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Thursday, 9 May 2024

Linux vps中,配置安装 rtorrent + rutorrent


自从上次购买 ovh 的盒子,人肉配置 rtorrent + rutorrent 外,又因为昨天手贱的升级了盒子里的 archlinux 导致系统无法启动后,昨晚偶尔看到了一个开源项目 autodl-setup,于是大胆的尝试了下,非常完美的运行。

下面是以 root 权限来安装的步骤:

cd ~
wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup
sh autodl-setup

脚本运行期间会提示你输入安装的组件、用户、密码、rutorrent 运行用户等。整个安装过程非常的简单,除了在添加完一个用户后就 Enter 结束添加用户这一点需要注意外,否则就会无限制的循环添加用户。




  • 安装一个 web 服务器 (选择安装 lighttpd、nginx、apache)
  • 安装 ruTorrent 和多用户支持 (http、https)
  • 安装 ruTorrent 插件 autodl-irssi (选择是否安装该插件)
  • 安装一个FTP 服务器 (选择是否安装vsftpd)
  • 安装 xmlrpc-c 支持
  • 安装 Webmin (选择是否安装)
  • 为 rtorrent 和 Irssi 安装了启动脚本 (开机启动)


  • Arch Linux 2010.05
  • ArchBang 2010.10
  • CentOS 4.8
  • CentOS 5.5
  • ClearOS 5.2
  • Debian 4.0r7
  • Debian 5.0.3
  • Debian 5.0.7
  • Fedora 13
  • Fedora 14
  • Frugalware 1.3
  • Gentoo 1.12.14
  • Linux Mint 8
  • Linux Mint 9
  • Linux Mint 10
  • Mandriva Linux release 2008.0
  • Mandriva Linux release 2010.1
  • MEPIS 8.5
  • openSUSE 11.1
  • openSUSE 11.3
  • Pardus 2009.2
  • Pardus 2011
  • PCLinuxOS 2010
  • Peppermint OS
  • RHEL 5.5
  • RHEL 6.0
  • Sabayon 5
  • Scientific Linux 5.5
  • Ubuntu Server 6.06.2 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 8.04.4 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 LTS
  • Ubuntu 10.10
  • Unity release 2010



Easy ruTorrent installer + Web server, FTP, Webmin (Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora/More)

All credit goes to Author brock from  original post here for reference also check there for faq questions regarding his script


This is an easy installer for ruTorrent (multi-user support), rtorrent, plugins and other dependencies. It requires no Linux knowledge. The only requirement is that you can copy and paste three lines of code. In 5-10 mins, you should have a fully working ruTorrent.

To install it, use one of the three lines of code below, depending on which OS you are using. The installation script will ask you some questions and then install everything you selected.

Ubuntu and Ubuntu clones:


wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup

sudo sh autodl-setup

Any other OS
Log in as root:

yum update

allow it to update all

su -

Then install it:  to install wget on centos use "yum install wget"

wget --no-check-certificate -O autodl-setup

sh autodl-setup

If you already have another web server installed, you may need to disable it or uninstall it. If you don't, the web server this script installs (*) might not work.

What it will do:

  • Install a web server (*)
  • Install ruTorrent with multi-user support (http and https)
  • Install 1st party ruTorrent plugins
  • Install an encrypted FTP server (vsftpd)
  • Install rtorrent with xmlrpc-c support
  • Install the IRC auto downloader plugin (autodl-irssi)
  • Install Webmin
  • Install a startup script for rtorrent and Irssi

You can disable any of the above by answering no when you run the installer.

* Apache, nginx, or lighttpd.

I've tested the following OSes (clean installs):

  • Arch Linux 2010.05
  • ArchBang 2010.10
  • CentOS 4.8
  • CentOS 5.5
  • ClearOS 5.2
  • Debian 4.0r7
  • Debian 5.0.3
  • Debian 5.0.7
  • Debian 6.0.0
  • Fedora 13
  • Fedora 14
  • Fedora 15
  • Frugalware 1.3
  • Gentoo 1.12.14
  • Linux Mint 8
  • Linux Mint 9
  • Linux Mint 10
  • Mandriva Linux release 2008.0
  • Mandriva Linux release 2010.1
  • MEPIS 8.5
  • openSUSE 11.1
  • openSUSE 11.3
  • openSUSE 11.4
  • Pardus 2009.2
  • Pardus 2011
  • PCLinuxOS 2010
  • Peppermint OS
  • RHEL 5.5
  • RHEL 6.0
  • Sabayon 5
  • Scientific Linux 5.5
  • Scientific Linux 6.0
  • Ubuntu Server 6.06.2 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 8.04.4 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 LTS
  • Ubuntu Server 11.04
  • Ubuntu 10.10
  • Unity release 2010

If your OS isn't listed, but is derived from one of the above OSes, then the installer could still work. Eg., all Ubuntu and Debian derived OSes should work.


