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Monday, 20 June 2016


Make socket connection using SOCKS4/5 and HTTP tunnel.

How To Compile
* ==============
* On UNIX environment:
* $ gcc connect.c -o connect
* $ gcc -o connect -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl connect.c
* on Win32 environment:
* $ cl connect.c wsock32.lib advapi32.lib
* or
* $ bcc32 connect.c wsock32.lib advapi32.lib
* or
* $ gcc connect.c -o connect
* on Mac OS X environment:
* $ gcc connect.c -o connect -lresolv
* or
* $ gcc connect.c -o connect -DBIND_8_COMPAT=1
* How To Use
* ==========
* You can specify proxy method in an environment variable or in a
* command line option.
* usage: connect [-dnhst45] [-R resolve] [-p local-port] [-w sec]
* [-H [user@]proxy-server[:port]]
* [-S [user@]socks-server[:port]]
* [-T proxy-server[:port]]
* [-c telnet proxy command]
* host port
* "host" and "port" is for the target hostname and port-number to
* connect to.
* The -H option specifys a hostname and port number of the http proxy
* server to relay. If port is omitted, 80 is used. You can specify this
* value in the environment variable HTTP_PROXY and pass the -h option
* to use it.
* The -S option specifys the hostname and port number of the SOCKS
* server to relay. Like -H, port number can be omitted and the default
* is 1080. You can also specify this value pair in the environment
* variable SOCKS5_SERVER and give the -s option to use it.
* The '-4' and the '-5' options are for specifying SOCKS relaying and
* indicates protocol version to use. It is valid only when used with
* '-s' or '-S'. Default is '-5' (protocol version 5)
* The '-R' option is for specifying method to resolve the
* hostname. Three keywords ("local", "remote", "both") or dot-notation
* IP address are acceptable. The keyword "both" means, "Try local
* first, then remote". If a dot-notation IP address is specified, use
* this host as nameserver. The default is "remote" for SOCKS5 or
* "local" for others. On SOCKS4 protocol, remote resolving method
* ("remote" and "both") requires protocol 4a supported server.
* The '-p' option will forward a local TCP port instead of using the
* standard input and output.
* The '-P' option is same to '-p' except keep remote session. The
* program repeats waiting the port with holding remote session without
* disconnecting. To disconnect the remote session, send EOF to stdin or
* kill the program.
* The '-w' option specifys timeout seconds for making connection with
* TARGET host.
* The '-d' option is used for debug. If you fail to connect, use this
* and check request to and response from server.
* You can omit the "port" argument when program name is special format
* containing port number itself. For example,
* $ ln -s connect connect-25
* means this connect-25 command is spcifying port number 25 already
* so you need not 2nd argument (and ignored if specified).
* To use proxy, this example is for SOCKS5 connection to connect to
* 'host' at port 25 via SOCKS5 server on 'firewall' host.
* $ connect -S firewall host 25
* or
* $ SOCKS5_SERVER=firewall; export SOCKS5_SERVER
* $ connect -s host 25
* For a HTTP-PROXY connection:
* $ connect -H proxy-server:8080 host 25
* or
* $ HTTP_PROXY=proxy-server:8080; export HTTP_PROXY
* $ connect -h host 25
* To forward a local port, for example to use ssh:
* $ connect -p 5550 -H proxy-server:8080 host 22
* ($ ssh -l user -p 5550 localhost )
* ====
* Connect.c doesn't have any configuration to specify the SOCKS server.
* If you are a mobile user, this limitation might bother you. However,
* You can compile connect.c and link with other standard SOCKS library
* like the NEC SOCKS5 library or Dante. This means connect.c is
* socksified and uses a configration file like to other SOCKSified
* network commands and you can switch configuration file any time
* (ex. when ppp startup) that brings you switching of SOCKS server for
* connect.c in same way with other commands. For this case, you can
* write ~/.ssh/config like this:
* ProxyCommand connect -n %h %p
* SOCKS5 authentication
* =====================
* Only USER/PASS authentication is supported.
* Proxy authentication
* ====================
* Only BASIC scheme is supported.
* Authentication informations
* ===========================
* User name for authentication is specifed by an environment variable
* or system login name. And password is specified from environment
* variable or external program (specified in $SSH_ASKPASS) or tty.
* Following environment variable is used for specifying user name.
* ssh-askpass support
* ===================
* You can use ssh-askpass (came from OpenSSH or else) to specify
* password on graphical environment (X-Window or MS Windows). To use
* this, set program name to environment variable SSH_ASKPASS. On UNIX,
* X-Window must be required, so $DISPLAY environment variable is also
* needed. On Win32 environment, $DISPLAY is not mentioned.
* Related Informations
* ====================
* SOCKS5 -- RFC 1928, RFC 1929, RFC 1961
* NEC SOCKS Reference Implementation is available from:
* DeleGate version 5 or earlier can be SOCKS4 server,
* and version 6 can be SOCKS5 and SOCKS4 server.
* and version 7.7.0 or later can be SOCKS5 and SOCKS4a server.
* HTTP-Proxy --
* Many http proxy servers supports this, but https should
* be allowed as configuration on your host.
* For example on DeleGate, you should add "https" to the
* "REMITTABLE" parameter to allow HTTP-Proxy like this:
* delegated -Pxxxx ...... REMITTABLE="+,https" ...
* Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 -- RFC 2616
* HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication -- RFC 2617
* For proxy authentication, refer these documents. from 下载地址: