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Saturday 1 June 2024


A cloud-native open-source unified multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud platform. 开源、云原生的多云管理及混合云融合平台

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What is Cloudpods?


Cloudpods is a cloud-native open source unified multi/hybrid-cloud platform developed with Golang, i.e. Cloudpods is a cloud on clouds. Cloudpods is able to manage not only on-premise KVM/baremetals, but also resources from many cloud accounts across many cloud providers. It hides the differences of underlying cloud providers and exposes one set of APIs that allow programatically interacting with these many clouds.

Who needs Cloudpods?

  • Those who need a simple solution to virtualize a few physical servers into a private cloud
  • Those who need a compact and fully automatic baremetal lift-cycle management solution
  • Those who want to turn a VMware vSphere virtualization cluster into a private cloud
  • Those who need a cohesive view of both public and private cloud in a hybrid cloud setup
  • Those who need a centric portal to access multiple acccounts from multiple public clouds
  • Those who is currently using a single cloud account, but will not lose the possibility to adopt multicloud strategy


See Introduction for details.

Supported cloud providers

  • Public Clouds:
    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Alibaba Cloud
    • Huawei Cloud
    • Tencent Cloud
    • UCloud
    • Ctyun (China Telecom)
    • ECloud (China Mobile)
    • JDCloud
  • Private Clouds:
    • OpenStack
    • ZStack
    • Alibaba Cloud Aspara
    • Huawei HCSO
    • Nutanix
  • On-premise resources:
    • Lightweight private cloud built on KVM
    • VMWare vSphere vCenter/ESXi
    • Baremetals (IPMI, Redfish API)
    • Object storages (Minio, Ceph, XSky)
    • NAS (Ceph)

Supported resources

  • Servers: instances, disks, network interfaces, networks, vpcs, storages, hosts, wires, snapshots, snapshot policies, security groups, elastic IPs, SSH keypairs, images
  • Load Balancers: instances, listeners, backend groups, backends, TSL certificates, ACLs
  • Object Storage: buckets, objects
  • NAS: file_systems, access_groups, mount_targets
  • RDS: instances, accounts, backups, databases, parameters, privileges
  • Elastic Cache: instances, accounts, backups, parameters
  • DNS: DNS zones, DNS records
  • VPC: VPCs, VPC peering, inter-VPC network, NAT gateway, DNAT/SNAT rules, route tables, route entries

Getting started

  • All in One Installation:Building a full-featured Cloudpods service on linux distributions such as CentOS 7 or Debian 10 allows for a quick experience of the built-in private cloud and multi-cloud management features.
  • Kubernetes Helm Installation:Deploying the Cloudpods CMP service on an existing Kubernetes cluster using Helm and experience the multi-cloud management feature.
  • Docker Compose Installation:Deploying the Cloudpods CMP service using Docker Compose and quickly experience the multi-cloud management feature.
  • High availability installation:Deploying Cloudpods services in a highly available manner for production environments, including built-in private cloud and multi-cloud management features.


Who is using Cloudpods?

Please check this issue for the user list of Cloudpods. If you are using Cloudpods, you are welcome to leave your information by responding the issue. Thank you for your support.



Cloudpods ,强大的多云管理平台部署



Cloudpods 是一款简单、可靠的企业IaaS资源管理软件。帮助未云化企业全面云化IDC物理资源,提升企业IT管理效率。

Cloudpods 帮助客户在一个地方管理所有云计算资源。统一管理异构IT基础设施资源,极大简化多云架构复杂度和难度,帮助企业轻松驾驭多云环境。


    多云纳管,Cloudpods 支持管理多云资源的功能,可以管理大多数的主流云,包括私有云,例如OpenStack,PVE、Nutanix以及公有云,例如AWS,Azure,GCP,阿里云,华为云和腾讯云、火山引擎等。管理其云服务器、网络、存储、数据、中间件等。

    VMware纳管,实现VMware vShpere虚拟化集群的自助服务和自动化。


    内置私有云,Cloudpods 基于 KVM 实现了轻量级私有云,包含了虚拟机、存储、网络、GPU卡和裸金属等功能。

    纳管物理机,支持通过IPMI、PXE 管理裸金属服务器。




Rocky Linux 8.10

Docker CE 26.1.3

配置要求 6C10G 300G硬盘以上,
Docker CE安装

# 安装必要的一些系统工具
dnf install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 git

# 添加软件源信息
yum-config-manager --add-repo

# 更新并安装 docker-ce 以及 compose 插件

dnf -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

# 开启 docker 服务
systemctl enable --now docker

Cloudpods CMP 多云管理版本安装

    该方案通过 Docker Compose 部署 Cloudpods 多云管理版本,该方式部署的是 All in One 环境,即所有的多云管理服务都使用容器运行在一个节点。

    该部署方法仅适用于多云管理功能的使用,比如管理公有云(aws, 阿里云, 腾讯云等)或者其它私有云(zstack, openstack 等),无法使用内置私有云相关功能(因为内置私有云需要节点上面安装配置 qemu, openvswitch 等各种虚拟化软件)。

git clone -b release/3.11 && cd ./ocboot

# 下载 ocboot 工具到本地

cd compose
ls -alh docker-compose.yml

# 进入docker compose 目录,确认配置文件存在。

docker compose pull

# 拉起所需所有的镜像文件

docker compose up -d

# 后台运行

docker compose logs -f

# 查看运行日志

等服务启动完成后(大约60个),就可以登录https://ip 访问前端服务,默认登录用户密码为:admin 和 admin@123 。


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