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Tuesday 27 May 2014


QuranApp requires a number of packages to run. The easiest way to install them is to use pip and virtualenv:
virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.7 env
pip install -E env -r requirements.txt
To create the images of the ayats, pango-view is required. To install it on ubuntu use the following command:
sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev

Database Creation

QuranApp uses a number of data files from The following files should be placed the data/ directory:
quran-data.xml from
quran-uthmani.xml from
en.hilali.xml from
Now setup the proper URL to the database in the quranapp/ file. Then create the database using the following command:
fab create_db
To setup the debug or mysql_dev databases, use 'debug' or 'mysql_dev' such as in:
fab debug create_db


To start the development server, run:
fab run


Compile and minify static files

QuranApp uses LESS-CSS and Google Closure Compiler. Install the LESS compiler using npm:
npm install less
Download the Closure Compiler from and save the .jar file to tools/compiler.jar
Then run the following commands to create the minified versions of static files:
fab compile_css
fab compile_js

Pushing to Production

To push code to production, please make changes to the appropriate files in the conf/ directory, then run the following command:
fab deploy 