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Thursday 31 October 2019


HTTP is over. Don’t get left behind. Get free, secure HTTPS tunneling to your local machine!     

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What is beame-insta-ssl?

This is a free, open-source tool that allows you to expose securely a machine with HTTP or HTTPS server via a random hostname without needing to have a public IP address.
When using, the private key never leaves your computer/server. Beaqme cannot look into your traffic. While, theoretically, could issue a wildcard * certificate and terminate your traffic (which we don't do), this is preventable by checking certificate fingerprints.

Who is beame-insta-ssl for?

Any users of remote access (RDP, VNC, SSH etc), web developers, web designers, anyone whose work product is displayed in a browser.

What is the most common and valuable use case?

  • I have to access my linux machine but company policy restricts exposing port 22 to the global network
  • I am developing for iOS, and I want to test my web application against my backend code, but it is much more convenient for me to test locally. Beame allows me to expose my local development server to the mobile device with TLS terminated at my local workstation.
  • I want to be able to access my home PC from my laptop, I run RDP on it, but I don't have public IP and I don't want to rely on Username/Password either

Get started in three quick steps!

Step 1: Sign up super-fast here!
(if you use Windows, see Windows System Requirements below before Step 2)
Step 2 for Mac/Linux: Run sudo npm install -g beame-insta-ssl (please make sure you are using NodeJS version 6.9.X or newer). Depending on your configuration you might want to run npm install -g beame-insta-ssl instead (if you are using n or other methods for creating per-user NodejS installations).
Step 2 for Windows: Run npm install -g beame-insta-ssl (please make sure you are using NodeJS version 6.9.X or newer).
Step 3: Run the command in the sign up confirmation email you just got from us. beame-insta-ssl will obtain your very own beame hostname, and issue a valid public certificate for it.
The certificate will be ready in moments and you can start using your tunnel right away. Truly a one-stop-shop!

Windows System Requirements

Before running npm install -g beame-insta-ssl please make sure you have OpenSSL installed in C:\OpenSSL-Win64 . If you you already have OpenSSL installed at that location, skip the instructions below and just issue npm install -g beame-insta-ssl. If you don't have OpenSSL in C:\OpenSSL-Win64, one of the possible ways of installing OpenSSL is described below (Install Visual C++ Build Tools and Python 2.7, Upgrade NPM, Install Perl, Install OpenSSL). The procedure was tested on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Windows 10. We recommend to use your “Windows PowerShell” and run it with administrator rights for the following commands:

Install Visual C++ Build Tools and Python 2.7

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools. This typically takes 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the internet connection.

Upgrade NPM

npm -g install npm@latest

Install Perl

Perl is needed for building OpenSSL. If you already have Perl installed, please skip the Install Perl section.
Get Perl from (SHA256 is 9e6ab2bb1335372cab06ef311cbaa18fe97c96f9dd3d5c8413bc864446489b92) or another source. This version of Perl might have security issue but my estimation is that it's false positive. Consider installing other versions or Perl built by other companies.

Install OpenSSL

Download and extract (other versions might work but were not tested)
Using "Visual C++ 2015 x64 Native Build Tools Command Prompt" under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\ in the OpenSSL directory issue the following commands:
perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-asm --prefix=C:\OpenSSL-Win64
# If the following "clean" fails it's OK, just continue with following commands
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak clean
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install

npm install -g beame-insta-ssl

Check out our Wiki with how to guides:
  1. Beginner's Guide to beame-insta-ssl with Screenshots
  2. Installing a Non-Terminating Tunnel to IIS on Windows

What is the difference between terminating and non-terminating?

Terminating tunnel will make the insta-ssl terminate TLS for you (on the machine that runs it), the output into your server will be HTTP (unencrypted). Non-terminating is better, if you install your application on different computer, but in such case your task will be to inject the cert into your server.

How much data can I transfer?

Right now we are not limiting it, but might if we get unreasonable usage.

Can I lose my beame domain?

