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Saturday, 29 June 2024






一款非常不错的MP3合并软件MP3 Splitter﹠joiner


MP3 Splitter﹠joiner pro是一款非常强大的MP3剪切合并软件,他集MP3合并于分割于一身,既可以将多个MP3文件合并成一个文件,也可以通过内置播放器将单个MP3分成多个文件,同时软件也可以对分割或合并的MP3文件的ID3标签进行编辑,可谓是相当的强大!这款软件留给阿刚的印象只有两个:快!强大!


MP3 Splitter﹠joiner pro下载地址:

视频转GIF的工具: Video To Gif


经常看到贴吧论坛里那些富有个性搞怪的电影gif签名图,其实制作这些gif图片并不需要专业软件,简单的小工具便可轻松制作!Video to GIF是一款可以将视频转换成gif动画的软件,他可以支持支持几乎所有流行的视频格式转换(如AVI、MPEG、MP4、WMV MKV,MOV,VOB,RMVB)转换速度快图片质量高!

    载入视频,支持的视频格式包括AVI、MPEG、MP4、WMV MKV,MOV,VOB,RMVB等


①Video information—-视频的基本信息包括视频帧数帧率 视频宽高比等


③Output Rate—-定义视频输出帧率即每秒钟的帧数量

④Output Option—-输出模式,general即连贯的GIF图片 TVWALL类似图片墙效果

⑤Total Rate—-已选取的视频的总帧数以及预览,可通过bedinning与ending增减视频帧

⑥Frames List—已选取的视频的帧数列表


⑧Destination Folder﹠Output Format—-定义保存路径与渲染图片的质量




详细讲述一下帧数,帧率(Frame rate)是用于测量显示帧数的量度。所谓的测量单位为每秒显示帧数,即我们平时所说的FPS!视频的帧数是24那么我们在进行转换后是不是也要填写24呢,答案是否定的!在视频帧率一定的前提下,在相同时间内截取视频时候选择的帧率不同,那么软件最后计算得出的帧数也不会相同,譬如5秒时间选择的是24的帧率,那么计算下来,视频的帧数为100帧!这样截取的视频在细节上表现非常的完美也非常的流畅,当然他的体积也是非常大的!同样在5秒的时间内我们选择的是10的帧率,那么软件计算下来得到50的帧数,视频的质量就会大打折扣,本来连贯的一张张的图片变得卡顿!那么有人说为什么我在viedo to gif设置的帧数与原视频相同都是24,细节表现的很完美但是播放起来确实非常的缓慢!首先我们来解释一下gif的帧率,GIF的帧率是把每一秒分成100等份后所占用的份数。如果你用过GIF Animator动画软件的话就会了解,帧是可以设置时间的,最小的是0也就是0秒无延迟,但是我们电脑上一般的gif看图软件包括GIF Animator默认的都是0.1秒的延迟,而在浏览器中能够表达的最小帧率是6,也就是gif的播放会延迟0.06秒,这样播放起来就会很慢了!阿刚转换的这一小段gif用的是和原视频相同的帧率,得到之后的gif文件有23M大,你可以在GIF Animator动画软件中将它设置成无延迟,就会得到与视频播放器相同的效果!



Video to gif下载地址:

Boilsoft Video Splitter和Ultra Video Joiner

Boilsoft Video Splitter7.02.2绿色版

Boilsoft Video Splitter 与其他同类软件相比是一款可以无损切割视频而不需重新编码的强大的媒体分割软件,软件支持几乎大部分常见的视频文件,3GP, AVI, MPG, MPA,VOB, RM, MP4, Windows Media file(.asf, .wmv, .wma), FLV(flash video), MP3(.mp3), MKV(Matroska Video),等等,同时软件内置视频播放器方便精准定位视频起始点,切割速度非常快!

流媒体直切模式     支持AVI,MPEG,VOB MP4,MKV FLV等     与源文件视频质量相同,分割速度快
编码模式     几乎支持所有格式     重新编码,有损切割。


Ultra Video Joiner 6.5.0401绿色版

Ultra Video Joiner 是一款功能强大的视频合并软件,通过它你可以轻松的将多个视频合进行合并,软件内置常见的视频解码器轻松应对各种重新编码的视频合并,与Boilsoft Video Splitter一样,Ultra Video Joiner同样支持不重新编码的合并模式,在视频质量 视频大小、帧率、、音频编码、音频质量、音频采样率上能够保持原视频相同!

