的时候先建议他们安装GUI,然后慢慢学习命令行下操作。在git 官网上这种GUI工具多达十几款,在Mac平台我推荐一两款好用的软件GUI,官网GUI客户端列表:https://www.git-scm.com/downloads/guis。
1. DiffMerge (Windows/Mac/Linux)免费
DiffMerge 是一款可视化的文件比较(也可进行目录比较)与合并工具。 该软件主要具有文件差异比较、自动化的文件合并、以及文件夹差异比较这三大功能。这里下载:http://sourcegear.com/diffmerge/
2. SourceTree (Windows/Mac)免费
好玩的Gitup是 Mac OS X 的全功能开源 Git 客户端,提供快速,安全的操作,直接在硬盘上与 Git 数据库交互,操作库的图而不是操作 commits,官网在这里:http://gitup.co/
4. Cornerstone(Mac)收费工具
1. Sequel Pro(Mac)免费
Sequel Pro for Mac是一款Mac平台的MySQL管理工具,sequel pro for mac是MySQL数据库管理应用程序,官网在这里:http://www.sequelpro.com/
2. Chrome MySQL Admin免费
3. Robomongo(Windows/Linux/Mac)可以免费使用
Robomongo是一个开源的,基于Shell的MongoDB图形化客户端管理软件,主要由C++语言编写成,可运行在Windows,Linux和Mac OS X系统上。由于它内置了JavaScript引擎,所以在MongoShell中执行的任何操作都可以同样的在Robomongo的Shell中执行,最值得一提的是,它支持直接对数据以json方式浏览和修改,非常方便。官网在这里:https://robomongo.org/
1. Sketch(Mac)收费
2. Sketch Toolbox(Mac)开源免费
3. Affinity Designer(Mac)收费
它是一款专业的设计绘图工具,适用于苹果操作系统,主要用于矢量图形的绘制,适用于图标、UI 设计、网站设计、宣传素材等图像的制作,具有较强的易用性,操作也十分方便。
4. Icon Slate(Mac)免费
5. IconJar(Mac)免费
6. Justinmind(Mac)免费
7. Axure RP 8(Windows/Mac)收费
8. Mockplus(Windows/Mac)收费
9. XMind
11.Gliffy Diagrams:是一款相当实用的Chrome套件,而且可以离线使用,透过这个工具可以绘制各种图表,且透过模组化的物件来制作图表,将大大提高工作效率,节省时间成本。
3. CheatSheet(Mac)免费
CheatSheet 是一款Mac上的非常实用的快捷键快速提醒工具,你只需要按住Command键,就会弹出当前应用的所有快捷键列表,所以你记不住一些软件的快捷键没有关系,只需要使用CheatSheet,随时提醒你当前软件的所有快捷键,比如Safari、Finder、Photoshop,简单实用并且完全免费,支持中文,非常不错!这里下载:https://www.mediaatelier.com/CheatSheet/
4. TeamViewer(跨平台)个人使用免费
用于实现远程支持、远程访问、远程管理、家庭办公及在线协作和会议功能的软件。支持Windows、Mac、Linux、Chrome OS、iOS、Android、Windows Mobile和BlackBerry平台。官网Dash是一个API文档浏览器( API Documentation Browser),以及代码片段管理工具(Code Snippet Manager)在这里:https://www.teamviewer.com/zhCN/
5. Dash
Dash是一个API文档浏览器( API Documentation Browser),以及代码片段管理工具(Code Snippet Manager),Dash在Mac App Store里面免费提供下载。
6. licecap(Windows/Mac)可以免费使用
是一款屏幕录制工具,支持导出 GIF 动画图片格式,轻量级、使用简单,录制过程中可以随意改变录屏范围,本文中Gif图片就是这个软件生产出来的。官网:http://www.cockos.com/licecap/
Leaf Mac版是OS X 上一款 RSS 客户端程序,也是一款轻型阅读软件,界面很漂亮,UI和交互都挺新颖,对于轻型阅读,新颖的交互形式很美观很大方。Mac App store中可以购买。
8. VOX:Mac 上最好用的免费全能音乐播放器,撸码之余听听歌是一种享受。
9. Lantern:免费的翻墙工具
11.wxmp:《Chrome插件优化在微信公众账号中发文章》介绍在这里,我已经生成了Wxmp.crx 文件,这里下载:https://github.com/jaywcjlove/wxmp/releases
A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
Items marked withare open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with
are free (as in free beer).
Table of Contents
- Applications
- Command Line Utilities
- macOS Utilities
- Setup
- Security
- Miscellaneous
- Discussion Forums
- Contribute
- Audio Hijack - Record audio from any application like iTunes, Skype or Safari, or from hardware devices like microphones and mixers.
- BackgroundMusic
- Record system audio, control audio levels for individual apps, and
automatically pauses your music player when other audio starts playing
and unpauses it afterwards.
- VOX Player - Play numerous lossy and lossless audio formats.
- XLD - Rip/Decode/convert/play various "lossless" audio files.
- Arq - Encrypted backups to Amazon, Dropbox, Google, OneDrive, etc.
- Carbon Copy Cloner - Create incremental and fully bootable backups of your Mac to external storage.
Bookmark Utilities
- ReadKit - Have all your Instapaper, Pocket, etc. feeds in one place even when you're offline.
- Spillo - Powerful, beautiful and fast Pinboard client.
Chat Clients
- ChitChat - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web.
- Goofy - Unofficial Facebook Messenger client.
- Telegram - A messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super fast, simple and free.
- Textual 5 - An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
Data Recovery
- Data Rescue - Comprehensive and professional data recovery for a multitude of scenarios.
- DiskWarrior - Recover from filesystem corruptions when Disk Utility is out of options.
- Anvil - Serve up static sites and Rack apps with simple URLs and zero configuration.
- Base 2 - A GUI for managing SQLite databases.
- Cakebrew - The Homebrew GUI App.
- CocoaRestClient - An app for testing REST endpoints.
- Dash - An API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager.
- Gas Mask - A simple hosts file manager which allows editing of host files and switching between them.
- gitbar - Open source github contribution stats on your Menu Bar.
- GitHub Desktop - A GUI for using GitHub.
- GitUp - A simple but powerful Git macOS app.
- Hosts - Edit hosts file.
- ImageAlpha - Apply lossy compression on PNG files with or without transparency for more efficient files.
- ImageOptim - Makes images take up less disk space and load faster.
- Integrity - Easily find your website's broken links.
- Kaleidoscope - Powerful diff and merge application supporting text, images, and folders.
- Knuff - The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
- Paw - The ultimate REST client.
- Postico - A modern PostgreSQL client.
- Postgres.app - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL.
- PSequel - A PostgreSQL GUI tool.
- QorumLogs - Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs.
- Quiver - A delightful notebook for programmers that allows mixing rich text, code, markdown, LaTeX, and graphs.
- Sequel Pro - A MySQL database manager.
- Sip - A simple color picker for developers.
- SnippetsLab - Manage and organise snippets of code.
- SourceTree - A free Git & Mercurial client.
- Tower - The most powerful Git client.
- Unused - An app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources.
- Vagrant Manager - Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for macOS.
- Versions - SVN GUI client for Mac.
- WWDC - The WWDC app.
E-Book Utilities
- Kindle App - Amazon Kindle App for macOS.
- CotEditor - Lightweight plain-text editor for macOS.
- Emacs - Port of Emacs to work as an macOS app.
- MacVim - Vim, the text editor.
- Sublime Text 3 - The sophisticated text editor.
- TextMate - A graphical text editor.
- VimR - Vim, refined.
Email Utilities
- Airmail - Lightning fast email client designed for El Capitan.
- MailMate - Advanced IMAP email client, featuring extensive keyboard control and Markdown support.
- ForkLift - File Manager and FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3 client.
- Path Finder - A powerful dual-pane browser alternative to Finder.
- Quicklook-Plugins - List of extra quicklook plugins to enable previewing more filetypes in the Finder.
- TotalFinder - A powerful alternative to Finder.
- XtraFinder - Adds useful features to Finder.
- Battle for Wesnoth - Turn-based tactical strategy game, featuring both single-player and online multiplayer combat.
- Boxer - The DOS game emulator that’s fit for your Mac.
- Dolphin - A powerful, Open Source emulator for Nintendo GameCube and Wii games.
- OpenEmu - Multiple Video Game System.
- Screentendo - Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario.
- Stockfish - Beautiful, powerful chess application.
- Acorn - A very Mac-like image editor with a comprehensive feature set.
- Affinity Designer - Vector image design tool, possible Adobe Illustrator alternative.
- Affinity Photo - Raster image design tool, possible Adobe Photoshop alternative.
- GIPHY Capture - Capture and share GIFs on the desktop.
- Image2icon - Create and personalize icons from your pictures.
- OmniGraffle - An app for creating precise, beautiful graphics.
- Pixelmator - Powerful image editor, possible Photoshop alternative.
