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Friday 17 August 2012


数据存储软件Gladinet能够让用户在windows系统安装云存储的本地文件夹。不仅支持在线存储服务,例如亚马逊Simple Storage Service,google Picasa ,Windows Live SkyDrive google Docs和远程电脑的文件夹,而且还有ThinkFree的在线应用服务。

   在Windows操作系统可以访问其他文件夹。例如整合的google Docs,会在本地计算机显示所有文件。 Gladinet会在数据编辑,添加或删除时,自动同步文件夹。

      一般的在线存储服务和应用要提供简单形式的身份验证信息,通常是用户名和密码进入在线服务。定期使用前面提到的云存储服务的用户可以试试 Gladinet。我使用时发现目前的版本支持google mail、calendar、talk、picasa、Docs和thinkfree的Doc、XLS、ppt服务。Gladient现在有免费版本,可 以下载,满足一般的使用要求。

Cloud Storage Update, Gladinet and SugarSync

Gladinet is a product that Ron and I both really liked initially. It works with Google Docs and Microsoft Skydrive which fits in with our thoughts on using one of the bigs guys for actual storage for security purposes etc. It looks professional and it works quickly and there is a full log of everything that is going on.
Synced Folders
One if the other things that Ron and I targeted was synced folders. Being able to put your files up in the cloud is great but unless you are syncing then this is positively useless. Gladinet does not currently do this and so this is currently not the ideal solution.
A recent update on this is that Gladinet have just released a new version v3.0 which introduces the idea of synced folders. I still cannot give a further update as this version is still in beta and so its unfair to review right now. However I can say that its pretty exciting that Gladinet has introduced this feature.
Something else I have been looking at recently is SugarSync. This is a pretty awsome product in many ways and as of right now offers the most complete set of functionality that Ron and I think would be required for a cloud storage solution.
The Amazing SugarSync
Sugarsync is a great product. I get cloud storage in any folder that I deem to sync. I get Magic Briefcases, which are the equivalent of dropbox in terms of, wherever you install the client application these folders are aut synced. I also get an astounding array of connectors to get to view my data. In my case I can use the iPhone app to view and potentially email out any of my files in the cloud. Sugarsync also runs on Macs which is I know important for many including my friend Ron.Also in this is the ability to share any of your folders with other people including shared synced folders.
I have to hand it to these guys, they definately have the product in terms of functionality.
There is a point to be mentioned here though of extreme importance. I started syncing up my 40GB of files on my laptop on a Wednesday afternoon and here I am…. not the following Friday but the Friday after that and Sugarsync is reporting that I have…242 files left and so in a week an a half my initial file sync is not yet completed.