Yes. If you use it for phishing we will blacklist it and revoke corresponding cert (see license for details). Another way - if you loose your private key your domain is gone for sure.

Commands for using beame-insta-ssl:

Step 1: Sign up here, humans only, and receive your personal token by email (make sure you use an email you can access).
Step 2: Install beame-insta-ssl by running npm install -g beame-insta-ssl
Step 3: Run the command in your registration confirmation email. beame-insta-ssl will obtain your very own beame hostname, and issue a valid public certificate for it.
The certificate will be ready in moments and you can start using your tunnel right away.
Sample command for bringing up a tunnel:
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst 8008 --proto http
Use the command above if you want to have a secure connection, but don't want to install certificates into your own server. "Proto" - means which protocol insta-ssl will output towards your application. You will receive the following output:
Starting tunnel -> http://localhost:8008
Just run your server on desired port (8008 in the above example) and point any web browser to your random Beame hostname ( in sample output above)
You can also specify particular Beame hostname to run a tunnel on, in case, for example, when you have more than one set of Beame credentials:
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst 8008 --proto http --fqdn

Insta-ssl for remote access with client-certificate authentication

In order to use beame-insta-ssl as a tunnel for remote access (e.g. SSH, VNC, RDP), define "proto" to "tcp" as in the example below:
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst 3389 --proto tcp --fqdn --highestFqdn --trustDepth 3
In the example for RDP above, there's an access criteria defined by use of highestFqdn and trustDepth - if client certificate has any signing certificate below highestFqdn and itself is signed above required trustDepth, it will be allowed to access. You are allowed to skip highestFqdn and trustDepth, in such case the access will be granted to any credential that was signed under your own certificate (take it as - to your children, their children and so on, so that your credential is a top of the trust tree). If no authentication required, use --noAuth true parameter for tunnel make, in such case --fqdn on client side can be skipped as well. Now run a client to connect to the tunnel from example above:
beame-insta-ssl tunnelClient make --dst 3389 --fqdn --src
To define the tunnel client, provide a valid certificate (satisfying the condition set by the host) and point it to the right hostname (--src parameter). Ensure that RDP server is running on target, run the RDP client (pre-configured with username and password) on the machine with client and you are done.
SSH? Can't be easier, consider example below:
server (sshd)
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst 22 --proto tcp --fqdn --highestFqdn --trustDepth 3
beame-insta-ssl tunnelClient make --dst 12345 --fqdn --src
run in client terminal
$ssh -p 12345
The schematic high level of such network will look like:
ssh client ---> raw tcp --> websocket/TLS(x.509') --> public routers --> (x.509')TLS/websocket --> raw tcp ---> ssh server
Discriminating reader already spotted, that in order to make such tunnel trust the client, latter should have a certificate, signed by some credential that can be found in "tunnel" host's own certificate tree. Easiest way to create such credential, is to issue a regToken by the host and use it to create a new credential on client device and use it for authentication:
Host machine:
beame-insta-ssl creds getRegToken --fqdn
this will output long base64 string
Target device:
beame-insta-ssl creds getCreds --regToken 
This will print a log, that will end with: Certificate created! Certificate FQDN is continued with your new cred's FQDN.
No just copy/paste that FQDN to the tunnelClient command for --fqdn parameter.
Just to make the picture whole, here's an example of ssh , similar to previous example but without client auth:
server (sshd)
beame-insta-ssl tunnel make --dst 22 --proto tcp --fqdn --noAuth true
beame-insta-ssl tunnelClient make --dst 12345 --src

Where is my Beame data stored?