- Sketch - Hybrid vector/bitmap layout application, especially useful for UI, web and mobile design.
- Sketch Toolbox - A super simple plugin manager for Sketch.
- xScope - Tools for measuring, inspecting and testing on-screen graphics and layouts.
- Alfred - Boosts your efficiency and productivity.
- BetterTouchTool - Configure gestures for mouse and actions for keyboard shortcuts.
- ClipMenu - ClipBoard History Manager.
- CloudClip - Sync your clipboard between your Mac and your iOS devices.
- Dropzone - Create a popup grid of customizable actions that enhance productivity on your Mac.
- f.lux - Automatically adjust your computer screen to match lighting.
- Fantastical 2 - Complete Calendar app replacement which uses natural language for creating events.
- Hazel - Create rules to automatically keep your files organized.
- HazeOver - Turn distractions down and focus on your current task.
- HyperDock - Select individual application window.
- Instant Translate - Translate speech and text between 100+ languages from the menu bar.
- Karabiner - A powerful keyboard customizer.
- Keytty - Enables you to control your mouse with a few key strokes. Mouse Keys Alternative.
- LaunchBar - Start applications, navigate folders, manipulate files, control your Mac and much more just by using the keyboard.
- OmniFocus - An incredible task management platform for Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
- OmniOutliner - Perfect for collecting information, outlining ideas, adding structure to any sort of writing, and much more.
- Paste - The new way to copy & paste for Mac.
- PopClip - Instantly copy & paste, access actions like search, spelling, dictionary and more.
- Quicksilver - Control your Mac quickly and elegantly.
- SelfControl - Block access to distracting websites.
- Simplenote - Simple cross-platform note taking app with cloud-based syncing.
- TaskPaper - Plain text to-do lists.
- Telephone - A SIP softphone. Make phone calls over the Internet or your company’s network.
- TextExpander - Create custom keyboard shortcuts for frequently-used text and pictures.
Sharing Files
- CloudApp - Capture and share files and screenshots instantly.
- Jumpshare
- Real-time file sharing app with support for instantly sharing code /
Markdown, annotating screenshots, screen recording, and voice recording.
- mac2imgur - Upload images and screenshots to Imgur.
- Transmission - Simple, lightweight, multi-platform torrent client.
- iTerm 2 - A terminal emulator.
- 1Password - Password Manager and Secure Wallet.
- Amphetamine - Prevents macOS from automatically going to sleep, with lots of configurations.
- AnyBar - A menubar status indicator.
- APNGb - .apng image assembler/disassembler app.
- AppCleaner - Uninstall your apps easily.
- Arthur - Safely optimize some of your Mac's hidden settings.
- Bartender - Organize your menu bar apps.
- Batch Image Resizer - Resize a large number of images quickly on your computer.
- BeardedSpice - Control web based media players with the media keys found on Mac keyboards.
- BetterZip - A very capable and full-featured archive manager.
- BitBar - Display output of any script to the menu bar.
- Burn - No-nonsense burning of Data/Audio/Video CDs and DVDs, including copying.
- CheatSheet - Know your short cuts.
- CommandQ - Never accidentally quit an app again.
- ControlPlane - Automate running tasks based on where you are or what you do.
- DaisyDisk - Analyze disk usage and free up disk space.
- Deliveries - Beautiful and simple package tracking.
- DisableMonitor - Easily disable or enable a monitor on your Mac.
- EtreCheck - Output system information and configuration to get more informed help from Apple support professionals.
- Finicky - App that allows you to set rules that decide which browser is opened for every link.
- Fluid - Turn web applications into Mac applications.
- gfxCardStatus - Menu bar app to monitor and switch between integrated and discrete GPUs on MacBook Pro.
- Helium - A floating browser window that allows you to watch media while you work.
- InsomniaX - Prevents macOS from automatically going to sleep (on lid closing or idle timeout).
- iStat Menus - An advanced system monitor for your menubar.
- Kawa - A better input source switcher with shortcuts.
- KeepingYouAwake - Menu bar utility that prevents Mac from going to sleep.
- Keka - Compress to and extract from many archive file formats.
- Knock - Unlock your Mac quickly and securely.
- LaunchControl - Create, manage and debug launchd services.
- Loading - See when apps are using your network in your Mac menubar.
- Little Snitch - Protect your privacy.
- MacDown - Markdown editor.
- Mackup - Keep your application settings in sync.
- MacPass - Password Manager.
- Media Converter - Simple (drag and drop) but advanced media conversion.
- Menubar Colors - Convenient access to the system color panel.
- MenuMeters - A set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for macOS.
- Monodraw - A powerful ASCII art editor.
- Mounty - A tiny tool to re-mount write-protected NTFS volumes under macOS 10.9+ in read-write mode.
- Noizio - Ambient sound equalizer for relaxation or productivity.
- Notational Velocity - Store, retrieve and sync notes within a minimal GUI.
- Noti - Receive Android notifications on your mac (with PushBullet).
- Numi - Beautiful calculator app.
- OnyX - Multifunction
utility to verify disks and files, run cleaning and system maintenance
tasks, configure hidden options and more.
- Paparazzi - A small utility that makes screenshots of webpages.
- Paragon NTFS - World fastest NTFS driver.
- Radio Silence - Simple to use firewall and network monitor.
- Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Client - Remote Desktop Connection Client lets you connect from your Macintosh computer to a Windows-based computer.
- Site Sucker - Automatically download websites from the Internet.
- ShiftIt - Managing windows size and position.
- SlowQuitApps - Prevent accidental Cmd-Q.
- SmartCapsLock - Makes the Caps Lock key smarter, so that when the key accidentally gets activated and you START YELLING even though you don't want to, you can just select the yelling-text and press the key again to instantly fix its case instead of typing everything all over again.
- Soulver - Beautiful expressive calculator.
- SSH Tunnel - Manage your SSH tunnels, tightly integrated with macOS Keychain, secure and intuitive.
- TeamViewer - Remotely control another computer.
- TextBar - TextBar is a tiny but powerful app that lets you add any text to your MenuBar.
- Typeeto - Lets you use your Mac's keyboard as a bluetooth keyboard to type on another devices.
- Typora - Another minimal Markdown editor.
- Ukelele - Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor.
- Übersicht - Run system commands and display their output on your desktop as widgets.
- The Unarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files.
- Wineskin - Run Windows applications and games on your Mac.
- HandBrake - High performance video encoding and conversion tools with a nice GUI.
- mpv - Media player.
- ScreenFlow - Screencasting and video editing software.
- Subler - Mux and tag MP4 files.
- Subtitlr - Drag and drop subititle download utility.
Window Management
- Amethyst - Window manager (automatically keep windows sized in grids).
- Divvy Window Manager - Window management for tiling your windows.
- Hammerspoon - Extremely powerful scripting engine for macOS.
- kwm - Tiling window manager with focus follows mouse.
- Moom - Move and zoom windows, super light weight and customizable.
- Phoenix - A lightweight window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript.
- Spectacle - Easily organize windows without using a mouse.
- Stay - Resize/position windows when displays change.
- Aerial - Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac.
- Catch - The easiest way to use ShowRSS.
- Clocker - Check time in multiple timezones from your Mac menubar.
- gInbox - gInbox is a wrapper made for Mac around Inbox by Gmail.
- hacker-menu - Hacker News Delivered to Desktop.
- PopKey - Allows easy access to animated GIFs from the Mac menu bar.
- Sonora - A minimal, beautifully designed music player.
- SoundCleod - A browser for SoundCloud.
- Juice - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
- Transmit - A FTP client.
- Vienna - RSS/Atom newsreader.
Command Line Utilities
- Awesome macOS Command Line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
- m-cli - Swiss Army Knife for macOS.
- Mac-CLI - macOS command line tools for developers.
- Mac macOS Manual Pages - Apple's official man page reference which lists all general commands in Section 1.
- mas - A CLI for the Mac App Store.
macOS Utilities
- Bluetooth Debug Menu - Factory reset devices and more.
- Command Line Utilities Part 1
- Command Line Utilities Part 2
- EnvPane - An preference pane for environment variables.
- Glances - System monitoring tool that runs in terminal.
- Thread on StackExchange
macOS 10.9 Mavericks Setup
- https://gist.github.com/kevinelliott/3135044
- https://gist.github.com/kimmobrunfeldt/350f4898d1b82cf10bce
macOS 10.10 Yosemite Setup
macOS 10.11 El Capitan Setup
- GPG Suite - Full GPG toolkit with easy to understand GUI applications and Mail.app plugin.
- macchanger by acrogenesis - Easily change your MAC Address
- macchanger by shilch - Change / spoof MAC address (random, custom and restore).
- MIDAS - Intrusion Detection Analysis System.
- OS-X-Security-and-Privacy-Guide
- OSXCollector - Forensic evidence collection & analysis toolkit.
