对 MAC 应用使用频繁的访问下方老牌 MAC 破解软件下载站。
以上网站资源大多用:百度网盘 / 城通网盘 / 123 盘等分享。
( 精品MAC应用分享xclient, https://xclient.info/
精品MAC破解软件下载网站 - xclient)
腾讯官方的 Mac 应用下载中心,收录免费、正版、好用的 Mac 产品,下载速度快,就是应用较少,更新较慢。
https://onemac.app 下载比较简单,点击链接,直接下载dmg
( One MAC应用商店,一个Mac软件资源下载网站,致力于推广各类高品质软件并且完全免费的在线应用商店,而且软件支持intel芯片和苹果M1芯片AppleChip,方便不同平台的用户选择,虽然软件不多,但是每一款都是精选常用的Mac软件,各种类型的实用软件都有,而且下载站点UI相当简约,没有多余的东西,非常不错。
Mac破解软件下载网站 - One MAC应用商店
ORANGE MAC应用商店:https://onemac.app)
Mac 软件盒子下载链接一般为百度网盘或本地下载,无套路下载 Mac 破解应用。无需注册、无需关注公众号、无需回复,可以最简单最直接的方式获取 Mac 破解软件。
优点很多,说说缺点:Mac 软件盒子目前唯一的缺点就是收录软件较少,更新爆发力稍显不足,毕竟人力有限,这些都能理解。除此之外该网站相当良心!
苹果软件盒子,一个分享优质mac软件游戏、Mac破解软件游戏的网站,网站提供最全面的Mac软件免费下载,分享最新的Mac游戏,mac软件,mac应用,mac工具,mac屏保下载,还有office for mac,ps for mac等优秀软件,是一个精品mac软件网站,苹果软件盒子分享的每一个Mac软件都是经过发布者自己测试安装,确保100%可以使用,非常不错。)
macwk 精品 mac 软件下载,只收录精品 Mac 应用每款 Mac 应用都经过 Macwk.com 严格测试后发布,确保应用可以和正版软件一样稳定运行使用!
macwk 是一个无套路的 mac 软件下载站。且每个软件都提供了丰富的安装介绍,下载链接通过天翼网盘 +
蓝奏网盘 +
(精品mac软件下载网站 免费无广告-MacWk.cn
MacWk:https://macwk.cn/ )
MacApp分享频道,是一个使用 Typecho 搭建的Mac软件资源下载网站,网站并不以盈利为目的,所有软件均来源于网络,旨在方便大家查找自己想要的软件资源,便于进行分类和搜索,MacApp分享频道这个网站分享的都是一些实用的Mac软件,下载无需注册登录,并且网站提供多种方式下载。
Mac破解软件下载网站 - MacApp分享频道
- https://www.52mac.com/
- https://www.macbed.com/
( Mac破解软件下载站-马可菠萝
Mac软件资源Mac Torrents, https://www.torrentmac.net/
Mac Torrents,一个国外的Mac软件资源下载网站,主要是通过种子文件分享下载mac软件资源的,绿色软件资源蛮丰富的,而且A姐发现网站还有在不断更新,网站ui也不太乱,奇怪的东西也不多,种子文件里面也干净,上次介绍过的精品mac软件下载站MacWk最近关闭网站了,对与一些有使用mac软件需求的同学来说可以试试这个Mac软件下载网站-Mac Torrents。
MAC小站:https://macxz.top, MAC小站是一个免费MAC软件资源下载网站,网站免费提供网络工具、系统工具、图形图像、媒体工具等等实用的MAC软件,所有App都未进行过任何修改,可以通过App内的hash校验工具进行HASH比对,所有App均来自TNT、HCiSO、MAS(Mac App Store)或其它解锁团队及一些开源作者,网站不进行任何解锁。下载无需注册登录,直接使用直链、Cloud Drive和IPFS等等不限速网盘分享下载,非常不错。
XMac App是什么, https://xmac.app/
XMac App是一个免费的Mac软件资源下载网站,网站免费提供热门实用的解锁版Mac软件下载服务,网站所有App均来自TNT、HCiSO、MAS(Mac App Store)或其它解锁团队及一些开源作者,而且都未进行过任何修改,可以通过App内的hash校验工具进行HASH比对,网站提供的软件通过网盘和IPFS(星际文件系统)进行分享,下载不限速,网站无广告体验好,非常不错,且用且珍惜。
表示 开源软件 ,点击进入 开源 仓库;
表示 免费 使用,或者个人 免费 ;
表示 App store 连接地址;
表示项目的相应 Awesome list 的超链接;
- Android Studio - Android 的官方 IDE,基于 Intellij IDEA。
- Brackets - Adobe 推出的 Brackets 免费/开源编辑器。
- BBEdit - 强大的文件编辑器,用于编辑文件,文本文件及程序源代码。
- Nova - 用于编写 Web 应用,长得漂亮的编辑器,Coda2 下一代编辑器。
- CotEditor - 轻量级的纯文本编辑器。
- Deco IDE - React Native IDE 支持控件拖拽界面实时变更。
- Espresso - Web 编程利器,具备了快速且强大的编辑功能、专业检查与分类、即时预览编辑成果、发布与同步功能等。
- Emacs - Emacs 是基于控制台的编辑器和高度可定制的。
- Eclipse - 流行的开源 IDE,主要用于 Java,也为多种语言提供插件支持。
- Sublime Text - 一个比较简洁大方带插件管理系统的流行编辑器,Sublime常用插件。
- Haskell for Mac - Haskell 的现代开发环境。
- HBuilder - HBuilder 是 DCloud(数字天堂)推出的一款支持 HTML5 的 Web 开发 IDE。
- JetBrains Toolbox App - 管理已安装的JetBrains工具,下载新工具并打开最近的项目。
- CLion - 强大的 C 和 C++ IDE。(学生免费)
- DataGrip - 用于数据库和SQL的跨平台IDE。 (学生免费), 查看此处了解更多。
- Rider - 跨平台 C# IDE。 它是 Microsoft 的 Visual Studio 的替代方案.
- AppCode - 适用于 iOS / macOS 开发的智能 IDE
- PyCharm - 一款 Python 开发集成环境,有专业版和社区版。
- IntelliJ IDEA - 一款 Java 开发集成环境。(学生免费)
- GoLand - JetBrains出品的Go开发IDE,智能,灵活
- Webstorm - 是 JetBrains 公司旗下一款 JavaScript 开发工具。学生免费,点击这里 查看更多。
- NodeJS - 集成
,你肯定需要它,很多功能需要它。 - EditorConfig - 帮助开发者在不同的编辑器和 IDE 之间定义和维护一致的代码风格。
- Material Theme UI - Google 为 React 开发的主题。
- NodeJS - 集成
- LightTable - 下一代代码编辑器。
- micro - 一个现代直观的基于终端的文本编辑器。
- NetBeans IDE - 免费、开源的 IDE,主要用于 Java 开发,可支持多种语言和框架。
- Qt - 跨平台 C++ 图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。
- TextMate - 文本编辑器软件,与 BBedit 一起并称苹果机上的 emacs 和 vim。
- Tincta - 一个免费的文本编辑器。
- Visual Studio Code - 微软推出的免费/开源编辑器,TypeScript 支持杠杠的,VSCode常用插件。
- Vim - Vim 古老的终端中使用的编辑器,Vim常用插件。
- Vimr - Vim 客户端,升级 Vim 体验。
- Visual Studio Community for Mac - 免费,开源,功能齐全的 IDE。
- Xamarin Studio - 免费的跨平台的 C# IDE。支持 IOS、Android 和 .net 开发。
- Xcode - 开发 iOS 和 MacOS 基本 IDE。
- BetterRename - 一款强大的批量重命名工具,可以通过搜索功能改名。
- Beyond Compare - 对比两个文件夹或者文件,并将差异以颜色标示。
- CodeKit - 自动编译 Less、Sass、Stylus、CoffeeScript、Jade & Haml等文件。
- Cacher - 基于云的团队代码片段管理器,具有Gist同步,VSCode/Atom/Sublime软件包和Mac/Windows/Linux/Web客户端。
- CubicBezier - 一个适用于 macOS 的贝塞尔曲线生成器。
- Dash - 强大到你无法想象的 API 离线文档软件。
- DiffMerge - 可视化的文件比较(也可进行目录比较)与合并工具。
- EnvPane - 图形终端查看环境变量的应用工具。
- Fanvas - 把 swf 转为 HTML5 canvas 动画的系统。
- FinderGo - Finder 中快速打开终端,定位到目录
- Gas Mask - 编辑 hosts 文件的工具,更简单方便。
- Go2Shell - 从 Finder 打开命令行。
- Gemini - 智能的重复文件查找器。
- Hosts.prefpane - 编辑 hosts 文件的工具。
- Hex Fiend - 快速而聪明的开源十六进制编辑器。
- iHosts - 唯一上架 Mac App Store 的 /etc/hosts 编辑神器。
- Integrity - 轻松找到无效链接。
- Koala - 预处理器语言图形编译工具,支持 Less、Sass、CoffeeScript、Compass framework 的即时编译。
- Kaleidoscope - 一款很强大的文本文件和图像比较工具,同时和 git、svn 等版本控制工具能够完美的结合。
- Localname - 提供对本地开发服务器的访问权限。
- MJML - 简化设计回应电子邮件的方式。
- PaintCode - 将设计转换成 Objective-C, Swift 或 C# 代码。
- PushMate - 可通过确保推送有效载荷正确来解决常见的推送通知问题。
- PPRows - 计算你写了多少行代码。
- SwitchHosts - 一个管理、切换多个 hosts 方案的工具。
- SCM Breeze - 用于增强与git交互的shell脚本集(用于bash和zsh)。
- SnippetsLab - 管理和组织你的代码片段。
- StarUML - 强大的软件建模软件。
- SecureCRT - 一款支持 SSH、Telnet 等多种协议的终端仿真程序。
- Swiftify - Xcode & Finder 扩展 Objective-C 转 Swift 代码转换器
- SYM - 一个图形化的崩溃日志解析工具。
- TeXstudio - 集成创建 LaTeX 文档的写作环境。
- uTools - 一款基于插件的程序员效率工具,包含非常多的实用插件,如图床、UUID、密码、翻译、JSON格式化等。
- Vagrant Manager - 管理你本地服务。
- Vagrant - 用来构建虚拟开发环境的工具。
- WeFlow - 一个基于 tmt-workflow 前端工作流的开发工具。
- Woodpecker - 在Mac上查看、编辑iOS App的沙盒文件, UserDefaults, Keychain项
- zeplin - 前端与设计协同工作专用工具。
- He3 - 免费智能的开发者万能工具箱.
- Cocoa Rest Client - 比 Postman 看起来漂亮的客户端,测试 HTTP/REST endpoints。
- Insomnia - 最直观的跨平台 REST API 客户端。
- Postman - Postman 帮助我们快速测试 API。
- Katalon Studio - 简单开放性测试前端开放工具, 网页, 手机应用等客户端。 可以使用在不同的浏览器
- Apifox - Apifox 是 API 文档、API 调试、API Mock、API 自动化测试一体化协作平台,定位 Postman + Swagger + Mock + JMeter
- HTTPie - 经典的命令行 HTTP 客户端,现在提供 APP 版和网页版。HTTPie 简单、直观的 HTTP API 客户端。
- Charles - 一个代理工具,允许你查看所有的 HTTP 和 HTTPS 流量。
- James - 用于 https 和 http 进行查询映射请求。
- mitmproxy - 一款支持 HTTP(S) 的中间人代理工具,可在终端下运行,可用于抓包
- Paw - 先进的 HTTP 客户端。
- Proxie - HTTP 调试客户端。
- Proxyman - 适用于 macOS 的现代直观 HTTP 调试代理.
- Wireshark - 世界上最广泛使用的网络协议分析软件。
A curated list of shell commands and tools specific to OS X.
- autojump - 告别又臭又长的路径名,一键直达任何目录。
- bash-it - 一个社区的 bash 的框架。
- bat - 带有语法高亮和Git集成的
克隆。 - color-retro-term - 一款复古风格的终端,非常酷炫。
- cool-retro-term - 怀旧的命令行终端。
- Cakebrew - Homebrew 的客户端软件。摆脱命令方便安装、查看、卸载软件。
- cmus - 命令行播放音乐应用。
- Dnote - 命令行上的笔记本,支持多设备同步和网络界面。
- Fig - 终端上的命令行自动补全,支持自定义。
- Fish Shell - 智能且用户友好的命令行终端。
- Glances - 在命令行中查看你系统运行状态的工具。
- httpie - HTTPie 是一个让你微笑的命令行 HTTP 客户端。
- hyper - 基于 Web 技术的终端,直接替代自带的 Terminal。
- HyperTerm - 一款基于 Node 开发的终端软件,逼格很高。
- iTerm2 - 免费的终端工具,直接替代自带的 Terminal,有非常多惊人的特性。
- itunes-remote - 通过终端控制您的 iTunes。
- job - 短命令并发、重复执行工具, 适用于压测.
- LNav - 日志文件阅读器.
- mycli - 为 MySQL 命令行客户端,提供语法高亮和提示功能的工具!
- m-cli - 用于 macOS 的瑞士军刀。
- Mac-CLI - 自动化您的 OS X 系统的使用。
- mas - 一个简单的命令行界面的苹果应用商店。
- ndm - 查看本地NPM安装的包客户端软件。摆脱命令方便安装、查看、卸载软件。
- pgcli - 为Postgres提供一个支持自动补全和语法高亮的命令行工具。
- silver searcher (ag) - 类似于ack的代码搜索工具,专注于速度。
- Serial - 为工程师和系统管理员嵌入式硬件更容易。
- spaceship - 一个简约,功能强大且极易定制的Zsh提示。
- Tabby (formerly Terminus) - 免费的终端工具,基于 Web 技术的终端,用 TypeScript 写成的跨平台终端工具。深受 hyper 启发。
- Termius - 免费的终端工具,可以与 windows 平台的 xshell 媲美。
- thefuck - 一个纠正错误命令的工具,输入错误命令后,输入fuck就可以修正成正确的命令行命令,支持自定义的bash_profile命令。
- tmux - 一个优秀的终端复用器类自由软件。
- tmuxinator - Tmux的配置管理工具。
- ttygif - 将终端录制转换为 GIF 动画。
- trash - 将文件和目录移动到废纸篓。
- Upterm - Upterm (之前是 Black Screen) 来自 21 世纪的强大终端。
- Zsh - 一个专为交互式使用而设计的命令行 shell。
- ohmyzsh - 一个由社区驱动,用于管理zsh配置的命令行工具。
- Git - 版本控制工具,官网提供数十种 GUI 客户端 for Mac。
- SVN - 版本控制工具。
- Cornerstone - Mac 上最佳的 SVN 管理工具。
- Fork - 一个快速友好的 Git 客户端。
- GitFinder - 一个快速和轻量级的 Git 客户端的 Mac 与 Finder 集成。
- GitX - Pieter's的衍生版本,维护增强生产力和团队开发变化。
- Gitbar - 开源,在你的菜单栏上显示 GitHub 贡献统计。
- GitHub Desktop - 使用 GitHub 的 GUI 应用。
- GitUp - 一个简单功能强大的 Git 客户端。
- GitKraken - 最流行的图形用户界面的 git 管理工具。
- Hub - 将 GitHub 接口和 Git 命令进行包装。
- OhMyStar - 最好的组织 GitHub Star 的软件。
- SourceTree - 强大的 Git 跨平台客户端。
- SmartGit - 非商业用途免费,全平台支持,集成 GitHub 服务。
- Sublime Merge - Git客户端,来自Sublime Text的制造商。
- Tower2 - 最强大的 Git 客户端。
- Versions - Mac 上最好的 SVN 管理工具。
- Coding.net - 代码托管,项目管理,WebIDE,演示部署,开启云端开发模式,让开发更简单。
- GitLab - 一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。
- GitHub - GitHub 托管代码,项目管理,演示部署,瞧,您现在就在访问GitHub。
- Gogs - 一款极易搭建的自助 Git 服务 Golang 版本。
- Gerrit - Gerrit 是一个免费、开放源代码的代码审查软件,使用网页界面。
- Gitblit Java 版本 Git 代码托管,项目管理。
- Gitea - Gogs 的 fork 版本。
- phabricator - phabricator 支持 Git、SVN、HG 基于 PHP + Mysql 的开放源代码软件开发平台。
- Another Redis Desktop Manager - 一款稳定全新的Redis管理工具。
- Bdash - SQL 客户端应用程序,支持 MySQL、 PostgreSQL (Redshift)、 BigQuery。
- Base 2 - 一个用于管理 SQLite 数据库的软件。
- Chrome MySQL Admin - 一个 Chrome 插件,是 MySQL 开发的跨平台、可视化数据库工具。
- Core Data Editor - 核心数据编辑器可让您轻松查看,编辑和分析应用程序的数据。
- DB Browser for SQLite - 一个跨平台的用于管理 SQLite 数据库的软件。
- DataGrip - JetBrains 公司旗下一款数据库管理工具。点击这里 学生免费。
- DBeaver - 跨平台 SQL 客户端,支持大部分主流数据库
- ElectroCRUD - MySQL 数据库 CRUD 应用程序。
- Sequel Pro - 一个 MySQL 数据库管理软件。
- JackDB - 直接的 SQL 访问你所有的数据,无论在哪里。
- medis - 漂亮的 Redis 管理软件。
- MongoDB - 一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库。
- MongoBooster - MongoDB 图形化管理软件,内嵌 MongoShell,ES6 语法,流畅查询及智能感知。
- mongoDB.app - 在Mac 上最简单的使用 MongoDB。
- MDB Explorer - Mac 上查看编辑 Access 数据库的工具。
- MySQL Workbench - MySQL 数据库官方管理软件。
- Navicat Data Modeler - 一个数据库设计工具,它帮助创建高质素的概念、逻辑和物理数据模型。
- Postico - 现代 PostgreSQL 客户端,漂亮功能多。
- Postgres.app - Mac 上最简单的方法的使用 PostgreSQL 关系型数据库管理系统。
- PSequel - PostgreSQL 数据库 GUI 软件。
- pgModeler - 是一个专为PostgreSQL设计的开源数据建模工具。
- RedisClient - 漂亮跨平台的Redis管理软件。
- RedisDesktopManager - Redis 跨平台的 GUI 管理工具。
- SQLPro Studio - 支持 SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle 以及 MySQL 等主流的数据库可视化管理工具.