3GPP文件(*.3gp, *.3g2)、AMV文件(*.amv)、AVI文件(*.avi)、DivX视频(*.divx, *.div)、Flash视频(*.flv, *.f4v)、Matroska媒体文件(*.mkv)、MPEG文件(*.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mpe, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.m2t, *.tod)、MPEG-4文件(*.mp4, *.m4v)、MOD文件(*.mod)、MJPEG视频文件(*.mjpg, *.mjpeg)、QuickTime文件(*.mov, *.qt)、RealMedia文件(*.rm, *.rmvb)、VCD数据文件(*.dat)、VCD SVCD镜像文件(*.bin)、VOB视频文件(*.vob)、Windows Media文件(*.wmv, *.asf, *.asx)、Xvid视频(*.xvid)。

Ultra Video Joiner 6.5.0401绿色版下载地址:

支持国产–Deepin 操作系统

Linux Deepin 是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,致力于为用户提供一个美观安全的免费的使用环境的Linux发行版,它不仅仅包括对全球优秀开源产品进行的集成和配置,还开发了基于HTML5技术的全新桌面环境、系统设置中心,以及音乐播放器、视频播放器、软件中心等一系列面向普通用户的应用程序。Linux Deepin非常注重易用的体验和美观的设计,便于安装和使用,也能够很好地代替Windows系统应用于工作及娱乐等各领域

Linux Deepin非常注重易用的体验和美观的设计,因此对于大多数用户来说,它易于安装和使用,还能够很好的代替Windows系统进行工作与娱乐!windows xp系统的逝去让我们感到遗憾,微软已经停止了对XP服务的更新支持,如果你打算更换系统的话,不妨尝试一下Linux Deepin.

深度 Deepin系统注意事项:
由于 Deepin 使用了 Compiz 作为混合窗口管理器,用于提供窗口的3D动画和高斯模糊等效果。而 Compiz 在虚拟机下性能不佳,因此在虚拟机中安装Deepin,桌面运行将非常缓慢。 强烈建议各位在真实主机上进行多启动安装,或者在 Windows 环境下,使用ISO中自带的deepwin.exe (传统的wubi模式) 进行双系统共存安装,这两种安装模式才能真正体验到Deepin的华丽效果。官方计划在未来的版本中,使用自己的窗口管理器代替Compiz,从而彻底解决这个问题

Linux Deepin下载地址:

防蹭网的工具:Wireless Network Watcher

如果你正兴致勃勃的看片儿呢,网速突然变得贼慢,激情四射的画面顿时变成了逐帧动画,想必你一定像我一样暴跳如雷吧,开个小小的玩笑!话说现在随着Wifi万能钥匙的流行,稍有不慎你的网络就可能被别人蹭上了,如果再打开迅雷等BT下载工具,严重影响你的上网速度不说甚至还可能让你根本无法上网,那么今天就来介绍一款小巧实用的工具—–Wireless Network Watcher

Wireless Network Watcher是一款实用的监控网络设备的小软件,它能详细的显示出链接局域网内的全部设备包括有线链接和无线连接,方便你随时发现那些可恶的蹭网者,以便你能够及时在路由终端屏蔽。

运行 Wireless Network Watcher 之后,点击「开始扫描」按钮,软件便会自动扫描整个局域网网段的IP (默认从192.168.1.1到192.168.1.255,你也可以自己指定范围),软件就会把全部连接上的网络设备(包括手机、电脑、平板、游戏机等等)的IP地址、MAC物理地址、制造厂商等信息列出来。一旦发现有陌生设备,你就可以立即通过路由器设置,将该设备的MAC物理地址加入黑名单,或者更换WIFI密码来阻止他人继续蹭网。

Wireless Network Watcher还提供了高级选项,你可以自定义扫描的IP地址段,也可以设置检测到未知设备后通过预设的音乐提醒,以及设置后台扫描时间间隔等。

Wireless Network Watcher的功能可以说是非常的实用,虽然路由器本身也带有此类功能,但是操作相对而言要繁琐一些,这款小工具能够时时提醒,显得非常的贴心!现如今无线网破解和wifi万能钥匙等相关的软件满天飞,对于我们来说一款能实时监视蹭网者的小工具还是很有用处的,不仅保护我们的上网速度,更主要的保护我们的数据安全!当然,这一切的措施抵不上你能设置一个复杂一点的密码。

Wireless Network Watcher下载地址:

优化开机速度的工具–Quick Startup


今天给大家推荐的Quick Startup(自启动管理器)就是这样一款功能强大使用简单的小工具,他不仅可以禁止程序自启动,还能通过设置延迟软件的启动时间,你可以把某个软件延迟N秒后启动,这样一来,我们的电脑在开机时那些必须启动的软件能够有序合理的错开“高峰期”,打打提高电脑进入系统的速度和启动效率
Quick Startup简介

QUick Startup是一款免费的应用程序自启动管理软件,通过他你可以非常方便的启用/禁用/删除等软件的开机启动项,系统计划任务,应用程序服务等等,关于开机自启动管理我们的电脑虽然本身带有msconfig,但quick startup最大的特色就是你可以设置软件延迟启动。

软件使用起来非常简单,只需要点击要禁止的程序就可以选择启用、删除、延迟或者禁止启动项。软件提供了五个标签分别为:Startup Programs 自启动应用程序、Scheduled Tasks 计划任务、Plug-Ins 系统插件、Application Services 应用程序服务、Windows Services 系统服务,你可以根据自己的需求禁用/启用甚至是删除任意的项目。


 启动项管理——Autoruns/Quick Startup



Quick Startup ,如果你需要一款简单的启动项管理软件,Quick Startup那么绝对是个最佳的选择,它可以让你方便的添加或禁用开机启动项。
另外如果有些不得不开机启动的软件,可以使用Quick Startup延迟启动项,也是非常的方便。

