programmatic web browsing in Go.
Surf is a Go (golang) library that implements a virtual web browser that you control pragmatically. Surf isn't just another Go solution for downloading content from the web. Surf is designed to behave like web browser, and includes: cookie management, history, bookmarking, user agent spoofing (with a nifty user agent builder), submitting forms, DOM selection and traversal via jQuery style CSS selectors, scraping assets like images, stylesheets, and other features.
Download the library using go.
go get
Import the library into your project.
import ""
Quick Start
package main
import (
func main() {
bow := surf.NewBrowser()
err := bow.Open("")
if err != nil {
// Outputs: "The Go Programming Language"
Complete documentation is available on Read the Docs.
Surf was started by Sean Hickey (headzoo) to learn more about the Go programming language. The idea to create Surf was born in this Reddit thread.
Surf uses the awesome goquery by Martin Angers, and was written using Intellij and the golang plugin.
Contributions have been made to Surf by the following awesome developers:
- Haruyama Seigo
- Tatsushi Demachi
- Charl Matthee
- Matt Holt
- lalyos
- lestrrat
- Carl Henrik Lunde
- cornerot
- lennyxc
- tlianza
- joshuamorris3
- sqs
- picot