ppt.cc/fVjECx ppt.cc/fEnHsx ppt.cc/fRZTnx ppt.cc/fSZ3cx ppt.cc/fLOuCx ppt.cc/fE9Nux ppt.cc/fL5Kyx ppt.cc/fIr1ax ppt.cc/f71Yqx tecmint.com linuxcool.com linux.die.net linux.it.net.cn ostechnix.com unix.com ubuntugeek.com runoob.com man.linuxde.net ppt.cc/fwpCex ppt.cc/fxcLIx ppt.cc/foX6Ux linuxprobe.com linuxtechi.com howtoforge.com linuxstory.org systutorials.com ghacks.net linuxopsys.com ppt.cc/ffAGfx ppt.cc/fJbezx ppt.cc/fNIQDx ppt.cc/fCSllx ppt.cc/fybDVx ppt.cc/fpjd9x ppt.cc/fKlBax
OpenProxy is an open source http proxy stack that is a combination of Varnish Cache and Nginx.
The main goal of the OpenProxy project is to create a high-performance open source http and https proxy server for production environments.
If you don't want to use both services at the same time, nothing prevents you from using the configurations only for a specific service.
Before using the Varnish Cache please read Introduction.
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture.
To increase your knowledge, read Varnish Documentation.
The next step should be to read the Varnish Cache OpenProxy documentation.
Before using the Nginx please read Beginner’s Guide.
Nginx (/ˌɛndʒɪnˈɛks/ EN-jin-EKS) is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler.
To increase your knowledge, read Nginx Documentation.
The next step should be to read the Nginx OpenProxy documentation.
Remember to make a copy of the current configuration and all files/directories.
It's very simple - full directory sync:
rsync -avur --delete lib/nginx/ /etc/nginx/
rsync -avur --delete lib/varnish-cache/ /etc/varnish/
For leaving your configuration (not recommended) remove --delete
rsync param.
Added your domain definitions to default.vcl:
include "/etc/varnish/master/domains/your.domain/backends.vcl";
include "/etc/varnish/master/domains/your.domain/main.vcl";
Clone to your domain directory:
cd /etc/varnish/master/domains
cp -R example.com/ your.domain
and replace example.com to your domain name:
cd your.domain
sed -i 's/example.com/your.domain/g' *
sed -i 's/example_com/your_domain/g' *
Remember to adjust the configuration to your needs.
Added your domain definitions to domains.conf:
cd /etc/nginx/master/
cat >> domains.conf << __EOF__
# Configuration for your.domain domain.
include /etc/nginx/master/_domains/your.domain/servers.conf;
include /etc/nginx/master/_domains/your.domain/backends.conf;
cd _domains
cp -R example.com/ your.domain
and replace example.com to your domain name:
cd domains/your.domain
sed -i 's/example.com/your.domain/g' *
sed -i 's/example_com/your_domain/g' *
Remember to adjust the configuration to your needs.