- santa - A binary whitelisting/blacklisting system.
- tinc - Secure mesh VPN software.
- Tunnelblick - Easy to use OpenVPN client and GUI.
- VeraCrypt - Free and open source disk encryption software.
- Viscosity - Fully-featured OpenVPN client, ready for enterprise deployment.
Discussion Forums
IRC channels
Awesome macOS
A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
Application | Description | GitHub | App Store |
Slack | A messaging app for teams | App Store | |
Skype | Skype keeps the world talking, for free |
Application | Description | GitHub |
Anvil | Anvil is a beautiful menubar app for managing local websites | |
FileZilla | The free FTP solution | |
ImageOptim | GUI image optimizer for Mac | GitHub |
MAMP | One-click-solution for setting up your personal webserver | |
Postman | Postman helps you develop APIs faster | |
Sequel Pro | MySQL database management for Mac OS X | GitHub |
Sip | The best way to collect, organize & share your colors - App Store | GitHub |
SourceTree | A free Git & Mercurial client for Windows or Mac | |
Unity | Game Engine |
Application | Description | GitHub |
Atom | A hackable text editor for the 21st Century | GitHub |
Brackets | A modern, open source text editor that understands web design | GitHub |
IntelliJ IDEA | Capable and Ergonomic Java IDE | |
Sublime Text 3 | Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose | |
Visual Studio Code | Code editing. Redefined. | GitHub |
Application | Description | GitHub | App Store |
Audacity | Audacity is free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds | GitHub | |
VLC media player | VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. | GitHub |
Application | Description | GitHub |
iTerm2 | iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things | GitHub |
Application | Description | GitHub | App Store |
Caffeine | Don't let your Mac fall asleep | App Store | |
The Unarchiver | The Unarchiver is a much more capable replacement for "Archive Utility.app | App Store |
from https://github.com/joshbuchea/awesome-macos
some useful mac things:scripts, shells, doc, shortcut keys
awesome-mac-things 
some useful things in MAC OS.
- scripts
- shells
- tips of some common useful apps
- Linux
- Mac
- git1.7+
Three methods:curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/superhj1987/awesome-mac-things/master/get.sh" | bash -s
- Download the source and
make install
- Download the source and set
to the System Path to use the common usage shells
mthings uninstallUsage
show system command
mtings list
show command list
mthings update
update mthings
mthings show_doc [doc_name]
show the contents of the specified doc
Docs and Commands
⌚️ Document
some mac useful shells
introduce mac shortcut keys
SublimeText2 shortcut keys
zsh useful tips
solution of ssh timeout
☕️ bin
show memory usage in python`
init git repository
Usage:git_init [git_repos_url] [to_dir]
- when git_repos_url is empty,init .gitignore, otherwise clone the repository to [to_dir],and int .gitignore
- when to_dir is empty, the to_dir is the end of the git_repos_url,for example mac_useful_thins.git
git_init git@github.com:superhj1987/mac_useful_things.git mac_useful_things
delete .DS_Store in current dir
show the count of each status connection,including time_wait、close_wait and so on.
generate the contents of a markdown doc.The doc's format meets:the first line is the title:# [title],the other title such as ##,###,####... is the contents and there must be a blank between #,##,###... and title text. The example docs are in the test dir.
Usage:generate_md_contents [-a] doc_name [to_doc_name]
- -a means generate the contents with append the anchor to the sub title.
- when to__doc_name is empty,the generate content will overwrite the doc_name file, otherwise the content will be in the to__doc_name file.
generate_md_contents ../test/test_doc.md test__doc_with_contents.md
change current origin remote repos to a new url
Usage:change_git_origin_remote [new_git_repos_url]
get the word total count in a docfrom https://github.com/superhj1987/awesome-mac-things
Usage:word_count [doc_name]
Awesome Open Source Mac Apps http://www.jeffreyclarkejackson.com
Open-Source Mac Apps
List of open-source Mac apps. Managed by Jeffrey JacksonFeel free to contribute: issues or pull requests.
🔶 Swift projects
OS X Frameworks
Visit this supporting repository here: jeffreyjackson/mac-frameworksOS X Apps
- Adium: Instant Messaging Client
- Bitpost: OSX app for Bitmessage
- fb-mac-messenger: Mac wrapper for Facebook messenger
- Goofy: OS X client for Facebook Messenger
- WhatsMac: A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web
- M: Email client with device-to-device encryption for messages sent between M users
- Atom: The hackable text editor
- CotEditor: Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS 🔶
- macdown: Markdown editor
- TipTyper: Simple plain-text editor for OS X with multiple useful features
- MultiMarkdown version (with HTML source tab) of Notational Velocity
- Freecell: Solitaire type card game for OS X
- Screentendo: Turn your screen into a playable level of Mario
- stockfish-mac: Beautiful, powerful chess app for the Mac
Mac Exclusives
- AnyBar: OS X menubar status indicator
- Awake: An app for mac osx to prevent sleeping; inspired by Caffeine.
- Clock-Saver: Simple clock screensaver 🔶
- dshb: OS X system monitor in Swift 🔶
- Helium: A floating browser window for OS X
- MenuMeters: A is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X sitting in the menubar.
- mirrorapp: Mirror Enterprise iOS and OSX App
- Octosaver: A Mac OS X Screensaver showing Octocats
- Quicksilver: fast and free Mac OS X productivity application
- Spectacle: Organize your windows without using a mouse
- SelfControl: A free Mac application to help you avoid distracting websites.
For Developers
- App Reviews: App Reviews help you keep track of user reviews for your iPhone Apps. 🔶
- Cakebrew: Manage your Homebrew formulas with style
- CCMenu: CCMenu is a Mac application to monitor continuous integration servers.
- Cocoapods App: A full-featured and standalone installation of CocoaPods
- CocoaRestClient: A free, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
- GitUp: A simple but powerful Git OS X app.
- Realm Browser: An utility to open and modify realm database files.
- Rem: Command-line tool to access OSX Reminders.app database
- Resign: OSX utility to resign the IPA files
- Unused - A Mac app for checking Xcode projects for unused resources
- VisualJSON: JSON pretty-viewer for OS X.
- Color Picker Pro: Color Detection Tool for Designers and Developers
- Gifs: A Mac App for finding GIFs
- Handbrake: Video/Audio encoder / decoder
- ImageAlpha: Mac GUI for pngquant, pngnq and posterizer
- iro: Color picker menu bar app for Mac OSX 10.9+
- mac2imgur: Upload screenshots to imgur 🔶
- MactsAsBeacon: A tiny app to turn a Bluetooth LE-equipped Mac into an iBeacon
- my41cx: Microcode emulator for HP-41 C/CV/CX (OS X & iOS)
- PNGSquash: A PNG compressor app for Mac OS X
- VideoMessageExporter: OSX app to export Skype video messages
OS X versions, GUIs and other Wrappers
- Cloudy: mac app wrapper for overcast 🔶
- CoinManager: OS X app for Coinbase
- GoogleMusicMac: Wrapper for Google Music that is compatible with the Mac's media keys.
- Soundcleod: Standalone Mac OS X browser for SoundCloud
- WWDC: WWDC app for OS X 🔶
- tunnelblick: Graphic user interface for OpenVPN
Productivity and Others
- Catch: Broadcasting made easy.
- Jekyll Blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
- MacGesture Global mouse gesture for Mac OS X
- Simple Comic Comic Viewer
- ToDoOSX: OS X app using Parse and managing Todos
- Vienna: RSS/Atom Reader
- Wallpapers: A Mac App for Downloading Wallpapers.
- Markoff:A light-weight Markdown (CommonMark) previewer for OSX.
Apple Sample Projects
Apple Sample ProjectsApple Open Source
Apple Open Sourcefrom https://github.com/jeffreyjackson/mac-apps
OS X command line tools for developers – The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automatize the usage of your OS X system.
macOS command line tools for developers⭐️ Now with modularity and plugins! You can check the plugins folder: /mac-cli/plugins
Contributions to add new plugins and keep improving the existing ones are welcome and very much appreciated!

The ultimate tool for developers to manage their Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automate the usage of your macOS system. When you run a function, the executed command is displayed and that helps you memorize each of the Utilities for future usage.
Installation in 1 Simple Step - Including configuration wizard!
