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Thursday 10 March 2016

一些有用的linux scripts

Collection of useful scripts

Copyright (C) 2010-2014 A. Gordon (

Available scripts

* atexpand - like 'expand', but with auto-tab width detection.
* atless - like 'less', but with auto-tab width detection.
* auto-build-install - downloads,builds,install a tarball from http/ftp/s3/git
* create-ssha-passwd - creates SSHA-encoded password lines (e.g. for NGINX)
* detect_tab_stops - help script to detect proper tab width.
* dict - like 'dict', but pipes to 'less'.
* dudirs - friendlier output of 'du'.
* easyjoin - combines 'sort' + 'join' into one quick script.
* filetype_size_breakdown - summarize file usage by file type.
* list_columns - shows names and number of columns in a tabular file.
* make_balloon - easily create big empty files.
* multijoin - combine multiple files using shared key.
* nfs_iostat - wrapper for NFS statistics of iostat.
* pss - 'ps' with nicer output and easy filtering.
* ppsx - copy user+hostname+fullpath of file/dir to clipboard.
* psx - copy fullpath of file/dir to clipboard.
* rsx - copy rsync-compatible URL of file/dir to clipboard.
* sort-header - wrapper for GNU sort, with header line support.
* sum_file_sizes - sum the size of files.
* sumcol - sum the values in a column of input file.
* tawk - AWK wrapper, with input/output field separators set to TAB.
* tardir - packs current directory into a time-stamped tarball.
* tuniq - UNIQ wrapper, with TAB output.
* xtime - xtime wrapper, with friendlier output.
* xxcat - 'cat' wrapper, with auto de-compression of gzip/bzip2/xz files.


When using the released tarball version:

 $ tar -xzvf gordon-bin-scripts-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
 $ cd gordon-bin-scripts-X.Y.Z
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ sudo make install

When using the GIT repository:

 $ git clone git://
 $ cd bin_scripts
 $ ./
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ sudo make install

When using HomeBrew/LinuxBrew:

 $ brew install --HEAD
