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Tuesday 15 October 2013


"..BarbaTunnel is software that helps you to bypass firewall and internet censorship, it is a Peer to Peer tunnel so you need a server outside of firewall network. In most case you can simply use VPN or any proxies but when you use VPN, firewall knows that you use a VPN, it does not know what you do, VPN and some other proxies does not hide their fingerprint. BarbaTunnel is a layer on your network and try to make existing VPN packets look like traditional packets. Actually BarbaTunnel does not work alone and it work with VPN. So if you have VPN and you don't have any issue with it, you do not need BarbaTunnel, but if the firewall blocks your VPN connection or your VPN connection speed is decreased by firewall, BarbaTunnel may be helpful for you...."