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Friday 17 March 2017

Ghost2Hugo Converter

Convert Ghost SQLite databases to Hugo flat files.


Ghost is a great blogging tool, but sometimes you've just got to replace it with a static site generator like Hugo. This little utility will help you to do that, but only if your Ghost database is a SQLite (I haven't written support for MySQL yet, but should be trivial to extend if you take a look at the code).
It effectively just generates a single Markdown-formatted file for each post in the Ghost database, and can also generate a single YAML/TOML file for each user in the Ghost database. You can then easily just copy these files into your Hugo project and rebuild.


  1. Clone the repository:
> git clone
> cd ghost2hugo
  1. Set up and activate your Python 2.x virtual environment:
> virtualenv -p python2 .
> source ./bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies (we just need pytz and tzlocal for timezone adjustment):
> pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run!
> ./ /path/to/ghost.db --post-template=templates/ --post-output=./posts \
  --author-template=templates/author.yml --author-output=./authors
That should use the default template for posts (templates/ and populate the parameters in the template (such as $title and $date) from the posts and users tables in the database (it automatically replaces $author with the author's slug field in the users table).
Then, it uses the default template for authors (templates/author.yml) and populates the parameters in that template too from the users table in the Ghost database.
If you don't specify --author-template and --author-output, it will not extract authors from the database. This applies to the combination of --post-template and --post-output too.



Post output files are labelled according to their slug, with the file extension of the template file.
The following template variables are available in post templates:
  • $date - The ISO 8601-formatted timestamp of when the post was last updated or published.
  • $title - The title of the post.
  • $slug - The post's slug.
  • $author - The slug of the user who authored this post.
  • $content - The Markdown content of the post.


Sometimes, for multi-author blogs, you need Hugo data files containing author bios and information. Author output files are labelled according to the user slugs, with the same file extension as that of the specified template.
The following template variables are available in author templates:
  • $name - The user's full name.
  • $email - The user's e-mail address.
  • $bio - The user's bio.
  • $website - The user's personal web site.
  • $image - The unmodified location of the user's profile image. Note: this script does not transform, extract or handle image content in any way - that's still unfortunately a manual process at present.

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