Import aliases from lib/etc/skel/aliases
to your shell init file and reload shell session with exec $SHELL -l
For example:
cd /usr/share/www/
git clone https://github.com/trimstray/http-error-pages && cd http-error-pages
systemctl daemon-reload
varnishadm param.show
varnishadm param.show max_retries
varnishadm vcl.show boot
varnishadm vcl.load config_name /etc/varnish/default.vcl
varnishadm vcl.use config_name
varnishadm backend.list
varnishadm ban req.http.host == example.com
varnishadm ban "req.http.host == example.com && req.url == /backend.*"
varnishlog -g raw -i Backend_health
varnishlog -g request
varnishlog -g raw
varnishlog -g request -q "ReqHeader eq 'Host: example.com'" -i Begin,ReqMethod,ReqUrl,ReqHeader
varnishlog -g request -q "ReqHeader eq 'User-Agent: x-bypass'"
varnishlog -i BackendOpen,BereqURL -q "BerespStatus == 200"
varnishlog -d -q 'RespStatus == 503' -g request
varnishlog -b -q 'FetchError'
🔸 Varnish HTTP Cache Project
🔸 Varnish Cache source code repository
🔸 Varnish Dashboard
🔸 Varnish 4.0 Template
🔸 Varnish 5.0 Template
🔸 Getting started with web app accelerator Varnish Cache
🔸 Varnish Regexp
🔸 VCL regular expression cheat sheet
🔸 5 Basic Tips to Using Regular Expressions in Varnish
🔸 Varnishlog: measure your Varnish cache performance
🔸 Protect your websites with Varnish rules
🔸 Collection of Varnish Cache modules (vmods) by Varnish Software
🔸 Nginx Project
🔸 Nginx official read-only mirror
🔸 Nginx boilerplate configs
🔸 Awesome Nginx configuration template
🔸 Nginx static analyzer
🔸 A collection of resources covering Nginx and more
🔸 Nginx Cheatsheet
🔸 Nginx Quick Reference
🔸 Nginx Cheatsheet by Mijdert Stuij
🔸 WAF for Nginx
🔸 ModSecurity for Nginx
🔸 How to Build a Tough NGINX Server in 15 Steps
🔸 Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices
🔸 Strong SSL Security on Nginx
🔸 Nginx Tuning For Best Performance by Denji
🔸 Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
🔸 BBC Digital Media Distribution: How we improved throughput by 4x
🔸 Web cache server performance benchmark: nuster vs nginx vs varnish vs squid
🔸 ngxtop
🔸 GoAccess
🔸 Graylog
🔸 Logstash
🔸 Online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions
🔸 Online Regex Tester & Debugger
🔸 SSL Server Test
🔸 Strong ciphers for Apache, Nginx, Lighttpd and more
🔸 Analyse the HTTP response headers by Security Headers
🔸 Analyze your website by Mozilla Observatory
from https://github.com/fo0nikens/OpenProxy
A fast download program.
一般下载工具,都是按顺序下载,且服务器给一个每个链接提供的流量是有限制的 而fget是建立多个链接,同时下载,最后合并成目标文件。
-H value
http headers
-o string
out put file name
-proxy value
proxys url eg:
-ps int
block size (default 10)
-th int
thread counts (default 10)
-uri string
download url
fget -uri http://xxxxx
fget -uri http://xxxxx -H "Referer: http://test.com" -H "Cookies: xxxxx"
from https://github.com/BrockChen/fget
This list started out as a blog post, with the intent of sharing a list of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 resources that I found very useful. Feel free to read the original article to see what links I deemed relevent in January of 2011.
The structure of this list has changed from a single file (which can still be found here), to a more organized, yet still simple, collection of files. This should make it a bit easier to organize, digest, and maintain (for those who would like to contribute).
I have also taken a more opinionated stance on what to include, and what to recommend to others, based upon my experiences in the field, and my consumption of a varied and vast number of articles on the subjects. Note that most of the resources listed herein are free and open source. There are exceptions, but for the most part, you can obtain all the knowledge and tools you need to become a crack front end designer or developer thanks to the hard work of others. Please consider donating to individuals or purchasing tools whenever possible to help support this thriving ecosystem.
The new list is now broken up into the following topics:
Core Technologies
Popular Topics
Articles & Resources, Updated Daily
NOTE: I am in the process of migrating the old list into these new categories, while adding/subtracting/reorganizing at the same time. While it is a work in progress, you will still find useful information. Keep in mind, you can always see the original list here.
from https://github.com/gloparco/Master-List-of-HTML5-JS-CSS-Resources
Web interface for Raspberry Pi。
from https://github.com/novaws/pi_tor_socks
动态生成socks5 用户名和密码
from https://github.com/yknext/socks-manager
ICMP/IP tunnel manager for Linux.