- SQLight - 一个 SQLite 数据库管理器工具,非常好用。
- TablePlus - 支持 PostgreSQL,MySQL,RedShift,MariaDB... 各种数据库的高颜值客户端。
- Tableau Public - 数据可视化工具。
- Keylord - Redis,Bolt,LevelDB 和 Memcached 键值数据库的桌面GUI客户端。
- redis-pro - 轻量,易用的 Redis 客户端管理工具,使用SwiftUI编写,很好的支持 Dark mode。
- Acorn - 一个像 PS,全面的功能集的图像编辑器。
- Affinity Designer - 矢量图像设计工具,可以是 Adobe Illustrator 的替代。
- Affinity Photo - 光栅图像设计工具,可以替代 Adobe PS 图象处理软件。
- Alchemy - 开源的绘图工具软件,用于素描、会话以及一种新的绘图方式。
- Amadine - 一款矢量绘图应用程序,将图形设计师所需的一切包装在一个整洁直观的界面中。
- Art Text 3 - 生成各种特效字体。
- Blender - 全功能可扩展的跨平台 3D 内容套件。
- Colorpicker - 一个完整的开源颜色处理工具!
- Figma - 一款基于 Web 的实时协作的云设计软件。
- FontForge - 字体编辑工具。
- GIMP - 图像编辑软件,号称 Linux 下的 PhotoShop,同时有 Mac 版本。
- inklet - 将 Mac 上的触摸板变成绘图板。
- Inkscape - 一款开源矢量图形编辑软件,与 Illustrator、Freehand、CorelDraw、Xara X 等其他软件相似。
- Krita - 一个开源的位图形编辑软件,包含一个绘画程式和照片编辑器。
- macSVG - 设计HTML5 SVG艺术和动画。
- MagicaVoxel - 轻量级的8位像素编辑和交互路径追踪渲染器。
- MakeHuman - 功能强大且免费的3D人体建模器。
- Monodraw - macOS 平台上强大的 ASCII 设计流程编辑器。
- Nik Collection - 专业照片后期制作工具,Google 收购后免费
- Paintbrush - 位图图像编辑器。
- Pencil2D - 制作2D手绘动画的简单直观的工具。
- Pixelmator - 强大的图像编辑器,可能PS图像处理软件的选择。
- Principle - 使用它很容易设计动画和交互式用户界面。
- ScreenToLayers - 轻松导出桌面分层文件 PSD 文件。
- Sculptris - 所见所得的 3D 建模。
- Sketch - 混合矢量/位图布局应用,特别适用于用户界面,Web 和移动设计。
- Sketch Cache Cleaner - 清理 Sketch 历史文件,释放磁盘空间。
- Measure Plugin - 设计稿标注、测量工具。
- Sketch Toolbox Plugin Manager - 一个超级简单的 Sketch 插件管理器。
- User Flows Plugin - 直接从画板生成流程图。
- Sketch Cache Cleaner - 清理 Sketch 历史文件,释放磁盘空间。
- SketchBook - 出众的绘图软件。
- Sparkle - 可视化网页设计工具。
- System Color Picker - macOS颜色选择器是一款具有更多功能的应用程序。 [
- Tayasui Sketches - 专业的绘图软件。
- Vectornator: Design Software - Galaxy中最直观、最精确的插图软件。
- Vectr - 免费图形编辑器。这是一个简单而强大的 Web 和桌面跨平台工具,把你的设计变成现实。
- Axure RP 8 - 画原型图工具,团队协作,方便好用。
- ProtoPie - 高保真交互原型设计。
- Adobe XD (Experience Design) - 用于网站和移动应用的设计和原型设计。
- Balsamiq Mockups - 一个快速的网页设计原型工具,帮助你更快、更聪明的工作。
- Origami Studio - 一种设计现代界面的新工具,由 Facebook 设计师构建和使用。
- Flinto - 快速制作高保真的互交原型工具,支持 Sketch 导入。
- Kite - 一个强大的动画制作工具制作 Mac 和 iOS 原型中的应用。
- Justinmind - 功能更丰富团队协作方便。
- MockFlow - 用于网页设计和可用性测试的在线原型设计套件。
- pencil - 开源免费制作软件原型的工具
- Mockplus - 更快更简单的原型设计工具。
- OmniGraffle - 可用来绘制图表、流程图、组织结构图、思维导图以及插图或原型。
- XMind - 一款实用的思维导图软件。
- Lighten - XMind 出品的一款实用的思维导图软件。
- Scapple - 一款实用的思维导图软件。
- Framer - 做交互原型的工具。
- Marvel - 简单设计,原型设计和协作。
- MindNode - 简洁的风格与人性化的操作,绘制思维脑图。
- WriteMapper - 专为写作者而设的脑图工具。
- SimpleMind - 超小体积的思维导图工具。
- macSVG - 设计 HTML5 SVG 和动画.
- Draw.io - 上百种图形,支持多种格式导出。
- OmniGraffle - Omni 成员,native 应用。
- ProcessOn - 流程图、思维导图、原型图... 中文友好,免费保存 5 个文件。
- GifCapture - 开源 macOS 截屏生成 Gif 工具。
- Gifox - 专业的高颜值 GIF 录制应用。
- GIF Brewery - GIF Brewery gives everyone the power to create stunning GIFs from video files.
- GIPHY Capture - 免费软件的捕捉和分享图片在桌面上。
- Kap - 轻量 GIF 录屏小工具。
- KeyCastr - 录屏好帮手,实时显示按键操作的小工具。
- Licecap - 是一款屏幕录制工具输出 GIF,录制过程中可以随意改变录屏范围。
- Monosnap - 制作截图,录制视频共享文件。
- Skitch - 截图附带强大的标注功能。
- Shifty - 一个菜单栏应用程序,让您更多地控制夜班。
- Snipaste - 一个简单但强大的截图工具。
- Snip - 高效的截图工具,支持滚动截屏,腾讯作品。
- Teampaper Snap - 为设计师量身定做的屏幕截图兼注释工具。
- 截图(Jietu) - 截图附带强大的标注功能,腾讯作品。
- Xnip - 免费好用的滚动截屏利器。
- iShot - 完全免费、功能全面的截图工具,支持贴图、滚动截图、延时截图等。
- Screen Studio - 分分钟录制精美屏幕,自带精美帧动画,无须编辑。
- APNGb - 编辑 png 图片格式的软件。
- Assetizr - 图片编辑应用,轻松更改图片尺寸,压缩图片,重命名图片。
- AppIconBuilder(图标构建) - App图标多平台一键导出。
- Couleurs - 简单的屏幕取色应用程序。
- Eagle App - 强大的图片、视频、音频、設計素材及文件管理软件。
- Frank DeLoupe - 支持 Retina 的屏幕拾色器。
- Image2icon - 将你的图片转换成图标。
- ImageAlpha - 压缩 PNG 图片,去掉无效的透明。
- ImageOptim - 压缩图片,删除 EXIF 信息。
- iPic - 上传图片至七牛、阿里云等图床,支持 Markdown 链接。
- IconKit - App图标自动生成器。
- Iconjar - 图标管理软件,带组织和搜索功能。
- JPEGmini - 将图像尺寸降低高达 80%,而不会影响质量。
- Preset Brewery - 将Lightroom预设转换为Adobe Camera Raw的工具。
- PicGo - 支持常用 cdn 的图床工具。
- Resize Master - 更快速和容易批量调整图像和加水印。
- RightFont - 字体管理工具。
- svgus - SVG 图片管理器。
- Solarized - 干净清爽的颜色主题,支持 iTerm、Intellij IDEA、Vim 等。
- Sip - 收集,整理和分享你的颜色拾色器。
- TinyPNG4Mac - 图片压缩专用开源工具。
- Tropy - 照片档案管理工具。
- uPic - macOS 原生应用,功能强大且简洁的图床客户端。
- 马克鳗 - 高效的设计稿标注、测量工具。
- Docker - 开源的应用容器引擎。
- DockStation - 管理 Docker 项目的程序。
- Multipass - 适用于任何工作站的 Ubuntu 虚拟机。
- Parallels Desktop - 虽然好用但是收费机制,更新花钱、花钱、花钱。
- Portainer - 基于网页管理 Docker 容器和 swarm 集群。
- UTM - 适用于 iOS 和 macOS 的全功能系统模拟器和虚拟机主机。
- Virtual Box - 免费、免费、免费,带 NTFS 读写,不用买 ParagonNTFS,省100块。
- VMware Fusion - 强大的虚拟机,商业软件。
- Veertu - Mac 上轻量级的虚拟机。通过一种高响应,沙箱且本地化的方式在你在 Mac 上运行虚拟机。
- OrbStack - 在 Mac 上无缝高效地运行 Docker 和 Linux。Docker Desktop 替代品,可帮助您更快地工作。
- Adium - 呃,这个是老的集成多个平台的聊天客户端。
- BearyChat - 互联网团队协作,沟通工具。
- ChitChat - WhatsApp 非官方。
- Electronic WeChat - 调用微信接口,使用 Electron 开发的第三方漂亮开源微信应用,现已停更。
- Franz - 一个使用 Electron开发的,可以同时登录 23 个平台的即时通讯软件。
- Gitter - 关于 GitHub 的项目交流,支持 Markdown,对开发者极为友好。
- Keybase - 一个安全的消息应用程序!
- Maipo脉搏 - 微博第三方 Mac 应用。
- Messenger - Facebook 第三方聊天工具。
- QQ - QQ for Mac App。
- Rambox - 消息和电子邮件应用程序,将常见的Web应用程序组合成一个程序。
- Skype - Skype 共享、跨平台的短信和电话。
- Slack - 团队协作,沟通工具。
- Telegram - 通讯新时代。
- Textual - 最受欢迎的世界与我们相关的 KPI 应用 for OS X。
- Teambition - 团队协作。提供管理任务、安排日程、查找文件、即时讨论等团队所需要的一切协作功能。
- WeChat - 微信 for Mac App。
- WeeChat - 一个命令行聊天客户端。
- Zoom - 视频会议 & 屏幕共享,提供录制功能。
- 御飯 - 饭否第三方Mac应用。
- 简聊 - 企业级即时沟通工具,已经下线了,可以自己搭建一套系统玩儿。
- 钉钉 - 企业级办公通讯免费平台。
- 飞书 - 字节跳动旗下先进企业协作与管理平台。
- 零信 - 随时随地工作,跨平台。
- 今目标 - 一款面向中小企业的互联网工作平台。
- 日事清 - 工作计划软件,日志软件,项目管理,团队协作软件,个人日程管理,团队协作工具。日程安排,计划分配,笔记总结等。
- RTX_腾讯通 - 企业内部可以使用的聊天软件,企业内部可以使用此通讯工具,这个软件有Mac版本也有win版本,Mac版本专为 Retina 显示优化过
- Airmail - 快速的邮件客户端支持 Mac 和 iPhone。
- Foxmail - 快速的邮件客户端。
- 网易邮箱大师 - 全平台的邮箱管理客户端,网易邮箱大师电脑版。
- MailTags - 管理和组织邮件,日程和标签进行分类邮件。
- Nylas Mail - 免费邮件客户端。
- N1 - 可以扩展的开源收费邮件客户端。
- Newton(原Cloudmagic) - 界面非常简洁的一个邮件客户端。
- Postbox - 这个貌似也非常强大哦,关键是简洁漂亮的收费邮件客户端。
- Polymail - 简单,功能强大,长得好看的新晋邮件客户端。
- Spark - 新推出的快速邮件客户端支持 Mac 和 iPhone。
- ThunderBird - Mozilla 公司出品的强大的 Email 客户端程序。
- Yomail - 新出的国内开发的比较好的邮件客户端。
- Cyberduck - 免费 FTP,SFTP,S3 和 WebDAV 客户端 & OpenStack Swift Client。
- Flow - 支持简单的 FTP + SFTP 客户端。
- Transmit - 一个 FTP 客户端,支持 FTP + SFTP + S3。
- Yummy FTP - 专业快速,可靠的 FTP 客户端。
- DiskWarrior - 恢复文件系统损坏时,磁盘工具进行选择。
- Data Rescue - 多种情况下的全面和专业的数据恢复。
- R-Studio for Mac - 可恢复分区被格式化、损坏或被删除的文件。
- Adapter - 视频,音频和图像转换工具。
- Aegisub - 免费、开源、跨平台的专业字幕编辑软件,可以快速打轴,制作特效字幕等,字幕组必备。
- Audio Profile Manager - 允许您为连接设备的每个特定组合固定输入/输出设备。可能会禁止选择HDMI显示器。
- Ardour - 录制,编辑和混合多轨音频。
- Audacity - 免费开源的编辑音频的软件。
- Audio Hijack - 一个记录任何应用程序的音频,包括网络电话 Skype,网络流从 Safari,以及更多。
- ArcTime - 跨平台字幕制作软件。
- BeMyEars - 听障人士免费, 系统语音本地识别实时生成字幕, 支持多种语言, 让你的每个音视频都拥有类似 YouTube 的字幕体验.
- BlackHole - Freemium,用于录制/路由内部音频的开源虚拟输出/输入音频驱动程序。
- Carol - 为 macOS 提供最小化和美丽的歌词应用程序。
- Cog - 一个免费的开源音频播放器。
- DaVinci Resolve - 免费、跨平台视频编辑、颜色分级、视频效果和音频编辑软件。
- Elmedia Player - 支持 FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, DAT, MKV, MP3, FLAC, M4V 等格式播放.
- ffWorks - macOS的综合媒体工具。使每个人都可以使用高质量的视频编码。
- Gifski - 将视频转换为高质量GIF。
- HandBrake - 高性能的视频编码和转换工具,具有很好的图形用户界面。
- Hydrogen - 专业鼓乐类工具,创建专业但简单而直观的鼓乐节目。
- iFFmpeg - MacOS 上功能强大、易用的视频压制软件。
- IINA - 基于MPV的,现代视频播放器,支持多点触摸控制。
- Kodi - 一款一流的免费开源媒体中心软件,可用于播放视频、音乐,查看图片,玩游戏等。
- LMMS - LMMS以前称为“Linux多媒体工作室”,是一个功能强大的数字音频工作站,设计类似FL Studio(以前称为Fruity Loops)。
- LosslessCut - 跨平台工具,使用ffmpeg进行快速无损的视频和音频修剪。
- LyricsX - 一款功能完备的歌词工具。
- Metadatics - 音频元数据编辑器,支持大多数常见的音频文件。
- Mp3tag - 一个功能强大且易于使用的工具,用于编辑音频文件的元数据。
- Mixxx - 免费的DJ软件,给你一切你需要的表演组合,名副其实的替代 Traktor。
- Movie Catcher - 电影美剧搜索及在线观看离线下载软件,借助百度云实现离线下载以及在线播放功能。
- mpv - 一个免费、开源和跨平台的媒体播放器。
- MuseScore - 免费的作曲与乐谱软件。
- Natron - 开源的视频合成软件,功能与 Adobe After Effects 或者 Nuke 类似。
- Omniplayer - Mac上最好的媒体播放器,支持几乎所有格式。
- Popcorn Time - 电影播放器,观看 torrent 电影。
- PotPlayer X - omi出品,音视频播放器,界面简洁,功能齐全
- Perian - (不再处于活跃开发中)
让 QuickTime 播放所有常见格式的免费插件。. - Playback - 实验性质的视频播放器。
- Plug - 发现并聆听来自Hype Machine的音乐。
- Popcorn Time - 立即观看 torrent 电影,这项爆米花时间服务将永远不会被取消。下载并享受。
- Radiant Player - Google Play音乐播放器。
- Recordia - 直接从菜单栏或使用全局键盘快捷键录制音频。
- ScreenFlow - 屏幕和视频编辑软件。
- Shotcut - 免费开源视频编辑器。
- Soda Player - 一款能够直接播放种子、磁力链接、在线视频、自动获取字幕、链接和本地视频文件的播放器。
- Sonora - 一个很小的音乐播放器。
- SpotMenu - Spotify 和 iTunes 在状态菜单栏中显示。
- Stremio - 电影、电视节目、连续剧、电视直播或 YouTube 和 Twitch 等网络频道。电视-你可以在 Stremio 上找到这一切。
- Stringed 2 - 音频编辑处理工具。
- Synfig Studio - 工业级、强大的 2D 矢量动画制作软件。
- VLC - 开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件。
- VOX Player - 免费全能音乐播放器,撸码之余听听歌是一种享受。
- XLD - 解码/解码/转换/播放各种“无损”音频文件。
- YPlayer - 一款能够本地实时生成字幕, 音视频文件转文字生成字幕, 录音转文字, 字幕翻译的多功能 App.