Quick Startup官方下载:



RaTool全称Removable Access Tool,它是一款非常小巧方便的USB存储设备/U盘禁用软件,界面非常简单,你可以随时使用它来一件封锁电脑的USB接口

软件提供了密码锁定机制,就算对方知道你使用了该工具对 USB 进行限制,在没有密码的情况下对方也无法操作此软件或者跳过这个限制。而且,你可以针对 U盘、USB光驱设置各自是否只读还是读写均禁止等。

Removable Access Tool软件下载地址:




● 界面简单,跨平台软件

ArcTime软件没有让人眼花缭乱的菜单选项,软件界面简洁直观,有着非常好的的使用体验。他支持Windows、Mac OSX和Linux,是一款跨平台的字幕制作软件。

★ 独创字幕块概念,可视化操作



● ASS字幕样式编辑,自定义样式


● 视频压制,一步到位


Arctime的压制功能非常简洁,使用起来方便快捷,由于采用的是VLC内核转码,因此稳定性并不完美,如果你想调节视频编码参数,实现更优的压制效果,那么肯定需要使用Megui、 FFmpeg等更专业的压制工具了





这款小工具出自nirsoft 网站,打开软件后LastActivityView会调用windows的日志记录,会详细列举出最近一段时间内你电脑的各种使用记录,比如什么时候安装过什么软件、什么时候关机、关掉的程序、什么时候网络断线/重新连线、什么时候让计算机休眠/开机/关机/重开机/从休眠恢复、何时用什么账号登入/登出计算机… 通通都一目了然、清清楚楚。拿到软件后故意看了部毛片…..然后不仅看到了刚才的记录,还翻到了N久之前的各种相关观看记录~~~~~

话说这样的小工具拿来满足一下当间谍的感觉还是不错的,电脑上的使用记录让你一目了然,这也就意味着那些隐藏过的文件夹小视频都会无所遁形的了。那么这工具既然调用的是windows系统日志,是不是禁用了System Event Notification Service服务后软件就没效果了呢。事实上LastActivityView是从系统的各方面搜集信息,比如windows的系统日志、注册表键值、以及windows预读取文件夹Prefetch。所以单单禁用事件追踪服务是木有用滴~~~


















静默清理功能是PhoneClean的亮点功能,简而言之它会每天远程自动清理与其处于同一网络环境下的iPhone,iPad和iPod touch,一旦检测到你的设备,phoneclean就会开始清理工作直到设备中的垃圾被清理干净。当然你的手机必须要保证与装有PhoneClean的电脑处于同一网络环境并保证手机可以被检测到才可启用这一功能。






 A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.


Please read CONTRIBUTING if you wish to add software.

Table of Contents


Backup software.

  • Amanda - Client-server model backup tool.
  • Attic - A deduplicating backup program written in Python.
  • Bacula - Another Client-server model backup tool.
  • Bareos - A fork of Bacula backup tool.
  • Barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers.
  • Backupninja - Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system.
  • Backuppc - Client-server model backup tool with file pooling scheme.
  • Brebis - A fully automated backup checker.
  • Bup - Incremental backups with rolling checksums, git packfiles, de-duplication, and a FUSE filesystem.
  • Burp - Network backup and restore program.
  • Duplicati - Multiple backends, encryption, web-ui and multi-OS backup tool.
  • Duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm.
  • FreeFileSync - Folder comparison and synchronization tool.
  • Lsyncd - File Monitor which spawns a process to synchronize the changes (rsync by default).
  • restic - Fast, secure, efficient backup program
  • Rsnapshot - Filesystem Snapshotting Utility.
  • SafeKeep - Centralized pull-based backup using rdiff-backup.
  • Snebu – Snapshot backup with global multi-client deduplication and transparent compression.
  • UrBackup - Another client-server backup system.
  • ZBackup - A versatile deduplicating backup tool.

Backup libraries.

  • Backup - Provides an elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems.
  • DREBS - AWS EBS backup script that supports strategies.

Build Automation

Build automation tools.

  • Apache Ant - Automation build tool, similar to make, written in Java.
  • Apache Maven - Build automation tool mainly for Java.
  • GNU Make - The most popular automation build tool for many purposes.
  • Gradle - Another open source build automation system.


Conversation-driven development & management.

  • CloudBot - The simple, fast, expandable, open-source Python IRC bot.
  • Eggdrop - The world's most popular Open Source IRC bot, designed for flexibility and ease of use.
  • Err - A plugin based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable.
  • Hubot - A customizable, life embetterment robot.
  • Lazlo - A chatops automation framework in Go.
  • Lita - A robot companion for your company's chat room.
  • KeyBase - Encrypted chat, cloud and git.


Cloning software.

  • Clonezilla - Partition and disk imaging/cloning program.
  • Fog - Another computer cloning solution.
  • Redo Backup - Easy Backup, Recovery and Restore.