Credentials created by you are stored on your machine in $HOME/.beame folder. You can easily export them to the desired location, by using the export command that looks like this:
beame-insta-ssl creds exportCred --fqdn ./destination_folder_path

Advanced: TCP over TLS tunnel, with 3rd party tools, using beame-insta-ssl

Here are the commands that you can run to make a generic TCP tunnel over TLS tunnel provided by . This example shows specific case of exposing SSH port. Tested on Linux with socat version, make sure your socat version is recent enough to support TLS1.2

How it works

Establish tunnel using beame-insta-ssl "tunnel" command:
   infrastructure <--- code="" server="" ssh="">
Connect using tunnel, traffic between infrastructure and ssh server flows inside the established tunnel, incoming firewall rules near SSH server do not apply.
client ---> infrastructure ---> ssh server

Client side
while true;do date;socat tcp-listen:50001,reuseaddr exec:"openssl s_client -host $FQDN -port 443 -servername $FQDN -quiet";done &
ssh -p 50001

Server side (where beame-insta-ssl is installed)
./main.js tunnel make --dst 50000 --proto https --fqdn $FQDN &
while true;do date;socat openssl-listen:50000,reuseaddr,cert=$HOME/.beame/v2/$FQDN/p7b.cer,key=$HOME/.beame/v2/$FQDN/private_key.pem,method=TLS1.2,verify=0 TCP4:;done

How much does it cost?

Your first beame credential is and will remain free.

How do you guys make money?

Visit our web-site to know better what we are doing.


Shapeshifter Dispatcher

Shapeshifter Dispatcher converts Pluggable Transports that implement the Go API from the Pluggable Transports 2.0 specification into proxies usable by applications. Several proxy modes are provided, including proxying of both TCP and UDP traffic.

Operator makes useable tools to help people around the world with censorship, security, and privacy.

The Shapeshifter project provides network protocol shapeshifting technology (also sometimes referred to as obfuscation). The purpose of this technology is to change the characteristics of network traffic so that it is not identified and subsequently blocked by network filtering devices.
There are two components to Shapeshifter: transports and the dispatcher. Each transport provide different approach to shapeshifting. These transports are provided as a Go library which can be integrated directly into applications. The dispatcher is a command line tool which provides a proxy that wraps the transport library. It has several different proxy modes and can proxy both TCP and UDP traffic.
If you are a tool developer working in the Go programming language, then you probably want to use the transports library directly in your application.
If you want a end user that is trying to circumvent filtering on your network or you are a developer that wants to add pluggable transports to an existing tool that is not written in the Go programming language, then you probably want the dispatcher. Please note that familiarity with executing programs on the command line is necessary to use this tool.
If you are looking for a complete, easy-to-use VPN that incorporates shapeshifting technology and has a graphical user interface, consider Moonbounce, an application for macOS which incorporates shapeshifting without the need to write code or use the command line.

Shapeshifter Dispatcher

This is the repository for the shapeshifter-dispatcher command line proxy tool. If you are looking for the transports is provides, they are here:
The dispatcher implements the Pluggable Transports 2.1 draft 1 specification available here:
The purpose of the dispatcher is to provide different proxy interfaces to using transports. Through the use of these proxies, application traffic can be sent over the network in a shapeshifted form that bypasses network filtering, allowing the application to work on networks where it would otherwise be blocked or heavily throttled.
The dispatcher currently supports the following proxy modes:
  • SOCKS5 (with optional PT 2.0 authentication protocol)
  • Transparent TCP
  • Transparent UDP
The dispatcher currently supports the following transports:
  • obfs4
  • optimizer
  • shadow (Shadowsocks)


The dispatcher is written in the Go programming language. To compile it you need to install Go 1.10.2 or higher:
If you just installed Go for the first time, you will need to create a directory to keep all of your Go source code:
mkdir ~/go
If you already have Go installed, make sure it is a compatible version:
go version
The version should be 1.10.2 or higher.
If you get the error "go: command not found", then trying exiting your terminal and starting a new one.
If you have a compatible Go installed, you should go to the directory where you keep all of your Go source code and set your GOPATH:
cd ~/go
export GOPATH=~/go
Software written in Go is installed using the go get command:
go get -u
This will fetch the source code for shapeshifter-dispatcher, and all the dependencies, compile everything, and put the result in bin/shapeshifter-dispatcher.