- ieaseMusic - 基于网易云音乐
- QQ音乐
- 网易云音乐
- 酷我音乐
- 酷狗音乐
- GarageBand - 来自Apple的免费数字音频工作站(DAW),提供简介低门槛的操作界面和完整的音乐录制、剪辑制作功能
- Logic Pro X - 来自Apple的专业数字音频工作站(DAW),提供完整专业的音乐制作功能、优秀的自带插件和音源,原生支持Apple Silicon实现高效运行
- Agenda - 以日期为重点的笔记记录应用程序,用于规划和记录您的项目。
- Bear Writer - 漂亮,灵活的写作应用程序,用于制作笔记和散文。
- Boostnote - 为程序员量身定做的笔记应用。
- Chmox - 读 chm 文件的软件。
- CHM Reader - 读 chm 文件的软件。
- iChm - 读 chm 文件的软件。
- Joplin - 支持 markdown 的开源记事本和具有同步功能的待办事项列表管理器。
- Kindle App - 亚马逊 Kindle App 电子书阅读器。
- Klib - 全新的 Kindle、iBooks 标注管理工具。
- MarginNote - 一款优秀的 PDF 有标注软件,批注、抽认卡、思维导图、汇总视图等功能。
- PDF Reader Pro - 可以查看,创建,签名,转换和压缩任何 PDF 文档。
- PDF Expert - PDF 阅读、批注,编辑文本,添加照片,填写表单。
- SwifDoo PDF - 最好的 PDF 编辑器/转换器,只需几个简单的步骤即可帮助您转换、编辑、压缩或密码保护 PDF 文件
- QOwnNotes - 是开源记事本,带有 markdown 支持和待办事项列表管理器。
- Spillo - 功能强大,美观、快速网络书签网页阅读。
- Skim - PDF 阅读器和笔记本。
- texifier - Mac 下非常棒的 LaTeX 编辑器。 支持自动编译预览,自动补全等。
- KOffice - 集成化办公套件,包含文字处理器、电子 表格、幻灯片制作、项目管理等多种工具。
- Keynote 讲演 - 构建炫目的演示文稿。
- LibreOffice - 一款功能强大的免费开源办公软件,默认使用开放文档格式,并支持其他多种文档格式。
- Microsoft Office - 微软Office办公套件
- Numbers 表格 - 创建令人印象深刻的电子表格。
- Pages 文稿 - 引人注目的文稿。
- WPS - 是一套跨平台的办公室软件套件。
- Leaf - RSS 客户端程序。
- NetNewsWire - 免费的 RSS 阅读器。
- ReadKit - 书签 RSS 管理客户端。
- Reeder 5 - RSS 服务订阅
- Vienna - RSS/Atom 新闻阅读客户端。
- irreader - 多功能的 RSS 阅读器,支持订阅播客和任何网站。
- Elytra - 一款简单又私密的 RSS 提要阅读器,支持原生渲染,适用于 macOS 和 iOS
- Cmd Markdown - Cmd Markdown 编辑阅读器,支持实时同步预览,区分写作和阅读模式,支持在线存储,分享文稿网址。
- Effie - 轻量级 Markdown 写作软件,支持大纲笔记和思维导图。
- EME - 最近刚出的一款 Markdown 编辑器,界面很像 Chrome 浏览器的界面,很简约。
- iA Writer - Markdown 文本预览编辑,注重语法检查,专门为作家提供的编辑器。
- LightPaper - 简单的 Markdown 文本编辑器。
- MacDown - 一款开源的 Markdown 编辑器,深受Mou的影响。
- Marked 2 - Markdown 文本预览编辑,为所有作家提供一套优雅而强大的工具。
- MarkText - 简单而优雅的 Markdown 编辑器,专注于速度和可用性。
- Marp - Markdown 制作幻灯片编辑器。
- Marxico马克飞象 - 一款专为印象笔记(Evernote)打造的Markdown编辑器,通过精心的设计与技术实现,配合印象笔记强大的存储和同步功能,带来前所未有的书写体验。
- 妙言 - 轻灵的 Markdown 笔记本伴你写出妙言。
- MWeb - 专业的 Markdown 写作、记笔记、静态博客生成软件。
- TextNut - Markdown 编辑器,富文本之间自由切换。
- Typora - 基于 Electron 的“读写一体” Markdown 编辑器。
- Ulysses - 适用于 Mac,iPad 和 iPhone 的写作应用程序,支持 Markdown。
- Yu Writer - 一款能找到写作乐趣的 Markdown 文本编辑器。
- Email Me - 使用单次点击,在macOS、iOS 和 WatchOS上原生地给自己发送邮件以及更多功能。
- Evernote - 笔记本应用程序。
- Inkdrop - Markdown 爱好者的笔记本应用程序。
- leanote - 支持 Markdown 的一款开源笔记软件,支持直接成为个人博客。
- Notes - 简洁的笔记应用。
- NotePlan 3 - 您的任务、笔记和日历、纯文本 Markdown 文件。
- Notebook 漂亮的笔记本应用程序。
- Notion - 一个集大成的富文本笔记管理软件,支持丰富却又简单明了的的文字格式,甚至覆盖了
等平台客户端。 - OneNote - 微软备注应用。
- Quiver - 程序猿的笔记本。
- 有道云笔记 - 支持多目录,Markdown,iWork/Office 预览。
- 为知笔记 - 支持 Markdown,搜集整理图片链接导入文档。
- 阿里语雀 -
- AppJS - 使用 JS、HTML 和CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序。
- AlloyDesktop - 同上,腾讯出品,给个差评。
- create-dmg - 快速创建一个压缩镜像文件。
- Electron - 前身是 AtomShell,使用 JS、HTML 和 CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序。
- Electrino - 使用 JS、HTML 和 CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序,构建出的应用体积比 Electron 小。
- Finicky - Web 应用程序转化为苹果的应用程序。
- HEX - 使用 JS、HTML 和 CSS 构建跨平台的桌面应用程序,有道出品。
- ionic - 一个用来开发混合手机应用的,开源的,免费的代码库。
- nw.js - 使用 HTML 和 JavaScript 来制作桌面应用。
- MacGap - 桌面 WebKit 打包 HTML、CSS、JS 应用。
- react-desktop - 为 macOS Sierra带来 React UI 组件。
- ReactXP - 微软官方出品,支持平台 Web,iOS,Android 和 Windows UWP 仍然是一项正在进行的工作。
- React Native macOS - 用 React Native 技术构建 OS X 下的桌面应用程序。
- React Native Desktop for Ubuntu - 用 React Native 技术构建 Ubuntu 下的桌面应用程序。
- aria2 - 一款支持多种协议的轻量级命令行下载工具。
- Downie - 支持多达近 1200 个视频站点的视频下载工具。
- Free Download Manager - 功能强大的下载加速器。
- FOLX - 一个 Mac osx 系统风格界面的下载管理工具。
- JDownloader - 下载工具,下载文件的一键式托管。
- Motrix - Motrix 是一款全能的下载工具,支持下载 HTTP、FTP、BT、磁力链、百度网盘等资源。
- qBittorrent - 一个替代 μTorrent 的开源软件。
- Transmission - 免费的 BitTorrent 客户端
- You-Get - 网络富媒体命令行下载工具。
- 115 - 115 云客户端。
- Dropbox - 非常好用的免费网络文件同步工具,提供在线存储服务。
- NextCloud - 基于 ownCloud 完全开源免费开源,企业文件同步和共享。
- Mega - 免费的云服务,提供 50GB 的免费存储空间。
- Resilio Sync - P2P私有云盘,BitTorrent血统,支持
等系统平台。注意:截止2021.7.20,macOS平台客户端存在休眠崩溃现象,除此之外可以正常使用。 - Seafile - 是由国内团队开发的国际化的开源云存储软件项目。
- Syncthing - Resilio Sync的开源竞争者,架构上更加开放自由,良好的用户文档,基于Go语言支持大量系统平台,甚至包括
!此项目的界面翻译工作也支持开源共建。 - ownCloud - 私有云网盘。
- 百度云 - 百度云客户端。
- 腾讯微云 - 腾讯云客户端。
- 坚果云 - 坚果云客户端。
- 亿方云 - 硅谷团队打造,个人免费。
- 阿里云盘 - 阿里云盘。
- 阿里云盘小白羊版 - 阿里云盘小白羊版为阿里云盘第三方客户端,多平台支持,增加了 Aria2 下载,调用第三方播放器等功能
- Kawa - 给每个输入法定义一个快捷键.
- RIME - 中州韻輸入法引擎。
- Rocket - 使用冒号快捷键可以更快捷地输入表情符号。
- Type2Phone - 把 Macbook 键盘变为 iPhone 的蓝牙键盘。
- WBIM - 五笔输入法。
QQ输入法 - 腾讯出品的输入法。- 搜狗输入法 - 搜狗输入法。
- 百度输入法 - 支持拼音五笔输入。
- 落格输入法 - 打破 Mac 双拼多年来的窘境。
- iAvro - 孟加拉语输入法。
- 清歌五笔输入法 - 为 iOS 和 Mac 专门打造的五笔输入法。
- 颜文字 - 颜文字输入。
- 哈利路亚英文输入法 - 智能英文输入法,具备自动补全,自动纠错功能。
- 业火五笔输入法 - 轻量干净,功能强大的五笔输入法,完全开源。
- InputSourcePro - 通过简洁的提示方式,配合输入法自动切换功能,让每一次输入都信心十足。
- 微信键盘-微信官方出品的中文输入法,弥补mac版本微信无法搜索表情发送的问题。
- Brave - 用 Brave 浏览更快更安全。
- Chrome - Chrome 浏览器谷歌出品。
- Microsoft Edge - Edge 浏览器微出品,相比于 chrome 青出于蓝胜于蓝
- Firefox - 迎接 Firefox Quantum。快,只为更好。火狐浏览器。
- Safari - Mac 预装自带浏览器。
- Opera - Opera 浏览器。
- QQ浏览器 - QQ 浏览器-腾讯出品。
- Vivaldi - Opera 开发商出品新的浏览器。
- Ōryōki - 小的 web 浏览器。这是一个试验性的项目,目前正在开发中
- 傲游云浏览器 - 傲游云浏览器。
- 360极速浏览器 - 更好用,不将就。
- Chromium - 由 Google 及社区开发的浏览器,开源免费,同时为 Chrome 提供源码
- ungoogled-chromium - ungoogled-chromium 移除了 Google 专有组件加强了隐私控制使其更加透明
- Arc - 更好地使用互联网的方式
- 有道翻译 - 有道词典桌面版。
- 辞海词典 - 学单词、背单词、辞海词典。
- Easydict - 方便查找单词或翻译文本
- eudic - 欧路词典词典。
- Grammarly - 修正英语语法及用语
- iText - 截图识别文字、翻译
- iTranslate - 支持全世界超过 80 种语言发音和输出。
- Ludwig - 语言搜索引擎,可帮助您用英语写得更好。
- Translate Tab - 菜单栏翻译插件,封装了谷歌翻译,支持自动识别语言。
- Bob - 简小好用的翻译工具,支持语言自动检测,截图翻译。
- OpenAI Translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用。
- Translatium - 在 100 多种语言之间翻译单词、短语和图像,并提供字典、音译和语音输出支持。
- DeepL - 拥有深度神经学习网络的翻译软件,自称世界上最准确的翻译软件,在学术论文和科技文章方面优于其他同类软件。
- Antivirus One - 值得信赖的Mac安全保护工具:保护您的 Mac 免受病毒、恶意软件和广告软件的侵害。阻止潜在的 Web威胁并保护您的Mac免受漏洞影响。
- BlockBlock - 恶意软件会自行安装,以确保它在重新引导时自动重新执行。
- Dylib Hijack Scanner - Dylib 劫机扫描仪或 DHS,是一个简单的实用程序,将扫描您的计算机的应用程序是易受 dylib 劫持或被劫持。
- Encrypto - 免费加密工具,用于加密文件和文件夹
- GPG Suite - macOS平台的一站式GnuPG解决方案,提供命令行和GUI的加解密工具。开箱即用的
密码缓存服务,还包括一个GUI的pinenry程序,支持与macOS原生钥匙串集成。 - KextViewer - 查看所有在 OS 内核中加载的模块。
- KnockKnock - “谁在那?” 查看Mac上持久安装的内容。
- LinkLiar - 可以帮助你哄骗 Wi-Fi 和以太网接口的 MAC 地址。
- LuLu - 免费的macOS防火墙,旨在阻止未经授权(传出)的网络流量。
- Murus - 强大、灵活且易于理解使用的防火墙,官方提供多种不同的APP以提供不同功能的组合。最基础的免费版本
Murus Lite
是纯粹基于传入端口的防火墙,跟基于应用程序的macOS原生防火墙形成有效互补。 - OverSight - 监控 Mac 的麦克风和网络摄像头,当内部麦克风被激活,或者当进程访问摄像头时提醒用户。
- RansomWhere? - 通用 Ransomware 检测。
- TaskExplorer - 使用 TaskExplorer 探索在 Mac 上运行的所有任务(进程)。
- What's Your Sign? - 验证文件的加密签名可以推断其来源或可信度。
- Algo - 在云中设置个人 IPSEC VPN。
- ClashX - 基于 clash 的一款支持规则过滤的科学上网工具。
- Lantern - 科学上网。
- ShadowsocksX - 一个快速的隧道代理,可以帮助你绕过防火墙。
- ShadowsocksX-NG - 一款 ShadowsocksX 客户端软件。
- Surge - 科学上网。
- Shimo - 连接大量 VPN 的应用
- Tunnelbear - 简单的私人 VPN。
- Tunnelblick - OpenVPN 的免费软件。
- tinc - VPN 软件.
