$ felix -h
felix [flags]
felix [command]
Available Commands:
brofist Pewdiepie needs your help.Do your part to subscribe Pewdiepie's Youtube Channel.
clean purge all felix configuration
ginbin Ginbin allows you to embed a directory of static files into your Go binary to be later served from github.com/gin-goin/gin
ginbro generate a RESTful codebase from SQL database
godoc golang.google.cn/pkg
help Help about any command
json open a tab in browser to convert json to golang struct
scpd scp download file or folder
scpu scp upload a file or a folder
ssh open a ssh terminal
sshad add a ssh connection configuration
sshdu duplicate a ssh connection
sshedit update a ssh connection
sshexport export all ssh connection configuration to a csv file
sshimport import massive ssh connection configuration from a csv file
sshinfo view a ssh connection
sshls list all ssh connection configuration or search by hostname
sshproxy ssh port proxy
sshrm delete a ssh connection
sshsocks start a socks4/5 proxy
sshw open a web UI for Felix http://localhost:2222
task list all rows in TaskList
taskad add a row into TaskList
taskok set a row done in TaskList
taskrm remove a row in TaskList
-h, --help help for felix
--verbose verbose
-V, --version show binary build information
Use "felix [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Build and Run
go get github.com/libragen/felix
go install
- append $GOBIN into your env $PATH
felix -h
or just
go build
run binary by ./felix
felix sshw
command: $ felix sshw -h
the demo website is http://home.mojotv.cn:2222
felix sshw [flags]
-a, --addr string listening addr (default ":2222")
-x, --expire uint token expire in * minute (default 1440)
-h, --help help for sshw
-p, --password string auth password (default "admin")
-s, --secret string jwt secret string
-u, --user string auth user (default "admin")
Global Flags:
--verbose verbose
$ felix sshw
from github.com/libragen/felix