这是一个 ICMP/IP 隧道管理脚本,从服务器到本地的全部操作,都可以通过这个脚本完成,目前完美支持主流 Linux 发行版(能运行最新版本 Docker 即可)。
$ ./Pshell.sh -h
___ ____ __ __ ____ _____ ____ ____ _ _ _
|_ _/ ___| \/ | _ \ / /_ _| _ \ / ___|| |__ ___| | |
| | | | |\/| | |_) / / | || |_) | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |
| | |___| | | | __/ / | || __/ ___) | | | | __/ | |
|___\____|_| |_|_| /_/ |___|_| |____/|_| |_|\___|_|_|
Email: i@zuolan.me Blog: https://zuolan.me
可选参数 - 说明
-d (driver) - 指定网卡(enp3s0|wlp2s0|eth0|wlan0),默认全部。
-e (edit) - 编辑配置列表。
-f (fast) - 快速模式(切换为 IP 协议隧道,速度更快,安全性降低)。
-h (help) - 显示帮助信息。更详细说明请阅读 README 文件。
-k (kill) - 杀死 autossh 和 sshd 进程(当连接长时间中断时使用)。
-l (local) - 安装本地守护容器。
-m (monitor) - 查看代理与容器运行的情况。
-n (net) - 统计代理端口的流量(-n set/unset 开启/重置流量统计)。
-p (port) - 选择本地 HTTP 代理端口(默认配置/etc/privoxy/config)。
-s (server) - 安装服务器守护进程。
-u (update) - 检测版本以及更新脚本。
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "i@zuolan.me"
把公钥(id_rsa.pub)内容复制粘贴到服务器的 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
执行 sudo ./Pshell.sh --server
现在回到本地,在运行脚本连接之前需要填写配置文件,模板如下。打开 proxy.list
执行 ./Pshell.sh --local
使用 ./Pshell.sh
直接运行脚本即为 ICMP 协议隧道,然后你可以使用配置文件中设置的 Socks5 端口(见安装步骤第二步)连接到外网。设置方法和普通 Socks5 端口使用一样。(例如 Google Chrome 中的插件 SwitchyOmega。)
使用 ./Pshell.sh -f
即可启用 IP 协议的隧道,相比使用 ICMP 协议的隧道而言,IP 协议的隧道速度更快(有可能被云服务提供商误判为DDos攻击)。启用之后使用方式和 ICMP 模式一样,连接 Socks5 端口即可。
由于 SSH 的连接不是非常稳定,即便加了自动重连的方法还是会出现短暂的断网现象(自动重连大概要零点几秒),对于下载、游戏等过程有比较大影响,所以建议设置端口映射,由于 ICMP 协议速度不快,我就不写 ICMP 的端口映射了,用 ICMP 刷个网页基本不会感受到断网的情况。
# 安装 Pshell 服务端
$ ./Pshell.sh -s
# 安装 Shadowsocks 服务端
$ docker run -d --name ss -p 10001:10001 mritd/shadowsocks -s "-s -p 10001 -k ss_password -m aes-256-cfb"
然后回到本地的电脑,安装好 Pshell 本地端之后(./Pshell.sh -l
),打开 Shadowsocks 客户端,服务器地址为10.1.2.1
现在你可以使用 IP 协议稳定连接网络了。
有些软件不支持 Socks5 代理协议,所以提供端口转换功。
使用 ./Pshell.sh -p <port>
可以指定其中一个 socks5 端口转换为 http 端口(转换后 http 协议代理端口为 8118)。
端口转换功能是保存起来的,不需要每次运行都指定它,除非你想重新指定转换的 socks5 端口。
如果你想分享代理给他人用,可以使用 ./Pshell.sh -d <enp3s0>
参数指定网卡分享 Socks5 端口。
常用的网卡有 enp3s0|wlp2s0|eth0|wlan0 这些,使用
注意一点就是 Privoxy 的 8118 端口默认为仅 localhost 访问,如果需要他人访问,你还需要修改 localhost 为其他地址(例如,这样他人可以通过这个 http 端口访问外网。
在使用过程中可能会出现 sshd 进程崩溃的情况,这时候明明没有连接异常但死活连不上。
这个时候你可以使用 ./Pshell.sh -k
参数来杀死崩溃 sshd 进程并手动执行 ./Pshell.sh
重新启动 sshd 进程。
使用 alias
frm https://github.com/izuolan/Pshell
ps: 个人并不是专业写C语言的,使用C语言只是为了加深对网络协议底层处理的了解,因此项目代码风格非常糟糕,请勿随意模仿,还请见谅
git clone tawdemo-socks5-c
cd tawdemo-socks5-c
cmake .