- V2Ray - 原生支持 Socks、HTTP、Shadowsocks、VMess 等协议。
- Outline - 借助 Outline,创建 VPN 服务器变得轻而易举,从而让任何人都能访问自由、开放的互联网。
- 12306ForMac - Mac 版 12306 订票/检票助手。
- 1440 Minutes Left Today - 在菜单栏中,直接记录到一天结束还剩多少分钟。
- AirServer - 将手机投影到电脑上。
- Alfred - 效率神器。
- Raycast - 类似Alfred功能,重要的是免费。
- BitBar - 支持使用各种语言将信息展示到Mac OS的菜单栏。
- BetterZip - 压缩解压缩工具支持格式 ZIP、TAR、TGZ、TBZ、TXZ (new)、7-ZIP、RAR。
- BetterTouchTool - 代替默认的系统操作方式(组合键、修饰键、手势等)。
- CheatSheet - CheatSheet 是一款 Mac 上的非常实用的快捷键快速提醒工具。
- DaisyDisk - 磁盘空间使用扫描工具。
- DisplayBuddy - 直接控制外接显示器的亮度和输入
- DNS Heaven - 可以令基于 glibc 的 macOS 应用直接使用原生栈来解析 DNS,主要适用于 VPN。
- eZip - 界面简洁,功能完善,支持主流的多种压缩格式。支持 Mojave 深色模式、QuickLook预览、拖拽解压。
- f.lux - 自动调整您的电脑屏幕,以匹配亮度。
- Lunar - 外接显示器亮度/对比度调节工具,从此告别物理按键。
- Hammerspoon - 功能强大的自动化工具,Lua 脚本驱动,支持窗口管理。
- HTTrack - 可以下载整个网站和离线浏览。
- HapticKey - Touch Bar 触觉反馈。
- HWSensors - 自带FakeSMC的黑苹果硬件状态监控插件。
- Hungrymark - 非常有用的收藏夹应用,收藏文件,文件夹,网址,快速的通过状态栏菜单访问这些书签。
- iStat pro - 免费的 Mac OS 电脑硬件信息检测软件。
- Itsycal - 一款简洁实用的开源日历工具。
- Karabiner - 一个强大的和稳定的 OS X 的键盘定制。
- Keyboard Maestro - 根据键盘,菜单,位置,添加的设备等触发器自动执行日常操作。
- Keytty - 让你通过键盘使用鼠标。
- Keka - 一个免费的 macOS 文件解压缩程序。
- Lungo - 防止Mac进入睡眠状态。
- Memo - 给你的便笺加个密。
- Manta - 灵活的发票桌面应用程序,漂亮和可定制模板。
- Mos - 让你的鼠标滚轮丝滑如触控板。
- Mac Cache Cleaner - 缓存清理工具
- Numi - 漂亮的计算器应用。
- NoSleep - 合上盖子不休眠,可根据是否连接电源单独设置。
- OmniDiskSweeper - 磁盘空间使用扫描工具。
- OmniPlan - 项目管理软件。
- PDF Archiver - 一个用于标记和归档任务的好工具。
- Qbserve - 观察你如何度过你的时间。
- Rapidmg - 一键解压 DMG 镜像里的 app 至 “应用程序” 目录。
- RescueTime - 个人分析服务,向您展示如何花时间和提供工具来帮助您提高工作效率。
- Snap - 一款可以给 Dock 上的程序添加快捷键的小工具。
- Streaker - GitHub贡献和统计跟踪菜单栏应用程序。
- The Unarchiver - 解压许多不同种类的归档压缩文件。
- Timing - Mac 的自动时间和生产力跟踪。
- Unarchive One - 快速解压单个多个不同种类的压缩文件/压缩文件到各类常见压缩格式。
- Ukelele - Unicode 键盘布局编辑器。
- WWDC - Mac OS 的非官方的 WWDC APP。
- xScope - 测量、检查和测试屏幕上的图形和布局的工具。搜索你的苹果和网络,快速打开应用程序。
- 360压缩 - 简单易用,免费无广告的压缩工具。
- 超级右键 - 一款finder右键菜单扩展,包括了大量便捷工具比如新建文件,直接打开终端等 [
- CleanClip - 最简洁的剪贴板管理器。
- ClipMenu - 一个剪贴板操作的管理器。
- Clipy - 基于 ClipMenu 继续开发的强大的剪切板管理器。
- CopyQ - 高级功能剪贴板管理工具。
- Flycut - 面向开发者的干净简单的剪贴板管理器。
- iPaste - 轻巧高效的剪贴板工具。
- Maccy - 开源于GitHub但不免费的剪贴板管理工具,应用商店中下载需要付费。
- Paste - 智能剪贴板历史片段管理。
- PasteBot - 强大的剪贴板管理器。
- Yippy - 具有用户友好界面的剪贴板管理器。
- BeardedSpice - 允许您使用 Mac 键盘上的媒体键控制基于Web的媒体播放器(SoundCloud,YouTube 等)和一些本机应用程序。
- Bartender - 组织或隐藏Mac上的菜单栏图标。
- BitBar - 支持使用各种语言将信息展示到 Mac OS 的菜单栏。
- Fishing Funds - 基金,大盘,股票状态栏实时显示。
- iGlance - 状态栏的系统监视器。
- Itsycal - 一款简洁实用的开源日历工具。
- Vanilla - 隐藏系统菜单栏。
- HiddenBar - 一个超轻MacOS实用工具,帮助隐藏菜单栏图标。。
- MenubarX - 一款强大的 Mac 菜单栏浏览器,可以在菜单栏固定任何网页,就像原生 App 一样使用。
- iBar - 强大的菜单栏图标管理工具。
- 2Do - 比较好的 TODO 应用程序。
- Day-O 2 - 菜单日历更换内置日历。
- Fantastical - 日历应用程序,你将管理好生活。
- Focus - 一个漂亮的番茄工作法为基础的时间管理工具。
- Microsoft To-Do - 任务管理工具微软出品。
- Nozbe - 适用于个人和团队的强大GTD应用程序,支持每个Apple设备。
- OmniFocus - 由 OmniGroups 制作的 Nice GTD 应用程序。
- Super Productivity - 集成了Timeboxing和时间跟踪功能的跨平台任务管理应用。
- Taskade - 实时协作编辑器,协作简历任务管理器,大纲和笔记。
- TaskPaper - 漂亮的纯文本任务列表。
- Things - 令人愉快且易于使用的任务管理器。
- Todoist - 跨平台的任务管理器与移动应用程序。
- Wunderlist - 奇妙清单跨平台的任务管理器与移动应用程序。
- 滴答清单 - 轻便且强大的跨平台任务管理应用。
- AlDente - 充电保护软件,延长 MacBook 电池寿命。
- Amphetamine - 覆盖您的节能设置并让您的Mac保持唤醒状态。
- AdBlock One - 适用于MacOS/iOS的免费广告拦截器 停止在Safari中看到烦人的广告。更快地打开网站。更安全地浏览网页。
- AppCleaner - 一个小应用程序,让你彻底卸载不需要的应用程序。
- BackgroundMusic - 自动暂停音乐、设置各个应用程序的音量并录制系统音频。
- AppTrap - 删除APP的同时移除文件。
- BetterMouse - 同时具有平滑滚动,光标加速控制,按键和手势映射等全功能的干净鼠标工具软件。
- blueutil - 命令行蓝牙控制工具,可以配合SleepWatcher实现MacBook合盖瞬间关闭蓝牙,开盖自动打开蓝牙。这在使用蓝牙耳机时尤其有用。
- Cleaner One - 多合一磁盘清理管理器:清理您的 Mac 并优化其性能,立即运行快速扫描以验证什么占用了您的存储空间。
- Cleaner for Xcode - Xcode 的清理工具,清理几十G应该不是问题。
- coconutBattery - 显示Mac中有关电池的实时信息。
- DaisyDisk - 磁盘空间使用扫描工具。
- gfxCardStatus - 控制Mac独立显卡与集成显卡之间的切换。
- HandShaker - Mac 电脑上也可以方便自如地管理您在 Android 手机中的内容。
- iStat Menus - 菜单栏上的高级 Mac 系统监视器。
- iStats - iStats 是一个可以让你快速查看电脑 CPU 温度,磁盘转速和电池等信息的命令行工具。
- Juice - 让电池显示更有趣
- KeepingYouAwake - 替代咖啡因,更好地支持Mac中的暗模式。
- Monity - 帮助用户实时监控系统的一款非常漂亮的软件。
- Mounty - NTFS 分区读写组件。
- NitroShare - 跨平台网络文件传输应用程序。
- OnyX - 多功能实用工具来验证磁盘和文件,运行清洁和系统维护任务,配置隐藏选项等。
- OmniDiskSweeper - 磁盘空间使用扫描工具。
- Pretty Clean - 好用的 macOS 磁盘清理工具
- Paragon NTFS - 在 Mac OS X 中完全读写、修改、访问 Windows NTFS 硬盘、U 盘等外接设备的文件。
- SleepWatcher - 可以在MacBook合盖和开盖时执行自定义脚本,比如开关蓝牙等。可以通过
安装。 - smcFanControl - 短小精悍的风扇转速温控软件,可以预设两档风扇最低转速,方便在不同工作负载间人工强制切换。因为只是限制风扇最低速度,所以系统原生温控调速不会完全失效。
- Core Tunnel - 管理你的 SSH。
- TG Pro - 温度监控,风扇控制和硬件诊断,帮助您保持 Mac的 凉爽和健康。
- Tuxera NTFS - Mac 上的 NTFS 文件系统驱动。
- 腾讯柠檬清理 - 一款免费的Mac系统清理软件,替代原来的Mac电脑管家,腾讯出品。
- Amethyst - 窗口管理器(自动保持窗口大小的窗口)。
- BetterSnapTool - 窗口管理工具,可通过快捷键或窗口拖动快速实现分屏。
- Contexts- 提供比 Mac 原生 Dock 更强大功能尤其在你有多个屏幕的时候,它可以帮助你更快捷切换。
- Divvy - 凭借其惊人的 Divvy Grid 系统,窗口管理处于最佳状态。
- IntelliDock - 自动隐藏 Dock。
- Moom - 多任务多窗口的软件。
- Magnet - 一个窗口管理器,可以保持工作空间的组织。
- rcmd - 使用 ⌘ Right Command 键根据名称切换应用程序。
- Rectangle-app - Rectangle 是一个基于 Spectacle 的窗口管理应用程序,用 Swift 编写:使用键盘快捷键在 macOS 上移动和调整窗口大小。
- ShiftIt - 窗口位置和大小管理软件。
- Slate - 窗口管理器,可用 JavaScript 写配置。
- SizeUp - 强大的,以键盘为中心的窗口管理。
- Spectacle - 简单的移动和调整大小的窗口,和可定制的键盘快捷键。
- Total Spaces - 像 ubuntu 一样提供窗口管理,为工作区创建热键,使您可以轻松移动。
- 1password - 跨平台帐号密码管理软件。
- Authy - 双因素身份验证令牌管理器,可在您的设备上进行备份和同步。
- Bitwarden - 适用于Mac OS,iOS和浏览器的开源密码管理工具。
- Buttercup - 跨平台密码管理器
- Dashlane - 基于云的密码管理器,拥有屡获殊荣的设计。
- Enpass - 具有云集成的跨平台密码管理工具。
- Keeweb - 与 KeePass 兼容的免费跨平台密码管理器。
- LastPass - 密码管理器和安全的数字笔记。
- MacPass - 密码管理器。
- fman - 先进的双窗口文件管理器,拥有很多特性。
- ForkLift - 先进的双窗口文件管理器和文件传输客户端。
- Hazel - 设计精美的自动文件管理软件。
- MacAssistant - Google 助手
- Path Finder - 强大的 Finder 替代者,拥有很多特性。
- Quicklook-Plugins - Finder 快速预览文件插件。
- QSpace - 一款简洁高效的多视图文件管理器。
- TotalFinder - 强大的 Finder 替代者,界面风格像 Chrome。
- XtraFinder - 给 Finder 添加有用的新特性。
- openEmu - 模拟器,可以玩魂斗罗之类,轻松回到小时候。
- Porting Kit - 在Mac中安装Windows®游戏。
- PPSSPP - 一个很棒的 PSP 模拟器,适用于您梦寐以求的任何操作系统!
- RPCS3 - 开源 PlayStation 3 模拟器
- Ryujinx - 开源 任天堂 Switch 模拟器
- RustDesk - 又一个远程桌面软件。
- AnyDesk 是一款远程控制跨多平台的程序。
- Microsoft Remote Desktop - 微软官方的远程桌面连接工具(国区App store没有上架,下载地址)。
- RealVNC 是一款免费的远程控制跨多平台的程序。
- TeamViewer - 远程协助及在线协作和会议功能的软件,商业软件个人使用免费。
List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers.
使用 Homebrew Cask 将通过命令安装即为简单。开发人员使用的Quick Look插件列表。如果手动安装,你可将下载的 .qlgenerator
文件移动到 ~/Library/QuickLook
运行 qlmanage -r
- QuicklookStephen - 可以让您查看没有文件扩展名的纯文本文件,如 README、INSTALL、Capfile、CHANGELOG...
brew install --cask install qlstephen
- Homebrew - 体验通过命令行安装 Mac 软件的工具(大部分是命令行工具)。
- MacUpdate Desktop - 管理/更新/下载 App,跟踪优惠信息。
- MacPorts - 一个软件包管理工具,可用于简化 OS X 和 Darwin 操作系统内软件的安装。
- Setapp - MacPaw 推出的订阅制付费 App 平台服务。
迅雷Thunder Store- 迅雷 Thunder for Mac 带应用市场。Mac软件宝箱- Macx 推出软件宝箱。MacHunter- Mac 应用市场。
这里主要是推荐一些软件下载的网站,还有一些Mac OSX软件分享网站
- App Shopper:http://appshopper.com/
- MacUpdate:https://www.macupdate.com/
- 少数派:http://sspai.com/tag/Mac
- Mac玩儿法:http://www.waerfa.com
- 腾讯柠檬精选:https://lemon.qq.com/lab/
- 数码荔枝:https://www.lizhi.io/
https://macpedia.xyz/ - 苹果软件盒子:
https://www.macappbox.com/ - Cmacked:
https://mac.cmacked.com/ - 玩转苹果:
- AppKed:
- appaddict:
- Mac精品软件:
- MacWk:
- MacPeers:
- Mac毒:
- Macx:
- Mac软件下载站:
- MacPeers:
- Mac志:
- Mac软件分享:
- MacSky苹果软件园:
- Softasm:
- Mac破解软件:
- 卡卡源:
- 苹果软件园:
- 马可菠萝:
- 极致分享:
- 未来软件园:
- 腾牛网:
- 未来软件园:
- 威锋网:
- MAC萌新网:
- 佛系软件:
- appstorrent:
from https://wangchujiang.com/awesome-mac/README-zh.html
(优秀的Mac应用推荐 - Awesome Mac
Awesome Mac,一个优秀的Mac应用推荐GitHub仓库,由一个资深 的Mac 用户创建的,主要分享收集各种类别、好用的 Mac 应用程序、软件以及工具,目前包括开发工具、设计产品、通信、数据恢复、视频音频、下载等等各种类型的工具,并且上面详细标明了软件是否开源、是否免费和官网链接,还有对各个软件的简单描述,对于新手刚刚转macOS的用户来说相当不错,对Mac老用户也能提到补充的作用,感兴趣的可以前往学习。
GitHub:https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome-mac )
means open source. click the icon to see the item's repository;
means free to use, or free personal license;
means App store hyperlink;
means hyperlink to a corresponding Awesome list for the item;
Awesome Mac App for macOS. Installers for the latest stable build for Mac can be downloaded here.
Reading and Writing Tools
Applications to edit text, I suggest the open-source editors
Text Editors
- Bootstrap Studio - A powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
- Brackets - A modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
- CotEditor - Lightweight plain-text editor for macOS.
- Emacs
- A popular text editor used mainly on Unix-based systems by
programmers, scientists, engineers, students, and system administrators.
- Helix - A post-modern modal text editor.
- Lapce - Lightning-fast and powerful code editor.
- LightTable - The next generation code editor.
- micro - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
- Nova - The beautiful, fast, flexible, native Mac code editor from Panic.
- Plain Text Editor - Simple distraction-free notepad.
- Sublime Text -
Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the
slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance, Sublime Text Plugins.
- SubEthaEdit -
Powerful Text Editing. Write articles, code, notes or meeting minutes
with friends – wherever they are. Ideal for extreme programming
sessions, tutoring and creative writing [
- TextMate - Editor that brings Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors.
- Tot - Tot is an elegant, simple way to collect & edit text. It’s your tiny text companion!
- Vim - Highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient, Vim Plugins.
- Vimr - Refined Vim Experience for OS X.
- Zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- LibreOffice -
LibreOffice is free and open-source software office software. Software
is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community.
- WPS - Is a cross-platform office software suite.
- Pages - Documents that stand apart.
- Keynote - Build stunning presentations.
- Numbers - Create impressive spreadsheets.
- Microsoft Office - Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac.
- OnlyOffice - An office suite that combines text, spreadsheet and presentation editors allowing to create, view and edit local documents.
- SoftMaker Office - A complete office suite that aims for full compatibility with Microsoft Office documents
Markdown Tools
- EME - Open-source Markdown editor with an interface like Chrome.
- iA Writer - Writing app with an emphasis on simplicity and design.
- LightPaper - Simple, beautiful, yet powerful text editor for your Mac.
- MacDown - Open-source Markdown editor for OS X.
- Marked 2 - This is the Markdown preview with an elegant and powerful set of tools for all writers.
- MarkText - Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
- Marp - Markdown presentation writer with cross-platform support.
- Marxico - Delicate Markdown editor for Evernote. Reliable storage and sync.
- MWeb - Pro Markdown writing, and static blog generator App.
- Obsidian - A second brain, for you, forever.
- TextNut - Rich-format editor featuring Markdown export and Markdown syntax hints.
- Typora - Truly minimal Markdown editor featuring seamless live preview.
- Ulysses - The Ultimate Writing App for Mac, iPad and iPhone.
- Zettlr - A markdown editor for the 21st century.
- Affine - Affine is the next-generation collaborative knowledge base for professionals.
- Agenda - Date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects.
- AppFlowy - Open-source alternative to Notion.
- Bear Writer - Beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose.
- Boostnote - Note-taking app made for programmers.
- Craft - Notetaking and writing made beautiful.
- Dnote - A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync and a web interface.
- Email Me - Email yourself and much more with just one tap, native on macOS, iOS and WatchOS.