Cloud Computing

  • AppScale - Open source cloud software with Google App Engine compatibility.
  • Archipel - Manage and supervise virtual machines using Libvirt.
  • CloudStack - Cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services.
  • Cobbler - Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments.
  • Eucalyptus - Open source private cloud software with AWS compatibility.
  • Mesos - Develop and run resource-efficient distributed systems.
  • OpenNebula - An user-driven cloud management platform for sysadmins and devops.
  • Openshift Origin - Open source upstream of OpenShift, the next generation application hosting platform developed by Red Hat.
  • OpenStack - Open source software for building private and public clouds.
  • The Foreman - Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. FOSS.
  • Tsuru - Tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service software.
  • Terraform - Terraform allows you to practice infrastructure as code and is commonly used for AWS/GCE.

Cloud Orchestration

  • BOSH - IaaS orchestration platform originally written for deploying and managing Cloud Foundry PaaS, but also useful for general purpose distributed systems.
  • Ansible - Contains modules for controlling many types of cloud resources.
  • Cloudify - Open source TOSCA-based cloud orchestration software platform written in Python and YAML.
  • consul - It is a tool for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure.
  • doozerd - Doozer is a highly-available, completely consistent store for small amounts of extremely important data.
  • etcd - A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
  • Juju - Cloud orchestration tool which manages services as charms, YAML configuration and deployment script bundles.
  • MCollective - Ruby framework to manage server orchestration, developed by Puppet labs.
  • Overcast - Deploy VMs across different cloud providers, and run commands and scripts across any or all of them in parallel via SSH.
  • Rundeck - Simple orchestration tool.
  • Salt - Fast, scalable and flexible systems management software written in Python/ZeroMQ.
  • serf - Serf is a tool for cluster membership.
  • StackStorm - Event Driven Operations and ChatOps platform for infrastructure management. Written in Python.
  • zookeeper - ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.

Cloud Storage

  • git-annex assistant - A synchronised folder on each of your OSX and Linux computers, Android devices, removable drives, NAS appliances, and cloud services.
  • nextCloud - Provides access to your files via the web
  • ownCloud - Provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices.
  • Seafile - Another Open Source Cloud Storage solution.
  • SparkleShare - Provides cloud storage and file synchronization services. By default, it uses Git as a storage backend.
  • Swift - A highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store.
  • Syncthing - Open Source system for private, encrypted and authenticated distribution of data.

Code Review

Web Based collaborative code review system.

  • Gerrit - Based on the Git version control, it facilitates software developers to review modifications to the source code and approve or reject those changes.
  • Phabricator - Code review tool build by facebook and used by WikiMedia, FB, dropbox etc. Comes with an integrated wiki, bug tracker, VC integration and a CLI tool called arcanist.
  • Review Board - Web-based collaborative code review tool.

Collaborative Software

Collaborative software or groupware suites.

  • Citadel/UX - Collaboration suite (messaging and groupware) that is descended from the Citadel family of programs.
  • EGroupware - Groupware software written in PHP.
  • Horde Groupware - PHP based collaborative software suite that includes email, calendars, wikis, time tracking and file management.
  • Kolab - Another groupware suite.
  • SOGo - Collaborative software server with a focus on simplicity and scalability.
  • Zimbra - Collaborative software suite, that includes an email server and web client.

Configuration Management Database

Configuration management database (CMDB) software.

  • Clusto - Helps you keep track of your inventory, where it is, how it's connected, and provides an abstracted interface for interacting with the elements of the infrastructure.
  • Collins - At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge.
  • i-doit - Open Source IT Documentation and CMDB.
  • iTop - Complete open source, ITIL, web based service management tool.
  • Ralph - Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks.
  • Sicekit - The systems & infrastructure encyclopaedia toolkit (based on MediaWiki).

Configuration Management

Configuration management tools.

  • Ansible - It's written in Python and manages the nodes over SSH.
  • CFEngine - Lightweight agent system. Configuration state is specified via a declarative language.
  • Chef - It's written in Ruby and Erlang and uses a pure-Ruby DSL.
  • mgmt - Next generation config management written in Go.
  • Pallet - Infrastructure definition, configuration and management via a Clojure DSL.
  • Puppet - It's written in Ruby and uses Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL.
  • (R)?ex - It's written in Perl and use plain Perl, over SSH without agent.
  • Salt - It's written in Python.
  • Slaughter - It's written in Perl.

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Continuous integration/deployment software.

  • Buildbot - Python-based toolkit for continuous integration.
  • Drone - Continuous integration server built on Docker and configured using YAML files.
  • GitLab CI - Based off of ruby. They also provide GitLab, which manages git repositories.
  • Go - Open source continuous delivery server.
  • Jenkins - An extendable open source continuous integration server.
  • Concourse CI - A pipeline-based CI system written in Go.
  • Spinnaker - Open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes.
  • TeamCity - Powerful Continuous Integration out of the box

Control Panels

Web hosting and server control panels.

  • Ajenti - Control panel for Linux and BSD.
  • Cockpit - New multi-server web interface for Linux servers written in C.
  • Feathur - VPS Provisioning and Management Software.
  • Froxlor - Easy to use panel for Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM support.
  • ISPConfig - Hosting control panel for Linux.
  • Sentora - Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows based on ZPanel.
  • VestaCP - Hosting panel for Linux but with Nginx.
  • Virtualmin - Control panel for Linux based on webmin.
  • Webmin - Linux server control panel.
  • ZPanel - Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows.

