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Friday 13 September 2024


An interesting open source chat application. Developed with node.js, mongoDB, and react.

Fiora is an interesting open source chat application. It is developed based on node.js, react and technologies

  • Richness: Fiora contains backend, frontend, Android and iOS apps
  • Cross Platform: Fiora is developed with node.js. Supports Windows / Linux / macOS systems
  • Open Source: Fiora follows the MIT open source license

Online Example:


  1. Register an account and log in, it can save your data for a long time
  2. Join an existing group or create your own group to communicate with everyone
  3. Chat privately with anyone and add them as friends
  4. Multiple message types, including text / emoticons / pictures / codes / files / commands, you can also search for emoticons
  5. Push notification when you receive a new message, you can customize the notification ringtone, and it can also read the message out
  6. Choose the theme you like, and you can set it as any wallpaper and theme color you like
  7. Set up an administrator to manage users


Fiora provides two ways to install

Change Log

You can find the Fiora changelog on the website




Environmental Preparation#

To run Fiora, you need Node.js(recommend v14 LTS version), MongoDB and redis

Recommended to running on Linux or MacOS systems

How to run#

  1. Clone the project git clone -b master
  2. Ensure you have install yarn before, if not please run npm install -g yarn
  3. Install project dependencies yarn install
  4. Build client yarn build:web
  5. Config JwtSecret echo "JwtSecret=<string>" > .env2. Change <string> to a secret text
  6. Start the server yarn start
  7. Open http://[ip]:[port](such as in browser

Run in the background#

Using yarn start to run the server will stop running after disconnecting the ssh connection, it is recommended to use pm2 to run

# install pm2
npm install -g pm2
# use pm2 to run fiora
pm2 start yarn --name fiora -- start
# view pm2 apps status
pm2 ls
# view pm2 fiora logging
pm2 logs fiora

Run With Develop Mode#

  1. Start the server yarn dev:server
  2. Start the client yarn dev:web
  3. Open http://localhost:8080 in browser

Running on the docker#

First install docker

Run directly from the DockerHub image#

# Pull mongo
docker pull mongo
# Pull redis
docker pull redis
# Pull fiora
docker pull suisuijiang/fiora
# Create a virtual network
docker network create fiora-network
# Run mongodB
docker run --name fioradb -p 27017:27017 --network fiora-network mongo
# Run redis
docker run --name fioraredis -p 6379:6379 --network fiora-network redis
# Run fiora
docker run --name fiora -p 9200:9200 --network fiora-network -e Database=mongodb://fioradb:27017/fiora -e RedisHost=fioraredis suisuijiang/fiora

Local build image and run#

  1. Clone the project to the local git clone -b master
  2. Build the image docker-compose build --no-cache --force-rm
  3. Run it docker-compose up


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