Via curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guarinogabriel/mac-cli/master/mac-cli/tools/install)"
Via wget
sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guarinogabriel/mac-cli/master/mac-cli/tools/install -O -)"
Then, re-open your terminal client. You will be able to run all the commands listed below, for example:
mac help
The configuration is done when you install Mac CLI for the first time though the installer configuration wizard. After that, you can update your Mac CLI configuration by editing the following file:/usr/local/bin/mac
These are the requirements to be able to run all the commands (the dependencies/requirements are installed when you install Mac CLI for the first time):- Homebrew
- Git
- Python
- Pipe Viewer (pv)
You can update Mac CLI to the latest version by running:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guarinogabriel/mac-cli/master/mac-cli/tools/update)"
You can uninstall Mac CLI by running:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guarinogabriel/mac-cli/master/mac-cli/tools/uninstall)"
Integrated Projects
The following amazing projects have been integrated on the mac script (all the integrated projects are optional and can be installed through the installation wizard):- Glances (https://github.com/nicolargo/glances)
- MySQL CLI (https://github.com/dbcli/mycli)
- fast-cli (https://github.com/sindresorhus/fast-cli)
- n98-magerun (https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun)
- n98-magerun2 (https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun2)
- imageOptim
- iStats
Help / Commands List
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac help |
List all available commands in mac script |
General Commands
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac update |
Install macOS software updates, update installed Ruby gems, Homebrew, npm and their installed packages | |
mac lock |
Lock | |
mac restart |
Restart macOS | |
mac sleep |
Sleep mode | |
mac shutdown |
Shutdown | |
mac presentation |
Prepare MAC for presentation: minimize all apps, close browsers, send files from desktop and downloads to trash and set not disturb mode | |
mac time |
Show clock at top right position in Terminal/iTerm | |
mac screensaver |
Start screensaver | |
mac folders:list |
List folders in current directory with their current size | |
mac folder:size |
Calculate current folder size | |
mac folders:remove-empty |
Remove empty subdirectories | |
mac apps:close-all |
Close all opened apps | |
mac bluetooth:status |
Get the bluetooth status | |
mac bluetooth:enable |
Enable bluetooth | |
mac bluetooth:disable |
Disable bluetooth | |
mac wifi:status |
Get the wifi status | |
mac wifi:scan |
Scan available wifi networks | |
mac wifi:enable |
Enable wifi | |
mac wifi:disable |
Disable wifi | |
mac wifi:password |
Get password for current wifi network | |
mac dock:add-space |
Add blank space to dock | |
mac apps:app-store |
Get list of installed apps from App Store | |
mac eject-all |
Eject all mounted volumes and disks | |
mac battery |
Get battery status | |
mac info |
Get macOS version information | |
mac hidden:show |
Show hidden files | |
mac hidden:hide |
Hide hidden files | |
mac find:text X |
Find exact phrase recursively inside directory | X = Text string |
mac find:biggest-files |
Find biggest files inside directory | |
mac find:biggest-directories |
Find biggest directories inside directory | |
mac zip:extract X |
Extract Zip file to current folder | X = Zip file to extract |
mac gzip:compress X |
Compress current file using Gzip | X = File to compress |
mac gzip:extract X |
Extract Gzip file to current folder | X = Gzip file to extract |
mac tar:compress X |
Compress X file/directory using tar with progress indicator | X = File or directory |
mac tar:extract X |
Extract tar file to current folder | X = Tar file to extract |
Search Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac find:recent N |
Find files modified in the last N minutes | N = number of minutes |
mac find:duplicated |
Find duplicated files | |
mac search:replace X |
Search and replace string in file | X = File to perform the search and replace operation |
Network Utilities
Command | Description |
mac speedtest |
Internet connection speed test |
mac speedtest:infinite |
Run internet speed test each 5 minutes |
mac ports |
List of used ports |
mac ip:local |
Get local IP address |
mac ip:public |
Get public IP address |
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac mysql |
Open Sequel PRO app) | |
mac mysql:cli |
Start MySQL CLI with autocompletion and syntax higlighting | |
mac mysql:list |
List all MySQL databases | |
mac mysql:dump-all |
Export all MySQL databases to individual files | |
mac mysql:dump X |
Export MySQL database to current directory | X = database name |
mac mysql:import X |
Import MySQL database | X = SQL file |
mac mysql:import-table X |
Import single MySQL database table | X = SQL file containing database table |
mac mysql:create X |
Create MySQL database | X = Database name |
mac mysql:drop X |
Remove MySQL database | X = Database name |
mac mysql:duplicate X |
Duplicate MySQL database | X = Database name |
mac mamp:start |
Start MAMP Server (Apache and MySQL) | |
mac mamp:stop |
Stop MAMP Server (Apache and MySQL) | |
mac mamp:restart |
Restart MAMP Server (Apache and MySQL) | |
mac php:syntax |
Check PHP Syntax for all PHP files in current location | |
mac php:info |
Get PHP info on command line | |
mac hosts:edit |
Edit hosts file |
SSH Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac ssh:download-file X |
Download file from remote server through SSH | X = Path of the remote file to download |
mac ssh:download-folder X |
Download entire folder from remote server through SSH | X = Path of the remote folder to download |
mac ssh:download-database X |
Download MySQL from remote server through SSH | X = Name of the database to download |
mac ssh:sync:local X |
Sync local folder with remote folder using rsync through SSH (download remote folder to local folder) | X = Path of the remote folder to sync to local folder |
mac ssh:sync:remote X |
Sync remote folder with local folder using rsync through SSH (upload local folder to remote folder) | X = Path of the remote folder to sync from local folder |
mac ssh:upload X |
Upload file to remote server through SSH | X = Path of the file to upload to the remote server |
mac ssh:public-key |
Copy SSH Public Key | |
mac ssh:list |
List all the saved SSH credentials |
Web Development Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac dev:monitor X |
Monitor file changes (for example: log files) | X = File to monitor |
mac dev:compass:compile |
Compile current folder using compass | |
mac dev:optimize-images |
Optimize all images in current directory and subdirectories | |
mac dev:css:convert-to-scss |
Convert CSS file to SCSS |
Performance and maintenance Utilities
Command | Description |
mac system |
Show system information to review mac performance |
mac temp |
Show temperature, fan and battery statistics |
mac memory |
See memory usage sorted by memory consumption |
mac trash:empty |
Empty trash |
mac trash:size |
Calculate trash size |
mac desktop:cleanup |
Remove all files and directories from Desktop directory |
mac downloads:cleanup |
Remove all files and directories from Downloads directory |
iTerm / Terminal Utilities
Command | Description |
mac iterm:tab-title |
Set title of current iTerm tab |
Git Utilities
Command | Description |
mac git:config |
Display local Git configuration |
mac git:open |
Open current repository on Github |
mac git:create:branch |
Create branch based on current branch |
mac git:branches:date |
Get last update date for all branches in current project |
mac git:undo-commit |
Undo latest commit |
mac git:log |
See latest commits IDs and titles for current branch |
mac git:branch |
See all branches |
mac git:branch:rename |
Rename Git branch |
mac git:branch:remove-local |
Remove local Git branch |
mac git:branch:remove-remote |
Remove local and remote Git branch |
mac git:remove |
Remove Git from current project |
mac git:settings |
Check Git settings |
mac git:add-removed |
Add removed files to staged files |
mac git:size |
Get size for current Git directory |
Web Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac web:download-images |
Download all images from website to current directory |
Homebrew Utilities
Command | Description |
mac brew |
Get a list of installed Homebrew packages |
Xcode Utilities
Command | Description |
mac xcode:cleanup |
Cleanup Xcode files to free up hard disk space |
Image Utilities
Command | Description | Arguments |
mac image:generate:mobile-app-icons X Y |
Generate mobile app icons | X = Original image file, Y = Output path |
Magento Utilities
Command | Description |
mac magento:version |
Get Magento version from current project on command line |
mac magento:customer:create |
Create Magento customer with sample address and sample credit card information |
mac magento:fix-permissions |
Fix Magento permissions for files and directories |
mac magento:order:create |
Create sample order in Magento |
mac magento:shell-script:create |
Create script in Magento shell folder to be run from command line |
mac magento:gitignore:create |
Create gitignore file for Magento project |
mac magento:url-rewrites:enable |
Enable Magento URL rewrites |
mac magento:url-rewrites:disable |
Disable Magento URL rewrites |
mac magento2:install |
Install Magento 2 in current folder |
from https://github.com/guarinogabriel/Mac-CLI
Currated list of awesome mac apps
Awesome Mac Apps
Curated list of awesome mac appsCreative and Ideas
- Audio Hijack - records audio from essentially any device.
- Camtasia - is a screen recorder with some light duty video editing tools.
- Fission - lossless audio editing.
- Mindnode - is a great way to visualize ideas and brainstorm. A good way to connect the dots.
- PageLayers - is an app that will take a webpage and convert it into a layered PSD file.
- Sketch - lightweight web mock-up tool.
- VLC - open source multimedia and video player.
- Writer Pro - is a minimalist notetaking and distraction free writing tool.
- xScope - is engineered for measuring, inspecting, and fine tuning graphics.
- A Better Finder Rename - is a great way to mass rename files based on predetermined sorting and filtering, as well as complex regular expressions.
- Better Snap Tool - allows you to quickly resize windows with hotkeys.
- ChronoSync - commercial grade file sync. ChronoSync is a nice GUI with some added features on rsync.
- CleanApp - is essentially a disk clean up and app un-install utility.
