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Saturday 1 April 2023

How to Disable Swipe Navigation Gestures in Google Chrome for Mac

 Many Mac apps support a two-finger swipe to go back / forward gesture, but not all users wish to use the scrolling gesture. For those who use Google Chrome, you may find that if you have disabled the system-wide “Swipe between pages” feature, you’ll still have the swipe navigation available in the Chrome app. This is because the swipe navigation feature is built into Chrome which lets the feature be separate from the scrolling gesture at the Mac OS X level.

In any event, if you want to disable two-finger swipe forward and swipe backward navigation gestures in the Google Chrome browser on a Mac, you can use a defaults command string to do so.

How to Disable Chrome Swipe Gesture on Mac

Open the Terminal and enter the following command string:

defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE

You will not need to restart Chrome for the change to take effect, it should be immediate either way. You can confirm this by using a two-finger swipe gesture and it should no longer navigate back or forth in the browsing history of an active window or tab.

Re-Enable Chrome Navigation Swipe Gestures on Mac

If you wish to turn this back on, simply enter the following defaults command string, the only difference being that “FALSE” has been changed to “TRUE”:

defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool TRUE

For most users, these swipe gestures are generally good to leave enabled, particularly since they’re the same in many iOS apps and many other Mac apps too, making it a somewhat universal back / forth navigation function that is applicable to both Mac OS X and iOS devices.




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