Deployment Automation

Tools and scripts to support deployments to your servers.

  • Capistrano - Deploy your application to any number of machines simultaneously, in sequence or as a rolling set via SSH (rake based).
  • Fabric - Python library and cli tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
  • Mina - Really fast deployer and server automation tool (rake based).
  • Rocketeer - PHP task runner and deployment tool.
  • Vlad the Deployer - Deployment automation (rake based).


Tools to diagram networks.

  • - Draws network diagrams dynamically from a text file describing the placement, layout and icons.

Distributed Filesystems

Network distributed filesystems.

  • Ceph - Distributed object store and file system.
  • DRBD - Distributed Replicated Block Device.
  • LeoFS - Unstructured object/data storage and a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent storage system.
  • GlusterFS - Scale-out network-attached storage file system.
  • HDFS - Distributed, scalable, and portable file-system written in Java for the Hadoop framework.
  • Lustre - A type of parallel distributed file system, generally used for large-scale cluster computing.
  • MooseFS - Fault tolerant, network distributed file system.
  • MogileFS - Application level, network distributed file system.
  • OpenAFS - Distributed network file system with read-only replicas and multi-OS support.
  • TahoeLAFS - secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, peer-to-peer distributed data store and distributed file system.
  • XtreemFS - XtreemFS is a fault-tolerant distributed file system for all storage needs.


DNS servers.

  • Bind - The most widely used name server software.
  • djbdns - A collection of DNS applications, including tinydns.
  • Designate - DNS REST API that support several DNS servers as its backend.
  • dnsmasq - A lightweight service providing DNS, DHCP and TFTP services to small-scale networks.
  • Knot - High performance authoritative-only DNS server.
  • NSD - Authoritative only, high performance, simple name server.
  • PowerDNS - DNS server with a variety of data storage back-ends and load balancing features.
  • Unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.
  • Yadifa - Lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities powering the .eu top-level domain.


Open source code editors.

  • Atom - A hackable text editor from GitHub.
  • Brackets - Open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers.
  • Eclipse - IDE written in Java with an extensible plug-in system.
  • Geany - GTK2 text editor.
  • GNU Emacs - An extensible, customizable text editor-and more.
  • Haroopad - Markdown editor with live preview.
  • ICEcoder - Code editor awesomeness, built with common web languages.
  • IntellijIDEA - Capable and ergonomic IDE, written in Java, It has a lot of plug-ins.
  • jotgit - Git-backed real-time collaborative code editing.
  • Light Table - The next generation code editor.
  • Lime - Aims to provide an open source solution to Sublime Text
  • SciTE - A SCIntilla based Text Editor.
  • TextMate - A graphical text editor for OS X.
  • Vim - A highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient editing.
  • Nano - A popular text editor, by default comes with most Linux distributions.
  • Visual Studio Code - Fast, hackable, multi-platform code editor from Microsoft.

IT Asset Management

IT Assets Management software.

  • GLPI - Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface.
  • OCS Inventory NG - Enables users to inventory their IT assets.
  • Netbox - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
  • RackTables - Datacenter and server room asset management like document hardware assets, network addresses, space in racks, networks configuration.
  • Ralph - Asset management, DCIM and CMDB system for large Data Centers as well as smaller LAN networks.
  • Snipe IT - Asset & license management software.
  • OpenDCIM - A web based Data Center Infrastructure Management application.


LDAP servers.

LDAP management

Log Management

Log management tools: collect, parse, visualize ...

  • Echofish - A web based real-time event log aggregation, analysis, monitoring and management system.
  • Elasticsearch - A Lucene Based Document store mainly used for log indexing, storage and analysis.
  • Fluentd - Log Collector and Shipper.
  • Flume - Distributed log collection and aggregation system.
  • Graylog2 - Pluggable Log and Event Analysis Server with Alerting options.
  • Heka - Stream processing system which may be used for log aggregation.
  • Kibana - Visualize logs and time-stamped data.
  • Logstash - Tool for managing events and logs.
  • Octopussy - Log Management Solution (Visualize / Alert / Report).

Mail Servers

Mail Delivery Agents (IMAP/POP3 software).

  • Courier IMAP/POP3 - Fast, scalable, enterprise IMAP and POP3 server.
  • Cyrus IMAP/POP3 - Intended to be run on sealed servers, where normal users are not permitted to log in.
  • Dovecot - IMAP and POP3 server written primarily with security in mind.
  • Qpopper - One of the oldest and most popular server implementations of POP3.

Mail Transfer Agents (SMTP servers).

  • Exim - Message transfer agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge.
  • Haraka - A high-performance, pluginable SMTP server written in JavaScript.
  • MailCatcher - Ruby gem that deploys a simply SMTP MTA gateway that accepts all mail and displays in web interface. Useful for debugging or development.
  • Maildrop - Open Source disposable email SMTP server, also useful for development.
  • OpenSMTPD - Secure SMTP server implementation from the OpenBSD project.
  • Postfix - Fast, easy to administer, and secure Sendmail replacement.
  • Qmail - Secure Sendmail replacement.
  • Sendmail - Message transfer agent (MTA).

