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Wednesday 16 October 2013


What does LiveReload do?

LiveReload monitors changes in the file system. As soon as you save a file, it is preprocessed as needed, and the browser is refreshed.
Even cooler, when you change a CSS file or an image, the browser is updated instantly without reloading the page.

Try guard-livereload, they use our browser extensions and are pretty cool. Not limited to Linux either; if GUI is not your thing, guard-livereload is the next best choice.
The full source code of LiveReload 2 is available on GitHub: LiveReload2 (Mac on master branch, Windows on node branch), livereload-plugins, livereload-js, livereload-extensions.
Why? Because curiosity is the most basic and important quality of good developers. I believe that everyone benefits from being able to study and tinker with other people's software.