  • If you have SELinux enabled, it's possible Apache or vsftpd won't work.
  • To disable Selinux.
  • Edit /etc/selinux/config (e.g. $sudo vi /etc/selinux/config)

    Find the line:


    If you simply want to set selinux to permissive mode - which will still warn you when something would have been denied

    change to



  • The script doesn't open any ports in your firewall. If your firewall is enabled, you may need to open a few ports.
  • if u cant access webgui use "iptables -F"

Ubuntu Server 6:

  • You need to enable the universe repository

RHEL/CentOS/Scientific 4 & 5:

geoip plugin:

  • Some OSes don't have the PHP geoip module (thus disabling the ruTorrent geoip plugin).



How to download files with uTorrent

If you've heard about BitTorrent and want to download files but don't know how, this tutorial is for you. All you need is uTorrent and you're ready. Watch the tutorial and leave a comment with any questions/feedback you may have.

Note: If you want to learn how to send files using uTorrent or a bit of information on how BitTorrent works in general, see this page. If you downloaded a .rar archive or multipart .r01, .r02 etc files, this page will tell you what to do with them.


How to use BitTorrent to send files

Note: If you are new to uTorrent and don't know how to download files, see this tutorial.

Another note: It appears that some users (probably only Azureus) are being asked for a username/password for authentication when opening the torrent. Just clicking "Cancel" on that window seems to work fine.

Yet another note: Please don't post support issues here, this is not the official troubleshooting forum. Support requests here will be ignored/deleted, only post issues about the actual walkthrough. You can post problems at the official uTorrent forums.

Being a computer engineer, I have a lot of files to transfer. Usually we are able to use IM to send/receive files, but they clients' transfer functions aren't very good, so usually the files are slow, they stop transferring, you can't stop them or resume them, and they're generally very cumbersome.

Seeing how everyone these days has a BitTorrent client, I thought "why not use it to send files to people? That's what it's made for!" It's very easy to send a file via BitTorrent, and you can send it to many people at once and the speed will still be very good, so I decided to write a small tutorial to show people how easy it is and how well it works.

The tutorial is focused on uTorrent, a popular BitTorrent client, but it's about the same with other clients. This introduction served only to distract you while the tutorial is loading (and it should have loaded by now), so watch it and you should be able to send any file anywhere in just minutes!

By the way, if you're going to send something to many people, you could enable "Super seeding" in the torrent creation dialog. That sends the whole file to those people with the fastest connections first so they can redistribute it even if you leave.

Here is the tutorial (you need to have Flash installed to watch it):

If you want to know what all these settings you just changed did, here's a quick rundown on how BitTorrent works: The .torrent file you create contains a bit of information about the files you want to send, the address of the tracker computer, etc. When you send this file to someone (by email, IM, or any other way) and they open it, their client connects to the tracker and asks it to tell them who else has this file. The tracker does this, and they connect to other people and download the parts of the file they don't have and upload the parts they have.

The information in the torrent file make sure that the data you download is correct and not corrupt somehow, and the tracker's job is to tell the people who are downloading who all is in the "swarm". The port number you changed is where on your computer people will connect to "talk" to your client and the advanced setting was to allow uTorrent to become a tracker (otherwise noone would know that you had the file). In this case you are both the tracker and the seed (the person who has the file), but there is no reason why these can't be (and usually are) on different computers. As a sidenote, if you have a dynamic IP, you should use a service like DynDNS to get a permanent hostname or make sure that your IP doesn't change for as long as you want to remain a tracker.

A little sidenote on trackerless torrents: The programs who support them (they will say they have DHT support) no longer need a tracker, but they do a search that is similar to how you search p2p networks like eMule, Gnutella, etc to find the torrent. They do that if the tracker is not accessible, so theoretically you could just skip all these steps and directly create the torrent without any tracker address in it, and (if all the people use compatible programs) the torrent would still work.

That's about it, post comments here or look at the uTorrent FAQ if you have any questions.



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