Run without argument to get usage information:
A minimal configuration requires at least --client, --state, and --transports. Example:
bin/shapeshifter-dispatcher --client --state state --transports obfs2
Use either --client or --server to place the proxy into client or server mode, respectively. Use --state to specify a directory to put transports state information. Use --transports to specify which transports to launch.
The default proxy mode is SOCKS5 (with optional PT 2.0 authentication protocol), which can only proxy SOCKS5-aware TCP connections. For some transports, the proxied connection will also need to know how to speak the PT 1.0 authentication protocol. This requirement varies by the transport used.
Another TCP proxy mode is available, Transparent TCP, by using the --transparent flag. In this mode, the proxy listens on a socket and any data from incoming connections is forwarded over the transport.
UDP proxying can be enabled with the --udp flag. The default UDP mode is STUN packet proxying. This requires that the application only send STUN packets, so works for protocols such as WebRTC, which are based on top of STUN.
Another UDP proxy mode is available, Transparent UDP, by using the --transparent flag with the --udp flag. In this mode, the proxy listens on a UDP socket and any incoming packets are forwarded over the transport.
Only one proxy mode can be used at a time.
The full set of command line flags is specified in the Pluggable Transport 2.1 draft 1 specification.

Running with obfs4

Here are example command lines to run the dispatcher with the obfs4 transport:
bin/shapeshifter-dispatcher -transparent -server -state state -orport -transports obfs4 -bindaddr obfs4- -logLevel DEBUG -enableLogging -extorport
This runs the server in transparent TCP proxy mode. The directory "state" is used to hold transport state. The destination that the server will proxy to is, port 3333. For this demo to work, something needs to be running on this host and port. You can use netcat to run a simple server with "nc -l 3333". The obfs4 transport is enabled and bound to the address and the port 2222. Logging is enabled and set to DEBUG level. The statistics reporting server address is also required on the server and is set to, port 3334. However, this service does not actually need to be running for the demo to work. To access this Log for debugging purposes, go to user/go/state/dispatcher.log
When the server is run for the first time, it will generate a new public key and it will write it to a file in the state directory called obfs4_bridgeline.txt. This information is needed by the dispatcher client. Look in the file and retrieve the public key from the bridge line. It will look similar to this:
Bridge obfs4 :  cert=OfQAPDamjsRO90fDGlnZR5RNG659FZqUKUwxUHcaK7jIbERvNU8+EVF6rmdlvS69jVYrKw iat-mode=0
The cert parameter is what is needed for the dispatcher client.
bin/shapeshifter-dispatcher -transparent -client -state state -target  -transports obfs4 -proxylistenaddr -optionsFile obfs4.json -logLevel DEBUG -enableLogging 
This runs the client in transparent TCP proxy mode. The directory "state" is used to hold transport state. The address of the server is specified as, port 2222. This is the same address as was specified on the server command line above. For this demo to work, the dispatcher server needs to be running on this host and port. The obfs4 transport is enabled and bound to the address and the port 1443. The -optionsFile parameter is different for every transport. For obfs4, the "cert" and "iat-mode" parameters are required. These can be found in the obfs4_bridgeline.txt in the server state directory, which is generated by the server the first time that it is run. It is important for the cert parameter to be correct, otherwise obfs4 will silently fail. You can input your parameters in the Obfs4.json file in the shapeshifter-dispatcher folder or you can put the parameters in directly in this format:
bin/shapeshifter-dispatcher -transparent -client -state state -target -transports obfs4 -proxylistenaddr -options '{"cert": "OfQAPDamjsRO90fDGlnZR5RNG659FZqUKUwxUHcaK7jIbERvNU8+EVF6rmdlvS69jVYrKw", "iat-mode": "0"}' -logLevel DEBUG -enableLogging
Logging is enabled and set to DEBUG level.
Once the client is running, you can connect to the client address, which in this case is, port 1443. For instance, you can telnet to this address:
telnet 1443
Any bytes sent over this connection will be forwarded through the transport server to the application server, which in the case of this demo is a netcat server. You can also type bytes into the netcat server and they will appear on the telnet client, once again being routed over the transport.
Environment Variables
Using command line flags is convenient for testing. However, when launching the dispatcher automatically from inside of an application, another option is to use environment variables. Most of the functionality specified by command line flags can also be set using environment variables instead.
The full set of environment variables is specified in the Pluggable Transport 2.1 draft 1 specification.


shapeshifter-dispatcher is based on the Tor project's "obfs4proxy" tool.
  • Yawning Angel for obfs4proxy
  • David Fifield for goptlib
  • Adam Langley for the Go Elligator implementation.
  • Philipp Winter for the ScrambleSuit protocol.

Pluggable Transports

Pluggable Transport Specification Documents

The current version of the PT specification is 2.1. It is available, along with requests for modifications, at this page on Github.
Pluggable Transports are a concept developed by The Tor Project that provide ways to protect your data from aggressive censorship techniques, and can be included in a variety of tools. The Tor Project authored the original Pluggable Transports specification for use in the tor network environment.



Pluggable Transports Python interface & standalone tunnels.
ptadapter is a Python 3 package that interfaces with Pluggable Transports.
Pluggable Transports (PT) are originally created for Tor as a modular, interchangeable (pluggable) method of tunneling and obfuscating network traffic (transport). This design makes PTs useful not only for Tor, but many other use cases where traffic obfuscation is desired. Learn more about Pluggable Transports at the dedicated website,
This package implements Version 1 of the Pluggable Transport specifications (relevant specs can be found in the specifications directory). Version 2 of the specs is in development: refer to the website linked above for progress.
(This package also implements Tor's Extended ORPort protocol, which can be optionally used to receive server connections from PTs.)
This package REQUIRES Python 3.7 or higher. It has no 3rd-party dependencies.

What's Included

This package implements several Python classes that execute and communicate with a PT subprocess, allowing connections to be made through the PT as a client, or received as a server. The code is built on top of asyncio, and uses the familiar StreamReader and StreamWriter for connections.
Also included is a ready-made tool that can run PTs as a standalone tunnel. No coding is necessary to use this.

What's Required

  • Python 3.7 or above.
  • The Pluggable Transport to be used, as an executable program. This may be installed from the repository, built from source, extracted from the Tor Browser Bundle, etc.

How to get this package

This package is now uploaded to PyPI, so install it the usual way:
pip install ptadapter
If you don't want to install, you could also clone this repository or download a source package, and put the ptadapter directory in the working directory or somewhere in your PYTHONPATH.

How to use PTs in you own Python program

Start with the Documentation. Currently the docs are hosted on Github Pages and updated manually. When Read The Docs supports building docs with Python 3.7, the docs will be moved there.

How to create a standalone PT tunnel

If the package is installed via pip, an entry script called ptadapter is created, so run the command below to see usage:
ptadapter --help
Otherwise, run:
python -m ptadapter --help
A configuration file should be provided to the script. The Documentation contains a detailed guide page, which includes an example config file with detailed comments; the example config file can also be found in this repository.


Pluggable transports like meek and obfs4 can be difficult to use outside of Tor. That’s because they communicate with a parent process using a specification that is not widely implemented. ptadapter wraps pluggable transports to provide a simple local TCP interface so that pluggable transports can easily be used by other programs.

Here is a tutorial on using ptadapter and obfs4 to obfuscate a simple HTTP proxy.