- Evernote - Infamous note-taking app, available on many platforms.
- FSNotes - File System Notes is a modern notes manager, native on macOS and iOS.
- Gooba - Writing app and task manager with a simple and interactive design.
- Inkdrop - Notebook app for Markdown lovers built on top of Electron.
- Joplin - Cross platform open-source notepad with markdown support and todo list manager with synchronisation capabilities.
- Logseq - Privacy-first, open-source knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode files.
- MarginNote - In-depth PDF and EPUB reading, learning, managing and note taking app.
- massCode - Cross platform open-source code snippets manager for developers with markdown and mermaid support.
- MiaoYan - Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences.
- Notable - The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
- Notebook - Note-taking app.
- Notes - Clean, simple note-taking app.
- NotePlan 3 - Your tasks, notes, and calendar, plain-text markdown files.
- Noteship - Turn notes into knowledge (spreadsheet view, heading summaries, etc.). Works offline, everything is saved locally.
- Notion - Notion is the all-in-one workspace. From notes, tasks, wikis, to database, Notion is all you need. Works great for teams and individuals.
- Obsidian - Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
- OneNote - Note-taking app by Microsoft.
- OutlineEdit 3 - Fully-featured outline editor, for everyone who loves great structured notes.
- Saber - Cross platform stylus and text notetaking app. Supports image and pdf imports, can sync.
- SideNotes - Quick notes on the screen side. Take notes while working with other apps. Use Markdown for text formatting.
- Standard Notes - An end-to-end encrypted notes app for digitalists and professionals.
- QOwnNotes - Open-source notepad with markdown support and todo list manager.
- Quiver - The Programmer's Notebook, lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor and live preview Markdown and LaTeX.
- AliYuQue
- Cloud note-taking knowledge management, collaboration platform,
Markdown based writing, support embedded flow chart, brain diagram,
timing sequence, code rendering, Sketch board creation, personal
knowledge sharing, etc. Compared to youdao cloud note and evernote
similar products, which include all of its functions, support knowledge
sharing and more powerful creation, collaboration and editor, it comes
from alibaba ant financial.
- VNote - A Qt-based application designed to provide a pleasant note-taking platform with excellent editing experience.
- Day One - Excellent journaling app using text, photos, video, audio, location data, and more.
- Journey - Journaling app with many features and with apps for every platform available.
- linked - Link your thoughts to days, distraction free.
- Scrivener - The quintessential word processor for writers.
- THORN - All you need to power personal writing and website building.
- Calibre - Free and
open-source e-book computer software application suite which runs on
multiple platforms, allows users to manage e-book collections as well as
create, edit, and read e-books.
- Clearview - Tabbed style e-book reader for PDF, EPUB (DRM free), CHM, and MOBI.
- iChm - Ebook reader for CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML help) files.
- Kindle App - Amazon official reading app of kindle.
- Klib - New way to manage highlights for Kindle and iBooks.
- Scribus - Professional layout and publishing software supporting EPS and SVG import/export, and PDF support.
- Sigil - Multi-platform EPUB ebook Editor.
- Simple Comic - EBook reader for graphic novels in PDF, CBZ, CBR format. Find command powered by Live Text on recent Macs
- Elytra - A Simple & Private RSS Feed Reader with native rendering for macOS & iOS
- Feedy - An elegant and lightweight RSS client and news reader for your Mac.
- Leaf - Amazing news reader dedicated to help you enjoy your daily news and easily manage your subscriptions.
- NetNewsWire - It’s a free and open source feed reader for macOS.
- Doughnut - Beautiful, open-source podcast catcher for Mac.
- ReadKit - Mac read-later client supporting all major providers: Instapaper, Pocket and Readability. Even more, ReadKit is a full-featured RSS reader as well.
- Reeder 5 - News reader for Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler and so on.
- Vienna - RSS/Atom reader for Mac OS X.
- SwifDoo PDF - The best PDF Editor/converter that’ll help you transform your PDF file, edit it, compress, or password-protect it in just a couple of simple steps
- bindPDF - Combine multiple PDF files into a single PDF file using a friendly UI.
- CHM Reader - Read Compiled HTML (.chm) documents on your Mac.
- Chmox - Read CHM documents on your Mac.
- PDF Expert - Read, annotate and edit PDFs, change text and images.
- PDFgear - AI-integrated PDF editor providing view, edit, annotate, protect, convert, Copilot assistant, and more possibilities.
- PDF Reader Pro - You Can view, create, sign, convert and compress any PDF documents.
- Skim - PDF reader and note-taker for OS X.
- SkyFonts - The simplest way to try, install, and manage fonts.
- Spillo - Powerful, beautiful and amazingly fast Pinboard client for OS X.
- Tad - Application for viewing and analyzing tabular data such as CSV files.
- texifier - Great LaTeX editor for Mac with auto-update PDF and autocomplete LaTeX commands.
- UPDF - Free PDF editor that makes it possible to read, annotate and edit PDFs, change text and images on Mac.
- Zotero - Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research.
Developer Tools
- Android Studio - The official IDE for Android, based on Intellij IDEA.
- CodeRunner - A lightweight, multi-language programming text editor and IDE for quickly building, running and debugging code.
- Deco IDE - The best IDE for building React Native apps.
- Eclipse - Popular open-source IDE, mainly for Java but with plugin support for a wide array of languages and platforms.
- Espresso - The web editor for Mac is back. For people who make delightful, innovative and fast websites.
- JetBrains Toolbox App - Manage installed JetBrains tools, download new ones and open recent projects.
- AppCode - Smart IDE for iOS/macOS development
- RustRover - A brand new JetBrains IDE for Rust Developers.
- CLion - Powerful C and C++ IDE. (Free for Students)
- DataGrip - Cross-Plaform IDE for Databases and SQL. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
- DataSpell - The IDE for Professional Data Scientists
- GoLand - Provides ergonomic environment for Go development.
- IntelliJ IDEA - Powerful IDE for JVM languages. (Free for Students)
- PHPStorm - The Lightning-Smart PHP IDE.
- PyCharm - Powerful Python IDE, which has professional version and community version.
- Rider - Cross-Platform C# IDE. It is an alternative to Visual Studio by Microsoft with the additional benefit of getting Resharper features that are not available on Visual Studio for Mac.
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE by JetBrains. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
- Haskell for Mac - A Modern Development Environment for Haskell.
- NetBeans IDE - Free and open-source IDE, mainly used for Java development, but supports many other languages and frameworks.
- Nova - From the creators of Coda and Transmit, bring you a beautiful, fast, flexible, native Mac code editor from Panic.
- Visual Studio Community for Mac - Free version. It supports classroom learning, individual developers and small companies.
- Visual Studio Code - Microsoft's free & open-source editor, TypeScript friendly, VSCode Plugins.
- Xamarin Studio - Free cross platform C# IDE. Xamarin Studio supports iOS, Android and .Net development
- Xcode - Essential IDE for iOS/macOS development.
- Zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- Spyder - Powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python.
Developer Utilities
- BetterRename - The most powerful and complete Mac file renaming application on the market.
- Beyond Compare
- Compare files and folders using simple, powerful commands that focus
on the differences you are interested in and ignore those you are not.
- Bidbar - Manage bash commands from the menu bar and run them with keyboard shortcuts.
- Cacher - Cloud-based, team-enabled code snippet manager with Gist sync, VSCode/Atom/Sublime packages and Mac/Windows/Linux/Web clients.
- canSnippet - Powerful snippet management tool that works across the whole operating system, always accessible via simple keyboard shortcut.
- CodeKit - Web development tool which can automatically compile Less, Sass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Jade and JavaScript, auto-refresh browsers and much more.
- Conduktor - Kafka desktop client.
- CubicBezier - CubicBezier Generator for macOS.
- Cutter - Powerful multi-platform reverse engineering tool.
- Dash - Awesome API documentation browser and code snippet manager.
- Deeplink Buddy - Deeplink managers, made by developer for developers.
- DiffMerge - Application to visually compare and merge files.
- EnvPane - OS X preference pane for environment variables.
- FinderGo - Open terminal quickly from Finder.
- Finicky -
Application that allows you to set up rules that decide which browser
is opened for every link that would open the default browser.
- Gas Mask - Simple hosts file manager for Mac OS X.
- Gemini - Intelligent duplicate file finder.
- Hex Fiend - Fast and clever open source hex editor.
- Hosts.prefpane - System preference pane to manage your hosts file.
- iHosts - The only
editor on Mac App Store. - ILLA Cloud - Low-code internal tool builder.
- ImHex - A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
- Integrity - Free website link checker for Mac.
- Kaleidoscope - Powerful compare tool for text, images and folders. Works perfectly with git, svn or other version control tools.
- Koala - GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation.
- Loca Studio - Analyze, review, and edit app translations. Supports Xcode Localization Catalog (xcloc) and XLIFF 1.2 file formats.
- MacSystemColors - Mac app that shows all system colors in light and dark mode for Cocoa developers.
- MJML -
Framework that utilizes a semantic syntax and a rich standard components
library, which allow users to easily create responsive emails.
- PaintCode - PaintCode is a unique vector drawing app that generates Objective-C or Swift code in real time, acting as a bridge between developers and graphic designers.
- Pasteboard Viewer - Inspect the system pasteboards.
- PPRows - Application to calculate how many lines of code you write.
- PushMate - PushMate is a MacOS app that solves common push notification problems by ensuring your push payloads are correct.
- Responsively - A must-have devtool for web developers for quicker responsive web development.
- SCM Breeze - Set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git.
- SecureCRT - Terminal emulation which supports SSH, Telnet or other protocols.
- Site Sucker - SiteSucker is a Macintosh application that automatically downloads websites from the Internet.
- SnippetsLab - Easy-to-use code snippets manager.
- Solarized - Clean and beautiful color theme. Works well with iTerm, JetBrains products, Vim etc.
- StarUML - Powerful UML app.
- Swiftify - Objective-C to Swift code converter and Xcode & Finder extensions.
- SwiftPlantUML - Generate and view class diagrams from Xcode for Swift code.
- SwitchHosts - Free and open-source app for hosts management & switching.
- SYM - GUI Application to symbolicate iOS crash log.
- TeXstudio - Integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents.
- Timelane - Visually profile your asynchronous code.
- Touch Bar Simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac.
- Visual Paradigm - All-in-one UML, SysML, BPMN Modeling Platform for Agile, EA TOGAF ADM Process Management.
- Woodpecker - View iOS app's Sandbox files, UserDefaults, Keychain items on a Mac.
- WWDC - The Mac OS unofficial WWDC app.
- Xcodes - Install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
- XCSnippetsApp - Explore code snippets from the Swift and iOS community, view and edit the snippets before adding them conveniently to Xcode.
- zeplin - Collaboration tool for work between designers and developers.
- ZOC Terminal - Terminal emulator which supports SSH, telnet, connections and other protocols.
- Nib Unlocker - .nib to .xib converter
- He3 - Free and Modern Developer Utilities Toolbox.
Regular Expression Editors
- Patterns - Regular expression editor.
- Regex - Regular expression testing tool with an emphasis on simplicity.
- RegExRX - Development tool for regular expressions.
API Development and Analysis
- Cocoa Rest Client - Free, open-source, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints.
- Insomnia - The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client.
- Paw - Advanced HTTP client.
- Postman -
Powerful GUI platform to make your API development faster & easier,
from building API requests through testing, documentation and sharing.
- Katalon Studio -
Simplify API, Web, Mobile Automation Tests Free. Robust. Cross-platform.
Automation testers from 160 countries with channels, GitHub
- HTTPie - HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time.
- bruno - Bruno is a offline-only, fast and git-friendly opensource API client.
Network Analysis
- Charles - HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet.
- James - Open-source proxy tool for checking and mapping requests with http as well as https.
- Little Snitch - Network monitor with a world map for visualizing network connections.
- mitmproxy - Interactive intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- Proxie - HTTP debugging proxy.
- Proxyman - Modern and intuitive HTTP debugging proxy for macOS.
- Sniffnet - Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic.
- Wireshark - The world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
- Apidog - All-in-One workspace for API Design, Documentation, Debug, Mock, Test.
Command Line Tools
- ack - A tool like grep, optimized for programmers.
- alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
- archey-osx - An archey script for OS X.
- asciinema - Easily record terminal sessions and replay them in a terminal as well as in a web browser.
- autojump - Replace
with an intelligent autojump to easily navigate directories from the command line. - bash-it - Shameless ripoff of oh-my-zsh for bash.
- bat - A
clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration. - ccat - The colorizing cat which works similar to cat but displays content with syntax highlighting.
- ClamAV - A cross-platform, open source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.
- cmatrix
- CMatrix is based on the screensaver from The Matrix website. It shows
text flying in and out in a terminal like as seen in "The Matrix"
movie. It can scroll lines all at the same rate or asynchronously and at
a user-defined speed.
- cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
- cool-retro-term - Good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display.
- dark-mode - Control dark mode from the command-line.
- eureka - CLI tool to input and store your ideas without leaving the terminal.
- Fig - Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal.
- Fish - Smart and user-friendly shell, which is similar with zsh.
- fselect - Find files with SQL-like queries.
- GitHub CLI - gh
is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and
other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already
working with git and your code.
- Glances - Glances is a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool.
- Go2Shell - Go2Shell opens a terminal window to the current directory in Finder.
- htop - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
- httpie - Modern command
line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI,
JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
- hyper - A terminal built on web technologies.
- iTerm2 - iTerm2 is an amazing terminal emulator for OS X.
- itunes-remote - Software for controlling iTunes via the terminal.
- job - JOB, make your short-term command as a long-term job.
- kitty - A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator.
- lnav - A log file navigator.
- m-cli - Swiss Army Knife for macOS.
- Mac-CLI - The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. Automatize the usage of your OS X system.
- Magic Wormhole - Get Things From One Computer To Another, Safely.
- mas - Simple command line interface for the Mac App Store.
- Miller - Like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON.
- mycli - CLI for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- ndm - Manage npm straight from the couch.
- nushell - nushell is a modern, GitHub-era shell written in Rust.
- nvm - Node Version Manager is a POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions.
- pgcli - Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- Rebound - Instantly browse Stack Overflow results in your terminal when you get a compiler error.
- ripgrep (rg) - Very fast text searching tool similar to (but faster than) ack, ag or grep
- Serial - Full-featured serial terminal for the Mac.
- shallow-backup - Easily create text documentation of installed applications, dotfiles, and more.
- ShellHistory - Backup, sync and organize your shell history
- silver searcher (ag) - A code searching tool similar to ack, with a focus on speed.
- spaceship - A Zsh prompt for Astronauts.
- Tabby (formerly Terminus) - Free terminal tool, built with TypeScript, heavily inspired by Hyper.
- Taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
- Termius - A beautiful SSH and SFTP client for Mac. It is also available for mobile.
- TextQL - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV.
- thefuck - A interesting software that corrects errors in previous console commands.
- tldr - Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands.
- tmux -
"Terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to
be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. tmux is intended to
be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU
- tmuxinator - Manage complex tmux sessions easily.
- trash - Move files and directories to the trash.
- VisiData - Terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data.
- Warp - Warp is a blazingly fast, rust-based terminal reimagined from the ground up to work like a modern app.
- WezTerm - A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer implemented in Rust.
- xonsh - Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt.
- Zsh - Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
- ohmyzsh - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
- xcodes - A command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
- xxh - Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the SSH.
Frameworks For Hybrid Applications
- AppJS - Lightweight JavaScript UI library for creating mobile webapps that behave like native apps.
- create-dmg - Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds.
- Electrino - Desktop runtime for apps built on web technologies, using the system's own web browser engine.
- Electron - Build cross platform desktop application with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with Angular and open web technologies. One app running on everything.
- MacGap -
Provides a lightweight JavaScript API for OS X integration, such as
displaying native notifications or writing data to a file.
- nw.js - Build desktop application with HTML and JavaScript. It lets you call all
modules directly from DOM and enables a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. - Qt - Cross-platform application framework.
- React Native for Ubuntu - Build Ubuntu desktop apps using React Native.
- React Native macOS - Build OS X desktop apps using React Native and Cocoa.
- react-desktop - React UI Components for macOS Sierra.
- ReactXP - Microsoft official production, support platform Web, iOS, Android and Windows UWP is still an ongoing work.
Version Control
- Cornerstone - Powerful version control with a gorgeous interface.
- Fork - Fast and friendly Git client for Mac.
- Git Cola - Powerful, Fast, Lightweight and Friendly Git GUI. For those caffeine adicting users.
- Gitbar - Open-source,display GitHub contribution statistics on your menu bar.
- GitFinder - Fast and lightweight Git client for Mac with Finder integration.
- Gitfox - Commit faster, improve your code quality with superior diffs - and look good doing it.
- GitHub Desktop - The official GitHub GUI.