./tawdemo-socks5-c -P [本地监听端口] -c -h [服务器地址] -p [服务器端口]
./tawdemo-socks5-c -P [本地监听端口] -s
frm https://github.com/lyytaw/tawdemo-socks5-c
socks5 server/client demo.
This repository implement a simple socks5 server and client according to rfc1928(partially), rfc1929
Only support TCP CONNECT currently.
from https://github.com/kumakichi/go-socks5 (估计server and client之间的连接也是未加密的。)
习近平清零抗疫 李克强提振经济 官员两难
北京大学生频爆抗议 社会不稳上升
布林肯提到,拜登总统启动了美印在内的13国印太经济繁荣框架(Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity)。
布林肯还列举二十国集团(G20),七国集团(G7)之间的合作,以及美国去年启动了美国-欧盟贸易和技术委员会(U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council),主持召开了重振全世界民主的全球峰会。
两大极权流年不利 拜登逢百年未有之机遇
You will need the following packages:
Then run:
This section is meant to help you quickly setup a transparent SOCKSv6 proxifier and a proxy.
If you don't want to run SOCKS on top of TLS, you can skip this section.
Start off by creating a self-signed certificate (you must provide a non-empty CN):
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout socks.key -out socks.crt -days 365
Next, create the database:
certutil -N -d /path/to/database
Add the certificate:
certutil -A -a -n socks -i socks.crt -t "cCu,," -d /path/to/database
Finally, convert the key to PKCS12 format and add it to the DB:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out socks.pfx -inkey socks.key -in socks.crt -certfile socks.crt
pk12util -i socks.pfx -d /path/to/database
You'll need to get iptables to redirect the traffic that must be proxified to the proxifier. In this example, all TCP traffic created by the user proxyme will be redirected to the local port 12345.
iptables -t nat -N SIXTYSOCKS
iptables -t mangle -N SIXTYSOCKS
iptables -t mangle -N SIXTYSOCKS_MARK
iptables -t nat -A SIXTYSOCKS -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner proxyme -j REDIRECT --to-ports 12345
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j SIXTYSOCKS
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j SIXTYSOCKS
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j SIXTYSOCKS_MARK
Run the proxy and proxifier as follows:
./sixtysocks -m proxy -t <proxy port> -C /path/to/database -n socks
./sixtysocks -m proxify -l 12345 -s <proxy IP> -p <proxy port> -C /path/to/database -S <proxy CN>
If you don't need TLS, use these commands instead:
./sixtysocks -m proxy -l <proxy port>
./sixtysocks -m proxify -l 12345 -s <proxy IP> -p <proxy port>
Optionally, you can also require authentication by supplying both the proxifier and proxy with a username and a password. Just append the following arguments:
-U username -P password
Optionally, you can install Dnsmasq (or some other local DNS proxy). Sixtysocks will redirect all requests to to
from https://github.com/45G/sixtysocks
A lightweight kernel module/iptables extension for sending spoofed TCP packets。
This is a kernel-space, partial implementation of this paper
$ make
# insmod xt_SPOOFTCP.ko
Copy libxt_SPOOFTCP.so
to iptables library folder, say /lib/xtables
Run iptables -j SPOOFTCP --help
and see if it prints the help message of this module.
ip6tables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -d 2001:db8::/64 -p tcp --dport 80 --syn -j SPOOFTCP --tcp-flags SYN,ACK
This will sent a spoofed SYN,ACK packet prior to the matched (original) SYN packet.
There are mechanisms to prevent the spoofed packets from being tracked
by nf_conntrack or being matched by another SPOOFTCP rule.
Incompatible with SNAT because the spoofed packets bypass nf_conntrack.
Use either one of the workarounds below:
parameter. It re-implements MASQUERADE
statelessly, but it won't work in case of port changes or custom SNAT rules.raw
table. The chain is hooked after SNAT.
Tested on kernel 4.14 and 4.19from https://github.com/hippocampi/netfilter-spooftcp
Build VPN server on AWS EC2 with QR code support. Build SOCKS/HTTP/DNS proxy locally. Support Ubuntu, OSX and Debian variants like Raspbian.
