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Saturday 25 September 2021


A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.

Current version: 1.3.5

PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.

Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode.

This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by Sébastien Sauvage. ZeroBin was refactored to allow easier and cleaner extensions. PrivateBin has many more features than the original ZeroBin. It is, however, still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19 data storage scheme. Therefore, such installations can be upgraded to PrivateBin without losing any data.

What PrivateBin provides

  • As a server administrator you don't have to worry if your users post content that is considered illegal in your country. You have no knowledge of any of the pastes content. If requested or enforced, you can delete any paste from your system.

  • Pastebin-like system to store text documents, code samples, etc.

  • Encryption of data sent to server.

  • Possibility to set a password which is required to read the paste. It further protects a paste and prevents people stumbling upon your paste's link from being able to read it without the password.

What it doesn't provide

  • As a user you have to trust the server administrator not to inject any malicious javascript code. For basic security, the PrivateBin installation has to provide HTTPS! Otherwise you would also have to trust your internet provider, and any country the traffic passes through. Additionally the instance should be secured by HSTS. It can use traditional certificate authorities and/or use DNSSEC protected DANE record.

  • The "key" used to encrypt the paste is part of the URL. If you publicly post the URL of a paste that is not password-protected, anyone can read it. Use a password if you want your paste to be private. In this case, make sure to use a strong password and only share it privately and end-to-end-encrypted.

  • A server admin might be forced to hand over access logs to the authorities. PrivateBin encrypts your text and the discussion contents, but who accessed a paste (first) might still be disclosed via access logs.

  • In case of a server breach your data is secure as it is only stored encrypted on the server. However, the server could be misused or the server admin could be legally forced into sending malicious JavaScript to all web users, which grabs the decryption key and sends it to the server when a user accesses a PrivateBin.
    Therefore, do not access any PrivateBin instance if you think it has been compromised. As long as no user accesses this instance with a previously generated URL, the content can't be decrypted.


Some features are optional and can be enabled or disabled in the configuration file:

  • Password protection

  • Discussions, anonymous or with nicknames and IP based identicons or vizhashes

  • Expiration times, including a "forever" and "burn after reading" option

  • Markdown format support for HTML formatted pastes, including preview function

  • Syntax highlighting for source code using prettify.js, including 4 prettify themes

  • File upload support, images get displayed (disabled by default, possibility to adjust size limit)

  • Templates: By default there are bootstrap CSS, darkstrap and "classic ZeroBin" to choose from and it is easy to adapt these to your own websites layout or create your own.

  • Translation system and automatic browser language detection (if enabled in browser)

  • Language selection (disabled by default, as it uses a session cookie)

  • QR code generation of URL, to easily transfer pastes over to a mobile device

Further resources

Run into any issues? Have ideas for further developments? Please report them!


demo website:




PBinCLI is command line client for PrivateBin written on Python 3.


virtualenv --python=python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install pbincli


By default pbincli configured to use for sending and receiving pastes. No proxy used by default.

You can create config file with variables server and proxy in ~/.config/pbincli/pbincli.conf to use different settings.

Example contents:


Run inside venv command:

pbincli send --text "Hello!"

Or use stdin input to read text for paste:

pbincli send - <<EOF
Hello! This is test paste!

It will send string Hello! This is test paste! to PrivateBin.

To send file use --file or -f with filename. Example:

pbincli send -c "My document" -f info.pdf

To retrieve paste from server, use get command with paste info.

It must be formated like pasteID#passphrase. Example:

pbincli get 49eeb1326cfa9491#vfeortoVWaYeJlviDdhxQBtj5e0I2kArpynrtu/tnGs=

More info you can find by typing

pbincli [-h] {send, get, delete}




很多人应该都用过PasteBin(有Ubuntu PasteBin和一个就叫PasteBin的),作为一个用于临时分享文本(当然也有很多人拿来分享代码啥的)的网站,在有些时候还是挺方便的,比如你要在论坛上发帖或者要发推啥的,然后有一段代码要贴,但是因为太长了不方便直接放,那么这个时候你就可以用到这些服务。理论上和短链接是差不多是思路(缩短内容),只是它不是一个重定向而是直接存放你原始的内容。







1. PHP版本 >= 5.4

2. 为保证加密的安全和随机性,需要满足以下条件之一:

PHP版本 >= 7(自带openssl扩展)

PS. Mcrypt需要有权限访问/dev/urandom(这意味着如果启用了open_basedir,就必须配置包含这个路径)

3. GD扩展(php_gd用于图像处理)

4. 一部分磁盘空间(默认存储数据直接用文件系统)或者一个被PDO支持的数据库(可选)

5. 有权限在安装目录以及在index.php中定义的PATH所指代的路径(额外指定路径以便提高安全性)创建文件和文件夹

6. 一个支持javascript的浏览器(加解密依赖JS,所以这是必须的)




1. 修改路径


2. 使用HTTPS(这就不说了)

3. 正确的文件(夹)权限


4. 修改配置


5. 使用robots.txt与.htaccess


6. 使用数据库代替默认的文件存储




1. 配合Cloudflare等CDN使用

  • 请关闭Email Obfuscation功能(邮箱混淆,防止爬虫抓取)
  • 请关闭Rocket Loader功能(加速静态资源加载)
  • 请取消勾选Auto Minify中的Javascript(压缩代码)

PS.如果网站在二级目录不想对根目录的其他网站关闭这些功能可以配置Page Rule

2. 在开启流量节省的安卓chrome等浏览器上使用

  • 请配置HTTPS或者关闭流量节省模式(会导致JS被压缩缓存然后功能失效)

3. 网站服务器开启了Selinux

  • 请配置Selinux规则,参考——>传送门

4. 网站服务器安装了Naxsi

  • 请配置Naxsi白名单,参考——>传送门(页面最下方)
  • 也可以针对程序的域名关闭WAF


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