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Saturday 4 May 2024

Snippai: AI-Powered Snipping Tool


AI-Powered Snipping Tool built with Electron.js, React.js, and TypeScript.

Snippai is a versatile and intelligent snipping tool powered by advanced AI algorithms. It offers a range of features to enhance your snipping experience, making it more efficient and productive. From identifying formulas and text within images to analyzing and describing the content of images, Snippai brings a new level of intelligence to snipping tools.

Snippai Screenshot


Formula Recognition

Snippai can identify formulas within images and convert them into LaTeX format, making it easier to work with mathematical expressions. Snippai Formula

Text Extraction

Accurately recognize and extract text from images, enabling seamless integration of textual content into your workflow. Snippai Text

Table Conversion

Identify tables within images and convert them into user-friendly Markdown format, facilitating easier data manipulation and analysis. Snippai Text

Image Analysis

Analyze and describe the content of an image, providing valuable insights and information about visual elements. Snippai Image

Problem Solving

Solve various problems presented within images, leveraging AI capabilities to assist with tasks such as object recognition and pattern identification. Snippai Solve

Code Understanding

Understand and explain the functionality of code snippets found in images, helping users comprehend and work with code more effectively. Snippai Code

Color Detection

Identify and extract the predominant colors in an image, useful for tasks such as design analysis and image processing. Snippai Color

And More...

Stay tuned for more powerful AI capabilities coming soon! Snippai is continuously evolving to offer new features and enhancements to improve your snipping workflow.

Download and Installation

You can download Snippai from here, and detailed installation instructions are available in the documentation.


To use Snippai, simply open the application and capture the desired region of your screen using the snipping tool. Snippai will automatically analyze the captured image and provide relevant insights and conversions based on the detected elements.




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