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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Conan, software package manager for C and C++ developers



Conan - The open-source C and C++ package manager 


    Decentralized, open-source (MIT), C/C++ package manager.

    Conan is a package manager for C and C++ developers:

    • It is fully decentralized. Users can host their packages on their servers, privately. Integrates with Artifactory and Bintray.
    • Portable. Works across all platforms, including Linux, OSX, Windows (with native and first-class support, WSL, MinGW), Solaris, FreeBSD, embedded and cross-compiling, docker, WSL
    • Manage binaries. It can create, upload and download binaries for any configuration and platform, even cross-compiling, saving lots of time in development and continuous integration. The binary compatibility can be configured and customized. Manage all your artifacts in the same way on all platforms.
    • Integrates with any build system, including any proprietary and custom one. Provides tested support for major build systems (CMake, MSBuild, Makefiles, Meson, etc).
    • Extensible: Its Python-based recipes, together with extension points allow for great power and flexibility.
    • Large and active community, especially in GitHub ( and Slack ( #conan channel). This community also creates and maintains packages in ConanCenter and Bincrafters repositories in Bintray.
    • Stable. Used in production by many companies, since 1.0 there is a commitment not to break package recipes and documented behavior.

    This is the developer/maintainer documentation. For user documentation, go to


    You can run Conan from source in Windows, MacOS, and Linux:

    • Install pip following pip docs.

    • Clone Conan repository:

      $ git clone conan-io
  • Note: repository directory name matters, some directories are known to be problematic to run tests (e.g. conan). conan-io directory name was tested and guaranteed to be working.

  • Install in editable mode

    $ cd conan-io && sudo pip install -e .
  • If you are in Windows, using sudo is not required. Some Linux distros won't allow you to put Python packages in editable mode in the root Python installation, and creating a virtual environment venv first, is mandatory.

  • You are ready, try to run Conan:

    $ conan --help
    Consumer commands
      install    Installs the requirements specified in a recipe ( or conanfile.txt).
      Conan commands. Type "conan <command> -h" for help




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