Install the dependencies.
$ sudo apt install python3-pip obfs4proxy ncat
$ sudo pip3 install ptadapter
Run your HTTP proxy, listening on a localhost port. (You can replace this step with any kind of server you want.)
$ ncat -l -k --proxy-type http 3128
Create a file called ptadapter.ini. The format is documented here
exec = /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
state = pt_state
forward =
tunnels = server_obfs4
transport = obfs4
listen = # replace this with a port of your choice
Run ptadapter on the configuration file. Now you have an external obfs4 listener on that will deobfuscate traffic and forward it to
$ ptadapter -S ptadapter.ini
Get the bridge’s certificate for pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt. The important part is cert=..., the obfs4 server’s public key information. You will need it when setting up the client.
$ cat pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt
Bridge obfs4 :  cert=1/x+AlgQH0T9ZD23FUzs7SeYzDFhxIXjlbTwU7ExkAXVAmi601C4S4Auk+oRqniAIbqmXg iat-mode=0


Install the dependencies.
$ sudo apt install python3-pip obfs4proxy
$ sudo pip3 install ptadapter
Create a file called ptadapter.ini. Copy the values for options-cert and options-iat-mode from pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt on the server.
exec = /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
state = pt_state
tunnels = client_obfs4
transport = obfs4
listen =
upstream = :9999
options-cert = 1/x+AlgQH0T9ZD23FUzs7SeYzDFhxIXjlbTwU7ExkAXVAmi601C4S4Auk+oRqniAIbqmXg
options-iat-mode = 0
Run ptadapter on the configuration file. Now you have a local listener at that will obfuscate and forward to server:9999, which will then deobfuscate and forward to its own Basically, the client’s port 3128 is connected to the server’s port 3128 through a magic obfuscated tunnel.
$ ptadapter -C ptadapter.ini
Now you can test the tunnel, treating the client’s local as if it were an HTTP proxy.
$ curl -x

You can also configure in your web browser, etc.


Use the -v option to make ptadapter more verbose.
$ ptadapter -vv -S ptadapter.ini
$ ptadapter -vv -C ptadapter.ini
Enable obfs4proxy logging in ptadapter.ini. The logs will appear in pt_state/obfs4proxy.log.
exec = /usr/bin/obfs4proxy --enableLogging --unsafeLogging --logLevel=DEBUGfrom


年代向錢看 川普.習近平貿易戰臨時協議生變!



Wednesday 30 October 2019


What is ssltunnel?

This is a lightweight TCP over SSL / TLS tunnel running over node. If you need to add confidentiality (privacy), integrity, and authenticity to your TCP stream this is the tool for you.


Please follow the following steps to get it up and running:
  1. Download and install latest node (don't worry, it is small)
  2. Enter CMD and run: npm install ssltunnel
  3. The ssltunnel package now resides under ./node_modules/ssltunnel

Creating certificates

ssltunnel uses client and server certificates for creating proper TLS connection. While server certificate is enough to assure confidentiality and integrity, client certificate is required for assuring authenticity.
Test certificates are provided in the testcerts folder. You can start playing with ssltunnel using them.
Please do not use test certificates for production.
You can easily create your certificates using openssl. Each certificate is represented by a key pair. The steps are the same for both client and server certificates. See some example of certificate generation below.
  $ openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
  $ openssl req -new -x509 -key private.pem -out public.pem -days 3650

Running the ssltunnel

Imagine you have a client-server application. The server is running on my_host:8080. You can route the traffic via ssl tunnel by creating both ssltunnel's server and client:
d:\src\ssltunnel\bin>ssltunnel.cmd -r server \
--proxy_port 54443 \
--server_port 8080 \
--server_host my_host \
--srv_pub_cert ..\testcerts\sc_public.pem \
--clt_pub_cert ..\testcerts\cc_public.pem \
--srv_prv_cert ..\testcerts\sc_private.pem \

Running 'server' role. Listening on 54443, decrypting and forwarding to real server machine on my_host:8080
d:\src\ssltunnel\bin>ssltunnel.cmd -r client \
--proxy_port 54080 \
--server_port 54443 \
--server_host my_ssltunnel_server_host \
--srv_pub_cert ..\testcerts\sc_public.pem \
--clt_pub_cert ..\testcerts\cc_public.pem \
--clt_prv_cert ..\testcerts\cc_private.pem \