- GitKraken - The most popular Git GUI for Windows, Mac and Linux.
- GitUp - A simple & powerful Git client。
- GitX-dev - Fork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes branch/tag sidebar and various fixes.
- Hub - Command-line wrapper for Git that makes you better at GitHub.
- SmartGit - Git client with support.
- SourceTree - Free Git & Mercurial client for Windows or Mac.
- Sublime Merge - Git client, from the makers of Sublime Text.
- Tower2 - The most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
- Vershd - The free for personal use effortless Git GUI, for Windows, Mac, & Linux.
- Versions - Mac Subversion (SVN) Client.
- Docker - Powerful, performs operating-system-level virtualization.
- MacVirtue - Run free and unlimited Virtual Machines on your Mac.
- Multipass - Ubuntu VMs on demand for any workstation.
- OrbStack - OrbStack is a fast, light, and simple way to run Docker containers and Linux machines on macOS.
- Parallels - Powerful, easy-to-use VM. No free upgrade for each new Mac OS.
- Rancher Desktop - Rancher Desktop is an app that provides container management and Kubernetes on the desktop.
- Lima - Lima launches Linux virtual machines with automatic file sharing and port forwarding.
- QEMU - A free and open-source emulator and virtualizer that can perform hardware virtualization.
- UTM - UTM is an easy-to-use GUI for QEMU and can run ARM64, x64 and other VMs on M1 Macs.
- Vagrant - Tool for building and distributing development environments.
- Veertu - The lightest VM on Mac. Responsive, sandboxed & native way to run VM on your Mac.
- Virtual Box - Powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product.
- VMware Fusion - Powerful, commercial VM developed by VMware.
- Apache Directory Studio - LDAP browser and Active Directory client.
- Azure Data Studio - Cross-platform database tool for using on Microsoft family on-premises and cloud data platforms such as MSSQL Server
- Another Redis Desktop Manager - A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager.
- Base 2 - Application for creating, designing, editing and browsing SQLite 3 database files.
- Beekeeper Studio - Smooth SQL editor and database manager
- Bdash - Modern SQL client application, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL (Redshift) and BigQuery.
- Chrome MySQL Admin - Powerful Chrome app to manage your MySQL.
- Core Data Editor - Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data.
- DB Browser for SQLite - Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite.
- DBeaver - Universal SQL Client.
- ElectroCRUD - Modern MySQL CRUD application.
- FastoNoSQL -
Cross-platform GUI client for Redis, Memcached, SSDB, LevelDB, RocksDB,
UnQLite, LMDB, ForestDB, Pika and Dynomite key-value databases.
- FastoRedis - Cross-platform professional GUI management tool for Redis.
- JackDB - Secure, collaborative environment for your queries and data-driven insights.
- Keylord - Desktop GUI client for Redis, Bolt, LevelDB and Memcached key-value databases.
- MDB Explorer - MDB tool to open, read, export your MDB files to other formats and databases.
- Medis - GUI Manager for Redis.
- Mingo - Easy to use MongoDB GUI with mind-blowing features.
- mongoDB.app - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac.
- MongoDB - MongoDB is
a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want
with the querying and indexing that you need.
- MySQL Workbench - The official MySQL GUI.
- Navicat Data Modeler - Powerful and cost-effective database design tool which helps you build high-quality conceptual, logical and physical data models.
- neo4j - The leading graph database!
- pgMagic🪄 - Chat to Postgres in natural language or SQL.
- pgModeler - pgModeler is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL.
- Postgres.app - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac.
- Postico - Modern PostgreSQL client for Mac.
- PSequel - PostgreSQL GUI tool for Mac OS X.
- RedisClient - Redis client application on mac, windows and linux.
- RedisDesktopManager - Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis.
- Sequel Pro - MySQL database management for Mac OS X.
- Sequel Ace - The maintained "sequel" to the longtime macOS tool Sequel Pro.
- SQLight - SQLite database manager tool.
- SQLPro Studio - Simple, powerful database manager for macOS.
- Studio 3T - the Ultimate GUI for MongoDB.
- SurrealDB - A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web.
- Tableau Public - Free data-visualization software.
- TablePlus - Supports: PostgreSQL, MySQL, RedShift, MariaDB... High-end security ensured.
- redis-pro - Small, easy to use Redis management, written with SwiftUI, support Dark mode.
Design and Product
Design Tools
- Acorn - Great Mac OS X picture and photo editor, built for humans.
- Affinity Designer - Professional graphic design software for Mac.
- Affinity Photo - Professional image editing software for Mac.
- Alchemy - Experimental, open-source drawing application with an emphasis on creating conceptual art.
- Amadine - A vector drawing app that has everything a graphic designer needs wrapped in an uncluttered and intuitive interface.
- Art Text 3 - This is graphic design software specifically tuned for lettering, typography, text mockups and various artistic text effects.
- Blender - Free and open 3D creation software.
- Colorpicker - Colorpicker is a complete open-source colors manipulation tool with picking!
- Draw.io Drawio is a diagramming and whiteboarding desktop app
- Figma - The collaborative interface design tool, for vector graphics and UI prototyping.
- FontForge - Free, open-source font editor.
- GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program.
- inklet - Turn your Mac trackpad into drawing board.
- Inkscape - Professional vector graphics editor.
- Krita - Open-source digital painting software for concept artists, digital painters, and illustrators.
- macSVG - Designing HTML5 SVG art and animation.
- MagicaVoxel - Free, lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer.
- MakeHuman - Powerful and free 3D human modeler.
- Monodraw - Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
- Nik Collection - Nik Collection by DxO.
- Paintbrush - Bitmap image editor.
- Pencil2D - A easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations.
- Pixelmator - Full-featured image editor for Mac.
- Principle - Application for designing animated and interactive user interfaces.
- ScreenToLayers - Easily export your screen into a layered PSD file.
- Sketch - Professional digital design for mac.
- Sketch Cache Cleaner - Deletes hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive and that you would probably never use.
- Measure Plugin - Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates.
- Sketch Toolbox Plugin Manager - Simple plugin manager for Sketch.
- User Flows Plugin - Generating flow diagrams from Artboards.
- Sketch Cache Cleaner - Deletes hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive and that you would probably never use.
- SketchBook - Drawing software for concept design, comic art, and digital sketching.
- Sparkle - Pro visual web design.
- System Color Picker - The macOS color picker as an app with more features.
- Tayasui Sketches - Professional drawing software.
- Vectornator: Design Software - The Most Intuitive and Precise Illustration Software in the Galaxy.
- Vectr - Free graphics editor used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively.
Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools
- Adobe XD (Experience Design) - First all-in-one cross-platform tool for designing and prototyping websites and mobile apps.
- Axure RP 8 - Prototypes, specifications and diagrams in one tool.
- Balsamiq Mockups - Wire-framing tool that helps you work faster and smarter.
- Flinto - Quickly create interactive prototypes of mobile, desktop, or web apps.
- Framer - Tool for interactive prototyping.
- Justinmind - Prototyping platform for web and mobile apps.
- Kite - Powerful animation and prototyping application for Mac & iOS.
- Lighten - The best way to clarify thinking, boost productivity, brainstorm, and visualize concepts.
- Marvel - Simple design, prototyping and collaboration.
- MindNode - Mind-mapping software with an emphasis on simplicity and ease-of-use.
- MockFlow - Online prototyping suite for web-design and usability testing.
- Mockplus - Prototype faster, smarter and easier.
- OmniGraffle - Diagramming and graphic design for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
- Origami Studio - Tool for designing modern interfaces, built and used by designers at Facebook.
- pencil - Free, open-source tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping.
- ProtoPie - Create the most advanced prototypes as easy as Pie.
- QuikFlow - Create flowcharts with a mind-mapping workflow.
- Scapple - Practical mind-mapping software with free whiteboard-like layout.
- SimpleMind - The world leader in cross platform Mind Mapping tools.
- WriteMapper - Get from idea to final draft in no time.
- XMind - The most popular mind-mapping tool on the planet.
- Simple Diagrams - A desktop app for creating hand-drawn-like, fast, clear sketches of problems, processes, workflows, ideas and more!
- yGraph Editor - High quality diagrams made easy.
Screencapturing Software
- CleanShot - Discover a superior way to capture your Mac's screen.
- CloudApp - Work at the speed of sight.
- Flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software.
- Gifox - Gif Recording and Sharing.
- Kap - Open-source screen-recorder built with web technology.
- KeyCastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer.
- Kyapchar - Simple screen and microphone audio recorder for Mac.
- Licecap - Record your screen and export to GIF. You can change the recording area anytime during recording.
- Lightshot - The fastest way to take a customizable screenshot.
- Monosnap - Make screenshots. Draw on it. Shoot video and share your files. It's fast, easy and free.
- OBS Studio - A free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording.
- Shottr - Screen capture application with features like Scrolling capture, OCR and markup.
- Skitch - Screen capture application with a powerful annotation capabilities.
- Snip - Application for sharing captured images on QQ Mail.
- Snipaste - Simple but powerful snipping tool.
- Teampaper Snap - Let your screenshots speak up.
- Xnip - Handy Screenshot App.
- Dropbox - Dropbox app offers easy screenshot capturing and sharing
- Snagit - Screen Capture and Recording Software. Simple and Powerful.
- Screen Studio - Record beautiful screens in minutes, with built-in exquisite frame animations, no need for editing.
- Zappy - Zappy is a screenshot and screen recording app all in one. Has some simple editing tools built in.
Other Tools
- Amazing AI - Generate images from text using Stable Diffusion.
- APNGb - PNG image assembler/disassembler app.
- Aspect - Photo organization application with support for peer-to-peer based synchronization across devices.
- Assetizr - Resizing images and optimising them for web and mobile applications.
- Couleurs - Simple app for grabbing and tweaking the colors you see on your screen.
- Diffusion Bee - The easiest way to generate AI art on your computer with Stable Diffusion.
- Eagle App - Simple and intuitive file manager with tag and annotaion for all your design files. Supports all major source, image, RAW, video, 3D, audio, font, and office files.
- ExifCleaner - Remove exif metadata from images and videos with drag and drop.
- HEIC Converter - Convert HEIC images to JPEG or PNG.
- Iconset - Free, cross-platform and fast SVG icon organizer and manager for Mac and Windows.
- Iconjar - Icon management tool to organize or search your icons.
- IconKit - App icon generator.
- Image2icon - Create and personalize icons from your pictures.
- ImageAlpha - Compress images with PNG format and remove transparency.
- ImageOptim - Compress images and remove EXIF information.
- iPic - Easily upload images with Markdown supported.
- JPEGmini - Reduce image size by up to 80%, without compromising quality.
- Mark Man - Measure & Spec Fast.
- Nucleo - Icon manager. Import, export, customize and convert icon libraries.
- Preset Brewery - Tool to convert Lightroom presets to Adobe Camera Raw.
- qView - qView is an image viewer designed with minimalism and usability in mind.
- Resize Master - Batch resize and watermark your images fast and easy.
- RightFont - Preview, sync, install and manage fonts on Mac, Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Sip - The best way to collect, organize & share your colors.
- Snagit - Simple, Powerful Screen Capture Software and Screen Recorder.
- svgus - Organize, clean and transform your SVGs.
- TinyPNG4Mac - Open-source tool to compress images.
- Tropy - Research Photo Management.
- PicGo - Support for common cdn image hosting tool.
- AppIconBuilder - Export icons for multi-platform
- uPic - macOS native app, powerful terse image hosting client.
Collaboration and Team Tools
- Adium - Free instant messaging application for Mac OS X. Connect to AIM, MSN, SMPP, Yahoo and more.
- Caprine - Third-party privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app.
- DingTalk - Free, powerful and professional office tool used by over 5 million enterprises and organizations globally.
- Discord - All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
- Ferdium - Desktop app
that helps you organize how you use your favourite apps by combining
them into one application. It is based on Franz with the difference that
Ferdium gives you many additional features and doesn't restrict its
- Franz - Electron based, multi-protocol wrapper for web-based chat. One application, 23 messenger services.
- Gitter - Instant messaging and chat room system for developers as well as GitHub users. Developer friendly with Markdown syntax support.
- Keybase - Secure groups, files, and chat for everyone!
- Krisp - An AI-powered noise cancelling app that mutes background noise during calls.
- Lark - The Next-Gen Collaboration Suite. All your chats, meetings, calendars, docs, and emails in one place.
- LimeChat - Open-source IRC client for Mac OS X.
- Muzzle - A simple mac app to silence embarrassing notifications while screensharing.
- BlurScreen App - Blur sensitive data instantly anywhere on screen, while recording or screen sharing. No post editing required.
- Rambox - Messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
- Element - Create, share communicate. Chat and call securely.
- Presentify - A mac app to draw on your screen while on calls, highlight your cursor, and more.
- Mattermost - Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle.
- Signal Desktop - Fast, simple, secure. Privacy that fits in your pocket.
- Skype - Cross-platform application that provides video chat and voice call services. Users can exchange images, text, video and any other digital documents.
- Shift - De-clutter your desktop workspace and streamline your accounts, apps, and workflows.
- Slack - Awesome tool for team collaboration and communication.
- Stack - Open, organize and use multiple web apps on a single screen. Stack your apps by categories or projects.
- Teambition - Team
collaboration tool, including many features like task plan, schedule,
file sharing, instant discussion and everything you need when
collaborating with other team members.
- Telegram - Messaging app with a focus on speed and security.
- Textual - Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
- Wavebox - A revolutionary and feature-rich Chromium browser that's built for productive working across Google Workspaces, Microsoft Teams, ClickUp, Monday, Atlassian, Asana, AirTable, Slack, and every other web app you use to get work done.
- WeChat - Official WeChat app for Mac.
- WeeChat - The extensible command-line chat client.
- WhatsApp Desktop - Available in the Mac App Store, Whatsapp for Desktop.
Email Clients
- Airmail - Fast email client. For both Mac OS and iOS.
- CanaryMail - Secure email app for Mac and iPhone with built-in PGP Support and AI assitance.
- ElectronMail - An Electron-based unofficial desktop client for ProtonMail.
- Foxmail - Fast email client.
- MailTags - Use tags to organize email and schedule.
- Mailspring - A beautiful, fast, and fully open source mail client.
- N1 - Extensible, open-source mail app, free for developers and $7/month for Pro.
- Nylas Mail - Extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
- Polymail - Simple, beautiful and powerful email client.
- Postbox - Powerful, simple and beautiful email client, need to pay for a license.
- Spark - Fast email client. For both Mac OS and iOS.
- ThunderBird - Software that makes email easier.
- Tutanota - Encrypted email focused on security and privacy.
- Edison Mail - A customisable, simple, and beautiful email client.
- Skiff Mail - Encrypted & Decentralized Email -- available on web, iOS/Android, and macOS.
File Sharing
- Cyberduck - Free FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Backblaze B2, Azure and OpenStack Swift browser.
- Flow - Award-winning, beautiful, fast, and reliable FTP + SFTP client.
- Transmit - Highly flexible and intuitive FTP client, supports SFTP, S3 and iDisk/WebDAV.
- Dropshare - powerful menu bar application for sharing screen shots, screen recordings and all other files with over 27 storage providers.
Data Recovery Tools
- Data Rescue - Comprehensive and professional data recovery tool for most cases.
- DiskWarrior - The world’s most advanced repair and recovery tool for Mac.
- R-Studio for Mac - Powerful tool for recovering data on disks, even if their partitions are formatted, damaged or deleted.
- SuperDuper! - Painless fully bootable disk backups.
- Disk Drill - Free data recovery tool. Also has a PRO version.
Audio and Video Tools
- Adapter - Free audio, video and image conversion software.
- Aegisub -
Free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying
subtitles. Aegisub makes it quick and easy to time subtitles to audio,
and features many powerful tools for styling them, including a built-in
real-time video preview.
- Audio Profile Manager
- Allows you to pin input/output devices for each particular
combination of connected devices. May suppress HDMI displays from being
- Ardour - Cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
- Audacity - Free, open-source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
- Audio Hijack - Record any application's audio, including VoIP calls from Skype, web streams from Safari, and much more.
- BeMyEars - Free for hearing impaired, System wide on-device live caption, multi language support, just like you have YouTube subtitles everywhere.
- BlackHole - Freemium, open-source virtual output/input audio driver for recording/routing internal audio.
- Carol - A minimal and beautiful lyrics app for macOS.
- Cog - Free, open-source audio player.
- DaVinci Resolve - Free, cross-platform video editing, color grading, video effects and audio editing software.
- Elmedia Player - This media player is a super versatile app for any file format you probably may think of: FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, DAT, MKV, MP3, FLAC, M4V are all supported as well as many others.
- FreeTube - Open source desktop YouTube client built with privacy in mind.
- Gifski - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs.
- HandBrake - Tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.
- Hydrogen - Professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming for GNU/Linux.