- Cocktail - is a utility to clear cache, fix permissions, adjust settings, and optimize OS X.
- Divvy - is a nice compliment to Better Snap and it has a nice grid structure for arranging multiple windows.
- ExpanDrive - is a good way to connect to S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive etc. without installing all the standalone apps.
- iStat Menus - is a system monitor that lives in your menubar. Useful for monitoring network traffic and speed, hard drive and cpu status, and apps using significant energy.
- MacDropAny - allows you to sync local and external folders with symbolic links to services like Dropbox.
- SuperDuper! - is a great hard drive cloning and system recovery tool.
- Transmit - makes transferring files between servers and cloud services an effortless process. This is a great app for integrating with AWS.
Developer Tools
- BBEdit - another minimalist text editor.
- Coda - front-end web code IDE.
- CodeKit - front-end code compiler, browser refresh, and ready to rock.
- ColorSnapper - is an easy-to-use app to find the precise color of any pixel on the screen.
- Icon Slate - makes retina ready favicons in a couple clicks.
- MAMP PRO - is a good solution for developing and testing websites on your local machine.
- Sublime Text - is a great working text editor with lots of plugins and community support.
- Tower - is elegant and easy to use GUI for GIT.
- xScope - is engineered for measuring, inspecting, and fine tuning graphics.
- VS Code - excellent multipurpose IDE.
- PCalc - is a scientific calculator with support for lots of complicated conversions and tasks.
- Parallels - is a great app for running Linux or Windows virtual machines on your Mac.
- Wizard - is a great compliment to a spreadsheet program to build predictive models and analyze data sets.
A beginner's guide to setting up a development environment on Mac OS X .
Mac OS X Dev Setup
This document describes how I set up my developer environment on a new MacBook or iMac. We will set up Node (JavaScript), Python, and Ruby environments, mainly for JavaScript and Python development. Even if you don't program in all three, it is good to have them as many command-line tools use one of them. As you read and follow these steps, feel free to send me any feedback or comments you may have.The document assumes you are new to Mac. The steps below were tested on OS X Mountain Lion.
If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to give me a shout on Twitter!
- System update
- System preferences
- Google Chrome
- iTerm2
- Homebrew
- Consolas
- Beautiful terminal
- iTerm2
- Git
- Sublime Text
- Vim
- Python
- Virtualenv
- IPython
- Numpy and Scipy
- Node.js
- JSHint
- Ruby and RVM
- Heroku
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Elasticsearch
- Projects folder
- Apps
System update
First thing you need to do, on any OS actually, is update the system! For that: Apple Icon > Software Update...System preferences
If this is a new computer, there are a couple tweaks I like to make to the System Preferences. Feel free to follow these, or to ignore them, depending on your personal preferences.In Apple Icon > System Preferences:
- Trackpad > Tap to click
- Keyboard > Key Repeat > Fast (all the way to the right)
- Keyboard > Delay Until Repeat > Short (all the way to the right)
- Dock > Automatically hide and show the Dock
Google Chrome
Install your favorite browser, mine happens to be Chrome.Download from www.google.com/chrome. Open the .dmg file once it's done downloading (this will mount the disk image), and drag and drop the Google Chrome app into the Applications folder (on the Mac, most applications are installed this way). When done, you can unmount the disk in Finder (the small "eject" icon next to the disk under Devices).
Since we're going to be spending a lot of time in the command-line, let's install a better terminal than the default one. Download and install iTerm2 (the newest version, even if it says "beta release").In Finder, drag and drop the iTerm Application file into the Applications folder.
You can now launch iTerm, through the Launchpad for instance.
Let's just quickly change some preferences. In iTerm > Preferences..., under the tab General, uncheck Confirm closing multiple sessions and Confirm "Quit iTerm2 (Cmd+Q)" command under the section Closing.
In the tab Profiles, create a new one with the "+" icon, and rename it to your first name for example. Then, select Other Actions... > Set as Default. Finally, under the section Window, change the size to something better, like Columns: 125 and Rows: 35.
When done, hit the red "X" in the upper left (saving is automatic in OS X preference panes). Close the window and open a new one to see the size change.
Package managers make it so much easier to install and update applications (for Operating Systems) or libraries (for programming languages). The most popular one for OS X is Homebrew.Install
An important dependency before Homebrew can work is the Command Line Tools for Xcode. These include compilers that will allow you to build things from source.Now, Xcode weights something like 2GB, and you don't need it unless you're developing iPhone or Mac apps. Good news is Apple provides a way to install only the Command Line Tools, without Xcode. To do this you need to go to http://developer.apple.com/downloads, and sign in with your Apple ID (the same one you use for iTunes and app purchases). Unfortunately, you're greeted by a rather annoying questionnaire. All questions are required, so feel free to answer at random.
Once you reach the downloads page, search for "command line tools", and download the latest Command Line Tools (OS X Mountain Lion) for Xcode. Open the .dmg file once it's done downloading, and double-click on the .mpkg installer to launch the installation. When it's done, you can unmount the disk in Finder.
Note: If you are running OS X 10.9 Mavericks, then you can install the Xcode Command Line Tools directly from the command line with
$ xcode-select --install
, and you don't have to go through the download page and the questionnaire.Finally, we can install Hombrew! In the terminal paste the following line (without the
), hit Enter, and follow the steps on the screen:$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
One thing we need to do is tell the system to use programs installed by Hombrew (in /usr/local/bin
) rather than the OS default if it exists. We do this by adding /usr/local/bin
to your $PATH
environment variable:$ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Open a new terminal tab with Cmd+T (you should also close the old one), then run the following command to make sure everything works:$ brew doctor
To install a package (or Formula in Homebrew vocabulary) simply type:$ brew install <formula>
To update Homebrew's directory of formulae, run:$ brew update
Note: I've seen that command fail sometimes because of a bug. If that ever happens, run the following (when you have Git installed):$ cd /usr/local
$ git fetch origin
$ git reset --hard origin/master
To see if any of your packages need to be updated:$ brew outdated
To update a package:$ brew upgrade <formula>
Homebrew keeps older versions of packages installed, in case you want
to roll back. That rarely is necessary, so you can do some cleanup to
get rid of those old versions:$ brew cleanup
To see what you have installed (with their version numbers):$ brew list --versions
I really like the Consolas font for coding. Being a Microsoft (!) font, it is not installed by default. Since we're going to be looking at a lot of terminal output and code, let's install it now.There are two ways we can install it. If you bought Microsoft Office for Mac, install that and Consolas will be installed as well.
If you don't have Office, follow these steps:
$ brew install cabextract
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ mkdir consolas
$ cd consolas
$ curl -O http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/5/a/f5a3df76-d856-4a61-a6bd-722f52a5be26/PowerPointViewer.exe
$ cabextract PowerPointViewer.exe
$ cabextract ppviewer.cab
And click Install Font. Thanks to Alexander Zhuravlev for his post.Beautiful terminal
Since we spend so much time in the terminal, we should try to make it a more pleasant and colorful place. What follows might seem like a lot of work, but trust me, it'll make the development experience so much better.Let's go ahead and start by changing the font. In iTerm > Preferences..., under the tab Profiles, section Text, change both fonts to Consolas 13pt.
Now let's add some color. I'm a big fan of the Solarized color scheme. It is supposed to be scientifically optimal for the eyes. I just find it pretty.
Scroll down the page and download the latest version. Unzip the archive. In it you will find the
folder with a README.md
file, but I will just walk you through it here:- In iTerm2 Preferences, under Profiles and Colors, go to Load Presets... > Import..., find and open the two .itermcolors files we downloaded.
- Go back to Load Presets... and select Solarized Dark to activate it. Voila!
Not a lot of colors yet. We need to tweak a little bit our Unix user's profile for that. This is done (on OS X and Linux), in the
text file (~
stands for the user's home directory).We'll come back to the details of that later, but for now, just download the files .bash_profile, .bash_prompt, .aliases attached to this document into your home directory (
is the one that gets loaded, I've set it up to call the others):$ cd ~
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolashery/mac-dev-setup/master/.bash_profile
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolashery/mac-dev-setup/master/.bash_prompt
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolashery/mac-dev-setup/master/.aliases
With that, open a new terminal tab (Cmd+T) and see the change! Try the list commands: ls
, ls -lh
(aliased to ll
), ls -lha
(aliased to la
).At this point you can also change your computer's name, which shows up in this terminal prompt. If you want to do so, go to System Preferences > Sharing. For example, I changed mine from "Nicolas's MacBook Air" to just "MacBook Air", so it shows up as
in the terminal.Now we have a terminal we can work with!
(Thanks to Mathias Bynens for his awesome dotfiles.)