Complete solutions.

  • Mail-in-a-Box - Take back control of your email with this easy-to-deploy mail server in a box.
  • iRedMail - Full-featured mail server solution based on Postfix and Dovecot.


XMPP servers.

  • ejabberd - XMPP instant messaging server written in Erlang/OTP.
  • Metronome IM - Fork of Prosody IM.
  • MongooseIM - Fullstack real-time mobile messaging platform (XMPP+REST) in Erlang
  • Openfire - Real time collaboration (RTC) server.
  • Prosody IM - XMPP server written in Lua.
  • Tigase - XMPP server implementation in Java.

XMPP web clients.

  • Candy - Multi user XMPP client written in Javascript.
  • Kaiwa - Web based chat client in the style of common paid alternatives.


  • Lets-Chat - A self hosted chat suite written in Node.


Monitoring software.

  • Alerta - Distributed, scaleable and flexible monitoring system.
  • Canopsis - Opensource Hypervision and Data Aggregation Software
  • Cacti - Web-based network monitoring and graphing tool.
  • Cabot - Monitoring and alerts, similar to PagerDuty.
  • Centreon - IT infrastructure and application monitoring for service performance.
  • check_mk - Collection of extensions for Nagios.
  • Flapjack - Monitoring notification routing & event processing system.
  • Icinga - Fork of Nagios.
  • LibreNMS - fork of Observium.
  • Monit - Small Open Source utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems.
  • Munin - Networked resource monitoring tool.
  • Naemon - Network monitoring tool based on the Nagios 4 core with performance enhancements and new features.
  • Nagios - Computer system, network and infrastructure monitoring software application.
  • Node-Bell - Real-time anomalies detection for periodic time series, metrics monitor.
  • Observium - SNMP monitoring for servers and networking devices. Runs on linux.
  • Opsview - Based on Nagios 4, Opsview Core is ideal for small IT and test environments.
  • Riemann - Flexible and fast events processor allowing complex events/metrics analysis.
  • Sensu - Open source monitoring framework.
  • Sentry - Application monitoring, event logging and aggregation.
  • Serverstats - A simple tool for creating graphs using rrdtool. (source on github)
  • Seyren - An alerting dashboard for Graphite.
  • Shinken - Another monitoring framework.
  • Xymon - Network monitoring inspired by Big Brother.
  • Zabbix - Enterprise-class software for monitoring of networks and applications.
  • Zenoss - Application, server, and network management platform based on Zope.

Monitoring dashboards.

  • Adagios - Web based Nagios configuration interface.
  • Dash - A low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a GNU/Linux machine.
  • Thruk - Multibackend monitoring web interface with support for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken.
  • Uchiwa - Simple dashboard for the Sensu monitoring framework.

Monitoring distributions.

  • OMD - The Open Monitoring Distribution.

Metric & Metric Collection

Metric gathering and display software.

  • Collectd - System statistic collection daemon.
  • Collectl - High precision system performance metrics collecting tool.
  • dashing - No Longer Maintained - Ruby gem that allows for rapid statistical dashboard development. An all HTML5 approach allows for big screen displays in data centers or conference rooms.
  • Smashing - Ruby gem that allows for rapid statistical dashboard development. An all HTML5 approach allows for big screen displays in data centers or conference rooms. Fork of Dashing.
  • Diamond - Python based statistic collection daemon.
  • Facette - Time series data visualization and graphing software written in Go.
  • Freeboard - A damn-sexy front-end real-time dashboard. Transforms raw JSON into delicious UI.
  • Ganglia - High performance, scalable RRD based monitoring for grids and/or clusters of servers. Compatible with Graphite using a single collection process.
  • Grafana - A Graphite & InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor.
  • Graphite - Open source scalable graphing server.
  • InfluxDB - Open source distributed time series database with no external dependencies.
  • KairosDB - Fast distributed scalable time series database, fork of OpenTSDB 1.x.
  • NetData - Distributed real-time performance and health monitoring.
  • OpenTSDB - Store and server massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity.
  • Packetbeat - Captures network traffic and displays it in a custom Kibana dashboard for easy viewing.
  • Prometheus - Service monitoring system and time series database.
  • RRDtool - Open source industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.
  • Statsd - Application statistic listener.

Network Configuration Management

Network configuration management tools.

  • GestióIP - An automated web based IPv4/IPv6 IP Address Management tool.
  • NOC Project - Scalable, high-performance and open-source OSS system for ISP, service and content providers.
  • Netbox - IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool.
  • Oxidized - A modern take on network device configuration monitoring with web interface and GIT storage.
  • phpIPAM - Open source IP address management with PowerDNS integration.
  • RANCID - Monitors network device's configuration and maintain history of changes.
  • rConfig - Another network device configuration management tool.
  • trigger - Robust network automation toolkit written in Python.


Newsletter software.

  • DadaMail - Mailing List Manager, written in Perl.
  • phpList - Newsletter manager written in PHP.



  • Apache HBase - Hadoop database, a distributed, big data store.
  • Cassandra - Distributed DBMS designed to handle large amounts of data across many servers.
  • Hypertable - C++ based BigTable-like DBMS, communicates through Thrift and runs either as stand-alone or on distributed FS such as Hadoop.

