- To run pylive you need sandboxed version of PyPy. It will take hours to build.
Install virtualenv.
$`virtualenv dev --no-site-packages`.
$. dev/bin/activate.
$(dev)pip install -r reqs.txt.
$(dev)cd pylive.
$(dev) open constants.py with your fav text editor and edit all the variables.
base_path => Your pypy directory base path.
pypy_interact => path to pypy_interact.py.
- tmp => tmp directory to launch scripts to pypy, don't confuse with /tmp
timeout => How long you want pypy to run the script to max in second.
- pypy_bin => This is normally python or pypy version to call the
sandboxed code.
- pypy_c => Link to pypy_c, this is produced as result of compilation of
sandboxed pypy.
memory => Maximum memory sandboxed code can use.You can specify in GB, MB.
TIMEOUT_MSG => Message to be displayed when sandboxed code reaches timeout.
- MEMORY_MSG => Message to be displayed when sandboxed code crosses alloted
- NOOUTPUT_MSG => Message to be displayed when sandboxed code doesn't provide
any output.
pylive/pylive/static/analytics.js => Google code analytics pls change.
pylive/pylive/templates/inc/disqus_js.html => Contains disqus details,
change them accordingly.
$(dev)/pylive$ python runserver.py => to start pylive, runs port 5000
$(dev)/pylive$ gunicorn pylive:app => runs on port 8000
check out for deployment http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/deploying/others/
- Please generate a random character and update secret_key.
from https://github.com/kracekumar/pylive