What's a developer without Git? To install, simply run:$ brew install git
When done, to test that it installed fine you can run:$ git --version
And $ which git
should output /usr/local/bin/git
.Let's set up some basic configuration. Download the .gitconfig file to your home directory:
$ cd ~
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nicolashery/mac-dev-setup/master/.gitconfig
It will add some color to the status
, branch
, and diff
Git commands, as well as a couple aliases. Feel free to take a look at the contents of the file, and add to it to your liking.Next, we'll define your Git user (should be the same name and email you use for GitHub and Heroku):
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
$ git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com"
They will get added to your .gitconfig
file.To push code to your GitHub repositories, we're going to use the recommended HTTPS method (versus SSH). So you don't have to type your username and password everytime, let's enable Git password caching as described here:
$ git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Note: On a Mac, it is important to remember to add .DS_Store
(a hidden OS X system file that's put in folders) to your .gitignore
files. You can take a look at this repository's .gitignore file for inspiration.Sublime Text
With the terminal, the text editor is a developer's most important tool. Everyone has their preferences, but unless you're a hardcore Vim user, a lot of people are going to tell you that Sublime Text is currently the best one out there.Go ahead and download it. Open the .dmg file, drag-and-drop in the Applications folder, you know the drill now. Launch the application.
Note: At this point I'm going to create a shortcut on the OS X Dock for both for Sublime Text and iTerm. To do so, right-click on the running application and select Options > Keep in Dock.
Sublime Text is not free, but I think it has an unlimited "evaluation period". Anyhow, we're going to be using it so much that even the seemingly expensive $70 price tag is worth every penny. If you can afford it, I suggest you support this awesome tool. :)
Just like the terminal, let's configure our editor a little. Go to Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Settings - User and paste the following in the file that just opened:
"font_face": "Consolas",
"font_size": 13,
"highlight_line": true,
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
"tab_size": 2,
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"word_wrap": false,
"indent_to_bracket": true
I use tab size 2 for everything except Python and Markdown files, where I use tab size 4. If you have a Python and Markdown file handy (or create dummy ones with
$ touch dummy.py
), for each one, open it and go to Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Settings - More > Syntax Specific - User to paste in:{
"tab_size": 4
A popular Theme is the Soda Theme. To install it, run:
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
$ git clone https://github.com/buymeasoda/soda-theme/ "Theme - Soda"
Then go to Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Settings - User and add the following two lines:"theme": "Soda Dark.sublime-theme",
"soda_classic_tabs": true
Restart Sublime Text for all changes to take effect (Note: on the
Mac, closing all windows doesn't close the application, you need to hit Cmd+Q).The Soda Theme page also offers some extra color schemes you can download and try. But to be consistent with my terminal, I like to use the Solarized Color Scheme, which already ships with Sublime Text. To use it, just go to Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Color Scheme > Solarized (Dark). Again, this is really according to personal flavors, so pick what you want.
Sublime Text 2 already supports syntax highlighting for a lot of languages. I'm going to install a couple that are missing:
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
$ git clone https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script-tmbundle CoffeeScript
$ git clone https://github.com/miksago/jade-tmbundle Jade
$ git clone https://github.com/danro/LESS-sublime.git LESS
$ git clone -b SublimeText2 https://github.com/kuroir/SCSS.tmbundle.git SCSS
$ git clone https://github.com/nrw/sublime-text-handlebars Handlebars
Let's create a shortcut so we can launch Sublime Text from the command-line:$ cd ~
$ mkdir bin
$ ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" ~/bin/subl
Now I can open a file with $ subl myfile.py
or start a new project in the current directory with $ subl .
. Pretty cool.Sublime Text is very extensible. For now we'll leave it like that, we already have a solid installation. To add more in the future, a good place to start would be to install the Sublime Package Control.
Although Sublime Text will be our main editor, it is a good idea to learn some very basic usage of Vim. It is a very popular text editor inside the terminal, and is usually pre-installed on any Unix system.For example, when you run a Git commit, it will open Vim to allow you to type the commit message.
I suggest you read a tutorial on Vim. Grasping the concept of the two "modes" of the editor, Insert (by pressing
) and Normal (by pressing Esc
to exit Insert mode), will be the part that feels most unnatural. After that it's just remembering a few important keys.Vim's default settings aren't great, and you could spend a lot of time tweaking your configuration (the
file). But if you're like me and just use Vim occasionally, you'll be happy to know that Tim Pope has put together some sensible defaults to quickly get started.First, install pathogen.vim by running:
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim
Then create a file ~/.vimrc
(you can use $ subl ~/.vimrc
), and paste in the following:execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
And finally, install the Vim "sensible defaults" by running:$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible.git
With that, Vim will look a lot better next time you open it!Python
OS X, like Linux, ships with Python already installed. But you don't want to mess with the system Python (some system tools rely on it, etc.), so we'll install our own version with Homebrew. It will also allow us to get the very latest version of Python 2.7.The following command will install Python 2.7 and any dependencies required (it can take a few minutes to build everything):
$ brew install python
When finished, you should get a summary in the terminal. Running $ which python
should output /usr/local/bin/python
.It also installed Pip (and its dependency Distribute), which is the package manager for Python. Let's upgrade them both:
$ pip install --upgrade distribute
$ pip install --upgrade pip
Executable scripts from Python packages you install will be put in /usr/local/share/python
, so let's add it to the $PATH
. To do so, we'll create a .path
text file in the home directory (I've already set up .bash_profile
to call this file):$ cd ~
$ subl .path
And add these lines to .path
export PATH
into account (everytime you open a terminal, .bash_profile
gets loaded).Pip Usage
Here are a couple Pip commands to get you started. To install a Python package:$ pip install <package>
To upgrade a package:$ pip install --upgrade <package>
To see what's installed:$ pip freeze
To uninstall a package:$ pip uninstall <package>
Virtualenv is a tool that creates an isolated Python environment for each of your projects. For a particular project, instead of installing required packages globally, it is best to install them in an isolated folder in the project (say a folder namedvenv
), that will be managed by virtualenv.The advantage is that different projects might require different versions of packages, and it would be hard to manage that if you install packages globally. It also allows you to keep your global
folder clean, containing only critical or big packages that you always need (like IPython, Numpy).Install
To install virtualenv, simply run:$ pip install virtualenv
Let's say you have a project in a directory calledmyproject
. To set up virtualenv for that project:$ cd myproject/
$ virtualenv venv --distribute
If you want your virtualenv to also inherit globally installed packages (like IPython or Numpy mentioned above), use:$ virtualenv venv --distribute --system-site-packages
These commands create a venv
subdirectory in your project where everything is installed. You need to activate it first though (in every terminal where you are working on your project):$ source venv/bin/activate
You should see a (venv)
appear at the beginning of your
terminal prompt indicating that you are working inside the virtualenv.
Now when you install something:$ pip install <package>
It will get installed in the venv
folder, and not conflict with other projects.Important: Remember to add
to your project's .gitignore
file so you don't include all of that in your source code!As mentioned earlier, I like to install big packages (like Numpy), or packages I always use (like IPython) globally. All the rest I install in a virtualenv.
IPython is an awesome project which provides a much better Python shell than the one you get from running$ python
in the command-line. It has many cool functions (running Unix commands
from the Python shell, easy copy & paste, creating Matplotlib charts
in-line, etc.) and I'll let you refer to the documentation to discover them.Install
Before we install IPython, we'll need to get some dependencies. Run the following:$ brew update # Always good to do
$ brew install zeromq # Necessary for pyzmq
$ brew install pyqt # Necessary for the qtconsole
It may take a few minutes to build these.Once it's done, we can install IPython with all the available options:
$ pip install ipython[zmq,qtconsole,notebook,test]
You can launch IPython from the command line with$ ipython
, but what's more interesting is to use its QT Console. Launch the QT Console by running:$ ipython qtconsole
You can also customize the font it uses:$ ipython qtconsole --ConsoleWidget.font_family="Consolas" --ConsoleWidget.font_size=13
And since I'm lazy and I don't want to type or copy & paste that
all the time, I'm going to create an alias for it. Create a .extra
text file in your home directory with $ subl ~/.extra
(I've set up .bash_profile
to load .extra
), and add the following line:alias ipy='ipython qtconsole --ConsoleWidget.font_family="Consolas" --ConsoleWidget.font_size=13'
$ ipy
, it will launch the QT Console with your configured options.To use the in-line Matplotlib functionality (nice for scientific computing), run
$ ipy --pylab=inline
.Numpy and Scipy
The Numpy and Scipy scientific libraries for Python are always a little tricky to install from source because they have all these dependencies they need to build correctly. Luckily for us, Samuel John has put together some Homebrew formulae to make it easier to install these Python libraries.First, grab the special formulae (which are not part of Homebrew core):
$ brew tap samueljohn/python
$ brew tap homebrew/science
Then, install the gfortran
dependency (now in gcc
) which we will need to build the libraries:$ brew install gcc
Finally, you can install Numpy and Scipy with:$ brew install numpy
$ brew install scipy
(It may take a few minutes to build.)MySQL
We will install MySQL using Homebrew, which will also install some header files needed for MySQL bindings in different programming languages (MySQL-Python for one).To install, run:
$ brew update # Always good to do
$ brew install mysql
As you can see in the ouput from Homebrew, before we can use MySQL we first need to set it up with:$ unset TMPDIR
$ mkdir /usr/local/var
$ mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
To start the MySQL server, use themysql.server
tool:$ mysql.server start
To stop it when you are done, run:$ mysql.server stop
You can see the different commands available for mysql.server
with:$ mysql.server --help
To connect with the command-line client, run:$ mysql -uroot
(Use exit
to quit the MySQL shell.)Note: By default, the MySQL user
has no password. It doesn't really matter for a local development database. If you wish to change it though, you can use $ mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
.MySQL Workbench
In terms of a GUI client for MySQL, I'm used to the official and free MySQL Workbench. But feel free to use whichever you prefer.You can find the MySQL Workbench download here. (Note: It will ask you to sign in, you don't need to, just click on "No thanks, just start my download!" at the bottom.)