Document Store.

  • CouchDB - Ease of use, with multi-master replication document-oriented database system.
  • ElasticSearch - Java based database, popular with log aggregation, and email archiving projects.
  • MongoDB - Another document-oriented database system.
  • RavenDB - Document based database with ACID/Transactional features.
  • RethinkDB - Open source distributed document store database, focuses on JSON.


  • FlockDB - Twitter's distributed, fault-tolerant graph database.
  • Neo4j - Open source graph database.


  • Couchbase - In-memory, replicated, peristent key/value datastore.
  • LevelDB - Google's high performance key/value database.
  • Redis - Networked, in-memory, key-value data store with optional durability.
  • Riak - Another fault-tolerant key-value NoSQL database.


  • fpm - Versatile multi format package creator.
  • omnibus-ruby - Full stack, cross distro packaging software (Ruby).
  • packman - Full stack, cross distro packaging software (Python).
  • tito - Builds RPMs for git-based projects.


Queuing software.

  • ActiveMQ - An open source message broker written in Java together with a full JMS client.
  • BeanstalkD - A simple, fast work queue.
  • Gearman - Fast multi-language queuing/job processing platform.
  • Kafka - A high-throughput distributed messaging system.
  • NSQ - A realtime distributed messaging platform.
  • RabbitMQ - Robust, fully featured, cross distro queuing system.

Queuing libraries.

  • ZeroMQ - High-performance asynchronous messaging library.


Relational DBMS.

  • Firebird - True universal open source database.
  • Galera - Galera Cluster for MySQL is an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system up-time, no data loss, and scalability for future growth.
  • MariaDB - Community-developed fork of the MySQL.
  • MySQL - Most popular RDBMS server.
  • Percona Server - Enhanced, drop-in MySQL replacement.
  • PostgreSQL - Object-relational database management system (ORDBMS).
  • PostgreSQL-XL - Scalable Open Source PostgreSQL-based database cluster.
  • SQLite - Library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL DBS.


Security tools.

  • Blackbox - Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial. Provides tooling to automatically encrypt secrets like passwords.
  • Denyhosts - Thwart SSH dictionary based attacks and brute force attacks.
  • Fail2Ban - Scans log files and takes action on IPs that show malicious behavior.
  • fwknop - Protects ports via Single Packet Authorization in your firewall.
  • Glastopf - A low-interaction web application honeypot to emulate vulnerabilities and gather attack data.
  • Kippo - A medium-interaction SSH honeypot, mostly used as a standalone SSH daemon with a configurable Filesystem sandbox.
  • OSSEC - OSSEC is a HIDS that performs log analysis, FIM, rootkit detection, and much more.
  • OSQuery - Query your servers status and info using a SQL like interface.
  • pfSense - Firewall and Router FreeBSD distribution.
  • Snort - Snort is a free and open source network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) and network intrusion detection system (NIDS) created by Martin Roesch in 1998.
  • SpamAssassin - A powerful and popular email spam filter employing a variety of detection technique.
  • BounCA - BounCA is a personal SSL / Certificate Authority Key management tool. Create self-signed SSL certificates via your browser. (Source Code) Apache Python

Service Discovery

  • Consul - Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.
  • Doozerd - Doozer is a highly-available, completely consistent store for small amounts of extremely important data.
  • ZooKeeper - ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.

Software Containers

Operating system–level virtualization.

  • Bitnami - Produces open source installers or software packages for web applications and development stacks as well as virtual appliances.
  • Docker - Open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.
  • LXC - Userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features.
  • LXD - LXD is a container "hypervisor".
  • OpenVZ - Container-based virtualization for Linux.
  • Docker Compose - Fast, isolated development environments using Docker.
  • Singularity - Flexible containers without root.


SSH tools.

  • Advanced SSH config - Enhances ssh_config file capabilities, completely transparent.
  • autossh - Automatically respawn ssh session after network interruption.
  • Cluster SSH - Controls a number of xterm windows via a single graphical console.
  • DSH - Dancer's shell / distributed shell - Wrapper for executing multiple remote shell commands from one command line.
  • Mosh - The mobile shell.
  • parallel-ssh - Provides parallel versions of OpenSSH and related tools.
  • pdsh - Pdsh is a high-performance, parallel remote shell utility.
  • SSH Power Tool - Execute commands and upload files to many servers simultaneously without using pre-shared keys.
  • sshrc - sources ~/.sshrc on your local computer after logging in remotely.
  • stormssh - A command line tool to manage SSH connections.


Analytics software.

  • Analog - Logfile Analyser.
  • AWStats - Generates web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics graphically.
  • GoAccess - Real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal.
  • Open Web Analytics - Add web analytics to websites using JS, PHP or REST APIs.
  • Piwik - Web analytics application.
  • Webalizer - Fast, free web server log file analysis program.

Status Pages

  • Cachet - An open source status page system written in PHP.

Ticketing systems

Web-based ticketing system.

