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Thursday 29 May 2014


KeystoneJS is a powerful new Node.js content management system and web app framework built on express and mongoose that makes it easy to create sophisticated web sites and apps, and gives you a beautiful, auto-generated Admin UI.
To get started, check out!


Keystone gives you:
  • A simple way to create a dynamic web site or app with well-structured routes, templates and models
  • A beautiful Admin UI based on the database models you define
  • Enhanced models with additional field types and functionality, building on those natively supported by Mongoose
  • Out of the box session management and authentication
  • An updates framework for managing data updates or initialisation
  • Integration with Cloudinary for image uploading, storage and resizing
  • Integration with Mandrill for sending emails easily
  • Integration with Google Places for clever location fields
  • Integration with Embedly for powerful video and rich media embedding tools
... plus a lot of other tools and utilities to make creating complex web apps easier.
Use our Yeoman Generator to get up and running with KeystoneJS quickly, then check out our getting started guide & docs at
We have a demo website at where you can play with the Keystone Admin UI, and you can read the source to see how it was built.
If you have ideas or questions, get in touch on the KeystoneJS Google Group or tweet at @KeystoneJS on twitter.

SydJS Website

The primary contributors to Keystone are based in Sydney, Australia and KeystoneJS is written in Javascript, so it was only natural to create a site for the Sydney Javascript Community using it.
The SydJS Website is a great example of a more sophisticated project than the Keystone Demo, and you can view the source code to see how it was built.
If you run a community group, please feel free to copy our site and make it your own! And if you do, we'd love to hear from you.


KeystoneJS has a big vision, and the support of the community is an important part of making it a reality.
We love to hear feedback about Keystone and the projects you're using it for, and are happy to give advice on the KeystoneJS Google Group if you get stuck.
If you can, please contribute by reporting issues, discussing ideas, or submitting pull requests with patches and new features. We do our best to respond to all issues and pull requests within a day or two, and make patch releases to npm regularly.
If you're going to contribute code, please try and mimic the existing code standards - we follow AirBNB's Javascript Style Guide fairly closely, with the exception of using tab indentation.


Check out the KeystoneJS Documentation for a walk-through on how to use KeystoneJS.


The easiest way to get started with Keystone is to use the Yeoman generator.
To install it, type the following in your terminal:
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-keystone
Then, create a new folder for your project and from it, type the following in your terminal:
yo keystone
This will create a new project based on the options you select, and install the required packages from npm.
After the intallation is complete, run this command to start Keystone:
node keystone
Alternatively, to include Keystone in an existing project or start from scratch (without Yeoman), specify keystone: "0.2.x" in the dependencies array in your package.json file, and run npm install from your terminal.
Then read through the Documentation and the Example Projects to understand how to use it.
