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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Clustering of CentOS 5.2
CentOS Linux 5.2 (i386) 中的Clustering组件中包含如下组件:
yum groupinfo Clustering
Group: Clustering
Description: Clustering Support.
Default Packages:


cluster-cim                          : CentOS Cluster Suite – CIM provider
cluster-snmp                       : CentOS Cluster Suite – SNMP agent
luci                                       : Remote Management System – Management Station
piranha                                 : Cluster administation tools
rgmanager                            : Open Source HA Resource Group Failover for CentOS
ricci                                      : Remote Management System – Managed Station
system-config-cluster         : system-config-cluster is a utility which allows you to manage cluster configuration in a graphical setting.
Installing for dependencies:
cman : cman – The Cluster Manager
gnome-python2-canvas : Python bindings for the GNOME Canvas.
httpd : Apache HTTP Server
ipvsadm : Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
lm_sensors : Hardware monitoring tools.
modcluster : CentOS Cluster Suite – remote management
net-snmp : A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries.
net-snmp-libs : The NET-SNMP runtime libraries.
openais : The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework executive and APIs
perl-Net-Telnet : Net-Telnet Perl module
perl-XML-LibXML : XML-LibXML Perl module
perl-XML-LibXML-Common : XML-LibXML-Common Perl module
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport : XML-NamespaceSupport Perl module
perl-XML-SAX : XML-SAX Perl module
php : The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language. (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
php-cli : Command-line interface for PHP
php-common :  Common files for PHP
pygtk2-libglade : A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK
python-imaging : Python’s own image processing library
tix :A set of extension widgets for Tk
tk :Tk graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language
tkinter :A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.
tog-pegasus :OpenPegasus WBEM Services for Linux
Command Line Administration Tools
In addition to Conga and the system-config-cluster Cluster Administration GUI, command line tools are available for administering the cluster infrastructure and the high-availability service management components. The command line tools are used by the Cluster Administration GUI and init scripts supplied by Red Hat. Table 1.1, “Command Line Tools” summarizes the command line tools.
Command Line Tool Used With Purpose
ccs_tool — Cluster Configuration System Tool Cluster Infrastructure ccs_tool is a program for making online updates to the cluster configuration file. It provides the capability to create and modify cluster infrastructure components (for example, creating a cluster, adding and removing a node). For more information about this tool, refer to the ccs_tool(8) man page.
cman_tool — Cluster Management Tool Cluster Infrastructure cman_tool is a program that manages the CMAN cluster manager. It provides the capability to join a cluster, leave a cluster, kill a node, or change the expected quorum votes of a node in a cluster. For more information about this tool, refer to the cman_tool(8) man page.
fence_tool — Fence Tool Cluster Infrastructure fence_tool is a program used to join or leave the default fence domain. Specifically, it starts the fence daemon (fenced) to join the domain and kills fenced to leave the domain. For more information about this tool, refer to the fence_tool(8) man page.
clustat — Cluster Status Utility High-availability Service Management Components The clustat command displays the status of the cluster. It shows membership information, quorum view, and the state of all configured user services. For more information about this tool, refer to the clustat(8) man page.
clusvcadm — Cluster User Service Administration Utility High-availability Service Management Components The clusvcadm command allows you to enable, disable, relocate, and restart high-availability services in a cluster. For more information about this tool, refer to the clusvcadm(8) man page