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Tuesday, 3 December 2024


A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2. 

notebooks are available at ageron/handson-ml3 and contain more up-to-date code.

This project aims at teaching you the fundamentals of Machine Learning in python. It contains the example code and solutions to the exercises in the second edition of my O'Reilly book Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow:

Note: If you are looking for the first edition notebooks, check out ageron/handson-ml. For the third edition, check out ageron/handson-ml3.

Quick Start

Want to play with these notebooks online without having to install anything?

Use any of the following services (I recommended Colab or Kaggle, since they offer free GPUs and TPUs).

WARNING: Please be aware that these services provide temporary environments: anything you do will be deleted after a while, so make sure you download any data you care about.

  • Open In Colab

  • Open in Kaggle

  • Launch binder

  • Launch in Deepnote

Just want to quickly look at some notebooks, without executing any code?

  • Render nbviewer

  •'s notebook viewer also works but it's not ideal: it's slower, the math equations are not always displayed correctly, and large notebooks often fail to open.

Want to run this project using a Docker image?

Read the Docker instructions.

Want to install this project on your own machine?

Start by installing Anaconda (or Miniconda), git, and if you have a TensorFlow-compatible GPU, install the GPU driver, as well as the appropriate version of CUDA and cuDNN (see TensorFlow's documentation for more details).

Next, clone this project by opening a terminal and typing the following commands (do not type the first $ signs on each line, they just indicate that these are terminal commands):

$ git clone
$ cd handson-ml2

Next, run the following commands:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate tf2
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=python3

Finally, start Jupyter:

$ jupyter notebook

If you need further instructions, read the detailed installation instructions.


Which Python version should I use?

I recommend Python 3.8. If you follow the installation instructions above, that's the version you will get. Most code will work with other versions of Python 3, but some libraries do not support Python 3.9 or 3.10 yet, which is why I recommend Python 3.8.

I'm getting an error when I call load_housing_data()

Make sure you call fetch_housing_data() before you call load_housing_data(). If you're getting an HTTP error, make sure you're running the exact same code as in the notebook (copy/paste it if needed). If the problem persists, please check your network configuration.

I'm getting an SSL error on MacOSX

You probably need to install the SSL certificates (see this StackOverflow question). If you downloaded Python from the official website, then run /Applications/Python\ 3.8/Install\ Certificates.command in a terminal (change 3.8 to whatever version you installed). If you installed Python using MacPorts, run sudo port install curl-ca-bundle in a terminal.

I've installed this project locally. How do I update it to the latest version?


How do I update my Python libraries to the latest versions, when using Anaconda?




A resource for learning about Machine learning & Deep Learning.

Machine Learning Collection

In this repository you will find tutorials and projects related to Machine Learning. I try to make the code as clear as possible, and the goal is be to used as a learning resource and a way to lookup problems to solve specific problems. For most I have also done video explanations on YouTube if you want a walkthrough for the code. If you got any questions or suggestions for future videos I prefer if you ask it on YouTube. This repository is contribution friendly, so if you feel you want to add something then I'd happily merge a PR 😃

Table Of Contents

Machine Learning

PyTorch Tutorials

If you have any specific video suggestion please make a comment on YouTube :)


More Advanced

Object Detection

Object Detection Playlist

Generative Adversarial Networks

GAN Playlist


PyTorch Lightning

TensorFlow Tutorials

If you have any specific video suggestion please make a comment on YouTube :)

Beginner Tutorials

CNN Architectures