- ffWorks - Comprehensive Media Tool for macOS. Making High Quality Video Encoding Accessible for Everyone.
- IINA - The modern video player for macOS. Based on mpv, the powerful media player project.
- Jellyfin - The Free Software Media System.
- Kodi - Award-winning free and open-source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more.
- LMMS - Formerly "Linux
MultiMedia Studio", LMMS is a powerful Digital Audio Workstation
designed like FL Studio (formerly Fruity Loops).
- LosslessCut - Cross platform tool for quick and lossless video and audio trimming using ffmpeg.
- LyricsX - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox.
- MacYTDL - A macOS GUI front-end for the youtube-dl video downloader.
- Metadatics - Advanced Audio Metadata Editor.
- Mp3tag - A powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files.
- Mixxx - The most advanced free DJ software.
- Movie Catcher - Movie movie and online viewing offline download software, with Baidu cloud to make offline download and online playback.
- mpv - Free, open-source, and cross-platform media player.
- MuseScore - Free, open-source music notation software.
- Museeks - A simple, clean and cross-platform music player.
- Natron - Open-source compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionality to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
- Nuclear - Streaming music player that finds free music for you.
- Perian - (No longer under active development)
Let QuickTime play all the common formats of free plug-ins. - MusicBrainz Picard - Cross-platform music tagger written in Python.
- Playback - Experimental video player.
- Plug - Discover and listen to music from Hype Machine.
- Popcorn Time - Watch torrent movies instantly, This Popcorn Time service will never be taken down. Download and enjoy.
- Potplayer X- a Video Audio Player.
- Pulp - Audio sample manager.
- ScreenFlow - Screencasting and video editing software.
- Shotcut - Free open-source video editor.
- Sonora - Minimal, beautifully designed music player.
- SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar.
- Stremio - Movies, TV shows, series, live television or web channels like YouTube and Twitch.tv - you can find all this on Stremio.
- Stringed 2 - Music practice software designed to help users learn how to play their favorite songs.
- Synfig Studio - Synfig Studio is free, open-source 2D animation software.
- trax - Free, open-source music library management tool with audio conversion and tag management functionalities.
- VLC -
Free, open-source, cross-platform multimedia player as well as framework
that plays most multimedia files, DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs and various
streaming protocols.
- VOX Player - High-definition audio player for Mac and iPhone. Music just sounds better!
- XLD - Tool to decode, convert and play various 'lossless' audio files.
- Recordia - Record audio directly from the menu bar or with a global keyboard shortcut.
- Omniplayer - Best media player on Mac, support almost all format.
- YouTube Music - YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader).
- YouTube Music Desktop - Free cross platform Desktop Player for YouTube Music.
- YPlayer - A multifunctional app capable of live caption on-device, converting audio and video files into text and subtitle, transforming recordings into text, and translating subtitles.
Audio Record and Process
- GarageBand
- A free Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) from Apple,providing a simple
interface and professional level audio production functions.
- Logic Pro X
- A professional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) from Apple,providing
complete audio production functions along with high quality native
plugins and soundtracks. With native Apple Silicon support.
- Stargate DAW - An all-in-one digital audio workstation (DAW) and plugin suite.
Download Management Tools
- aria2 - Lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
- Downie - Video downloader for macOS with support for YouTube and other 1200 sites.
- Deluge - Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client.
- FOLX - Free download manager for Mac OS X with a true Mac-style interface.
- Free Download Manager - Powerful, modern download accelerator and organizer for Windows and Mac. (FREE)
- JDownloader - Free,
open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers
that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be.
- Motrix - Motrix is a full-featured download manager that supports downloading HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent, Magnet, Baidu Net Disk, etc.
- qBittorrent - A project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent.
- Shuttle - Easy Download Manager for any links.
- Transmission - Fast, easy, free BitTorrent Client.
- You-Get - Tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the web.
- youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Cloud Storage
I recommend using online storage with Mac clients
- Arq - Cloud storage backup client that supports AWS, GCP, DropBox, and more.
- Carbonite - Carbonite can protect your Mac from all of the most common forms of data loss.
- Dropbox - File hosting service that offers cloud storage and file synchronization with collaborative edit features.
- Mega - Free cloud service, offers 50GB free storage.
- NextCloud - Actively maintained fork of ownCloud, faster and completely open-source
- ownCloud - Cloud storage.
- Seafile - Reliable and High Speed File Sync and Share.
Input Methods
- Kawa - Better input source switcher for OS X.
- Rocket - Makes typing emoji faster and easier using Slack-style shortcuts.
- Touch Emoji - Emoji picker for MacBook Pro Touch Bar.
- Type2Phone - Use Your Mac as Keyboard for iPhone, iPad & Apple TV.
- betterglobekey - Make macOS Globe key great again!
- InputSourcePro - A tool for multi-language users. Automatically switch input language for different applications.
- Arc - Arc is your space to
breathe on the internet. A browser equipped for the way we use the
internet in 2022, and foundational for how we hope to use it in the
- Brave - Web browser with an emphasis on privacy and speed.
- Chrome - Chrome, developed by Google
- Chromium - Open-source, free web browser project by Google, to provide the source code for Google Chrome.
- ungoogled-chromium - A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.
- ungoogled-chromium - A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency.
- Firefox - Meet Firefox Quantum. Fast, free, open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation.
- LibreWolf - A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
- LibreWolf - A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.
- Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge, based on Chromium, but built by MS
- Min - Fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy.
- Opera - Experience faster, distraction-free browsing with Ad blocking, and browse privately.
- Orion - Lightweight WebKit-based browser with support for Chrome and Firefox extensions.
- qutebrowser - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on Python and Qt.
- Safari - Native browser for Macs.
- Station - An open-source browser providing a single place for all of your web applications.
- Tor Browser - Anonymity Online. Protect your privacy. Defend against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
- Mullvad Browser
- Tor Browser without the network integrations, aimed at providing
anti-fingerprinting browser technologies to VPN users, though it does
not require Mullvad VPN.
- Mullvad Browser
- Tor Browser without the network integrations, aimed at providing
anti-fingerprinting browser technologies to VPN users, though it does
not require Mullvad VPN.
- Vivaldi - The browser that puts you in control.
- Yandex - The quick and secure browser from Yandex for computers.
Translation Tools
(Or you could just use the Mac OS built-in dictionary)
- DeepL - Best quality translations
- Easydict - Easy to look up words or translate text
- Grammarly - Refine your english
- iTranslate - Translate entire website instantly with its built-in browser or with iTranslate Safari extension into over 40 languages.
- Lingvanex
- Ludwig - Linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English.
- Mate Translate - Translate in Safari and any app on macOS between 103 languages.
- OpenAI Translator - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
- Translatium - Translate words, phrases and images between over 100 languages with dictionary, transliteration and voice output support.
- Wokabulary - Collect, practice, and organize your individual foreign language vocabulary.
- Cryptomator - Multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud.
- Deadbolt - The easiest file encryption tool you'll ever use. macOS-compatible, and open-source so you can trust it.
Security Tools
- Antivirus One
- Trusted Mac Security Protection: Protect your Mac from viruses,
malware and adware. Block potential web threats and protect your Mac
against vulnerabilities.
- BlockBlock - Me: "Please alert me whenever anything is persistently installed." BlockBlock: "You got it"
- Dylib Hijack Scanner
- Simple utility that will scan your computer for applications that are
either susceptible to dylib hijacking or have been hijacked.
- KextViewer - View all modules on that are loaded in the OS kernel.
- KnockKnock - See what's persistently installed on your Mac.
- LinkLiar - Link-Layer MAC spoofing GUI for macOS.
- LockDown - Open-source tool for El Capitan that audits and remediates security configuration settings.
- LuLu - LuLu is the free macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
- MalwareBytes
- Malwarebytes crushes the growing threat of Mac malware, so you are
protected and your machine keeps running silky smooth. Cybersecurity
smart enough for the Mac.
- Mana Security - vulnerability management app for individuals.
- OverSight - Monitor mic and webcam, alerting you when the internal mic is activated, or whenever a process accesses the webcam.
- ParetoSecurity - A MenuBar app to automatically audit your Mac for basic security hygiene.
- RansomWhere? - Generic Ransomware Detection.
- stronghold - Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
- Suspicious Package - An application for inspecting macOS installer packages.
- swiftGuard - Lightweight App that safeguards your System's USB Ports from any Unauthorized Access and performs various Counter-Measures.
- TaskExplorer - Explore all processes running on your Mac with TaskExplorer.
- What's Your Sign? - Adds menu item to Finder.app to display the cryptographic signing information for any file.
Proxy and VPN Tools
- Algo - Personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud.
- ClashX - A rule-based proxy for Mac based on Clash.
- Lantern - Free application that delivers fast, reliable and secure access to the open internet.
- Mullvad VPN - Privacy
focused VPN that requires no personal information for use, keeps no
logs, and allows payments with Bitcoin Cash, Monero and more.
- Outline - Outline makes it easy to create a VPN server, giving anyone access to the free and open internet.
- RerouteMe - An easy one-click macOS Proxy Configuration app.
- ShadowsocksX-NG - Next generation of ShadowsocksX.
- ShadowsocksX - Secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your internet traffic.
- Shimo - VPN Client for Mac.
- SpechtLite - Rule-based proxy app for macOS.
- Surge - Web developer tool and proxy utility for iOS 9.
- TigerVPN - VPN Client for Mac.
- tinc - Secure mesh VPN software.
- Tunnelbear - Really simple VPN to browse the web privately & securely. Unblock websites around the world with applications for Mac, PC, iOS, Android & Chrome.
- Tunnelblick - Free, open-source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X.
- V2rayU - Macos client based on v2ray.
- Windscribe - Gives 10GB free bandwidth monthly on the spot and gives limited server location options (for users on free plan). Connection also takes very less time.
Clipboard Tools
- Boop - Snippet tool
that provides various functionalities like JSON formatting, MD5
Checksum, reverse string, encode, and much more.
- CleanClip - The cleanest Clipboard Manager on macOS, ever!
- Clipboard - Easy-to-use terminal clipboard manager for all platforms.
- ClipMenu - Clipboard manager for Mac OS X.
- ClipTools - ClipTools is a status menu application that gives you access to a variety of simple clipboard utilities.
- Clipy - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS. Based on ClipMenu.
- CopyQ - Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features.
- iPaste - Lightweight and efficient clipboard tool.
- Paste - Smart clipboard history & snippets manager.
- PasteBot - Powerful clipboard manager.
- Pure Paste - Paste as plain text by default.
- Flycut - Clean and simple clipboard manager for developers.
- Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS.
- Yippy - Clipboard manager with user-friendly UI.
Menu Bar Tools
- Anvil - Anvil is a
beautiful menubar app for managing local websites. Serve up static sites
and Rack apps with simple URLs and zero configuration.
- Bartender - Organize or hide menu bar icons on your Mac.
- BeardedSpice
- Allows you to control web based media players (SoundCloud, YouTube,
etc) and some native apps with the media keys on Mac keyboards.
- Dato - A better menu bar clock with calendar, events, and time zones.
- Dozer - Hide MacOS menubar items.
- Eye Timer - Take Breaks to prevent Eye Strain timer for Mac.
- Fishing Funds - Display real-time trends of Chinese funds in the menubar.
- Folder Peek - Quickly access documents, files, folders, and apps from the menu bar.
- Hidden - A ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons.
- Hue in the Menu - Philips Hue light management in the menu bar with multi-room support.
- iGlance - macOS System Monitor for the Status Bar.
- Itsycal - Tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar.
- Jiffy - Discover and share the best GIFs on GIPHY.
- Later - Save all your Mac apps for later with one click.
- MeetingBar - Menu bar app for your calendar meetings
- MenubarX - A powerful Mac menu bar browser, pin webpage like an App.
- MonitorControl - Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display.
- One Thing - Put a single task or goal in your menu bar.
- Pandan - Time awareness in your menu bar.
- PowerMeister - Conserve energy and improve Battery-Life on your MacBook.
- Reminders MenuBar - Simple macOS menu bar app to view and interact with reminders.
- Streaker - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app.
- SwiftBar - Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool.
- TextSniper - Simple yet powerful OCR app in your Menu Bar. Instantly copy and paste text from anywhere.
- Today - View today’s schedule right from the menu bar. The perfect companion to the built-in Calendar app.
- TomatoBar - World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar.
- UTC Time - Show the time in UTC in the menu bar or a widget.
- Vanilla - Hide menu bar icons on your Mac.
- Work Hours - Simple app that tracks your work hours from the menu bar.
- Xbar - Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot).
File Organization Tools
- BetterZip - Archive tool supports ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ (new), 7-ZIP, RAR.
- eZip - An easy to
use, feature-rich archiver for macOS. Supports popular formats such as
RAR, ZIP, 7Z, BZ2, GZ etc. Works great with Mojave dark-mode and
- Fileside - A modern, tiling file manager with unlimited panes.
- Folders File Manager - A file manager with an expandable folder tree, similar to that of Windows Explorer.
- Hazel - Automated file organization for your Mac. Responsibly and beautifully designed.
- Keka - File archiver for
macOS. Compression: 7Z, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ LZIP, DMG, ISO.
- muCommander - Lightweight file manager with a dual-pane interface.
- Modal File Manager
- A lightweight, minimal dual-pane file manager with Vim style hotkeys.
It can be customized with themes and extensions that are downloaded
from GitHub using a built in interface.
- PDF Archiver - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
- Rapidmg 1-Click extracting apps from DMG images to the "Applications" folder.
- The Unarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files.
- Unarchive One - Quickly decompress multiple different types of compressed files/compressed files to various scene compression formats.
- Marta - File Manager for macOS written entirely in Swift
General Tools
- AirServer - Most advanced screen mirroring software receiver for Mac, PC and Xbox One.
- Cloudflare WARP - Replaces the connection between your device and the Internet with a modern, optimized, protocol.
- Clean-Me - A macOS system analyser and cleaner [
- CleanMyMac X - Delete megatons of junk, malware, and make your Mac faster & more organized
- DNS Heaven - Unifies macOS DNS so applications using glibc can resolve DNS with the native stack. Mainly for use with VPNs.
- DevToysMac - Offline toolbox that helps developers in daily tasks.
- DevUtils.app -
All-in-one Toolbox for Developers. Format/Validate JSON, encode/decode
Base64, convert timestamps, debug JWT… with just one click! Native macOS
app and works offline.
- Etcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily.
- Google Assistant (Unofficial Desktop Client) - A cross-platform desktop client for Google Assistant based on Google Assistant SDK.
- Equinox - Create dynamic wallpapers for macOS.
- HTTrack - Useful tool for downloading a whole website and offline browsing.
- Lungo - Prevent your Mac from going to sleep.
- lo-rain - Create a customizable rain over your desktop and apps, with splash over the dock.
- Mac Cache Cleaner - Cache cleaner for Mac
- Memo - Simple and elegant app. Unlock memos even more quickly using Touch ID.
- Numi - Beautiful calculator app for Mac.
- NextDNS - The new firewall for the modern Internet.
- Plash - Make any website your desktop wallpaper.
- SlowQuitApps - An OS X app that adds a global delay of 1 second to the Cmd-Q shortcut.
- Speediness - Check your internet speed.
- Ultra TabSaver - The Open Source Tab Manager for Safari
- CapsLockNoDelay - Removes caps-lock key activation delay for fast typers.
To-Do Lists
- 2Do - Nice todo app.
- Day-O 2 - Menu bar clock replacement with built-in calendar.
- Fantastical - The calendar app you won't be able to live without.
- Focus - Beautiful pomodoro-based time manager.
- Focused Work: Focus Timer - A simple, flexible Focus Timer.
- Lunatask - An all-in-one encrypted to-do list, habit and mood tracker, journaling and notes app.
- Microsoft To-Do - Microsoft's successor to Wunderlist.
- Nozbe - Powerful GTD app for individuals and teams, with support for every Apple device (Mac, iPhone, iPad, Watch).
- OmniFocus - Nice GTD app, made by OmniGroups.
- Super Productivity - Cross-platform todo list app with integrated Timeboxing and time tracking capabilities.
- Taskade - Real-time collaborative editor for teams.
- TaskPaper - Plain text to-do lists.
- Things - Delightful and easy to use task manager. (Award-winning App)
- Todoist - Cross-platform todo list app.
- Tomato 2 - Beautiful and simple Pomodoro timer.
- TickTick - Simple and effective to-do list and task manager that helps you organize all aspects of life.
- 1440 Minutes Left Today - Keep a track of how many minutes you have left until the day is over, right in your menu bar.
- ActivityWatch - Cross-platform, extensible, and privacy-focused time-tracker.
- Alfred -
Award-winning app which boosts efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text
expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive
with custom actions to control your Mac.