EC2 VPN server builder with multiple VPN support including L2TP, Shadowsocks, V2ray, Brook and Trojan.
Works in Ubuntu(Xenial and above), Mac OSX(Yosemite and above) and Debian(Buster and above) variants including Raspbian. Running in Windows with dind (Docker in docker) container is possible, but not yet verified.
Command vlp creates EC2 instance with VPN services installed out of box. Command lproxy creates proxy (SOCKS/HTTP/DNS) container running locally on your PC, Mac or Raspberry Pi, which tunneling all traffic through the VPN server on EC2. AWS account ID/key are necessary.
$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install docker.io git dnsutils curl whois
$ sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`; exit
Note: It is necessary to log out current session and back to get docker group setting take effect.
Note: For Raspberry Pi users, please update to Raspbian Buster before Docker installation as Docker version earlier than 18.09 is not supported any more.
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/samuelhbne/vpn-launchpad.git
$ cd vpn-launchpad
$ ./vlp init
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: INPUT-YOUR-AWS-KEY-HERE
Default region name [ap-northeast-1]:
Default output format [json]:
Note: './vlp init' need to download docker image(about 100MB) during the 1st time execution. However hub.docker.com might be 'throttled' mysteriously in certain country. Please try './vlp --from-src init' instead to build the docker image from source in case './vlp init' stuck on downloading over 10 minutes without progress.
$ ./vlp build --without-random --with-sslibev
Shadowsocks-URI: ss://YWVzLTI1Ni1nY206U1NTTElCRVYtUEFTUw==@
Scan QR code above from Shadowsocks compatible mobile app to connect your mobile phone/tablet.
Scan the QR code generated above from Shadowsocks compatible mobile app (Shadowrocket for iOS or Shadowsocks for Android etc.) to connect your mobile phone/tablet and enjoy.
Please jump to step 8 if PC/Mac browser connection is not your goal.
$ ./lproxy build v2ray
Setting up local proxy daemon...
Starting up local proxy daemon...
Wait 15s for local proxy initialisation...
Local proxy is running.
VPN sever address:
Checking SOCKS5 proxy on TCP ...
curl -sSx socks5h:// http://ifconfig.co
SOCKS5 proxy check passed.
Checking HTTP proxy on TCP ...
curl -sSx http://ifconfig.co
HTTP proxy check passed.
Checking DNS server on UDP ...
dig +short @ -p 65353 twitter.com
Checking IP owner ...
docker exec -it proxy-sslibev whois|grep OrgId
DNS server check passed.
Note: './lproxy build' need to download docker image(about 90MB) during the 1st time execution. However hub.docker.com might be 'throttled' mysteriously in certain country. Please try './lproxy build --from-src' instead to build the docker image from source in case './lproxy build' stuck on downloading over 10 minutes without progress.
Now modify connnection settings for Firefox, Safari or Chrome according to the proxy port settings given above.
$ ./lproxy purge
Local proxy found. Purging...
$ ./vlp purge
Waiting Instance shutdown...
Removing Security Group of vlp-bionic...
Security Group Removed.
Deleting SSH Key-Pair of vlp-bionic...
Note: Terminating VPN server instance from AWS after surfing is always recommended. It removes the potential trails from cloud to protect your privacy as well as reduces the cost for AWS service hiring in case you are not AWS free tier user.
Follow the official AWS doc page for more details
$ ./vlp
vlp [--from-src] <command> [options]
--from-src -- Build dependency container from source rather than docker image downloading
init -- Init aws account credential.
build -- Build VPN server.
--from-src -- Build VPN server from source rather than docker image downloading
--with-brook -- Build VPN server with Brook services installed
--with-l2tp -- Build VPN server with L2TP services installed
--with-v2ray -- Build VPN server with V2Ray services installed
--with-trojan -- Build VPN server with Trojan services installed
--with-sslibev -- Build VPN server with Shadowsocks services installed
--with-random -- Build VPN server with VPN passwords randomisation.
--without-random -- Build VPN server without VPN passwords randomisation.
status -- Check VPN server status.
