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Monday 16 January 2017


Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the Ripple Consensus Ledger in C++

What is Ripple?

Ripple is a network of computers which use the Ripple consensus algorithm to atomically settle and record transactions on a secure distributed database, the Ripple Consensus Ledger (RCL). Because of its distributed nature, the RCL offers transaction immutability without a central operator. The RCL contains a built-in currency exchange and its path-finding algorithm finds competitive exchange rates across order books and currency pairs.

Key Features

  • Distributed
    • Direct account-to-account settlement with no central operator
    • Decentralized global market for competitive FX
  • Secure
    • Transactions are cryptographically signed using ECDSA or Ed25519
    • Multi-signing capabilities
  • Scalable
    • Capacity to process the world’s cross-border payments volume
    • Easy access to liquidity through a competitive FX marketplace

Cross-border payments

Ripple enables banks to settle cross-border payments in real-time, with end-to-end transparency, and at lower costs. Banks can provide liquidity for FX themselves or source it from third parties.
As Ripple adoption grows, so do the number of currencies and counterparties. Liquidity providers need to maintain accounts with each counterparty for each currency – a capital- and time-intensive endeavor that spreads liquidity thin. Further, some transactions, such as exotic currency trades, will require multiple trading parties, who each layer costs to the transaction. Thin liquidity and many intermediary trading parties make competitive pricing challenging.
Flow - Direct

XRP as a Bridge Currency

Ripple can bridge even exotic currency pairs directly through XRP. Similar to USD in today’s currency market, XRP allows liquidity providers to focus on offering competitive FX rates on fewer pairs and adding depth to order books. Unlike USD, trading through XRP does not require bank accounts, service fees, counterparty risk, or additional operational costs. By using XRP, liquidity providers can specialize in certain currency corridors, reduce operational costs, and ultimately, offer more competitive FX pricing.
Flow - Bridged over XRP

rippled - Ripple server

rippled is the reference server implementation of the Ripple protocol. To learn more about how to build and run a rippled server, visit



Installing rippled

For development, you can compile rippled from source.
Production rippled instances can use Ripple's binary executable, available from the Ripple yum repository.

System Requirements

A rippled server should run comfortably on commodity hardware, to make it inexpensive to participate in the network. At present, we recommend the following:
  • Operating System:
    • Production: CentOS or RedHat Enterprise Linux (latest release) or Ubuntu (15.04+) supported
    • Development: Mac OS X, Windows (64-bit), or most Linux distributions
  • CPU: 64-bit x86_64, 2+ cores
  • Disk: Minimum 50GB SSD recommended (500+ IOPS, more is better) for the database partition
  • RAM: 4+GB
Amazon EC2's m3.large VM size may be appropriate depending on your workload. (Validating servers need more resources.)
Naturally, a fast network connection is preferable.

Installation on CentOS/Red Hat with yum

This section assumes that you are using CentOS 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
  1. Install the Ripple rpm repository:
    $ sudo rpm -Uvh
  2. Install the rippled software package:
    $ sudo yum install --enablerepo=ripple-stable rippled
  3. Configure the rippled service to start on system boot:
    $ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service
  4. Start the rippled service
    $ sudo systemctl start rippled.service

Installation on Ubuntu with alien

This section assumes that you are using Ubuntu 15.04 or later.
  1. Install yum-utils and alien:
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install yum-utils alien
  2. Install the Ripple rpm repository:
    $ sudo rpm -Uvh
  3. Download the rippled software package:
    $ yumdownloader --enablerepo=ripple-stable --releasever=el7 rippled
  4. Verify the signature on the rippled software package:
    $ sudo rpm --import && rpm -K rippled*.rpm
  5. Install the rippled software package:
    $ sudo alien -i --scripts rippled*.rpm && rm rippled*.rpm
  6. Configure the rippled service to start on system boot:
    $ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service
  7. Start the rippled service
    $ sudo systemctl start rippled.service 

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