Running 'client' role. Listening on 54080, encrypting and forwarding to ssltunnel's server on my_ssltunnel_server_host:54443
Now, just point you client to the machine where ssltunnel's client is running (localhost?) port 54808, and ssltunnel will take care of forwarding the data to the server securely.
This is the list of all arguments ssltunnel supports:
Usage node d:\src\ssltunnel\bin\run_ssltunnel.js

  -r, --role      The role of the tunnel component, either 'client' or 'server'              [required]
  --proxy_port    The proxy listener's port                                                  [required]
  --server_host   The server's hostname. Either ssltunnel's server role or back-end server   [default: "localhost"]
  --server_port   The server's port. Either ssltunnel's server role or back-end server       [required]
  --log_level     SSLTunnel logging level. One of: 'error', 'warn', 'info', or 'log'         [default: "log"]
  --keep_alive    Use TCP keep-alive when connecting to an sslserver. 
                  Provide keep-alive delay in ms. Use negative value for
                  turning keep-alive off. Relevant for client role only.                     [default: "30000"]
  --srv_pub_cert  Public certificate file for ssltunnel's server                             [required]
  --srv_prv_cert  Private certificate file for ssltunnel's server
  --clt_pub_cert  Public certificate for ssltunnel's client                                  [required]
  --clt_prv_cert  Private certificate for ssltunnel's client

Missing required arguments: r, proxy_port, server_port, srv_pub_cert, clt_pub_cert


npm install ssltunnel 
cd node_modules/ssltunnel/  
LICENSE  bin  docs  package.json certs  lib  testcerts

cd bin
node run_ssltunnel.js -h



巴格达迪死了,死得好,死得妙,死得呱呱叫。感谢上帝, 感谢美弟,世上从此少了一个恶魔,地狱从此多了一个死鬼,多少听见他的名字就发抖的人们,终于可以长舒一口气,多少因ISIS暴行而死的冤魂,终于可以稍稍平息怨气。
譬如有个叫Omar Hussain的蠢货,原本在英國一家超市当保安,有份稳定的收入,日子过得还不错。但丫决定为了伪大的信仰,日子不过了,去当ISIS吧。加入了蠢货队伍之后,丫就成了招募专员,专门负责给蠢货队伍招募娃娃兵,连幼儿园小朋友也不放过啊。他给小朋友手里塞上一把木仓,逼着他们杀囚犯,说是为了他们好,因为不敢杀异教徒的懦夫进不了天國嘛。







川普消灭ISIS的头目,却被美国的左派攻击 英国媒体人:川普的批评者在羞辱自己的国家

上周末,在川普总统的亲自批准和指挥下,美军特种部队突袭伊斯兰国(ISIS)恐怖份子头目巴格达迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi),令他在逃命中自爆身亡。对于美国的重大胜利,美国主流媒体反应平平,左派人士甚至批评川普总统。对此,英国著名媒体人摩根(Piers Morgan)表示,那些川普总统的批评者这样做完全是在羞辱他们的国家和他们自己。


摩根谈到,2011年,奥巴马政府在成功击毙基地组织恐怖份子头子本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)之后,美国当时是举国欢庆。然而上周末,ISIS头子在川普政府领导下被迫自杀的消息却似乎并未得到相同的反应。



在对摩根进行专访之前,福克斯电视主持人卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)也播放了几段视屏,反应一些主流媒体拒绝认可川普总统突袭恐怖份子取得的巨大胜利。前中央情报局(CIA)分析师马德(Philip Mudd)甚至还在CNN媒体上是非不分地说:“总统庆祝一个人的死亡,这是不对的。不管这个人是谁。”马德认为不管这个人是否是恐怖份子或者人们憎恶的人,只要是一个人死了,都不应庆祝。(真是匪夷所思,这个Mudd的脑子进水了吗?他可是前中央情报局分析师啊,是专业人士,难道他不知道巴格达迪有多邪恶吗??


