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Saturday, 20 April 2024


Create serverless Telegram bot using Cloudflare Workers and grammY.


Create a Telegram Bot

  1. Talk to BotFather and create a bot
  2. Get the bot token

Create a Cloudflare Worker

  1. Create a new Cloudflare Workers
  2. Set a custom domain for your worker. This must be done since Telegram bot webhook API is not compatible with the SSL certificate of Cloudflare Workers' default domain (https://<worker-name>.<your-account>

Deploy the Code

  1. Click Use this template to create a new repo from this template
  2. Clone the repo you just created
  3. Change field name in wrangler.toml & package.json to your Cloudflare Worker name
  4. Install dependencies: npm i
  5. Set the bot token as a secret environment variable: npx wrangler secret put TELEGRAM_BOT_API_TOKEN, then paste the token
  6. Set a secret token for webhook verification: npx wrangler secret put TELEGRAM_BOT_SECRET_TOKEN, then paste a random string (see Telegram docs for more details)
  7. Upload the worker: npx wrangler publish

Set Webhook

Visit<TELEGRAM_BOT_API_TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=https://<YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN>&secret_token=<TELEGRAM_BOT_SECRET_TOKEN> to set the webhook.


Test Your Bot

Send /start to your bot and it should reply Hello, world!.

Write Your Own Bot

Change the code in src/bot.ts to write your own bot. See grammY docs for more details.

Optional: Set Up Workers KV

  1. Create a new KV namespace with Wrangler: npx wrangler kv:namespace create <YOUR_NAMESPACE>
  2. Change fields in kv_namespaces in wrangler.toml to the output of the previous command
  3. Declare the KV binding in src/env.ts
  4. Use Worker KV in your code.

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