  • Bugzilla - General-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project.
  • Cerb - Group-based e-mail management project.
  • Flyspray - Web-based bug tracking system written in PHP.
  • MantisBT - Web-based bug tracking system.
  • osTicket - Simple support ticket system.
  • OTRS - Trouble ticket system for assigning tickets to incoming queries and tracking further communications.
  • Redmine - Open source project management/ticketing web application written in Ruby.
  • Request Tracker - Ticket-tracking system written in Perl.
  • TheBugGenie - Ticket system with extensive user rights system.


Troubleshooting tools.

  • mitmproxy - A Python tool used for intercepting, viewing and modifying network traffic. Invaluable in troubleshooting certain problems.
  • Sysdig - Capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze.
  • Wireshark - The world's foremost network protocol analyzer.

Troubleshooting distributions.

Project Management

Web-based project management and bug tracking systems.

  • ChiliProject - Fork of Redmine.
  • GitBucket Clone of GitHub written in Scala; single jar install.
  • GitLab - Clone of GitHub written in Ruby.
  • Gogs - Self-hosted Git service written in Go.
  • OpenProject - Project collaboration with open source.
  • Phabricator Written in PHP.
  • Redmine - Written in ruby on rails.
  • Taiga - Agile, Free, Open Source Project Management Tool based on the Kanban and Scrum methods.
  • The Bug Genie - Written in PHP.
  • Trac - Written in python.

Version control

Software versioning and revision control.

  • Fossil - Distributed version control with built-in wiki and bug tracking.
  • Git - Distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) with an emphasis on speed.
  • GNU Bazaar - Distributed revision control system sponsored by Canonical.
  • Mercurial - Another distributed revision control.
  • Subversion - Client-server revision control system.


Virtualization software.

  • Archipel - XMPP based virtualization management platform.
  • Ganeti - Cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of KVM and Xen.
  • KVM - Linux kernel virtualization infrastructure.
  • OpenNebula - Flexible enterprise cloud made simple.
  • oVirt - Manages virtual machines, storage and virtual networks.
  • Packer - A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
  • Proxmox VE - Complete open source virtualization management solution.
  • QEMU - QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.
  • Vagrant - Tool for building complete development environments.
  • VirtualBox - Virtualization product from Oracle Corporation.
  • Xen - Virtual machine monitor for 32/64 bit Intel / AMD (IA 64) and PowerPC 970 architectures.


VPN software.

  • OpenVPN - Uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange.
  • Pritunl - OpenVPN based solution. Easy to set up.
  • SoftEther - Multi-protocol software VPN with advanced features
  • sshuttle - Poor man's VPN.
  • strongSwan - Complete IPsec implementation for Linux.
  • tinc - Distributed p2p VPN.
  • wireguard - New minimal VPN Solution that is very fast.


Web servers.

  • Apache - Most popular web server.
  • Caddy - The HTTP/2 Web Server with Fully Managed TLS.
  • Cherokee - Lightweight, high-performance web server/reverse proxy.
  • Lighttpd - Web server more optimized for speed-critical environments.
  • Nginx - Reverse proxy, load balancer, HTTP cache, and web server.
  • uWSGI - The uWSGI project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services.

Web Performance.

  • HAProxy - Software based load Balancing, SSL offloading and performance optimization, compression, and general web routing.
  • Squid - Caching proxy for the web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more.
  • Traefik - Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
  • Varnish - HTTP based web application accelerator focusing on optimizing caching and compression.


Webmail applications.

  • Mailpile - A modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features.
  • Roundcube - Browser-based IMAP client with an application-like user interface.
  • SquirrelMail - Another browser-based IMAP client.


Wiki software.

  • BookStack - A simple, user-friendly wiki built with PHP that uses MySQL for storage.
  • DokuWiki - Simple to use and highly versatile wiki that doesn't require a database.
  • Gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
  • ikiwiki - A wiki compiler.
  • MDwiki - Wiki completely built in HTML5/Javascript and runs 100% on the client.
  • MediaWiki - Used to power Wikipedia.
  • MoinMoin - An advanced, easy to use and extensible WikiEngine with a large community of users.
  • Ōlelo Wiki - A a wiki that stores pages in a Git repository.
  • TiddlyWiki - Complete interactive wiki in JavaScript.


Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your skills and knowledge.



Sysadmin related books.


  • Servers for Hackers - Newsletter for programmers who find themselves needing to know their way around a server.
  • DevOpsLinks - A community of DevOps, SysAdmin & Developers with a weekly newsletter and a team chat.


Debian-based distributions.

  • Dotdeb - Repository with LAMP updated packages for Debian.

RPM-based distributions.

  • ElRepo - Community Repo for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS, etc).
  • EPEL - Repository for RHEL and compatibles (CentOS, Scientific Linux).
  • Remi - Repository with LAMP updated packages for RHEL/Centos/Fedora.
  • Software Collections - Community Release of Red Hat Software Collections. Provides updated packages of Ruby, Python, etc. for CentOS/Scientific Linux 6.x.


Useful sysadmin related websites.

  • Ops School - Comprehensive program that will help you learn to be an operations engineer.
  • Digital Ocean Tutorials - A surprisingly vast resource for getting the basics of certain applications, tools, or even systems administration topics.