--with-qrcode -- Print Shadowsocks and V2Ray connection QR Code.
purge -- Destory VPN server instance.
random -- Randomise VPN passwords.
ssh -- SSH login into VPN server instance.
$ ./lproxy
lproxy <command> [options]
build -- Build local proxy container.
--from-src -- Build local proxy container from source rather than docker image downloading.
brook -- Build local proxy container that connect to VPN server via Brook connector
sslibev -- Build local proxy container that connect to VPN server via Shadowsocks connector
trojan -- Build local proxy container that connect to VPN server via Trojan connector
v2ray -- Build local proxy container that connect to VPN server via V2ray connector
status -- Check local proxy container status.
purge -- Destory local proxy container.
Note: Please build VPN server before local proxy building.
Note: Component depency fetching from golang.org is necessary during the progress of building v2ray/brook with '--from-src' switch. However, golang.org access might be blocked in cetain country hence lead to the consequent building failure. Please remove '--from-src' switch (which means build from docker hub images fetching) if that is your case.
$ cat server-sslibev/server-sslibev.env
NOTE: Please ensure SGTCP/SGUDP and SSPORT are the same value to guarantee that AWS enabled the specific TCP/UDP port for incoming connection which server-sslibev service listened.
NOTE: Please run './vlp purge; ./vlp build' to get the new Shadowsocks server configuration applied.
Credits to shadowsocks-libev
$ cat server-v2ray/server-v2ray.env
NOTE: Please ensure SGTCP/SGUDP and V2RAYPORT are the same value to guarantee that AWS enabled the specific TCP/UDP port for incoming connection which server-v2ray service listened.
NOTE: Please run './vlp purge; ./vlp build' to get the new V2Ray server configuration applied.
Credits to V2Ray
$ cat server-trojan/server-trojan.env
NOTE: You need to register a free domain name on duckdns.org first.
NOTE: Please replace DUCKDNSTOKEN with the token obtained from the top of your duckdns.org home page after login.
NOTE: Please replace DUCKDNSDOMAIN with the domain name you registered on duckdns.org.
NOTE: Please run './vlp purge; ./vlp build' to get the new Trojan server configuration applied.
Credits to Trojan
$ cat server-softether/server-softether.env
NOTE: Please run './vlp purge && ./vlp build' to get the new L2TP server configuration applied.
Credits to Tomohisa Kusano and SoftEtherVPN
$ cat proxy-sslibev/proxy-sslibev.env
NOTE: Please run './lproxy build' to get the new Shadowsocks client configuration applied.
Credits to shadowsocks-libev
Docker installation is necessary for running vlp and lproxy. curl and dig will be used by 'lproxy status' for connection test and diagnosis but not compulsory.
$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install docker.io git dnsutils curl whois
$ sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`; exit
Both "vlp build" and "vlp status --with-qrcode" spit QR
codes (for Shadowsocks, V2Ray and Trojan) to facilitate the connection
from mobile devices via QR supported app like Shadowrocket for iOS, or Shadowsocks, v2rayNG and Igniter
(QR code scanning is unavailable so far) for Android. Simply scanning
the QR code from these apps will create a new connection entry. Connect
to it and Enjoy.
All credits to qrcode-terminal
Image/container names may changed after upgrading. Please do the following before upgrading:
Please follow the instructions here to do the cleaning:
$ ./vlp purge
$ ./lproxy purge
$ docker stop `docker ps -a|grep samuelhbne|awk '{print $1}'`
$ docker rm `docker ps -a|grep samuelhbne|awk '{print $1}'`
$ docker rmi `docker images |grep samuelhbne|awk '{print $3}'`
It is possible to run vpn-launchpad in dind container if Ubuntu is not your option. The following instructions will start a dind container with necessary local proxy port mappings, install package dependencies inside the container, create a non-root user with docker service access, and start vlp/lproxy consiquently.