Install Node.js with Homebrew:$ brew update
$ brew install node
The formula also installs the npm package manager. However, as suggested by the Homebrew output, we need to add /usr/local/share/npm/bin
to our path so that npm-installed modules with executables will have them picked up.To do so, add this line to your
file, before the export PATH
changes to take effect.We also need to tell npm where to find the Xcode Command Line Tools, by running:
$ sudo xcode-select -switch /usr/bin
(If Xcode Command Line Tools were installed by Xcode, try instead:)$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Node modules are installed locally in the node_modules
folder of each project by default, but there are at least two that are worth installing globally. Those are CoffeeScript and Grunt:$ npm install -g coffee-script
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Npm usage
To install a package:$ npm install <package> # Install locally
$ npm install -g <package> # Install globally
To install a package and save it in your project's package.json
file:$ npm install <package> --save
To see what's installed:$ npm list # Local
$ npm list -g # Global
To find outdated packages (locally or globally):$ npm outdated [-g]
To upgrade all or a particular package:$ npm update [<package>]
To uninstall a package:$ npm uninstall <package>
##JSHintJSHint is a JavaScript developer's best friend.
If the extra credit assignment to install Sublime Package Manager was completed, JSHint can be run as part of Sublime Text.
Install JSHint via npm (global install preferred)
$ npm install -g jshint
Follow additional instructions on the JSHint Package Manager page or build it manually.Ruby and RVM
Like Python, Ruby is already installed on Unix systems. But we don't want to mess around with that installation. More importantly, we want to be able to use the latest version of Ruby.Install
When installing Ruby, best practice is to use RVM (Ruby Version Manager) which allows you to manage multiple versions of Ruby on the same machine. Installing RVM, as well as the latest version of Ruby, is very easy. Just run:$ curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
When it is done, both RVM and a fresh version of Ruby 2.0 are
installed. The following line was also automatically added to your .bash_profile
:[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
file, keeping my .bash_profile
clean. I suggest you do the same.After that, start a new terminal and run:
$ type rvm | head -1
You should get the output rvm is a function
The following command will show you which versions of Ruby you have installed:$ rvm list
The one that was just installed, Ruby 2.0, should be set as default.
When managing multiple versions, you switch between them with:$ rvm use system # Switch back to system install (1.8)
$ rvm use 2.0.0 --default # Switch to 2.0.0 and sets it as default
Run the following to make sure the version you want is being used (in our case, the just-installed Ruby 1.9.3):$ which ruby
$ ruby --version
You can install another version with:$ rvm install 1.9.3
To update RVM itself, use:$ rvm get stable
RubyGems, the Ruby package manager, was also installed:$ which gem
Update to its latest version with:$ gem update --system
To install a "gem" (Ruby package), run:$ gem install <gemname>
To install without generating the documentation for each gem (faster):$ gem install <gemname> --no-document
To see what gems you have installed:$ gem list
To check if any installed gems are outdated:$ gem outdated
To update all gems or a particular gem:$ gem update [<gemname>]
RubyGems keeps old versions of gems, so feel free to do come cleaning after updating:$ gem cleanup
I mainly use Ruby for the CSS pre-processor Compass, which is built on top of Sass:$ gem install compass --no-document
CSS preprocessors are becoming quite popular, the most popular processors are LESS and SASS. Preprocessing is a lot like compiling code for CSS. It allows you to reuse CSS in many different ways. Let's start out with using LESS as a basic preprocessor, it's used by a lot of popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.Install
To install LESS you have to use NPM / Node, which you installed earlier using Homebrew. In the terminal use:$ npm install less --global
Note: the --global
flag is optional but it prevents
having to mess around with file paths. You can install without the flag,
just know what you're doing.You can check that it installed properly by using:
$ lessc --version
This should output some information about the compiler:lessc 1.5.1 (LESS Compiler) [JavaScript]
Okay, LESS is installed and running. Great!Usage
There's a lot of different ways to use LESS. Generally I use it to compile my stylesheet locally. You can do that by using this command in the terminal:$ lessc template.less template.css
The two options are the "input" and "output" files for the compiler.
The command looks in the current directory for the LESS stylesheet,
compiles it, and outputs it to the second file in the same directory.
You can add in paths to keep your project files organized:$ lessc less/template.less css/template.css
Read more about LESS on their page here: http://lesscss.org/Heroku
Heroku, if you're not already familiar with it, is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that makes it really easy to deploy your apps online. There are other similar solutions out there, but Heroku was among the first and is currently the most popular. Not only does it make a developer's life easier, but I find that having Heroku deployment in mind when building an app forces you to follow modern app development best practices.Install
Assuming that you have an account (sign up if you don't), let's install the Heroku Client for the command-line. Heroku offers a Mac OS X installer, the Heroku Toolbelt, that includes the client. But for these kind of tools, I prefer using Homebrew. It allows us to keep better track of what we have installed. Luckily for us, Homebrew includes aheroku-toolbelt
formula:$ brew install heroku-toolbelt
The formula might not have the latest version of the Heroku Client, which is updated pretty often. Let's update it now:$ heroku update
Don't be afraid to run heroku update
every now and then to always have the most recent version.Usage
Login to your Heroku account using your email and password:$ heroku login
If this is a new account, and since you don't already have a public SSH key in your ~/.ssh
directory, it will offer to create one for you. Say yes! It will also
upload the key to your Heroku account, which will allow you to deploy
apps from this computer.If it didn't offer create the SSH key for you (i.e. your Heroku account already has SSH keys associated with it), you can do so manually by running:
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Keep the default file name and skip the passphrase by just hitting Enter both times. Then, add the key to your Heroku account:$ heroku keys:add
Once the key business is done, you're ready to deploy apps! Heroku has a great Getting Started
guide, so I'll let you refer to that (the one linked here is for
Python, but there is one for every popular language). Heroku uses Git to
push code for deployment, so make sure your app is under Git version
control. A quick cheat sheet (if you've used Heroku before):$ cd myapp/
$ heroku create myapp
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku ps
$ heroku logs -t
The Heroku Dev Center is full of great resources, so be sure to check it out!MongoDB
MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database.Install
Installing it is very easy through Homebrew:$ brew update
$ brew install mongo
In a terminal, start the MongoDB server:$ mongod
In another terminal, connect to the database with the Mongo shell using:$ mongo
I'll let you refer to MongoDB's Getting Started guide for more!Redis
Redis is a blazing fast, in-memory, key-value store, that uses the disk for persistence. It's kind of like a NoSQL database, but there are a lot of cool things that you can do with it that would be hard or inefficient with other database solutions. For example, it's often used as session management or caching by web apps, but it has many other uses.Install
To install Redis, use Homebrew:$ brew update
$ brew install redis
Start a local Redis server using the default configuration settings with:$ redis-server
For advanced usage, you can tweak the configuration file at /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
(I suggest making a backup first), and use those settings with:$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
In another terminal, connect to the server with the Redis command-line interface using:$ redis-cli
I'll let you refer to Redis' documentation or other tutorials for more information.Elasticsearch
As it says on the box, Elasticsearch is a "powerful open source, distributed real-time search and analytics engine". It uses an HTTP REST API, making it really easy to work with from any programming language.You can use elasticsearch for such cool things as real-time search results, autocomplete, recommendations, machine learning, and more.
Elasticsearch runs on Java, so check if you have it installed by running:java -version
Next, install elasticsearch with:
$ brew install elasticsearch
program that gets moved to your PATH
. I find that too generic of a name, so I rename it to elasticsearch-plugin
by running (will need to do that again if you update elasticsearch):$ mv /usr/local/bin/plugin /usr/local/bin/elasticsearch-plugin
, just replace it with plugin
if you haven't followed this step.As you guessed, you can add plugins to elasticsearch. A popular one is elasticsearch-head, which gives you a web interface to the REST API. Install it with:
$ elasticsearch-plugin --install mobz/elasticsearch-head
Start a local elasticsearch server with:$ elasticsearch -f
option tells it to run in the foreground, so you can stop it with Ctrl+C
.)Test that the server is working correctly by running:
$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/'
.Elasticsearch's documentation is more of a reference. To get started, I suggest reading some of the blog posts linked on this StackOverflow answer.
