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Friday, 11 October 2019

Share a folder as a website? To serve a locally running web application? http-tunnel will do the job.

node.js web tunnel - to share the localhost stuff you're working on no matter where you are

http-tunnel will either forwarding incoming connections to a locally running webapp, or serve the current working directory (with an optional directory listing as well, if you don't have an index file) through an adhoc express instance.
And yes, it supports WebSockets.

Installation and usage

Install? Easy!

$ npm install -g http-tunnel

Share a folder as a website?

$ mkdir somefolder
$ cd somefolder
$ echo hi > file.txt
$ http-tunnel --server -d -s
This will create a tunnel through a public url, such as and serve the content of the somefolder directory (the -s argument), along with a directory index (-d).
And if you want to use a custom hostname, try -i foobar, or anything else to your liking. That would e.g. result in If the name is currently available, it'll be serving you.

To serve a locally running web application?

$ http-tunnel --server -p localhost:8080
This will create a tunnel through a public url, such as and proxy requests to and from port 8080 (the -p argument).


The demonstration server,, is at the moment rate limited. Should you wish a higher bandwidth permanent solution, get in touch with me for pointers.

Hosting on a custom server

This can be hosted on any server, but really ought to be one with a wildcard dns pointed to it. In case of the testserver above, it is running HAProxy with an SSL terminator in front. If you're curious about the HAProxy config, leave an issue or drop me an email.