$ docker run --privileged --name vlpdind -p 1080:1080 -p 8123:8123 -p 65353:65353 -d docker:stable-dind
$ docker exec -it vlpdind sh
/ # apk add bash shadow git curl bind-tools whois
/ # adduser -s /bin/bash -D vlp
/ # usermod -aG root vlp
/ # su - vlp
72d645e47cb2:~$ git clone https://github.com/samuelhbne/vpn-launchpad
72d645e47cb2:~$ cd vpn-launchpad/
72d645e47cb2:~/vpn-launchpad$ ./vlp init
72d645e47cb2:~/vpn-launchpad$ ./vlp build --without-random --with-v2ray
72d645e47cb2:~/vpn-launchpad$ ./lproxy build v2ray
from https://github.com/samuelhbne/vpn-launchpad
SOCKS - SOCKS Proxy for iPhone # Copyright (C) 2009 Ehud Ben-Reuven # udi@benreuven.com This is an iPhone App that is a SOCS Proxy. It allows you to connect your laptop to the Internet through the iPhone's 3G/Edge connection (tethering.) If you want to install the application on your iPhone you will have to build and install the App from the the supplied code. * Pay Apple for iPhone development program * get a development certificat from Apple's developers portal * download the entire source code to a Mac * double click SOCKS.xcodeproj * in the left panel select Targers and then select SOCKS * press the "i" Info button on the top * select Properties tab * In the Identifier field change "symfi" to your company name * connect an iPhone using a cable * click Build and Debug In order for this to work you need to follow few steps Instructions for Mac: * On your laptop start an add-hoc Wi-Fi network: * System Preferences->Network * select AirPort * click on Network Name and select Create Network * in Name enter "mywifi", press OK, press Apply * Connect you iPhone to the add-hoc wifi network: * Settings->Wi-Fi * select "mywifi" * Run this SOCKS App on your iPhone * In the SOCS Proxy tab press Start * configure your laptop to use SOCKS: * System Preferences->Network->Advanced...->Proxies * select SOCKS proxy * in the SOCKS Proxy Server field enter the address and port that appear on your iPhone screen * press OK * press Apply
from https://github.com/halogenica/iphone-socks-proxy
SOCKS server for iOS. Handy for defeating tethering speed limits, among other uses.
This app implements a very simple SOCKS5 server for iOS. You can use it to increase your tethering speeds when they are artificially limited; other uses are possible.
It is not distributed via the App Store because it'd probably get rejected.
Usage is simple: download this repo, git submodule update
, and then build & deploy from XCode. Then set your system/browser SOCKS5 proxy to whatever it says on the screen (e.g.
) and away you go.
UPDATE: Because sideloading apps is a pain, I recommend using nneonneo/iOS-SOCKS-Server instead; it's a Python script that can be easily loaded into Pythonista for iOS and used forever without sideloading restrictions.
from https://github.com/nneonneo/socks5-ios
SOCKS proxy server for iOS designed for Pythonista .
A simple SOCKS proxy designed to run on Pythonista on iOS, letting you fake-tether your devices to a phone.
folder to the Pythonista iCloud directoryiOS-SOCKS-Server
and open the socks5.py
to add the script to your home screen.socks5.py
script in Pythonista and hit Run.Recently, while travelling in China, I found out that Google Fi doesn't support tethering on iOS (I guess it's a feature they want to keep Android-exclusive or something?). Since my phone has a nice, fast, unblocked connection, I wanted to let my computer access it too.
I previously wrote Socks5-iOS for doing exactly this, but it turned out to be quite cumbersome to deploy and modify. Plus, the app expires frequently (if you don't have an iOS developer account), which makes it annoying if you need it in a pinch. Enter Pythonista - an App Store app which puts a complete Python interpreter on iOS.
This script can be used to implement a functional alternative to tethering, which I refer to fake-tethering. Fake-tethering has some substantial advantages over standard iOS tethering. It works even when carriers ban tethering, and it bypasses limits set on tethering speed since all connections originate from the phone.
While it's easiest to use this with websites, it's actually possible to tunnel any TCP connection over a SOCKS proxy. For example, here's how you would proxy an SSH connection:
ssh -o ProxyCommand='nc -X 5 -x <IP>:9876 %h %p' user@host
macOS appears to incorrectly assess the Internet as unreachable with an ad-hoc network, even if a proxy is configured. A workaround for this, tested on macOS 10.14, is described under issue #1.
from https://github.com/nneonneo/ios-socks-server