Projects folder
This really depends on how you want to organize your files, but I like to put all my version-controlled projects in~/Projects
. Other documents I may have, or things not yet under version control, I like to put in ~/Dropbox
(if you have Dropbox installed), or ~/Documents
Here is a quick list of some apps I use, and that you might find useful as well:- Dropbox: File syncing to the cloud. I put all my documents in Dropbox. It syncs them to all my devices (laptop, mobile, tablet), and serves as a backup as well! (Free for 2GB)
- Google Drive: File syncing to the cloud too! I use Google Docs a lot to collaborate with others (edit a document with multiple people in real-time!), and sometimes upload other non-Google documents (pictures, etc.), so the app comes in handy for that. (Free for 5GB)
- 1Password: Allows you to securely store your login and passwords. Even if you only use a few different passwords (they say you shouldn't!), this is really handy to keep track of all the accounts you sign up for! Also, they have a mobile app so you always have all your passwords with you (syncs with Dropbox). A little pricey though. There are free alternatives. ($50 for Mac app, $18 for iOS app)
- Marked: As a developer, most of the stuff you write ends up being in Markdown. In fact, this
file (possibly the most important file of a GitHub repo) is indeed in Markdown, written in Sublime Text, and I use Marked to preview the results everytime I save. ($4) - Path Finder: I love OSX, it's Unix so great for developers, and all of it just works and looks pretty! Only thing I "miss" from Windows (OMG what did he say?), is a decent file explorer. I think Finder is a pain to use. So I gladly paid for this alternative, but I understand others might find it expensive just to not have to use Finder. ($40)
- Evernote: If I don't write something down, I'll forget it. As a developer, you learn so many new things every day, and technology keeps changing, it would be insane to want to keep it all in your head. So take notes, sync them to the cloud, and have them on all your devices. To be honest, I switched to Simplenote because I only take text notes, and I got tired of Evernote putting extra spaces between paragraphs when I copy & pasted into other applications. Simplenote is so much better for text notes (and it supports Markdown!). (Both are free)
- Moom: Don't waste time resizing and moving your windows. Moom makes this very easy. ($10)
- from https://github.com/nicolashery/mac-dev-setup
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- https://github.com/svett/mac-osx-dev-setup
- https://github.com/svett/home-osx
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Table of Contents
- Cloud Storages
- Developer Tools
- FTP Clients
- Finance
- Games
- IDE (Integrated development environment)
- Messaging
- Organisational
- Photo and Video
- Music
- Productivity
- Utilities
- Security
- Text Editors
Cloud Storages
Several data providers who stores your data in the cloud- Google Drive - A file storage and synchronization service created by Google.
- iCloud - A file storage and synchronization service powered by Apple.
- OneDrive - OneDrive is a file hosting service that allows users to sync files and later access them from a web browser or mobile device from Microsoft.
Developer Tools
Several tools to support the work of a developer- Paw - The ultimative REST client for Mac.
- Postman - Postman helps you develop APIs faster.
- PSequel - A PostgreSQL GUI Tool for Mac OS X.
- Sequel Pro - MySQL database management for Mac OS X.
- Airmail - Lightning Fast Mail Client for Mac and iPhone.
- N1 - The extensible, open source mail client.
- Postbox - Another powerful Mail Client for Mac.
FTP Clients
Applications to connect via several protocols to a server.- Cyberduck - Libre FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 & OpenStack Swift client.
- FileZilla - A fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client.
- Flow - The Mac's Best FTP + SFTP Client.
- Transmit - The ultimate Mac OS X FTP + SFTP + S3 app.
- Yummy FTP - Pro-level, Fast, Reliable FTP Client.
Applications to keep an eye on your costs- Banking 4 - Your banking software for OS X.
A list of awesome games which are running smoothly under Mac OS X- Heroes of the Storm - A MOBA video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.
IDE (Integrated development environment)
Software Applications that provides comprehensive facilities for software development.- Android Studio - Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android platform development.
- AppCode - Swift execution of your bright ideas.
- CLion - intelligent cross-platform C/C++ IDE.
- Eclipse - A project aiming to provide a universal toolset for development.
- Intellij IDEA - The Most Intelligent Java IDE.
- PhpStorm - The Most Intelligent PHP IDE.
- PyCharm - The Most Intelligent Python IDE.
- RubyMine - The Most Intelligent Ruby and Rails IDE.
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE.
- VS Code - Excellent multipurpose IDE.
Apps to communicate with other human beings- ChitChat - Unofficial Desktop client for WhatsApp.
- Nimbus - Standalone IRCCloud client for OS X.
- Skype - Share, message and call across Platforms.
- Slack - A messaging app for teams.
- Telegram - A new era of messaging.
- Textual - The world's most popular application for interacting with IRC on OS X.
Apps to organize your life like calendars or task lists- Sunrise Calendar - A beautifully designed calendar experience for your Mac.
Photo and Video
Apps for you to be more creative- Zoommy - Find awesome free stock photos.
Apps for listen to your favourite music- Soundnode - An opensource SoundCloud app for desktop.
Apps to improve your productivity during your day- Cerebro - One-input productivity booster.
- Wunderlist - Wunderlist is the easistest way to get stuff done. Keep your life in sync.
A list of tools to ease up your work with Mac OS X- Alfred - Search your Mac and the web effortlessly, and control your Mac using customised actions with the Alfred.
- Amphetamine - Don't let you mac sleep.
- Android File Transfer - Browse and transfer files upto 4 GB between Mac and Android device.
- AppCleaner - A small application to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
- Battery Guardian - Battery Guardian offers an easy way to remember to deplete your MacBook battery. Depleting your battery helps extend the battery's life.
- CleanMyMac - CleanMyMac can helps you to clean your Mac, monitor its health, optimize it for speed, and more.
- Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
- Garbage Truck - Automate emptying of trash on your Mac.
- HyperDock - Windows 7 style preview of open windows/applications and more.
- iTerm2 - A terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
- Knock - Unlock your Mac faster and more securely than ever.
- MacID - Unlock your Mac with just your fingerprint.™
- Onyx - The multifunction Utility.
- Paste - Keep track of your clipboard.
- Spectacle - Window control with simple and customizable keyboard shortcuts.
- Kap - Kap. Capture your screen
Encryption, Password Manager and other tools for your safety- 1Password - A comprehensive password manager.
- Boxcryptor - A tool to encript your sensitive files in your cloud storage.
- Dashlane - An another password manager & secure digital wallet.
Text Editors
A type of program used for editing plain text files.- Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
- BBEdit - It doesn’t suck.®
- Coda2 - Your code for the web.
- Emacs - Emacs is console based editor and highly customizable.
- Sublime Text 3 - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
- TextMate - The Missing Editor for Mac OS X.
- Vim - Vim is a highly configurable console based editor aimed at efficient text creation and modification.
My awesome macOS apps
List of macOS apps I love and use.
This is not supposed to be a huge list, but you may find it useful. Big awesome lists can be found here:
Contributions are not welcome.
- iStatMenus – An advanced Mac system monitor for your menubar
- Bartender – Organize your menu bar icons
- The Unarchiver – Unpack any archive, in no time
- AppCleaner – Small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps
- Keka – The macOS file archiver
- DaisyDisk – Analyze disk usage and free up disk space on Mac
- KeeWeb – Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- Transmission – A fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client
- VLC – Free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files
- Skype – Communication tool for free calls and chat
- GPG Suite - One simple package with everything you need, to protect your emails and files
- Parcel – All Deliveries in One Place
- KnockKnock – See what's persistently installed on your Mac
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate – The Java IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains
- Visual Studio Code – Code editing. Redefined.
- XCode – Everything you need to create amazing apps
- SourceTree – A free Git GUI for Mac and Windows
- Postman – API development environment
- MDB / ACCDB Viewer – Open Microsoft Access Databases on your Mac
- TableTool – A simple CSV editor for the Mac
- P4Merge – Visual Code Merge Tool and Diff Tool for Designers and Developers Alike
- VirtualBox – Powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product
- Cyberduck – A libre server and cloud storage browser
- Bit Slicer – Universal game trainer for macOS
- HexFeind – A fast and clever hex editor for Mac OS X
- Hopper Disassembler – The reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your applications
- Wireshark – The world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer
- Proxyman – A modern and intuitive HTTP debugging proxy
- Pixelmator Pro – Professional image editing tools that anyone can use
- Image Alpha – Image minifier
- Image Optim – Makes images load faster
- AdBlock — Surf the web without annoying pop ups and ads
- Ghostery — Makes the Web Cleaner, Faster and Safer
from https://github.com/antelle/my-awesome-mac-apps