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Tuesday 27 May 2014

Discourse-一个基于Ruby on Rails和PostgreSQL的论坛程序

A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. It works as:

    a mailing list
    a discussion forum
    a long-form chat room

To learn more about the philosophy and goals of the project, visit

  1. If you're brand new to Ruby and Rails, please see Discourse as Your First Rails App or our Discourse Vagrant Developer Guide, which includes a development environment in a virtual machine.
  2. If you're familiar with how Rails works and are comfortable setting up your own environment, use our Discourse Advanced Developer Guide.
Before you get started, ensure you have the following minimum versions: Ruby 1.9.3+, PostgreSQL 9.1+, Redis 2.6+. If you're having trouble, please see our TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE first!

Setting up a Discourse Forum

If you want to set up a Discourse forum for production use, see our Discourse Install Guide.
If you're looking for business class hosting, see


Discourse is built for the next 10 years of the Internet, so our requirements are high:
Browsers Tablets Smartphones
Safari 5.1+ iPad 2+ iOS 6+
Google Chrome 23+ Android 4.1+ Android 4.1+
Internet Explorer 10+ Windows 8 Windows Phone 8
Firefox 16+

Internet Explorer 9.0 is technically supported, but it is our absolute minimum spec browser and may not be fully functional.

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails — Our back end API is a Rails app. It responds to requests RESTfully in JSON.
  • Ember.js — Our front end is an Ember.js app that communicates with the Rails API.
  • PostgreSQL — Our main data store is in Postgres.
  • Redis — We use Redis as a cache and for transient data.
Plus lots of Ruby Gems, a complete list of which is at /master/Gemfile.


Discourse是基于 Ruby on Rails 和 Ember.js 开发的开源论坛系统,由Stack Overflow 的联合创始人 Jeff Atwood所创立,摒弃了传统论坛的话题讨论形式、取而代之是类似问答的热贴,帖子以气泡形式展现,全部Ajax加载,采用了瀑布流的设计,自动加载下一页,无需手动翻页。拥有自学习系统、 Web应用同时适用于桌面和移动终端。数据库支持使用 PostgreSQL 和 Redis。多语言支持(包括中文)。



[repo owner=”discourse” name=”discourse”]