The main repository of the Open GApps Project
Getting the latest pre-built Open GApps
The latest version of pre-built Open GApps can be found at, hosted on SourceForge.
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If you have any questions, check out the Open GApps Wiki, especially the FAQ since it'd answer most of the questions. If you can't find the answer to your question use the XDA Q&A Thread or join us on Gitter to receive support. Don't forget to add at least the Open GApps installer debug log and if experiencing Force Closures also include a logcat.
If you did find a bug in the Pre-built packages you can report it at the XDA Open GApps Development Thread. Remember to include at minimum the Open GApps installer debug log and if applicable a logcat.
Please don't file directly any GitHub issues to file problems with the Pre-built packages. The GitHub issues tracker is only used for issues concerning the Open GApps Project scripts themselves.
Build your own Open GApps
The example git commands assume you have a GitHub account and have set-up SSH authentication.
If you want to build your own version of Open GApps, you'll need to fetch the git sources:
To initialize your local repository using the Open GApps source tree, clone the main repository with the command:
git clone
Then sync the submodules to get the original APK sources as provided by Google. Take note that these repositories are very large (in the order of GiBs). You can also use this command to update the sources at a later moment to their most recent version:
./ [--shallow] [arch]
will order to fetch only the latest snapshot of the APKs (reduces space used and amount of data to be retrieved by git, by not fetching the APKs' history)arch
can be one of the following "arm, arm64, x86, x86_64" to fetch only data required for specified architecture (note that fallback architectures will be fetched too)
To build Open GApps you'll need the Android build tools installed and set-up in your $PATH. If you use Ubuntu you can check out @mfonville's Android build tools for Ubuntu.
To build Open GApps for all platforms and all Android releases:
To build Open GApps for a specific Android release on a specific platform, define both the platform and the API level of that release, seperated by a dash and optionally add the variant with another dash.
Two examples (for building for Android 6.0 on ARM):
make arm-23
make arm-23-stock
To add updated source APKs to the sources archive (you can add more than one at once):
./ [/path/to/the/files/you/want/to/add.apk]* [beta] [/apps/that/should/be/marked/as/beta.apk...]*
For contributors, updated sources can be uploaded. Either without an argument for every architecture, or with one or more arguments for a subset of architectures:
./ [archs]*
If you want an overview of the locally available sources:
You can add extra arguments to report_sources to do your more advanced bidding too:
./ ( ([sdk] [archs]*) || [arch-sdk] ) && [hash] || [max*mb] || [min*mb] || [nobeta] || [nohelp] || [noleanback] || [nosig]
GAPPS是谷歌软件服务集合(Google Apps)的缩写形式。由于移动设备生产厂商的某些限制,一些运行Android系统的设备没有安装谷歌服务框架。这类设备在无法运行一些基于谷歌服务框架开发的应用软件及游戏时,需要安装包含谷歌服务框架的谷歌软件服务集合,即GAPPS。
一般情况下,GAPPS是Android 升级包(.zip)的形式,用户需要进入手机的Recovery模式刷入该包,重启系统,系统会自动安装并升级相关软件。
早期由于信息还不像今天这么畅通,国内大多数人习惯把 Google 服务包又叫做 GMS ( Googel Mobile Service )服务包。但其实从严格意义上来讲, GMS 只存在于那些经过了 Google 的 GMS 认证的手机厂商发售的 Android 设备当中。一方面, Google 通过内嵌服务和应用中的广告来获取收入;另一方面,由于 GMS 认证能从一定程度上反映手机厂商的综合实力,也是手机厂商用来拉开品牌差异的有效手段(遗憾的是当初国内几乎没有厂商通过了 GMS 认证)。
而 Android 玩家一直以来乐此不疲地折腾的东西叫做 GApps (全称 Google Apps ),一般是由国外某些 ROM 大牛或是 ROM 团队为了完善他们的 ROM 体验而单独制作的 Google 应用和服务的整合包。
所以 GApps 不仅包含了 Google 服务的基本框架,根据版本的不同,也包含诸多 Google 自家的优秀应用。
GMS 是 Android 的灵魂。时代发展到今天,GApps 依旧是那些想要拥有完善 Android 体验的非 Nexus 手机用户和 Google 服务重度依赖者们的不二之选。 GApps 在 Android 平台上所发挥的作用从某种程度上来说也是不可替代的,很多应用、游戏以及伴随它们所产生的内购项目在 Android 设备上必须依赖 Google 服务框架才能正常运作,这也是一般用户安装 GApps 的原因所在。