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Friday 13 November 2015

Secure Messaging using Python

This is an experiment/demonstration/exercise to create secure server/client communication model using Python.


  • End-to-End encryption (read as, server cannot see who is sending what to whom)
  • Message origin verification using digital signatures
  • CLI client (ssl)
  • Web (https + wss) client


Generate server pub/priv key pair:
$ cd priv/keys/server
$ ./
Start server:
$ python --start server
In another terminal, start client 1:
python --start client --uid 1
Go in another terminal and start client 2:
python --start client --uid 2
Client 2 will send a message to client 1.

How it works:

  • Clients generate public/private key and send their public key to server upon connection
  • Message is addressed from one public key to another public key
  • Over the wire packet consists of sender public key, digital signature and encrypted message
  • Anyone can verify packets on the wire using digital signatures
  • Only destination client can decrypt message