Node.js后端开发,自动重启以apply更新, 对标前端开发工具webpack-dev-server。
Serves a Node.js app. Restart the app on changes.
Serves a Node.js app. Restart the app on changes. Just like the webpack-dev-server but this is not web.
Why not use the nodemon?
We use webpack5, not simply watch the OS File-System events;
We can kill existing process (tree), compile and restart a cmd.exe window of a terminal on source-code changes.
(Only implemented on the Windows OS currently, and Gnome-terminal)
This is a CLI program, install the global command "node-dev-server" or "nds" by:
$ yarn global add @develon/node-dev-server
$ npm install --global @develon/node-dev-server
Version 1.3.0
增加了模块解析, 需要全局安装webpack
$ yarn global add webpack webpack-cli
Start watching a project:
$ nds [project]
For example, watch and compile the project "uexpress":
node-dev-server $ cd uexpress
uexpress $ yarn install #Installation dependencies
uexpress $ nds . #Start watching
Then you can see this output, and a new cmd.exe window running the project "uexpress":
[I] 项目根目录: D:\node-dev-server\uexpress
[I] 最终Webpack配置: {
"mode": "none",
"target": "node",
"externals": [
"[Function: excludeNodeModules]"
"entry": {
"main": "D:\\node-dev-server\\uexpress\\src\\index.js"
"output": {
"path": "D:\\node-dev-server\\uexpress\\dist",
"filename": "[name].js"
"module": {
"rules": [
"test": "/\\.js$/",
"use": []
"test": "/\\.ts$/",
"use": [
"watch": true
[I] 输出目录: D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress\dist
[V] 导入:D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage => D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress\src\index.js
[V] 导入:D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress\src => colors
[V] 运行时依赖: colors由node_modules提供 => colors = require('colors')
[V] 导入:D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress\src => express
[V] 运行时依赖: express由node_modules提供 => express = require('express')
[I] 编译完成!
[V] start "uexpress" /WAIT cmd /c "cd /D "D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress\dist" && "node" ./main.js & pause"
[I] 项目 uexpress 已启动, root PID:40996
[V] 耗时:112 ms
[V] 等待文件变化,或使用命令“rs"重启程序
[I] 关闭 D:\Code\Node\pure-node\webpack-usage\uexpress ...
[I] 关闭 node-dev-server ...
$ nds create "app" && cd "app"
app $ yarn setup
app $ vi src/index.ts #edit project entry
app $ nds . #compile and watch
$ mkdir app && cd app
app $ yarn init -y #initialize a Node.js project
app $ nds init . #init nds project
app $ yarn setup
app $ vi src/index.ts #edit project entry
app $ nds . #compile and watch
脚本yarn setup
nds --eject && yarn add -D @types/node
要开发electron-main应用程序, 直接修改webpack配置文件的目标为electron-main
, nds会使用electron
const CONFIG = {
target: 'electron-main',
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