- BetterMouse - Smooth scroll, cursor acceleration prohibition, and powerful button/gesture remapping in one utility for 3rd-party mice. Aims for replacing those bulky and intrusive official drivers.
- BetterTouchTool - Great, feature-packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse, Macbook Trackpad, Magic Trackpad and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice.
- Cerebro - Open-source productivity booster with a brain.
- Choosy - UI, URL API and a browser extension set for managing rules where and how to open links.
- CursorSense - Mouse & trackpad driver that lets you tweak the acceleration curve and more.
- Dropzone - Create a popup grid of customizable actions. Scriptable in Ruby & Python.
- Focalboard - Open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
- Hammerspoon - Tool for powerful OSX automation with the Lua scripting engine.
- HapticKey - A simple utility application for MacBook with Touch Bar that triggers a haptic feedback when tapping Touch Bar.
- HazeOver - App that dims your background app windows so you can focus more on your main task!
- Hook for Mac - Hook files together fast and easily, enabling you to find anything related with a simple keyboard shortcut.
- Hungrymark - Useful app to bookmark your files, folders, and webs, quick access your bookmarks through menu bar
- Hyperkey - Lets you convert the caps lock key or any modifier key to the hyper key, all four modifiers combined: ⌃⌥⌘⇧.
- iCMD - Fuzzy menubar search and vim/easymotion emulation which works globally for every native MacOS app.
- Journey Navigation - A powerful route planning app with weather along your route, traffic alerts, turn by turn directions, and more.
- Karabiner - Powerful and stable keyboard customizer for OS X.
- Keyboard Maestro - Automate routine actions based on triggers from keyboard, menu, location, added devices, and more.
- Keytty - App to keep your hands on the keyboard. Move, click, scroll, drag and more with a few strokes.
- Lazy - Keyboard-driven commands to manage your surroundings directly from your mac.
- Linear Mouse - Full control of mouse. Change the speed, scrolling direction, pointer type and much more.
- Macaify - Fast use of ChatGPT, lightweight, clean, keyboard-first.
- MindMac - Feature-rich & privacy-first native ChatGPT app to use OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Anthropic Claude, OpenRouter all in one place.
- Mos - Simple tool can offer the smooth scrolling and reverse the mouse scrolling direction on your Mac.
- OmniPlan - The best way to visualize, maintain, and simplify your projects. Project Management made easy.
- OpenIn - Take control of installed apps on your Mac
- PaletteBrain - Access the power of ChatGPT across all your Mac applications with the press of a shortcut.
- Qbserve - Time tracking automation: freelance project tracking, timesheets, invoicing & real-time productivity feedback.
- Raycast - Raycast lets you control your tools with a few keystrokes. It’s designed to keep you focused.
- RescueTime - Personal analytics service that shows you how you spend your time and provides tools to help you be more productive.
- Rize - A.I. powered time tracker that automatically improves your focus and helps you build better work habits.
- SensibleSideButtons - Use the side buttons on your mouse to move forward and backward in many apps, like in Windows.
- nnScreenshots - A super easy way to keep a visual record of your productivity to make it easier to fill out timesheets or just to help you review the day. Built in timesheet editor.
- skhd - Simple hotkey daemon for macOS.
- Strategr
- No-fuss time management app. Stategr helps you maximize your
productivity, giving you the quickest and most effective way to time-box
your day.
- Time Out - Easy break reminders, with micro-break and flexible customization if you want it.
- Timing - Automatic time and productivity tracking for Mac. Helps you stay on track with your work and ensures no billable hours get lost if you are billing hourly.
- Trello - A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into Kanban boards.
- Ukelele - Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor.
- Velja - Browser picker that lets you open links in a specific browser or a desktop app.
- xScope - Powerful set of tools that are ideal for measuring, inspecting & testing on-screen graphics and layouts.
- Z - Powerful way to navigate easily by typing only a string of directory name in terminal instead of typing exact location of director.
- Parrotflow - Copilot for your Mac.
- Pomodoro Cycle - Pomodoro tracker
- Workspaces
- Workspaces gives you the ability you to quickly switch between
different types of tasks. It allows you to select which apps to open and
close when selecting a workspace.
- BoltAI - A beautiful & powerful ChatGPT app for Mac. Stay ahead by integrating AI into your workflow today.
- PDF Pals - Chat with PDF app for Mac. No file size limits!
- Keyboard Cowboy - The missing keyboard shortcut utility for macOS.
Window Management
- AltTab - Open source window switcher with window previews.
- Amethyst - Tiling window manager.
- contexts - Provides more power than the native Mac Dock. Especially when you have multiple screens, it can help you switch more quickly.
- Dissolv - Hide and close inactive apps.
- Divvy - Window management at its finest with its amazing Divvy Grid system.
- Hummingbird - Easily move and resize windows without mouse clicks, from anywhere within a window.
- IntelliDock - Hides the Dock, Automatically.
- Magnet - Window manager that keeps your workspace organized.
- Moom - Allows you to easily move and zoom windows, or to another display—using either the mouse or the keyboard.
- rcmd - Use the ⌘ Right Command key to switch applications based on their name.
- Rectangle-app
- Rectangle is a window management app based on Spectacle, written in
Swift: Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap
- ShiftIt - Managing window size and position in OSX.
- Sidebar - The modern Dock replacement for your Mac.
- SizeUp - Powerful, keyboard-centric window management.
- Slate - Window management application similar to Divvy and SizeUp (except better and free!). (Needs config file)
- Tiles - Easily reorganize windows by either dragging them to the edges of the screen, using keyboard shortcuts, or the menu bar.
- Total Spaces - Provides window management much like ubuntu. Creates hotkeys for workspaces which allows you to easily move around.
- yabai - Tiling window manager for macOS. A rewrite of chunkwm, it provides a more seamless integration with the operating system.
Password Management
- 1Password - Cross-platform password management tool.
- Bitwarden - Open source password management tool for Mac OS, iOS and browsers.
- Buttercup - The Password Manager You Deserve
- Dashlane - Cloud-based password manager with award-winning design.
- Enpass - Cross-platform password management tool with cloud integration.
- Keeweb - Free, cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
- KeepassXC - Free, open source, cross-platform password manager.
- MacPass - Open-source KeePass Mac OS client.
- SafeInCloud - Cross Platform password management, low cost app!
- Strongbox - Secure Password Management for iOS and MacOS. Open Source. Compatible with KeePass and Password Safe.
- Swifty - Free Offline-first Password Manager for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
Finder Tools
- Default Folder X - Quick access to your files and folders in every app.
- FinderFix - Finally, a lasting solution for Finder windows size and position.
- fman - The first dual-pane file manager to integrate features from Sublime Text.
- ForkLift - The most advanced dual pane file manager and file transfer client for macOS.
- Path Finder - File management app.
- QSpace - A clean and efficient Multi-view File Manager.
- TotalFinder - Chrome-styled Finder substitute.
- XtraFinder - Adds tabs and cut to Mac Finder.
Quality of Life Improvements
- Actions - Provides many useful actions for the Shortcuts app.
- DisplayBuddy - Control the brightness, contrast, input source and more of your external display directly from your Mac.
- f.lux - Makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day.
- Grayscale Mode
- An open source macOS app that lets you quickly toggle grayscale
filter right from your menu bar or using a keyboard shortcut (⌥⌘G).
- KeyCastr - Open-source keystroke visualizer.
- Luminescent - Bring back Keyboard Backlight Shortcuts for the MacBook.
- Lunar - Help you adujst brightness, contrast and volumn of your external display.
- One Switch - Mac menu bar app that adds various switches to the Mac's menu bar.
- Shifty - A macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
- Snap - Launch an app in a snap. Ridiculously easy shortcut management.
- Shareful - Supercharge the system share menu with copy, save, and open actions.
System Related Tools
- AlDente - Charge limiter app for MacBooks to keep your battery healthy even longer.
- Amphetamine - Override your energy saver settings and keep your Mac awake.
- AdBlock One
- Your New Favorite Free Ad Blocker for macOS and iOS: Stop seeing
annoying ads in Safari. Open websites faster. Browse the web more
- AppCleaner - Small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
- Apple Silicon App Test - Browser-based tool for checking Apple Silicon app compatibility before you buy an M1 Mac.
- Background Music - Automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- Cleaner One
- All-in-one Disk Cleaning Manager: Clean up your Mac and optimize its
performance. Run a quick scan now to verify what's taking up your
- Cleaner for Xcode - Helps make your Xcode faster by removing unwanted and deprecated files.
- coconutBattery - Shows live information about the battery in your Mac. Includes: manufacture date, capacity, cycle count, battery status, temperature, discharging power.
- DaisyDisk - Gives a great overview of disk usage. Can also make more disk-space available by cleaning up your disk.
- gfxCardStatus - Unobtrusive
menu bar app for OS X that allows MacBook Pro users to see which apps
are affecting their battery life by using the more power-hungry
- GrandPerspective
- A small utility that visualizes disk usage by way of tree maps. It
lets you quickly spot which files and folders take up the most space.
- Gray - Pick between the light appearance and the dark appearance on a per-app basis with the click of a button.
- HandShaker - Mac on the management of Android mobile phone content.
- iStat Menus - Advanced Mac system monitor on the menubar.
- iStats - Command-line tool that allows you to easily grab the CPU temperature, fan speeds and battery information on OSX.
- Juice - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
- KeepingYouAwake - Alternative to Caffeine with better support for dark mode in Mac.
- Monity - System monitoring widget for OS X.
- Mounty - Tiny tool to re-mount write-protected NTFS volumes under Mac OS X 10.9+ in read-write mode.
- NitroShare - Cross-platform network file transfer utility.
- Noti - Receive Android notifications on your Mac (with Pushbullet).
- OmniDiskSweeper - Shows you the files on your drive, ordered by size. It can be used to find and remove unused files.
- OnyX
- Multifunction utility to verify disks and files, run cleaning and
system maintenance tasks, configure hidden options and more.
- Paragon NTFS - Read/write access to NTFS in macOS Sierra.
- stats - free Mac system monitor for the menubar. [
- Sensei - Sensei is a multi-tool for Mac performance, with features spanning across both hardware and software.
- Sloth - Shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes and devices in use by all running processes.
- SwiftQuit - Enables automatic quitting of macOS apps when closing their windows.
- Core Tunnel - Application for managing SSH connections.
- TG Pro - Temperature monitoring, fan control & hardware diagnostics to help keep your Mac cool and healthy.
- Time Machine Inspector - Find out what's hogging up your Time Machine backups.
- Tuxera NTFS - Full read-write compatibility with NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac.
- Overkill - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
Gaming Software
- OpenEmu - A great video
game console emulator, supports many different emulators in a single
application. (e.g. Sony PSP, GameBoy, NDS and so on)
- Porting Kit - Install Windows® Games inside your Mac.
- PPSSPP - A awesome PSP emulator for any OS you can dream of!
- RPCS3 - The Open-source PlayStation 3 Emulator
- Ryujinx - The Open-source Nintendo Switch Emulator
- Whisky - Wine wrapper that supports GPTK (Game Porting Toolkit)
Remote Login Software
- RustDesk - Yet another remote desktop software.
- AnyDesk - Provides Remote access across multiple machines.
- Microsoft Remote Desktop - Connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops made available by your admin.
- RealVNC - The original and best software for remote access across desktop and mobile.
- RoyalTSX
- Royal TSX is an ideal tool for system engineers and other IT
professionals who need remote access to system with different protocols.
- TeamViewer -
Proprietary computer software package for remote control, desktop
sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer between
QuickLook Plugins
- QLMarkdown - Quick Look extension for Markdown files. -
- quick-look-plugins - List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
- Syntax Highlight - Quick Look extension for highlight source code files. -
Third Party App Markets
If you come across websites offering pirated software or cracks, please post HERE. We love apps, but only authentic ones. :)
- Setapp - The best apps for Mac in one suite.
Package Managers
Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites
- Cakebrew - GUI client for Homebrew. Install, check or remove apps, no command-line needed.
- Homebrew - The missing package manager for macOS.
- MacPorts -
Open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for
compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua
based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system.
- MacUpdate Desktop - Simplifies finding, buying and installing apps for your Mac.
Mac App Download Sites
Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites
Genuine Sites
- alternativeTo - Also a very nice community. If you are looking for some alternative apps FOR Windows or another platform, check this site.
- Slant - I personally recommend this. This is a platform where you can compare apps side-by-side, you might get an idea by seeing other users recommendations. Please contribute if you find an application from this list!
- Also, Quora, Reddit, you know the drill.
- App Shopper:http://appshopper.com/
- MacUpdate:https://www.macupdate.com/
- Other sites like MacStories, LifeHacker, ProductHunt are great resources.
Pirated software download site blocklist
Refuse piracy from me. Software vendors can go to these places rights.
- AppKed:
- Softasm:
- Appstorrent:
- Mac Power Users - Learn about getting the most from your Apple technology with focused topics and workflow guests.
from https://wangchujiang.com/awesome-mac/
- 日常使用
- ClashX Pro:科学上网
- 只有先科学上网,才能装后面的
- Notion:笔记输入 + 博客输出的工具
- Chrome:浏览器
- Xnip:截图工具
- 1password 7:密码管理工具
- 其它的也用过,还是这个原生 App 比较流畅
- CleanMyMac X:Mac优化清理工具
- Warp
iTerm2:终端 - Alfred:本地搜索、应用启动、剪贴板 📋
- 效率神器
- Karabiner-Elements:键盘键位修改神器
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- 滴答清单:任务和规划时间(GTD)的应用
- flomo:快速记录一些想法
- Bob 社区版:划词翻译和截图翻译工具
- 支持多个翻译聚合还挺方便的
- Input Source Pro:不同应用、不同网站自动切换输入法
- QQ Music:网络音乐服务产品
- 百度五笔输入法
- 试过 Mac 上各类的五笔输入,还是这个好用
- NetNewsWire:开源、免费、全平台的 RSS 订阅、阅读
- 订阅 index.opml
Bartender 4(Hidden Bar):菜单栏应用图标管理工具- 管理挺方便,就是 Mac 屏中间刘海那块没适配好
- OpenInTerminal:从 Finder 一键打开 Terminal
- 之前的 Go2Shell 似乎不维护了,就用了这个
- IINA:媒体播放器
- Kap:开源录屏工具
- 可转成 gif、mp4,支持插件
- 新 Mac 生成 gif 基本是秒级导出
- TaskPaper:文本编辑器模式的任务管理工具(GTD)
- 经常用来管理工作上需要长期跟进的事,和滴答清单结合使用
- Mindnode
- Telegram:相对匿名安全的聊天软件
- Cubox:一站式信息收集、阅读、管理和回顾
- 碎片化阅读时代的文章、视频收集器
- RunCat:在任务栏奔跑的猫
- 猫奔跑的速度会随着CPU使用率提升而越来越快(新 Mac 怎么开发都没看猫奔跑过)
- Magnet:窗口管理
- MonitorControl:显示器亮度调节
- StandUp:提醒站立
- WiFriedX:关闭 AWDL/AirDrop,优化 M1 系列 Mac 的 Wifi 连接
- SmoothScroll:可以让外接鼠标滚动更自然、更顺滑
- 开发使用
- VSCode:代码编辑器
- 通过自带的 Settings Sync 功能一键同步
- GitUp:Git GUI 软件
- 比 SourceTree 等软件要简洁,日常开发中基本没有做不了 GUI 操作
- Sublime Text:文本编辑器
- 准确来讲,经常用这个编辑器快速做一些纪要
- DataGrip:数据库开发工具
- Goland:Gopher 开发工具
- Dash:API 文档和代码片段管理
- 一直在用,找 API 文档和用法太方便了
- Postman:API 调试神器
- SwitchHosts:管理、切换多个hosts 方案的工具
- QuickLook 预览插件
System Configuration
- 触摸板三指拖拽
- 系统设置 → 辅助功能 → 指针控制 → 触控板选项 → 启用拖移(三指拖移)
- 退格键响应速度
- 系统设置 → 键盘,按键重复 调到最快、重复前延迟调最短
- 屏保 Aerial
- brew
- on-my-zsh
- fzf
- autojump
- lazygit:命令行版 Git GUI
- ripgrep:快速搜索文件/目录中包含的字符串
- bat
- graphviz
- Node.js 相关
- fnm
- node 16 似乎用不了 node-gyp-build
- Python 相关
- pyenv
- Java 相关
- Go
- modd
- tree
- 字体安装
brew install --cask font-fira-code font-jetbrains-mono
- Alfred workflows
- alfred-chromium-workflow:浏览器历史记录搜索
- 找一些页面很方便
- YoudaoTranslator:有道搜索
- 平时直接
yd 中英文单词/句子
很方便 - NpmSearch:npm 包搜索
npm 包名
搜索一些包版本,同时支持任意 registry 源
spawn Unknown system error
,执行下:$ softwareupdate --install-rosetta
$ defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -boolean false
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